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彰化縣國聖國民小學 111 學年度第二學期英語期中成績評量試卷

班級 座號 中文 English
Class Number 姓名 Name

一、 Listen and Circle 仔細聽,圈出正確的音組:(共 12 分) 四、 Listen and Check

仔細聽,勾選出符合對話內容的句子:(共 12 分)
1. ___ay cl pl
1. □ Judy was at the mall yesterday.
2. ___ip dr tr

3. ___y sk sp □ Kenny was at the train station yesterday.

4. ___ill sp p
2. □ Amy goes to the park by car.
5. ___ass cl gl
□ Amy goes to the park on foot.
6. ___ock cl bl

二、 Listen and Check 仔細聽,勾選正確的發音例字(12 分) 3. □ Elsa is from the UK.

1. □ spring □ string
□ Elsa is from the USA.

2. □ Kate □ skate
4. □ Jimmy visited a friend yesterday.

3. □ swing □ wing
□ Jimmy played basketball yesterday.

4. □ spill □ skill
5. □ Nancy played the piano yesterday.

5. □ drain □ train
□ Nancy played basketball yesterday.

6. □ grim □ glim
6. □ Betty got 92 on her test.
三、 Listen and Choose 仔細聽,選出正確的圖片:(共 12 分)
□ Betty got 90 on her test.

五、 Listen and Write

仔細聽,填寫句中的單字:(共 6 分)
1. ( )○
1 ○

1. What time do you ___________?

2. Does Billy ___________ at 7:00?

2. ( )○
1 ○

3. I go to school ___________.

4. Jessica wasn’t ___________.

3. ( )○
1 ○

5. Henry ___________ yesterday.

6. I ___________ yesterday.
4. ( )○
1 ○

六、 Look and Choose 看圖選出正確的單字:(共 18 分)

5. ( )○
1 ○

1.( )
1 visited a friend

6. ( )○
1 ○
2 2 played the piano

3 listened to music

2.( ) 2. ( )
1 at the mall
○ Shelly ___ yesterday.
2 at home
○ 1 watched TV

3 at school
○ 2 surfed the Internet

3 visited a friend

3.( )
1 at the train station

2 at the metro station
○ 3. ( )
3 at the museum
○ Betty ___ yesterday.
1 played the piano

2 visited a friend

3 listened to music

4.( )
1 played basketball

2 listened to music

3 watched TV

4. ( )
Janet ___ yesterday.
1 play basketball

2 visited a friend

5.( ) 3 watched TV

1 played the piano

2 played basketball

3 surfed the Internet

5. ( )
Ken plays basketball and his sister ___.
6.( ) 1 plays baseball

1 at home
○ 2 plays football

2 at the mall
○ 3 plays basketball

3 at the museum

七、 Look and Choose 看圖選出句中的單字:(共 18 分)

6. ( )
A: Were you ___ yesterday?
1. ( ) B: Yes, I was.
1 at the mall

I ___ at school yesterday.
2 at the restaurant

1 listened to music

3 at the museum

2 surfed the Internet

3 played basketball

八、 口說測驗:看圖回答問題 10% 八、 口說測驗:看圖回答問題 10%

a. Harry ___________ yesterday. a. Harry ___________ yesterday.

b. Mark ___________ yesterday. b. Mark ___________ yesterday.
c. Doris ___________ yesterday. c. Doris ___________ yesterday.
d. Colin ___________ yesterday. d. Colin ___________ yesterday.
e. Mia ___________ yesterday. e. Mia ___________ yesterday.

Harry ___________ yesterday. Harry ___________ yesterday.

Harry surfed the Internet yesterday. Harry surfed the Internet yesterday.

Mark ___________ yesterday. Mark ___________ yesterday.

Mark watched TV yesterday. Mark watched TV yesterday.

Doris ___________ yesterday. Doris ___________ yesterday.

Doris played the piano yesterday. Doris played the piano yesterday.

Colin ___________ yesterday. Colin ___________ yesterday.

Colin played basketball yesterday. Colin played basketball yesterday.

Mia ___________ yesterday. Mia ___________ yesterday.

Mia listened to music yesterday. Mia listened to music yesterday.

1. 聽力/發音 6 24 口說
2. 聽力/發音 6
3. 聽力/單字 6 10. 單字 6
4. 聽力/單字 6 11. 單字 6
12. 單字 6
13. 單字 6
14. 單字 6
5. 聽力句型 6 15 句型 4 22 閱讀 4
6. 聽力句型 6 16 句型 4 23 閱讀 4
7. 聽力句型 6 17 句型 4
8. 聽力句型 6 18 句型 4
9. 聽力句型 10 19 句型 4
20 句型 4
21 句型 4

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