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Polarity Analysis of Editorial Articles towards Fake News

Mary Jane C. Samonte
Mapua University
Makati City, Philippines 1200,

ABSTRACT leading to predictions by what we call “social bots” or simply

The need in verifying online information is essential to identify “bots” [5].
the lines between fake news and factual information. Social media The influence of fake online news in social media was seen in the
has become the platform for the digital production of news articles. result of US presidential election and Brexit vote in 2016 [6].
It can be found from various sources -- blogs to social networking Fake news and post-truth are the key factors of media-political
sites, or even online forums. This indicates how potentially fake events. Fake news detection is defined as the prediction of the
news can influence the overall opinion of the masses. This study chances of a particular news article, report editorial or expose
aims to create a model that categorizes online editorial articles and with an intention to deceive while post-truth is something that one
use different classifier to determine its polarity through sentiment conveniently believe, politically, that can be based on emotion or
analysis. This is a step first taken in order to detect fake against assumption. The era of post-truth is outside the conformity of
real news online through data mining. In this study, online news standards of evidentiary support [7], [8], and [9].
articles from various known websites were extracted in order to
develop a model. The researcher demonstrate that news articles In a special online report by “Digital 2017: A Global Overview”,
can be analyzed and showed effective results through the Internet users grew by 10% in 2016, which is up 354 million
performance of the classifiers used in this study. compared to 2015; Active social media users increased by 21%,
up 482 million versus 2015; Unique mobile users grew by 5%, up
CCS Concepts 222 million over the past 12 months; and, mobile social media
Information systems→Information retrieval→Retrieval tasks users grew by 30%, up an impressive 581 million in 2016. Social
and goals→Sentiment analysis media growth rates accelerated by more than 50% versus 2015,
with social media use overall up 25%, compared to 14% growth in
Keywords 2016’s report. [10]. Today, there is an increase in the number of
Fake News; Classifier; Editorial Articles; Model; Sentiment Americans consumes daily news from mobile devices which gone
Analysis. up from 54% in 2013 to 72% as of September 2017. So there are
many individuals that are exposed in reading not only fake online
1. INTRODUCTION news, but also other forms of “misinformation” [5], [11].
Applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one way of Journalistic deception has been defined as a “prima facie wrong”
identifying deception in news reports [1]. NLP is a ubiquitous which means “to deceive is morally wrong”. Journalism is a
phenomenon that is used to provide meaningful results swiftly responsibility where one should communicate messages, whether
such as autocomplete, spelling correctors, grammar checkers and verbal or nonverbal, without any intention of holding an
even technical paper critiques [2]. In 2015, Associated Press information that can be used to create a false belief [12].
published an entire financial story in an automated system of AP
Style Guide which was done by NLP bots [3]. NLP is accelerating Data mining has been interchange with machine learning. Data
its research area as it expands its power to new industries in mining refers to the practice of obtaining processed data through
forecasting unstructured data from social media like tweets and the use of algorithms of machine learning [13]. Main examples of
Facebook posts [4]. machine learning algorithms are Decision trees, Neural Networks,
Support Vector Machines and Naïve Bayes. Sentiment analysis is
But those mentioned social media platforms are also known in the process of computationally identifying and categorizing
proliferating fake news resulted to chaos and misinformed opinions expressed in a piece of text, especially in order to
decision makers. There are some news articles whose polarity is determine whether the writer’s attitude towards a particular topic,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for product, etc. is positive, negative or neutral. In social media,
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are sentiment analysis can be used as a tool in simplifying this study
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that which is presumed as a complex topic [14].
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be Online news articles, defined as any document with a publicly-
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or accessible Uniform Resource Location (URL) with a headline,
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior posted on news sites that presents accumulated about a common
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from event or subject [15].
ICIEB 2018, April 25–27, 2018, Singapore, Singapore 1.1 Objective of the Study
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. The objective of this study is to be able to determine a news
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6375-4/18/04…$15.00
article’s overall sentiment through its editorial content. Datasets

used in this study was annotated by field experts. The study
developed a model that can correctly classify an article’s polarity
(negative/neutral/positive) using annotated dataset. Along the
experiment, the researcher determined which classifier is better
for detecting negative/neutral/positive opinions from news articles
based on accuracy rate and Kappa score [16].

