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G. Schirmer’s COLLECTION of Song and Duet Albums ? Soprano and Tenor Contents. edhe —_—- Brahms, Joh, Thus we will wander So lass uns wandern Donizetti,c. Once axain let me hear t Notinrne Faure,5. Charity Charité Jensen, Ad. © Tay thy cheek Leta deine Wang” : | © stay, thou golden moment . "lass dich halten, goliue Stunde Militotti,L. The Night La Notte Nicolal,0. Adiew Kidio Pinsuti,C Memory Sovvenir Rotoli, Auguste Love Song Canto amore Schumann, R What is that at my bowerdoor? Tntorm Fenster Smith, A.M. © that we two were maying Thomas, A.Goring Contentment : . Neath the Stars Sons tes Etoiles Tosti, FP. ‘We will wate Aitons voir Verdi, 6. Now to die + AR! morir Vogrich, Max The sun has set. . Notturne ——— dermyaichts hia - dert wich im Gaugr —tichts forth with met wan - der in love that’strue and stroug, in Kaun ich mit dir wan - deru,nichts bin - dort dichim Gang, nichts = = ~ * Jove that trae and strong. ‘Thus gal - ty we will wan - der, by hin - dert mich im Gang. Wir wol- Jen Iu-stig wan - dern berg fe Jove thats true and strung: —_ Thus gai - ly we will wan - lertdichim = Gang. __ der, by Wir wol- len lu-stig wan ~ dern berg mountain and “by tain and py dale; the wood - land,deep and sha = dy shall + ber utd thal - eins die gro - ssen, frei-en Wal - der sind Jand,deep and sha - dy shalt i - ber ond thal - ein; die gro - seu, frei-en Wal - der sind . > deep ant sha - dy, shatl ny fret-en Wil - der sid bri - dat Kammer - lein, bri-dal hall, the woodland glen so deep and sha — dy, shal? Kammer - Ivin, die gro-ssen, gro-ssen, frei-en Wall - der sind our bri = dal hall ser Kim mer - Jein our bri Kim mer - Notturno from the Opera “DON PASQUALE” DUET. DONIZETTI. PIANO. ‘Tor. a- mia dir, che Once a- gain let me na-mia dir, a-gain let. me wa. ami, dim - mi, che mi-o tu se i, hear thee mia - mi, @im - mi, che mio tu se = i hear thee say—— that thou lov’st_ me on ly, 8 = ee oe ? — aj 7 an quan do tuo ben mi chia mi, la vi-ta ad-dop- pi in Sweet - est,waen I__ am near_—theo, life uath two-fold bliss for z a quan - do tno ben_mi chia - mi, la vieta ad-dop- pi in Sweet - est,when 1 near thee, life hath two-fold bliss for ¢ cea # ? me, When care op-prest and Thy \ Ae ee ae eae me, Ia voce tusa Bi me, Wuen— care op-prest and —_ = + ee so, il co- re op- = eth, on my rapt ear il co-r op- on my rapt ear etl, se = cn-rea te dap- My beast no cloud re - eo-r¢a to dap- My heart mo cloud re == | a = SS tre mo lon. fan dark - ‘ning when far from thee, da date, from thee, gees = pres - se, tre - Bo lon-tan da fe, ta te, call = eth, dark ~ wing when far trom thee, from thee, SS eS = SS ae call - eth, that = a =. 