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Part A: Knowledge

1. Simplify. Express all final answers with positive exponents. Show all steps.


~ - (0
;> S~ ~
I ~x"'l )
\- 3 ~ J~2..

8' ~ 3
d) ~{X3 l1 A. 3

-I 2-
=( /0:X ,Y )
)5::1.. ? j 3

= (~ :x~~5 ) 3

2. Evaluate. Leave all answers as exact solutions (no decimals).

a) ( -32)0 +"4(1)-2 - 6-1

t =

- ~Sx2
- 50
~ Page 1 of 10
3. Rewrite in radical form and evaluate.

a) (-64)3

b) -252
c) ( 16x4
::. ..J (-(04) .::
-m 3

- V ~~{o .: - J ISCo"l.S ~ (2'1~:)

= \(P = - \.2 5 5
- ~2f)
-:. (3x.
4. Complete the following table.
Function Equation of Range (formal y- intercept Increasing I
the asymptote set notation) decreasing
[(x) = 2 (:3) - 5 ~~- 5 \~~R, ~ '>-51" (0, - '3 ') ~5\~

g(x) = -(2)ZX - 1 C) ~- \ ~~ t\R ) ~ c- \t {o)-3') dec..reast~

hex) =
1 1 -x+2
-2(:3) +4 ~-::.L\ 1~t:~) ~ <. '-\ r (OJ 1\ )
6ft,(eaS ltj

5. Identify the function as linear, quadratic or exponential and give a reason how you
know. Find the equation of function.

X ,;l1
-2 20
1 8 <~
2 4

Function: L.R4c Equation: -""";'~+----'=--::""_Y-f-J>'X-±~I~~;>I....------

Page 2 of 10
6. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

a) For the exponential function y = (~)x + 3, determine:

I. the y-intercept (0, Y )
II. the equation of the asymptote

III. the domain (in proper set notation)

IV. the range (in proper set notation) j'O f=-{g) ~ 'z 5~
v. whether the function is increasing or decreasing de( .eeet ::"'ZJ
b) The following is the graph of an exponential function with equation of the form,
y = b", b > O. Write the equation for the function.

The equation is:

7. How are the functions g(x) = SX and hex) = S-X related?

~; 5

Page 3 of 10
8. For the function [(x) = -2(4X) + 3, state the base function and the transformations in
the order they are performed.

• {'et \e..c. -11':)f"\. on y...._ -O...x; 0

o v4-ti (_c... \ ~re.-+c...h b\j ct ~C(. C.TO(" <::) ~ ~

9. Sketch the function g(x) = -2 Gr - 1 on the grid below. Make sure to show 3 major
points. (Do Not Use Mapping Rule!)

\ -

Page 4 of 10
Part B: Application

10. If 108 = 32X+1 +32x, solve for x .

.2.x \ )...':(
3 I<. 3 -\-2> :. \0 ~

3 (~+\) :::-\c.,&
2> (4) -==- \c~

11. Rewrite the function [Cx) = 5(16)-X+l - 3 using the base of 4.

-.l.~;- "4
S;(:x_)::. S (4) 3
- ~(.~-I)
- 5 (.L4 ') - ~

12. Given the graph of [ex) = ab" + C I

a) State the equation of the horizontal asymptote. ~ -:.. - ,

b) Determine the equation of [ex). Show all your work.

-4 -.-

~ \ D,
'1..1 ~
d 3/;)..
I S 3

(j;::a (_~) - \
»: Q~D.l~J-\
Equation of [ex): ~ -_ o(~d ) -\
0.. ~ 3

Page 5 of 10
-(:L-\ )
C)-::. 3 -~
13. Graph the function [(x) = - '12 (1)X+2
4 . 14. Graph the function g(x) = (3)-X+l - 2.
Using transformation rules only.
Label at least 3 major points.
L~)~) ~ <:::_~-'c\) '6- ~)

(_~)~')~(J<--~~-..L~) ':J.... ::o-o-:x..

:><. ~ - ~,.. ~'" ~ .,_ -I 113 '7b
»':l 0 I

~ \ 3
15. Match the graph ~o the function. (Both graphs have a scale of 1.)
a) y = (2)~X+2 - 1 b) y = 2 Gr- 1
- 1 c) y = (3)-3X-l +2 d) y = -2 Gr- 1

A) B)


( d) (0)

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For the following questions, do not forget to introduce your variables using let statements.
16. The initial population of Radium-225, which has a half-life of 20 days, is 150000 atoms.
How much of the sample is left after 120 days, to the nearest atom?

h:: ~o d~_J5 I-f(f:-);:: a (_~) h 1.:26

a. -:z 150 QO(.)
}SO cX)O ( -i_ )

I-( L.f:-) :. ?
i: -:.-f 20 t:>I If,!} 5

17. Mrs. Moshtagh's famous portrait of ducks was purchased by an art dealer in 1995 for
$25. Mrs. Moshtagh's husband bought it back this year for $50. Find the rate of
increase in the value of the painting. Round your final answer to one decimal place.