1.2 Scope of the Study Figure 1. Fake news on social media: from characterization to
For training the classifiers, the researcher used a dataset, detection [25].
composing of 200 news articles that were gathered from the
current top 10 most frequently visited news websites for the A study in “clickbait” was used in order to detect false news in
current month based on Alexa [17], a digital marketing tool that tabloids. Clickbait or headlines are used to tickle the curious
can monitor internet traffic; and evaluated by 3 annotators. The minds of the readers to clink the link in a particular website.
testing data were composed of 20 news articles gathered from the Clickbait has been linked to the rapid spread of rumor and
same 10 sources. The websites chosen from the list are official misinformation online. The paper discussed the possible methods
news sites such as Cable News Network (CNN), The New York for the automatic detection of clickbait as a form of deception
Times, etc. The news articles gathered are editorials only and shall through textual and non-textual clickbaiting cues [7].
be gathered manually from the chosen websites. The articles are A fake news detection system was developed by a group of
then classified at the document-level. The study compares k-NN, researchers which allows users to filter and mark possible
Naïve Bayes, and SVM as the classifiers in sentiment analysis in misleading information. They collected their data using web
RapidMiner [18]. The criteria for judging the performance of each scraping from various sites like Twitter feeds (real and fake),
classifier are based on accuracy. BBC news, UCI news dataset and Kaggle news dataset. They
explored a variety of model from their classification such as
2. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES Support vector machines (SVM) and random forest. Under SVM,
In order to define the term “fake news”, presentation of different they gained 7% improvement in performance from the baseline
literatures can help us: 1) Checking of the news authenticity and model. A pattern of increase in the random forest classifier was
intent where false information can be verified and its intention to also observed.
mislead the reading public [19]; 2) Focus on either authenticity or
intent of the news content is deceiving to the readers which can be Support vector machines (SVM) classifier have known to
entertainment-based [20]; and 3) The news includes grave outperformed other approaches in a number of text categorization
fabrications, hoaxes, and satires [21]. studies, but there has been some suggestion that they choose a
poor decision threshold when the numbers of positive and
The impact of fake news extends to the current trend towards negative examples are very different. SVM, which is highly
political, emotional and financial aspect where editorial interests dimensional, decreasing the accuracy of the classifier [29]. Other
is unfavorable to democratic values [5], [22], and [23]. Fake News known classifiers are Naive Bayes and K-nearest neighbor. Naive
Challenge 1 (FNC-1) was launched in 2017 in Stanford University Bayes is often used in text classification because of its simplicity
with the goal of developing tools to help fact checkers tag fake and effectiveness. However, its performance is often degraded
news. FNC-1. This works as there is a given article that acts because it does not model text well [30]. K-Nearest Neighbors
as ”ground truth” then a number of headlines was classified as algorithm is a simple but effective method for text categorization
unrelated, agree, disagree, or discuss in relation to the article. But that uses all the training documents to predict labels of test
the organizers of FNC-1 hoped stance detection problem would be document but it has fatal defects like the complexity of its sample
better if it was used to leverage as filters to limit the number of similarity computing [31].
articles the fact checkers will have to examine by hand [24].
An article about fake news and post-truth explores the massive
Figure 1 describes the background of fake news detection problem increase of this problem and discussed how people react to
using theories and properties from psychology and social studies counter it. They examine impact of fake news in the society and
[25]. Traditional news media is characterized by psychological gave effective corrective measures. They suggested that this
and social foundations of fake news while fake news on social problem needs a technological solution applied with
media include malicious accounts and echo chamber. psychological principles, which they called it “technocognition”.
Psychological aspect refers to the cognitive weakness of human to There are several techniques in correcting misinformation that are
detect real and fake news. Social theory is all about decision helpful [32], [33], but they suggest to use basic tools.
making of an individual’s gain or loss that applies to the reward Technocognition refers to the use of information architectures like
system or social acceptance that contributes to the spread of fake rating system, there should be a “Disinformation Charter” for
news [26], [27]. Malicious accounts has been rampant due to the media to identify acceptable and unacceptable information, and
low cost production of social bots, trolls and cyborg users in other general training in information literacy which includes what
social media. Studies shows that social bots. Human tend to trust to trust and not to believe [8].
social contacts marked by the distorted 2016 U.S. presidential
election online discussions [28]. 3. METHODOLOGY
The study was conducted with three major stages: pre-processing,
processing, and post-processing stages.