4, fa: a —-= = = os = pres tre mo ton-tan— da dark ~ en'dwhen far— from eu-rog te—d'ap - My. heart no cloud re - pres = 80, call - eth, a! ah, that tre mo lon-tan— da dark ~ ex’d when far—from SS 10 te, tre mo, Jon - tam da thee, dark = = ning ‘when far from fe = mye meinem theo, dark =" flag, darting when far from thee, wasn — 3 2 m4 tee r ¥ a= = ‘, wes me Imes dee et thee, dk” — "wing wen far from theo, hon — tee oe Ga tel far, dear, from ae hh te, a far, dear. from thee! —______ a u Charite. (CHARITY.) Arr. for two wires (Sopra «€ Tenor) hy MAX VOGRICH. J. FAURE. Andante sostenuto, quasi larghetto. = eres PIANO, ee SOPRANO. SSeS ‘SSS Stady Voc Th + wer et son tel ate : Slere Winter comes witty i - ey fout-alep py ee! + Voi-ei Phi - ver, Stern Win-ter comes Les mal. hew Ang man-y¥ = yeux. suf frent beat - coup nearts are filled with doubt souf- frent beau - coup are filled with doubt a fempo. contre leurs Our da - ty . = SSS Contre leurs da - ty a tempo. = rill 7 maux it faut qvon Jes pro te - gey TI fait si froid'dans Year foy-cr dé ‘tis te a the poor and need-y, Who have no home, or but a cham-ber ral maux il faut quon les pro- te - ge, Tl fait ai froid dans lear foy-er dé ‘tis to aid the poor and need-y, Who have no home, or but a cham-ber colla parte. ( a tempo. — sert, ‘Ac-complis - sons f'or-dre de la na-tu- re, Don.nons, don- rear. Let us ful- fil the sa-credword once spo-ken, That ne who SS Seti ¢ EES = = sort, Ac-complis- sons Yor-dre de In na tu- re, Don-nons,don- rear. Let us ful- fil the sa-cred word once spo-ken, That he who a 18 rad, a tempo. =p = ae = =A =e _ Sees ons pour les @ - tres souf-trants. Comme aux oi- seaux Dien dou-e la pi giv - eth ‘sn tg the Lord; 0 free-ly give! His word suallnebr_ be pape 5A ga = SSSA nons pour les - tres souf-frants Diew doa-ue la pa | qiv - eff lendeth to the Lord; His word shall néer be = 4 . —— (= - y = — = a — calla parte. oC PE = é f: —— = a _ 7 —= SS SS SS SS SS Tu- te, _Don-tona suP- ¢Out pour les po-tite on - fants | titer Aadawee tet aha be fy fol se Sd eee ‘ 2 SS SS = Pour ies pe-tite ey - Zante fall be iy fall re > ward. fo = Sostenuto. Pov res _ fa , ee eee 3 ° chart wier-ae pure ci -con - dey Go! overly with all Bless = jugs abound ine, Leptin == e ° eha-Fi - t6 vier-ge pure Go! toverty Charicty, with all Bless - Sostenuto. (4. = 6 g “pm. al SE e 44 erese. Sy. 2—* z SS | = is = Ss Ya! cours por-ter tee bien-fuits en tout lea, Got eu thine aid on - to all i distress; res. ‘ fie mS ¢= - ae Ya! ours por-ter tes. bien-faits en toot lew, Got “Tend thine aia unto all in disetzoss; ! 4 SS he Eerie de == ha ~ oe ae ie] == ; =e Et que. ta wix Tepe - te, wo. pe we And let ty woice re-peat, in tones loud re - = ‘aninato = = SSS = ° ij > que te voix Ke And let thy voice os SS aninato ome aux pan . othe e Lord shall to th al ' pre, em oe ee Qu donne aux pee - ves pitte Give to the the Lord stall a = ime: Tat ae Ee Te 6 a, 4 AB ae ml . E £1 pbs, : =| Spa “e z == = 3 SEES === =| ‘Tempo I. : Loa cha-si- 16 du pauwre en-tend la plain - te Whene'er the cry "of pov- er- ty re-sound -eth , z ex pee fee z : : La bani - té ‘n-tend la plain - te aoe Wheneler the cry of por - er-ty resound - eth =e 5 === Pe te be i : ral. _, — aS SS i sole et cal- me ses dou - leurs. a i = ES = Ur @ tas ten thy res lief! - ate a a eet Se SS S| —— 7 ee | bee Sm. [ : ———————— = = =] Pur-sue thy 16 Bt pour-sui- vant sa ti - che noble et suin-te, ao - ble task! for want a- boundeth, 7 Du