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六年甲班 座號:__________ 姓名:____________ 家長簽名______________

聽力:35% 口試:10%
一、Listen and Circle 仔細聽,圈出正確的音組:(每題1分, 四、Listen and Choose 仔細聽,選出正確的圖片:(每題1分
共10分) ,共8分)
1.___ade gr tr
2.___eep w sw
3.___op dr cr
4.___eek cr gr 1.( ) ( )
5.___ace tr gr
6.___ill sp p
7.___ip dr tr
8.___ive d dr
9.___in sp sk 2.( ) ( )
10.___ate st sk
二、Listen and Write 仔細聽,寫出正確的單字:(每題1分,
1. 3.( ) ( )
_____________ 4.( ) ( )
5.( ) ( )
_____________ 6.( ) ( )
三、Listen and Check 仔細聽,勾選出符合對話內容的句子:
(每題1分,共7分) 7.( ) ( )
1.□ David was at the train station.
□ David was at the movie theater.
2.□ Tom was at home yesterday.
8.( ) ( )
□ Tom was at school yesterday.
3.□ Ivy was at the museum yesterday. 五、Spoken English Exam:請仔細聽與回答生活英語、發音
或對話問題:(共10 分) SCORE:_____________
□ Jason was at the museum yesterday.
1.It’s 2023. Happy New Year! (2%)
4.□ Judy was at the mall yesterday. 2.Where were you yesterday? (2%)
□ Kenny was at the train station yesterday. 3.Was your dad at school last Monday? (2%)
5.□ Nancy played the piano yesterday.
4.What did your sister do last night? (1%)
5.Did your classmate,Leo play the piano
□ Nancy played basketball yesterday. yesterday morning?(1%)
6.□ Kevin watched TV yesterday. 6.Say the word “sweet.” (1%)
□ Kevin listened to music yesterday. 7.Say the word “grasshopper.”(1%)
7.□ Jimmy visited a friend yesterday.
□ Jimmy played basketball yesterday.

彰化縣內安國小 111 學年度第二學期第一次定期評量六年級英語科試卷

六年甲班 座號:__________ 姓名:____________ 家長簽名______________

3 at the movie theater

6.( )
六、Look and Choose 看圖選出正確的單字:(每題 1 分,共
10 分)
1.( )

1 watched TV

2 played basketball

3 listened to music
1 at the mall
○ 7.( )
2 at home

3 at school

2.( )

1 surfed the Internet

2 watched TV

3 played the piano
1 at school
○ 8.( )
2 at the mall

3 at the restaurant

3.( )

1 visited a friend

2 played the piano

3 played basketball

9.( )
1 at home

2 at the mall

3 at the museum

4.( )

1 played basketball

2 listened to music

3 watched TV

10.( )

1 played the piano

2 played basketball

3 surfed the Internet

5.( )

1 listened to music

2 surfed the Internet

3 played basketball

1 at the museum

2 at the train station
○ 背面還有試題

七、Look and Check 看圖勾選正確的句子:(每題 1 分,共 4 2. at / Kay / the / ? / Was / police station
1. _______________________________
3. the / was / yesterday / museum / . / at / Ivy

4. Spain / danced / and / I / . / Tony / Flamenco/ in
□ They were at the museum yesterday.
□ They were at home yesterday.
九、Read and Choose 文法選擇:(每題 1 分,共 10 分)
1.( ) Dad and I ___ at the museum.
□ They were at the restaurant yesterday.
1 am ○
○ 2 are ○3 were
2. 2.( ) The learners ___ at school yesterday.

1 wasn’t ○ 2 isn’t ○
3 weren’t

3.( ) ___ Peggy at the train station?

1 Was ○
2 Does ○ 3 Were

4.( ) I ___ so worried about Ken and Terry. Where

were they yesterday?
□ They were at the museum.
1 am ○
○ 2 was ○ 3 were

5.( ) ___ was in Russia yesterday.

□ They were at the ballet theater.

1 We ○ 2 They ○ 3 Jean

6.( ) Were ___ at the restaurant yesterday?

□ They were at the movie theater.
1 you ○
○ 2 I ○ 3 Cindy
3. 7.( ) Mike ___ at school today.

1 played basketball

2 visits a friend

3 surfing the Internet

8.( ) Karen ___ yesterday.

1 watch TV

2 watches TV
□ Vivian played basketball yesterday.

3 watched TV

9.( ) A: Where ___ you?

□ Vivian watched TV yesterday.
B: I ___ at home.

1 were; were
□ Vivian visited a friend yesterday.
○2 were; was
4. ○3 was; was

10.( ) What ___ Tony do yesterday?

○1 do ○ 2 does ○
3 did
十、Read and Choose 依上下文選出正確的答案:(每題 1 分,
共 2 分)
1.( ) A: Were you at the museum?
□ We were at school.
B: No, I wasn’t. I was ___. I was hungry.
1 at the restaurant

□ We were at the restaurant. 2 at the museum

3 at the train station

□ We were at the train station.
2.( ) We were ___. The new train was cool!
八、Unscramble 句子重組:(每題 2 分,共 8 分) 1 at school

1. your friends / Where / yesterday / ? / were 2 at the train station

3 at the movie theater


十一、Look and Write 看圖寫出正確的對應句:(每題 2 分, 十二、Read and Write 看中文完成句子:(每格1分,共5分)
共 12 分)
1. 1.你們昨天在購物中心聽音樂嗎?
______ you _______ to music at the _______ yesterday?

2. Vic 與Mia當時在餐廳。

Vic and Mia _______ at the ____________________.

A: Where was the woman(女人) yesterday? 十三、Reading Comprehension 閱讀測驗:(每題 1 分,共 5 分)

B: _______________________________________ 1. It was Sunday yesterday. Alex listened to music at
2. home. David and William were at home, too. David
played the piano, and William watched TV. Maggie was
at the library. She surfed the Internet there. Lucas
visited a friend in Taipei. Vivian played basketball with
Tina at school.

A: Where was Vivi yesterday? What did the kids do yesterday? Please finish the form.
B: _______________________________________

A: Where are you?

B: _______________________________________

*activity 活動
十四、Fill In 讀短文或對話,填選正確的答案:(每題 1 分,
共 4 分)
1. Rita: I didn’t see you at the library yesterday. Where _
(1)_ you?
A: What did you do in the living room?
Tommy: I was at school.
B: ___________________________________
Rita: What _(2)_ you do there?
Tommy: I _(3)_ basketball with my classmates.
There was a basketball game in the gym.
Rita: How _(4)_ the game?
Tommy: It was exciting. The score was 75 to 74. We
won the game!
*game 比賽 gym 體育館
A: Where were your father, mother and younger
exciting 令人興奮的
brother yesterday?
won 獲勝(過去式)
B: ___________________________________
( )(1) A were ○
○ B was ○C are

( )(2) ○
A do ○B did ○
C does

( )(3) ○
A played ○
B plays ○
C play

( )(4) ○
A is ○B was ○
C were

A: Were they at school?

B: ___________________________________

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