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Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)

What is the SEAD Assessment?

The Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) Assessment is a 43-

item student self-report survey developed by Communities In Schools (CIS) that
assesses students’ competencies and needs in a number of social, emotional, and
academic domains. Students’ responses to the SEAD Assessment generate 13
subscale and 5 domain scores that provide information on various social,
emotional, and academic skill areas. Some examples of skills that are measured
by the assessment include emotion regulation, academic motivation, self-control,
and social support. The SEAD Assessment can be used with middle and high
school students and is available in English and Spanish. The SEAD Assessment
should not be used with elementary students due to reading comprehension

Is this a clinical assessment? If not, what is it?

The SEAD Assessment is not a clinical assessment. The measure solely provides
information on students’ self-reported social, emotional, and academic skills. Some
examples of domains measured by the SEAD include Social Support, Academic
Motivation, Empathy, and Emotion Regulation. While all SEAD domains can
provide valuable information on students’ strengths and opportunities for growth in 1/2
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social, emotional, and academic realms, they will not provide information about a
student’s overall mental or behavioral health and should not be used as a clinical

How do I access the SEAD Assessment?

Students should complete the SEAD assessment at the beginning of each school
year (or as soon as they are added to a caseload) and again at the end of the
school year. This allows for CIS staff to learn about students’ social, emotional, and
academic needs early in the year and identify areas of needed support. Assessing
students at the end of the year provides the opportunity to assess student growth
over the course of the year. The SEAD assessment is available in English and
Spanish. This assessment should only be used with middle and high school

Site coordinators who wish to utilize the SEAD Assessment with their students can
access the assessment under “Additional Assessments” in the Student Dashboard
of CISDM 2.0. Once a student completes an assessment in CISDM, his/her results
will immediately be available in the system on the Additional Assessments page
within the Student Dashboard. The SEAD Student Dashboard, provides a visual
representation of a student’s scores, enabling Site Coordinators to more easily
understand student strengths, opportunities for growth, and changes over time.

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