wal-hen- ‘Thou dri-est — SSeS Et pour-sui- Pur-sue thy i ai aut sa ti- che noble et sain-te, no = ble task! for want a- boundeth, Du mst-bev- Thou dri-est = — — = + : ee - ¥ + re a — ae === = i all 4 tenpo. eS aes oS oe | our cl-le sb - che tes pleas, T-ami-tons lat ae-cou-rous Ia mi wears and calmest it ter grief. Let all the world thy fir ex -am-pte 2 ra = = —e sot fee Et = e reux elle si - che es plenrs. T= mi-tons-Iatse-cou-rous Ia mi- tears, and calmest bitter grief. Let all. the world ty fair ex-ani-ple laa bd a tempo. = 4 tempo. ae ee ee er =| E sé- re! Tout est comp-té [a haut, rien west por - du; fol-low; ll things their rec-ord find with One a- boves rath, si- re! Tout est comp-té la haut, rien west por - dus fol- low; All things thei ir rec-ord find with One a boy 7 Et ce qiton And they who u ciel, un jour, par Dien se-ra ren = urd shall find in bound-less SS par Dieu se - ra ren shall find in Dound-less Aon é = : Sais cn ive to those op-prest with sorrow, ‘Their due re— ox mal-hew.reux stir ter-re, to those op-prest with sor-row, Sostenuto. if Spress. i pure at fe bless - ings a - love-ly Char-i-ty with all tore rr sostenvto, ie ay. — Ss a me fe : z cea este ees ted eee Ce eee eee ———}. 6 i - SS] Ee con - doy yal ‘cours por-ter tes bien-faite en tout Cl ees | ae ea: bound - ing, —S= i f 18 aninato, Ef que ta wi répe - te, Aud let thy voice re-peat in animal tien Et que ta trosss And let thy animate —— Lf, : par fe mon - de, Qui donne aux pau sound - ing, to the poor, Qui donne aux pau to the poor, Pe Ne pe + te tones loud re feo! = : ——— = SS i ia Lord rea 7 prite Lord shall — 19 Oh lay thy cheek on mine, dear love. (Lehn’ deine Wang’an meine Wang’) ADOLF JENSEN, “Andente atrasa Duet by MAX VOGRICH. Teo, (SSS SSS SS |__ Andante, eee re = == e TR = 3 Piano. re Ze Bly F 5 a= = + SSS = ——— 1_P ‘ppassionato, fe : = == SSS Ee ; on ine der “And i an mej - ne dann ‘On, tay thy cheek on moe abar Lebi'dei - ne Wang” an mei - ne i es ‘ ao a a SS SS CS oF Wangidann fiessen die Thrit - = a shail our tears flow fo - geth - er, j= ek Copyright 1949 by Schirmer, 2 == = ci “And fo my heart, pressffst thy Griekfest deir Und an mein Herz Ges Ss glow - flames blat to - geth - er. ‘And when in those sam -_men die Flam- men, Und wenn in die ro - ae ; 7 Poe = = “hod when in those flames beat to sam - men die Tnd wenn in dia é —— —— flames stall fall Gor stream of terra fast tion Vlam-me __fliesst___der_—Strom_yon = otn- aera Thr ==> =S fismes stall fall Gur stream of tears fast throog Flam - me fliesstder Strom von © un- sera. Thre ing, ing, Hold - ing thee close in my arms T_ would Und wenn mein Arm dich ge - wal -_ ti Hold - ing thee close in my arms ‘1 would Und wenn mein Arm dich ge - wal - tig, um~ ——— ee aa die, Faint -ing vith loves sweet long - = achliesst tert) ich vor Lie - bes - seh_- + nen: 1 he >—— —— é Shae SS — = z 6 t == me die, — Painting with Tove’ sweet lone 7 ing, schliesst, stert ich vor Lie = bes - seh - < nen ee | ee pp perdendost. 