Determining The Causes

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Determining the Causes of Elderly Patient Experiencing Fear to Hospitalization in

Calbayog District Hospital


Hospitals provide extensive resources and expertise that enable doctors to rapidly

diagnose, rehabilitate patients, and treat a wide range of diseases. However, hospital can be a

frightening and confusing place to elderly patient. According to Tribeca care, elderly people

consider that stepping foot in the hospital to get a simple check-up done is bad news. They feel

that in case they are detected with some ailment, they won’t be able to get their life back on

track. There are variety of possible cause of the elderly's fear of going to hospital.

People tend to experience fear only during a situation that is perceived as scary or

threatening, and it might result from past experience or trauma. However, fear can impact

negatively on rehabilitation of the patient which can affect the upcoming procedure or the

receiving of medical care. It may also increase the behavioral impulsivity, and decrease the

certainty in risky decision-making.

An extreme fear of hospitals, is a type of specific phobia that can result in physiological

and psychological symptoms when a person goes to the hospital or thinks about going to the

hospital. It can also result in avoidance behaviors that stop someone from seeking medical

treatment. It is thought that up to 50% of people experience some form of fear or anxiety when

visiting a hospital. (Murphy, 2023)

Financial concern, physical comfort, support systems, and beliefs are the possible

underlying factors that could lead the patients to fear to be hospitalized. Patients contemplating

hospitalization may be due to the specter of financial burden and those without adequate
insurance coverage. Elderly patients often confront the prospect of surgeries, diagnostic tests,

and medical interventions that are perceived as intrusive, exacerbating their physical discomfort.

Potential complications associated with these procedures also amplify patients' anxiety, further

reinforcing their hesitancy towards hospitalization. Support system is a crucial part of healthcare

for elderly patients facing hospitalization the fear of being alone without family or friends for

emotional support, can exacerbate feelings of isolation and anxiety. Additionally, beliefs can be

one of the possible hindrances as well in getting a medical care. Patient’s beliefs can impact

decisions regarding diet, medicines, and the preferred gender of their health providers. Negative

beliefs or past experiences with healthcare providers may contribute to a lack of trust, fostering

fears of mistreatment or inadequate care. These are the most common underlying factors

however; the researcher wants to excavate further to identify numerous reasons why older people

are scared of hospitals.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the underlying causes of their fears to

hospitals. This study will focus around elderly adult with the aged range sixty to seventy-five

years old, as a vulnerable population with those pre-existing health condition. A qualitative

approach will be used in gathering data to express the opinion of the patient. Furthermore, the

area of this study will focus only to Calbayog District Hospital.

In conclusion, fear is one of the barriers in getting opportunity for medical care,

therefore, the researchers are interested to delve into this topic and provide the necessary actions

to address the misconceptions, misunderstanding, and promote the health of elderly without

clouds of confusion and reluctance to their healthcare. The earliest possible to prevent

compromising healthcare delivery to all patients, especially in elderly. Instead of being seen as a

threat to people's health, hospitals should be seen as solutions to their problems. As future
healthcare professionals, we not only aim for the betterment of our patients but we make sure

there hasn't any hesitations among individuals in seeking help from hospitals and other health

facilities. We demand to end misconceptions against health professional and services, and act as

educators to provide the necessary information’s that everyone deserves.

Statement of the Problem

This study will aim to determine the causes behind elderly's fear to hospitalization.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name (Optional)

1.2 Age

1.3 Sex

1.4 Educational Attainment

1.5 Civil Status

1.6 Religion

2. What are the barriers faced by the persons when experiencing fears to be hospitalized, in

terms of:

2.1 Financial concern

2.2 Physical comfort

2.3 Support system

2.4 Beliefs

2.5 Other factors

3. How does the respondent cope up when experiencing fear?

4. Determine the programs/platforms to be implemented to address the issue.

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