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Clasa a VII-a

A. READING 25 points
Read the following text:
An unexpected meeting

It was a bright summer morning and a warm breeze was blowing gently through the trees. Pauline
and Sally stood talking to the park ranger before they set off on a ten-mile hike to the next campsite.
“Be careful in the forest”, the ranger warned them, “and remember – this park is a bear country.
They aren’t usually dangerous, but if you see any, don’t get too close.”

The two friends followed a hiking trail through the forest until they came to a clearing in the trees
with a stream running through it. “Oh, look, Pauline!” said Sally. “Bears!” Two tiny bear cubs were
playing happily in the middle of the stream.

Sally immediately took a camera from her pack and began to take photos, but Pauline wondered
where the cubs’ mother was. Hearing a sudden noise, both women turned round and saw an
enormous bear.

There was nowhere to hide and no time to run away from the angry bear, so Pauline knew her only
chance was to play dead. “Lie down!” she cried in Sally’s ear. “Don’t move!” They lay absolutely
still, face down on the ground. They heard the bear approach, felt its hot breath as it sniffed them,
then finally heard it walking away.

They lay there for what seemed like hours, too frightened to move or speak. When they were sure
the bear had gone, they got up, crying tears of relief. “I can hardly believe we had such a lucky
escape!” Sally admitted, still shaking like a leaf.

I. Put the events in chronological order according to the text. (8 x 2 = 16 points)

a. An enormous bear went towards them.
b. Sally thought they had been very lucky.
c. They set off on a ten-mile hike.
d. The bear approached them and sniffed them.
e. They saw two bear cubs playing in the stream.
f. They cried when they realised they were safe.
g. Both of them lay down and pretended to be dead.
h. The park ranger warned Pauline and Sally that there were bears in the forest.

II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false: (9 x 1 = 9 points)
1. The ranger warned Pauline and Sally that there were many wild animals in the park.
2. The two women saw two bear cubs playing in a lake.
3. Pauline didn’t see the cubs’ mother.
4. Sally took some photos of the bears.
5. The two women could run away from the enormous bear.
6. The bear didn’t hurt them.
7. The two women weren’t frightened of the bear.
8. They had no chance to escape.
9. They were sure that the bear had left when they got up.

B. USE OF ENGLISH 50 points

I. Choose the correct option. (20 x 1 = 20 points)

1. I have driving lessons twice …………... week.
A an Ba C–

2. I’m looking for someone …………………... can speak Chinese.

A which B what C who

3. A: Did Pavel phone this afternoon?

B: No, …………………….. phoned.
A anybody B somebody C nobody

4. A:How much butter is there in the fridge?

B: Only a ………………..
A little B few C none

5. Your boots are dirty! Please take ……………………………….. outside.

A off B off them C them off

6. A friend of ............ is selling his mountain bike.

A your B my C mine

7. I have never met ............ famous person.

A so B such C such a

8. There is the boy ............ car was stolen.

A who B whom C whose

9. Bring some ............ too!

A knife B knives C knifes

10. John was born ……… 22nd August, 1995.

A. in B. at. C. on

11. Sarah …………. play tennis very well.

A. could B. can C. must

12.You ………………eat so many cakes. Sugar is bad for you.

A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. could

13. I tried to solve the problem, but I ……………………..

A. can’t B. must not C. couldn’t
14. She ………………write although she was only five years old.
A. can B. could C. may

15. Here’s my number. You………… call me any time you want.

A. can B. could C. must

16. Everest is ……………………. mountain in the world.

A. high B. the highest C. higher

17. The USA is ………………… than the UK.

A. big B. the biggest C. bigger

18. I can’t finish this project. I need ……………. time.

A. much B. more C. less

19. Are you interested …………music?

A. on B. for

20. I usually relax ………….the evening. B. in C. for

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, present continuous, past simple or
continuous. (20 x 1 = 20 points)
1. Where (you / go) …………………………………………………… for your holidays last year?
2. At the moment Helen (read) ………………………………… a book written by a Brazilian author.
3. I left school around 5.00 p.m., (play) ………………………….. football for a while, then went
4. Mary (watch) ……………………………………… TV when her friend Barbara called.
5. What …………………………………………………….. (you / do) at 5 p.m. yesterday?
6. In her free time Helen (read) …………………………….. a lot.
7. I came in while he ………………………………………………. (sleep).
8. …………..…….……………………………… (she / listen) to the radio every afternoon?
9. Her son ………………………………………... (not / visit) her very often.
10. What ………..…………………………….. (you / do)? My homework.
11. Kate was studying when her father (come)………………………… into the room.
12. I always (go) ……………………………..swimming on Sundays.
13. What (you/do)……………………………………….in the garden ,boys? It’s raining!
14. Oliver (noy/play) …………………………………football now, he is cleaning his room.
15. …………………………………………………(you/enjoy)the film last night ?
16. She (eat)…………………………………….an apple when she bit her tongue.
17. ……………………………………..(it/ rain) at 3 p.m. yesterday ?
18. The sun(shine)………………………………. Let’s go to the beach!
19. What (you/think) ……………………………………about the new sports centre ?
20. My friends (give)………………………………… a surprise birthday party last weekend.
III. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals. (10 x 1 = 10 points)
1. We felt very ……………………. on holiday. RELAX
2. My favourite ………………. is Mark Twain. WRITE
3. A bike is much more ……………… than a car in the centre of a town. USE
4. The Eiffel Tower is the main tourist …..........................… in Paris. ATTRACT
5. It was very ……………….. to eat the rest of the cake and not leave any. SELF
6. My favourite subject at school is English, because I find it very …….… . INTEREST
7. He doesn't like the children in his new school. They're rather ………….. . FRIENDLY
8. Sarah didn't think the comedian was very ….………………..… at all. HUMOUR
9. I’m not watching the rest of this film; it’s too …………….. ! SCARE
10. This is a very .................................................. sofa. COMFORT

C. WRITING 25 points
Write a story beginning with the following sentence:

”It was a Monday morning. I was on my way to school, quite in a hurry because I was a bit late,
when I suddenly ….”

Use between 120-150 words.

1. don’t include the beginning in the 120-150 words
2. set the scene (who-when-where-what); development (describe incidents leading up to the main
event itself in detail; use time words); end the story (refer to moods, consequences, people’s
reactions, feelings, comments)
3. give your story a title

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