0b, lay thy cheek Lehn) dei- se Wang’ an mei-me Wan onmine, tly love! PP. On, fay thy ‘on mine, my lovel—— Lehn'dei -ne Wang’ an mei-ne Wag! a O stay thou golden moment. (0 lass dich halten, gold’ne Stunde.) ADOLF JENSEN. Molto tranquillo. arras aDuet by MAX VOGRICH. es 4 ae Soprano. tS = SS = © stay 0 stay iow old-enmoment, Thatneer will come © lassdichhal-ten gold’. neStunde, die nie soschin Tenor. . —? © stay stay thou gold- enmoment, Thatdeer will comes © lassdichhal-ten gold’ neStunde, Molto tranguillo Gar Piano. ee gain $0 fair! See howthe moows==— yet in her splen- dor trig _-_der_beat Schan, wie die Mond = uchtin_die Ron. de vain 50. fair! See how the moor=— yet tn herspien- dor wie - der beut! Schau, wie die Mond = -uacht in die Run - de 6 = . = ve Fer etse (Pee a= = = a, a, are > 2 el strews all ber whit. est esthere! The voice of day a- far re- all seo Ta ~~ gesStinmen fern ver Loo CC Fstrews Ail Ker whit-est ros > esthere! Frevoicecf day a- far Des Ta gesStimmen fern ver. all ih- re wel-ssen Ro - senstrent * fa # to Copyriet 1989 by 6, Schirnwee ae yn - —=ys ———— Pain ing Nowordig spo-ken— song fs heard,Hut still-est hap -pi- ness is Mall ten, nichtWorte “st0-ren nicht Ge-eanrsdes stillsten Gluckes in whe : $a - auuekes i iz = SSF Se i o = main- ing Nowordis spo-ken— song is heardRut still - est hap- pi- ness is hall. ten; nichtWorte sté-ren sieht Ge-sangdes still - stenGliickes in - nig SS] = Teighing Andall the earth fy quiet lies! wie a Waltons nechéemdle ‘gapeae See Te dre on ol opps 2. = a ES 7 eS reigning And all the earth in quiet les! So heart to heart Walten, nachdemdie cau. ae Sre-le draug. So Brast an Brust er - dear one, So would I hold thee, lov-ed one! ‘The mur - m’s Bi- gen so half’ ich dich gecicb-ter Bild! Es rausebt die , inf : ee ie SSSae = = = el ——— =p 3S —— = i So woul! ? held tees, borlov-ed nel Teesmrmfreg, mor wring So Malt eh es” pectitctes Bil Ronit teumkt tie —_ — — aa ai ‘And soul to soul in schwet - gen, und See-le tie in ee rete night Nacht, when lips are Die Lip-peo whenlipsare si - lent And soul to soul in Die Lip-pensehwelgen, und See =~ le tief_ in eee T T S= S| = ——~ al a, * — a erese, eS" : ib: — —— Z SS Tord — css apeatal 1 am thy joy, Thou thovart mine!” See - ‘le uit Te bin defy Gtaek, a meine Won ney (ne oreso. 1 _—<— = = ae |” fond - ness speaks! 1m thy joy, ‘Thov,thouart mine! See = de quilt Teh bin dein Gh da met-ne Won -n0, | Hh ga erase ‘Ba, oo aL. 2 ae 3 Go Sones 2 ames = a = Tans thy life, my light! Pare well thou dayj— Fare- ich bin dein Le meinLight: was soll uns Tag. was GS ppt tempo. a my light! Fare- well thou day, Fare. meinLicht, was soll ans Tag,—— was 4 tempo. aS am thy (fe, ich bin dem Le = o ff ae _— f—— ee ee = SS well thousua-shine! 0 stay, 0 stay! ‘Thou love - fy soll __uns Son- ve? Duscho-ne Nacht, cent-fliek? uns —— = EE re == "well thou sua-shine! soll uns Son- ne? © stay, O stast * cm —= f ——_ pall P night, fou love- fy nightO stay,0 stay! Thoulove. nicht, cout flie uns nichtén schi-me Nacht ———_ent-fliel7 uns Puou love-ly wight, ent-flieh?