Unit 3 - Proposal

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A graphics proposal for ‘Melody’

By Hannah Monaghan
The company CreativeTech specialise in advertisement and have worked on many festivals
and concerts before. I feel we are suitable for the job as we can create unique and creative
graphics perfect for your company. Our excellent staff are skilled in visual design and with
our top of the range resources and equipment we can offer distinctive and successful
The main purpose of the media product is to promote the festival and create an awareness
for the event. We have decided to design a poster and billboard which will both advertise
and promote the festival. Through promotion, we aim to actively encourage the public to
attend the festival and establish a reputation for it. A billboard differs from a poster as it is
larger and will often be displayed in a more public area, for instance a city centre or a
motorway. This would successfully promote the festival as it would create an awareness of
the festival to a wider audience, hopefully encouraging people to attend. On the other hand,
a poster is smaller and will often include more detail through written information. A poster
will promote through the information included as it will give the public an understanding of
what to aspect. Furthermore, this aspect of the poster will inform as it will include
information about the festival, such as dates, opening/closing times and location.
The form and genre of the products will be graphics and we will design a poster and a
billboard. The products will be a graphic product as they will be visual products with a major
focus on the appearance of it. The poster will be used to advertise the festival in the local
area, for instance at a student union or a local café and will include detailed information
such as the date and the location. Similarly, the billboard will promote the festival however
will be vaguer as it will be larger in size and will be seen by the public, for instance in a city
For my poster, I intend to have a relatively large image of a guitar in the centre of the poster,
I feel this is relevant to the festival due to the style of music and I feel the image will link to
the aesthetic of the festival. I have chosen the image to be large as it would draw attention
to the poster, and it will be in bold black and dark blue colours to make it stand out against
the colourful text. I will be drawing my own graphics so there will be no issues with
copyright. The information will be in a range of colours such as pink and yellow, these
decisions were made through my research on colour theory. I found bright pink represented
youthfulness and fun whilst similarly yellow symbolises excitement and happiness, both will
evoke positive emotions in the public. Additionally, I will have any text in the font ‘retro cool’
(this was found on the website DeFont) as I feel the visual effect of the rounded and
distorted style makes the text look vintage and groovy. The title will be along the top of the
poster in a larger size to highlight the name to the public and draw attention to the name.
Furthermore, I aim to have music notes littered around the poster as it is relevant to the
theme of music, and I feel this would fill the white space. I would have these in a range of
bright colours as well to add to the vibrancy of the poster.
For my billboard, I intend to have an image of a microphone in the bottom left corner, it will
be relatively large as it is the main focus of the billboard and I hope to draw attention
through this design. It will be in a grey and silver colour to contrast against the rest of the
bright, colourful assets. Coming out of the microphone, will be the festival name in the
middle of the page and I will surround this with music notes to add to the idea the name is
being ‘sung’ out of the microphone. By putting the festival name in a large size, in the centre
of the billboard, I hope to draw attention to it and make the public aware of the name. I will
have the title and the music notes in bright colours such as red, pink and orange to make the
billboard eye-catching and vibrant. The title will be in the same font as the text in the poster.
Finally, I would include detailed information such as the date or location dotted around the
title to once again show the effect that it is being ‘sung’.
Finally, I have designed a possible logo for the company to use which will be a disco ball with
the title ‘melody’ curved around the circular shape. The disco ball will be in a range of white
and silver shades to create the image it is shining and I feel this is effective as it is relevant to
the theme of music and fun. The text will be in a vibrant pink shade as this will stand out to
the public and contrast against the lighter silver of the disco ball. I intent to have stars
curved around the shape as well in a range of bright colours to make the logo more vibrant.
For example, the image here gave my inspiration to create
my logo. Similarly, I hope to use a matching colour scheme
for the disco ball itself as I feel this is effective because it
looks like a glittering disco ball. Furthermore, the stars
around the disco ball add to this feeling that it is shining
which I feel is effective. Although I will make the stars a
more vibrant range of colours, the broad idea is similar.
Target Audience:
I believe the target audience for this festival is people of all genders, aged 16-49 year olds,
with an interest in rock music, of no specific sexual orientation and from the northwest. To
ensure any marketing is effective it is important that I have an understanding of who the
majority of the audience is.
The festival is not gender specific as music is quite a
generic interest which is not reliant on gender. Through
my research I have found a similar amount’s of men and
women attend festivals, for instance Read State Of Play
Reports | Research & Analysis | Ticketmaster UK. This
figure shows that the gender split for festivals is quite
balanced as although it reflects men attend more this is
by a very small majority. Overall, when considering this
data the products we make will be gender neutral so it
appeals to a wide range of the demographic.
Through research I found
that rock music is popular
with a wide range of age
groups which meant the
demographic of this festival
will be broad, around 16-49
year olds. For instance, the
data I found in the figures
above found that 45% of
16-29 year olds often listen
to rock music proving that
this is popular with young
people. Additionally, the figures show that 42% of 30-49 year olds often listen to rock music
showing me that a more middle aged demographic also listen to this genre. Overall, this