5o~ Q5 (_\-t-r)l7-
(Q) {~-; \~r-
18. Today a car's value is $27000. If the car was purchased for $64000 and the
depreciation rate is 25'Yoevery two years, when was the car purchased?
;;) -=t-()CO (04000 (., - 0 .~ 5 ') .2.

d 1- z: G~) ~ .!l. ==- 3

~~ ~ L
8.')"\(_~') L Y\_=-(o

19. Jessica purchased a diamond ring in 1997 for $3250. If the ring's value is $4900 in
2010, what is the appreciation rate (rate of increase/growth) of the ring's value?
Model the ring's value with an exponential equation.
YGco =3~SD(\~\)
<1'& r, \"5
105 ~ ~-T'()
O· 03;(

Page 7 of 10
20. A car depreciates in value by 25'Yoper year. If Hadi bought his car for $16000 and
his car is now worth $9000, find how many years ago Hadi bought the car.

qooo~ \(ocoo(\-o.~5)
1.. :;.r3_\t"\
1(0 \_ '1 )

l ~')

\ Y\ -;.:t 'j~3
21. Antara inherits $25 000. She decides to invest it in a saving account and after 10
years she has $26500. What is the rate of growth of her saving account?
J) G:, 5 00 :.. c) 5000 ( J -r r)
t.ot» 'Z-
(t.o&) ::: I-t-r

22. Mrs. Moshtagh has 640mg of a radioactive substance. If after 10 years the
substance decreases to 20mg, what is the half-life of the substance?
do::Go40(~) h Le; - 5
3~ (7-
s J..2_
(±) z: L ir) h
23.A science lab has a 50g sample of Carbon14. If the half-life of Carbon14 is 20 years,
how long would it take for the sample to decay to 3.125g? ±_
h -= dO Jjear5 3. I;;;2.S __ 5'"0 ( ~ )
a. -:;50 9 .l: - C.J_)
(0 2-
l.{ £_
Page 8 of 10
Part C: Thinking
24.If If [(x) = 2X and [(x) + 2[(x) - 2[(x + 1) = a(2)X find the value of a.
:( l: ){-t I ,<.
~ -t~('2 )-~(:L ) ~0 :l '( '(
l ")( 'X X d(-I)~Q2
d. -t- .Q.(_~ ') - ~ (~ )(:t) ';::~;).

&- (I-r~-Y)
12S2X + 10 =
:: C<


1260, what IS the value of x?


~ ( SX) ( 5- :>< )
(53):2. ,<.. 5 .: (0 ':l. :,

- -::{~ t./
5 :: 5

26.Uh oh're in trouble with Mrs. Moshtagh - you came to class late for the third day
in a row! You get to choose one of two detention options:

Consequence A
1 minute of detention the first week, Consequence B
3 minutes the second week, x minutes of detention per week
9 minutes the third week, for 8 weeks
and so on, for 8 weeks.

a) Which consequence's weekly detention minutes can be represented by a function?

Write the equation to model that exponential function, using the variable n to
represent the week number.
t(~) ~ 3 I :5' 9( ~ 8
Jl~) z8'X
b) What should the value of x be in order for Consequence A to be the better
C h·oice.? 3 4 5 (,... -a, -
.~ _ \ o~ 3 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ 3 -;-3. z: .
3\~~~ C\~ ;).1--r~~--t.J43 -tt"lq-t :l\'3l-:- 3Q~D
3230 (oX
&<!:__ O__:_1<_---"'"» E0 Page 9 of 10
D: Communication

27.For the function [ex) = -4 Gyx-l + 2, state the base graph and the transformations on
it, in the order you would perform
r L(X-Y)
them. o '(".e t- \-ec.-tl O~ 01'\ .x - 0..>'\' ~
r(:x) -:: - Y l.L"\ ~ '::l V.e<t,'{a I 5+t.ekh ~~ 4
a) -+-
~6e ~C-\{Dn·. ~ ==- (~ ') :x. • no'(I.·Z-of'+a. \ 6t("e+<.h \o~ 'l.

• 5 h:(:+ y u..{\~ r:S r~'5 h +

• S h; f.. 2 Lu\~+'s u.p

28.Explain how you can determine if a function is linear, quadratic or exponential by

examining the table of values.

"l. ~ a\.\ -\-hJl \'0-\ ~~ ~~. a.(.e +-h..e.. &....~ ~t J ~ \ iAeCc..t"

(J (J

r~ ~ rtA -h '0 o~ +~ I~ D.'c. F. a (-€ +1\£ 5a m-c. i t- .I 5

e.?lpOfl.lA 1/a ,.

29. What are the restrictions on the value of n in ai;" if a < O? Explain.
..l.. hr=-
0. "" = ~ D.. J

30. Which of these equations correspond to the graph? Explain how you know. (d.)
-t'NL \-\. p\: ~ 7._ ~
a) f(x) = 2(3- X
) +5
~ ~u.l"\c.i-~O('. ',s
b) g(x) = (3-2x- ) - 5 de.urea. 6 \(j .

c) h(x) = -O.8(3X-3)

d) p(x) = - 2( 3tH) - _
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