3.1 Data Collection and Preparation

Data Gathering is consists of two parts: the gathering of the
editorial articles from the popular English news websites and the
acquisition of the annotated data set. The researcher looked for the

10 most popular English news websites according to Alexa *S - the stem ends with S (and similarly for other letters)
Internet, a California-based company that provides commercial
web traffic data and analytics. The editorial articles were gathered *v* - the stem contains a vowel.
from the top 10 websites in descending order and collected 20 *d - the stem ends with a double consonant (e.g.-TT, -SS).
each site’s most recent editorials and save it as hypertext mark-up
language format (HTML) readable by RapidMiner. The files are *o - the stem ends cvc, where the second c is not W, X or Y (e.g.-
saved in a folder named after the news website. WIL, -HOP)
A worksheet has been prepared in order for the annotators’ tick Words’ suffixes are removed step by step. The first step of the
whether the polarity of an article is negative, neutral, or positive. algorithm handles plurals, past participles, present participles, and
Annotation worksheets and copies of the 200 editorial articles for transforms a terminal “y” to an “I”. For example: “happy” to
training data and 20 articles for the testing data were distributed to “happi”. The second step deals with double suffixes to single ones.
annotators with attached cover letter explaining the nature of the For example: “generalization” is converted to “generalize”. The
study and the instructions for the worksheets. The annotators in third step removes other double suffixes not handled in the
this study specialized in Journalism and have significant previous step such as: “generalize” is changed into “general”. The
experience in the said field. When the annotators were done, fourth step removes remaining suffixes such as: “general” is
results were tallied and the most occurring polarity for each article transformed into “gener”. The fifth step treaties stems ending with
are the one considered as its true polarity. –e, and treats words ending in double consonant. For example:
“attribute” is recoded “attribut”.
3.2 Data Processing
RapidMiner done the processing by “Transform” operator to The “Generate n-Grams” operator in RapidMiner creates term n-
convert everything to lower case. The “Tokenize” operator splits Grams of tokens in a document or a series of consecutive tokens
the text of a document into a sequence of tokens so as to be of length n.
readable. The “Filter Stop words (English)” operator filters
English stop words from the document by removing every token
3.3 Model Building
The parameters for SVM dot Kernel type is C = 10.0. KNN has
which equals a stop word from the built-in stop word list. The
been used in statistical estimation and pattern recognition already
“Stem (Porter)” operator stems English words using the Porter
in the beginning of 1970’s as a non-parametric technique. The
stemming algorithm applying an iterative, rule-based replacement
parameters for KNN is where k = 4 with weighted vote.
of word suffixes intending to reduce the length of the words until
a minimum length is reached. The 10-fold cross validation was used in the classification process
to train the model. With this method, the data set was divided into
The Porter Stemming involves a suffix stripping algorithm and to
10 subsets. Each time, one of the 10 subsets is used as the test set
present it a few definitions is needed. A \consonant\ in a word is a
and the other 9 subsets are the training set. Then the average error
letter other than A, E, I, O or U, and other than Y preceded by a
across all 10 trials is computed.
consonant. So in TOY the consonants are T and Y, and in
SYZYGY they are S, Z and G. If a letter is not a consonant it is a RapidMiner was used to generate the process results log of the
\vowel\. A consonant will be denoted by “C”, a vowel by “V”. A threes classifiers in this study.
list ccc... of length greater than 0 will be denoted by C, and a list
vvv... of length greater than 0 will be denoted by V. Any word, or 3.4 Model Testing
part of a word, therefore has one of the four forms CVCV ... C, Once the news articles from a certain news website has been
CVCV ... V, VCVC ... C, VCVC ... V. processed, it can now be used for testing. The model is used for
the 3 classifiers that must be indicated in the “Retrieve”
These may all be represented by the single for [C]VCVC ... [V] parameters of Rapid Miner and pressed the Run button.
where the square brackets denote arbitrary presence of their
contents. Using (VC) {m} to denote VC repeated m times, this Testing was done by inserting additional negative bogus article
may again be written as [C](VC){m}[V]. m will be called the that was manually created by the researcher and put in the a
\measure\ of any word or word part when represented in this form. particular news folder, CNN for example, in order to verify if a
The case m = 0 covers the null word. Here are some examples: negative article can be read by the generated model of the study.
There were three (3) models generated, SVM, K-NN and Naïve
Bayes. Testing includes the model using the same dataset.
m=0 TR, EE, TREE, Y, BY.
m=1 TROUBLE, OATS, TREES, IVY. In the training set, 200 is the total number of divided into three
m=2 TROUBLES, PRIVATE, OATEN, ORRERY. categories: negative, neutral, and positive. In the dataset, 89
articles are negative, 67 articles are neutral, and 44 articles are
positive. The articles are subdivided by news source. In addition,
the testing set consists of 80 articles and is subdivided in the same
The \rules\ for removing a suffix will be given in the form
way. Table 1 displays the average percentage accuracy of the
(condition) S1 -> S2. This means that if a word ends with the
models per news source data (training and testing) using
suffix S1, and the stem before S1 satisfies the given condition, S1
individual news sources for the training data and its corresponding
is replaced by S2. The condition is usually given in terms of m,
testing data.
e.g. (m > 1) EMENT ->.
If S1 is `EMENT' and S2 is null, this would map
REPLACEMENT to REPLAC, since REPLAC is a word part for
which m = 2. The `condition' part may also contain the following:

Table 1. Average Percentage Accuracy per News Source Data 5. CONCLUSION
(Training and Testing). This research explored the creation of a model to analyze
Classifiers Average Accuracy (%) sentiment from popular news websites. The features of the
k-NN 40.00 editorial articles were extracted for classification by the chosen
Naïve Bayes 32.50 three classifiers; k-Nearest Neighbors, Naïve Bayes, and Support
SVM 38.77 Vector Machines. Based on the training data annotation on the
Table 2 displays the average percentage accuracy of the models selected 200 articles for this study, the emotion induced by
using all editorial articles for the training data and individual news editorial articles is, generally, negative. This can be attributed to
sources for the testing data. There was a significant change in the fact that, according to the annotators, negative articles let
accuracy for all the models, both k-NN and Naïve Bayes have alone an editorial one are more eye-grabbing in journalism. Thus,
significant increase. Only SVM experienced a decrease in raking in more readers. That is why this is the first step towards
accuracy. the detection of fake news.

Table 2. Average Percentage Accuracy for All Articles Data When doing batch processing per news source as testing set and
(Training) and Per News Source. the certain news sources’ training set SVM performed best with
an accuracy rate of 41.25%. When doing batch processing per
Classifiers Average Accuracy (%) news source as testing set and all the articles from the annotated
k-NN 42.50 training set, k-NN performed best with an accuracy rate of 42.5%.
Naïve Bayes 33.75 When using the entire dataset, k-NN performed best from the
SVM 38.75 three classifiers with an accuracy rate of 42.5%. In the
Table 3 displays the percentage accuracy of the models using all experiments, it was observed that with our imbalanced training
editorial articles for the training data and all the editorial articles data set, the polarity with the most training articles had the most
from the testing data. All the models have maintained their articles correctly predicted.
accuracy from the last table. It is recommended that further study would focus on injecting
Table 3. Summary of Results of the Second Iteration of Stress fake news and sees the polarity incurred upon the model to test
Testing. what polarity would still be dominant thus validating the result of
this study.
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