_uus nicht, i ¥ © stay,O stay! Thoulove-ly da schd-ne Nacht, ent-fliet uns — Pe SS == i night! nicht! fae? The Night. (La NOTT English Version by HOMTLLARD. Andante. TENOR. L.MILILOTTI. tranquil dnd calm the a is cont & tranguille iL — Se 4 {ranquil sheath bo con! # franquillol mary = t The hour, a mar. Nor een a leaf is Non ve- di sul- lo tranquil andealm the Hour. Nor eon a leaf fe stir ing com’ & tranquillyil mar. Non _ve-di_gul-lo ste ~ to ee . anee Cuperieht i994 by 0 Schirmer. un fio ro tre- mo = low nor Ties ea a = di sil-lo flow, Nor trembiese'en @ ee Town —— tr tre non we “for trem-bies a wfes adn a oo anions 7 ANT Ieavethy Tove-ly Ab! _Taseiail tuo sog - Er == eee oo eee | my qondo-la is here, “with mae thowlt bere = Tri ine Ia__gondlo-let-taé qui me - co fa- rai ri. tor - 0 Ere mornings rays ap - prar. Aud 1, bri - ma che sor-gadt a ht Gore = SS eae ‘AM Teave thy love-ly dwelling My _gomdo Abl las eioil tao s0g - gior-no la gou-o- a ‘with metuoultbe re - fuming Ere mornings rays ap— me - 00 fa- rai ri- tor - u0 pri- ma che sor- evil pear ANT Bie auey lowing elan 2 cen Sweet sun of outs, Deut rail. Thy smile my soul en- tran - ces as fill themorns soft mostrijl_tuo sor ri so eo - me In I~ nat rede Hide dot the Ibv-img lan - ces As fall themonissoft rays! Si mostriil tno sor- rh come la Inwin ciel fall themwriesoft rays! mela Tenaja ciel cd ‘rid con abbandana = Thysmile my soul en — si in —elel si mostriil_ tuo mors soft rays. ciel__ralledin. Adagio Tem Mitliiemrissoft rms, Strenedy. jlethe beav = renajl_cie a com Teese Srey ciel oncom i rauguiigit bet — SS Se renelysmilethe hear - ens Tram-quil afdcatmthe Pe 30 Tranquil aba chlarthe wr the com’ ¢ trenguitlo il mar il" mar, “Fran -quil andealmie hour. Nor don h Tear hs hone, eon’ travyuilloil mar, non ye-di_sul-lo Noreen a leafis stir - ing nortremblegeena flowy, a" nonve-di sul-lo ste - Io tun fio-re treo. lar_____non— = : eS ——a = = == si cthg dor tedmbles Genk flowy sor” own a Teat Is Steen fig Te tremo - lar mon we = df wl flowr, nor tfembles fen a Tow Wor trembles ee a a Tena ‘sur ings Bor trembles een & ste - Io un fig- re tre- mo ~ oa (a flowy @ flow, for trembles een non ye-disul-lo ste -lo un fio ~ & flowy un_fio- re for trem - - ~Bles een Tow, — Fe won vo = ———_ a sul lo ste - lo flow fio - = = SS = Nor tremtles ern flow - er, por trembles wen a flan’ o non _ve-di sul-ln ste - lo tm _fig-re tre-mo ~ lar. | _——~ : — > — | trem - les a flow. ah re fre - = dare Sb See = Animando_un poc: p string yoe0 0 pace — @ = ‘THes-cess Sf Ltveson tentaent then iy teart will Tee-ces- so del con - ton-tojl cor min. oy - do - ~ will : Prove. | F=]92 PEs nn ca (2 == = = i 4 s iN === sit ‘ud Yon-ly onestort tut tounsol mo - tentmentythen my heart will prove ten-toil cor niin = up - de - Th 2 gall. to me And only opeshort mo - de - 7 = ré e tuttoun sol mo - men - string. poco a por? ‘mo-mfntfhenight will seem to Fexcess of loves Contentment then myhéart will men-to le aot-ten me par - ralec-ces-so del con - ten-teil cormin-on- de ment the night will seem to be, will Dot-tea me par = ri a S{ring. poco a poco erese, rove thiexcess of loves con - tentment thenmyheart will prove, ra