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Adaptive Resource Provisioning for Read Intensive Multi-tier

Applications in the Cloud

Yathin A
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
HKBK College of Engineering
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
September 18, 2023

A Service-Level Agreement (SLA) provides surety for
specific quality attributes to the consumers of services.
However, current SLAs ordered by cloud infrastructure
providers do not address response time, which, from
the user’s point of view, is the most important quality
attribute for Web applications. Satisfying a maximum
average response time guarantee for Web applications
is difficulty for two main reasons:
rst, traffic patterns are highly dynamic and difficult
to predict accurately; second, the complex nature of
multi-tier Web applications increases the difficulty of
identifying bottlenecks and resolving them automati- Figure 1: Flow diagram for prototype system that
cally. This paper proposes a methodology and presents detects the bottleneck tier in a two-tier Web appli-
a working prototype system for automatic detection cation hosted on a heterogeneous cloud and dynami-
and resolution of bottlenecks in a multi-tier Web appli- cally scales the tier to satisfy a SLA that denies re-
cation hosted on a cloud in order to satisfy specie max- sponse time requirements and ensures to release over-
imum response time requirements. It also proposes a provisioned resources.
method for identifying and retracting over-provisioned
resources in multi-tier cloud- hosted Web applications.
3 Methodology
Here we describe our methodology for dynamic pro-
1 keyword visioning of resources for multi-tier Web applications,
including the algorithms, system design, and imple-
1. Cloud computing 2. Adaptive resource manage- mentation. A high-level ow diagram for bottleneck de-
ment 3. Quality of Service 4. Multi-tier applications tection, scale-up decision making, and scale-down de-
5. Service-level agreement 6. Scalability cision making in our prototype system is shown in Fig-
ure 1. In this paper, we describe our prototype, the
heuristics we have developed for reactive scale-up of
multi-tier Web applications, the predictive models we
2 Introduction have developed for scale-down, and an evaluation of
the prototype on a test bed cloud. The evaluation uses
Cloud providers [1] use the Infrastructure as a Service a specific two-tier Web application consisting of a Web
model to allow consumers to rent computational and server tier and a database tier. In this context, the re-
storage resources on demand and according to their sources to be minimized are the number of Web servers
usage. Cloud infrastructure providers maximize their in the Web server tier and the number of replicas in the
prompts by fulfilling their obligations to consumers database tier. We
with minimal infrastructure and maximal resource uti- nd that the system is able to detect bottlenecks, re-
lization. Although most cloud infrastructure providers solve them using adaptive resource allocation, satisfy
provide service-level agreements (SLAs) for availability the SLA, and free up over-provisioned resources as soon
or other quality attributes, the most important quality as they are not required.
attribute for Web applications from the user’s point of
view, response time, is not addressed by current SLAs.

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