shows that there is a large demographic which would enjoy a festival of this genre
highlighting that people would attend.
When considering the socio-economic
factors of the demographic I feel this target
audience would have to have a substantial
disposable income. To attend, you would
have to purchase the ticket and buy things
inside the festival such as food and drinks.
For example, the graph shown highlights
that average ticket prices have steadily
increased overtime and was high in 2018
with an average price of 178 Euros. These
figures prove that it is costly to attend a
festival and that a high disposable income
would be necessary. Overall, I would base the
demographic to people of higher working class/middle class.
The festival will be located in Sefton Park in Liverpool, which will impact the geo-
demographic. Although people can travel, the majority of the target audience will be from
the local area and the wider area of the North West so this will be the demographic for the
festival. I know that many people are unlikely to travel long distances for a festival from my
research. For example, on Read State Of Play Reports | Research & Analysis | Ticketmaster
UK it states that ‘A third of people travel between 25-100 miles for a festival and only 4%
travel over 200 miles’ which further proves that the demographic are most likely to be from
the North West and the North as a wider area.
Resources and Personnel:
In order to create my graphics I will need a range of software and hardware. The main
software I will use is Adobe Illustrator as this allows me to create vector graphics. In my
poster I require an image of a guitar and for the billboard I will need an image of a
microphone which I will create using Adobe Illustrator. I can use shapes and lines to create
the images and use the range of colours available to make the graphics more vibrant. When
designing my logo I will also use this software to develop the disco ball image which my logo
will centre around. Furthermore, I will need access to Excel to design a project plan through
creating a Gantt Chart. I will also use Word to create any support documents for the product.
I will also need PowerPoint to create my mood boards.
In terms of hardware one piece I will require is a graphics tablet to create my logo so I can
curve the writing around the shape of the disco ball. This would be more successful than
using word or typed text as writing it free hand makes it easier to shape for the image.
Additionally, a computer is vital to be able to use any necessary software so I will need; a
keyboard so I can add any text, a mouse so I can navigate the computer and a monitor to
allow me to view whatever I create on the computer.
I will not need any additional personnel as all job roles I will be completing myself. Some of
the roles I will take on when creating the media products are graphic designer, editor and
project manager. I will be designing and creating the graphics for the logo and for aspects of
the poster/billboard for example the image of a guitar. Additionally, I would be required to
be a project manager to ensure the production process is organised and all deadlines are
met. For instance, I will create a Gannt Chart to chart what tasks need to be complete and
how long they will take me. Finally, I will take on the role as editor as I will be required to
edit these graphics and overall products to ensure they are of a high standard.
Distribution and Marketing:
Marketing is the act of trying to display and advertise a product, in this case the poster and
billboard. On the other hand, marketing is considering what audience it is aimed for and
how you can target them.
I recommend that the poster could be distributed through putting it in places where it will
be seen both physically and digitally by the demographic. One way I could distribute the
poster is through displaying it in train stations, such as Lime Street Station or Liverpool
Central (as this is local to the area of the festival). Train stations are regularly busy with a
constant stream of people using the trains meaning that it will be seen by lots of people
which will successfully advertise the festival. The demographic targets a large age group
which will all use trains, for instance many adults will get to work via train or young
adults/teenagers get to school and college through trains, making this a logical marketing
method. Similarly, I could display the poster in bus stops as many people use this as a mode
of transport meaning it is guaranteed an audience. Young people will often use public
transport to get around so in particular this will successfully target them.
Additionally, I could put this up on walls in relevant places such as in student union buildings
as here it will be viewed by many people. Student unions often organise or promote social
events so students will be looking here for possible events to attend. This could be on a
notice board or just simply displayed on walls. I could also put this up in locations for older
people of the demographic, for example in a gym as this would target an average of 20-35
year olds.
Online, I could distribute the poster through social media as this ensures it is successfully
advertised to the target audience. The younger bracket of the target audience (aged 16-25)
will use social media channels including Instagram and TikTok so I will post images of the
poster here. On the other hand, the older bracket of the demographic is less likely to use
social media as frequently so I would distribute the poster through social media targeted
towards older people such as Facebook. As well I can use websites to distribute the poster
through web ads which would most commonly be seen on entertainment website such as
online newspapers.
One way the billboard could be distributed is through it being placed on a main road or
motorway. This is because it will be seen by many as it is a busy location which people
regularly use. This location will accommodate the large size of the billboard meaning it can
keep its intended size. Another way the billboard could be distributed is through a Blimp
which is an airship often use for advertising by printing of a design onto the outside layer. I
could use this at a busy location such as fairs or other festivals.
Finally, billboards could be distributed on the sides of buildings on plain walls, typically in a
busy metropolitan area. This is successful as in a popular area it will be seen by many people
meaning it would effectively distributed to a wide audience. For example, on bold street in
Liverpool city centre as this is a popular street with a range of ages and is regional to the

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