Yeo-ces- so del oon ten-tojl cor min- on -de "ra, pa/Z, be And on- ly oneshort Tova one In the fa tre dark and drear Dar- ng mo - rey uel ter-ri = bi ——— Dearest lovd one In the fu-ture dark dhddrear, Ab ea-rag-mo - re nel ter-ri-bi-legv -ye-air, ah - P———~ > Jovd one, Dearest. lovd one Ta the fuctlire dark aud drear, Ab 7 a SSS Sa (é fa SS names 1 Pp — | nae | === oo 7 = oo a ee = fu - ture dark and a in o AE — = 40 Memory. (SOVVENIR,) (DUETTINO Jor SOPRANO and TENOR) OLE. ©. PINSUTI. = he English Version by NATHAN HASKE! Andante sostenuto. PIANO con doteezsa. Say, canst Mou cer for~ get feel wo well Dime) tie cor- dita, Com? to rivcor - dog-enor, as din. ‘Those dayswheafirst we met_ Our days of love, love? T bei di gio-ven- ti Gior-ni da mor, mor? von doleesea. ————_ = 1 feet Aken reagrtt Which makes my bo - som svelt BA o- bli-ar. i pit Po- tria vo-len - dail cor, ee tin For days whenfirst we met, Our days of ove, our days. of love. T bei di gio.ven- ti eo) da- mor, gior-ni da mor! a —— oe Se Se pt Ses = ight eave those mem = ries Have let my sil survive, cece ee La vie ta min ouctri, + = Nought save those memo - ries Have let my soul survive, | OSoL gues ste sor se = air La vit ia mut, fee riten, FS ateny °Mid—sor-rows,tenrs, and Fra fan-sie, fai so - spir Pa = ‘Through Lingking years, De tri-sti di. "Mid sor-rows,tears, and sighs Thronghlinging: years, Fra Tan-cie, frej ao- spir De tri-sti dl, a tempo, 2 00 cont == yy | dete on texeresza. fo ae ia —-_ 3 fees o —+ “| wut ten keep ative Those joy = omnmo = etis Pro = ke pee rey uel tem = pe de? : dees ete fe I > te Seupre pp ee = sie =e = tt 1 could not ‘Those joy - om mo — ments past. on "po tro quel tem po ‘amor, St erese.= == a == Se we most ‘ten keep ative, must Dun = que rammeu- tigncor, cf them T could not, Ser dar — - lo non po. tro quel tem ons moments po dell a - keep = live, must keep live Those joy ous moments men ~tigu-eor ram- men -tign-cor quel tem - — po dell a - ——. SSS SS past, those joy ous mor ciel tempo iS es ae past, those Jor ous mo-~—sments past, For~ get. them T could mor fuel Yom po del © monSeor-dar- In non D7 « ' SS £ = | ae So E es P no! Wile life shall fin - ch vi = ao! While life shall last. Abt fin-ché vi - yr. P aot! ‘While life shall last Ant no! White tife stat fin che vi ~ veo, si fin = che vi- __col canto. ae — St last, While fife shall tas vr, fin~ cht vi - ve. _ ‘While life shah last. vr, fin-che vi - vro. = je te anjnando. a pf ra temp. ‘This pre - Gousmem- 0 - = oh ques - to sov- ve - This pre - cidusmem- 6 - oh ques - to sov - ve - === —— > SS ——= ry 1 nev. erwill re-sign, ‘And when Teome to air sem = pre con me | sta. ri Nell” 0 - radel mo. —_ ry Toney. ¢r Will Fe-sign, And when Teome to air sem - pre con me sta- rk Nal 9 ~ radel nig. 7 Le 7 NSN UN # stentante. 2 S con tutta anina, ie "Twillatill % min, as Tale pre.cioko mem = 9 = ni me-co mp- ri, ra Oh, ques- to sov- ve- This pre-cious mem - 0 - Oh, quea- to sov- ve- “Twill still be mine, rir me- co mora, -~ —_—_——— = — y Y nev - er will sem. pre con me = i nev = erwill re-sign, ir sem - pre con me — sta Ta 46 2 eae titen. a And when Ieome to die "Twill still be mine, be mine, be ello = ra del_mo- rir cone mor = hy con me. nor - when I come to die “Twill still be mine, be Pit animato. dofee con teneressa. We must ‘then keep a-liv Dun - que ram-men - tiancor Poco pit animato. dole con teneresza, For - get ‘them I couldnet Those joy - ous mo - = mente Scar - dar - = Ty non po. tr quel tem — po dell? ae joy - ous mo - ments past tem - po dell? a wor? Keep a-live. must Keep a= live, must keep live! men - tian-eor, ram - men -tigwevr, Tam-men - tiancor? ‘4 = 2 a Seor.dar-lo non po- tro re 0 che vi - vro, ee eee vil. pen See : = ee rall. ° dim, last, While ft shall last, While Ife stall vr, fin = ebb vi = vy fin = che ve all> >din. > ast, ‘While life shall last, While ite shall vw, fin = che vi- vRy fin - che vie = = = 2 HIN I a SSS i vo! 2 Pep a Love Song. (CANTO D'AMORE.) From the Italian of RAFFAELE SALUSTRI. (after VreTOR HUGO) hy NATHAN HASKELL DOLE. AUGUSTO ROTOLI. Andante: TENOR. Heark - ent — what Vie - ni! ta tones are soft - ly steal - ing Ovr the — meads ____ where flow-rets flaw - to Sode_ap- pe- -ua s0- spi - rar tra er sleep! song of peace re = veal = ing Where the fior wan = 20+ sme si ose me om da wane shep - herd guards his sheep! ‘Tis a song of_ peace zo. we del pk stor! — EB ocan- a= we st = ing Where the shep ua ta ean = 20 SOPRANO. yep pi. ——=————_s ——— SSS = Perfumed breezes rise and siah-img ‘waters heath the sha~dy ENR Doleo ve to imerespa. Ton sia, evi fan gliel - ci un cu po . 7 eS And the joy = ous soug re ply iug Tells us that some hird a he st gin-com-da la ean = 20 ~ ue dle Pane = SSX pk woke And the joy - oussongre-ply ~ ing Tellsus that——some bind a — gell— Bo can-z0 - esi gio-cou- dala ean= 20 = oe de Tan = 7 cet canto. St | eh hetn aetiae ap Mees dream— of love's com. - am Mt nan-2i 9 dream— of love's com = am — di- nan-2i gt Bz ‘poco pitt. plete-ness, Let us dream of love While all things re ~ ris so dl ores = to emium - cl plete-ness, Let us dreati——— ee seeee poco pit while ell things re - joice, while. all things re — qg-mium- ci 0 = gum a= miami oo wt while all things re - joice while all things re - eg-miam = ct 0 - guor, a = mian- choo col canto. eo ffrett. a rail. joie Let us dream re - ‘guor.— © - bli - am. a Joice” Let us dreant_ re - joie re gnor— = bli - am!__ Oo + ‘gun oe ——— col canto. bak BRFSS FS. 2 FI r => = rath pp tranquil, << a joie. Harkthe song of heavacly sweetness, It is A : = gnor. B eau- zon di_pa- ra-di- so la cam SS Sit. pp trangquitto. - - T joice. Hark the song— of heavh-ly sweetness, It is : : = gnor, B can- zon di pa- ra-di- a0 la can. are ee } A SH ert cunto pp ee ee = Ei _ r —— Tt o— PP —————= — Tove’s—en-chant - ing voicel Harkthe song— of heavily sweet-ness, It— is » - del a= mour! pastas di. 99 | la_ean. affrelt. ss Tove’ en-chant - ing voice! Harkthe sousg_—_ of heavuly sweet-ness, It m+ del Ya mour! B can-zor—— i pa-ra-di - so) Ia ce eta sh ee ek ele 2 oF. affrett. = sue —_ # 2 aes

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