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Problem Statement

Problem Statement–
Describe the Problem Adblockers present to GYF

• Use this space for describing the problem. Be as specific as possible! You should focus on the implications of adblockers on GYF’s ad-buying customers; in exploring
this, you might also consider the implications for GYF’s end users, operations, and/or internal organization.

• Ad blocking software is a major threat to GYF. The main reason behind this is
because most of the benefit of Companies like GYF, Google, Yahoo, YouTube,
etc., come from advertising revenue.
• Apple's success, along with Safari and ad blocking apps, is hurting the GYF
• GYF must adapt to market trends, and the increase in the use of mobile for
queries to web pages, as well as the growing trend to use apps.
Problem Statement–
Application Exercise 1 – Research Methods and Tools (Optional)

• Use this space for to answer the questions set out in Application Exercise 1: 1. Given your definition of the problem faced by GYF, what type(s) of research will
you employ to learn more about the strategy the DATA Team should pursue? 2. What research tools could you use to conduct that research?

In this case, the investigation must be explanatory, to determine the root cause of
this problem and to find the best alternatives to eliminate the problem, so that it
would have to simulate the impact of eliminating the emergent advertising in the
antagonists, since many Sometimes the payment of advertising is part of the
income of the page. Likewise, a simple random sampling should be used and the
use of a questionnaire that allows to define the impact for the clients on the
elimination of the emergent ads also that they can know and to determine the
impact to these, it is important that the previously encussed has An adequate
knowledge of the subject in question and knowing the origin, cause and effect of
this problem.
Describe your proposed strategy

The strategy against the ads blockers is an important step for GYF if they want to conserve their market share and increase their
revenues, according to our proposal their proposal must be in:

• Building better ads and targeting the right audience as possible and increasing the level of relevance and customization will
make it harder for GYF advertising to go unnoticed. Do not bother the customer, instead you will target as much advertising as
possible and advertising that customers prefer. With highly targeted ads, you can keep your ad Impressions while still attractive
to your customers.

• Consider native advertising, a form of advertising in which advertisements match the form and function of the platform on
which they are located. Likewise, the ads must conform to the device used by the user.

• •Implement a blocker blocker that users can download and give you advantages of, update of app utilities, discounts, etc.
Application Exercise 2 – Hiring a Team Leader (Optional)

• Identifying the market trend is key to structuring and orienting advertising, which allows the customer to offer the options for
their needs.

• The identification of the cultural context and socio-economic environment is key to the success of the results, it is also important
to determine the customs, trends and norms of the market niche where advertising is oriented.

• The following strategies should be structured: a long-term vision with an impact and structures based on goals monitored in the
short term.
Effects and Measurement
Describe the anticipated effects of your strategy

GFY's strategy to make advertisers create meaningful, attractive ads based on the characteristics of our target market will have a multifaceted effect
on the company. Ultimately, GFY's goal is to increase readership, increase revenue and market share. Also with this strategy very focused on the
customer will be able to keep to the current customers.

The adaptation of the product to the needs of the customer, will increase customer satisfaction by allowing the customer to retain and attract many
more customers, as well as targeting ads according to demographic, cultural and contextual characteristics according to the location of my client; Will
show the customer a sense of personalization of our product.

The control of my objectives in the short-term will allow me to carry out an adequate monitoring of my progress towards the achievement of long-
term objectives and the fulfillment of my strategic plan.

In general, the expected effect of the indicated strategies would have a positive effect, but also the implementation of these objectives involves an
organizational change and paradigm change of the company. The internal structure of GFY will require a change, an adequate alignment on the
needs and the objective as well as adequate selection of personnel. It is also important to gather the necessary information from customers as well as
their trends, which will allow me to be attentive to the demand and needs of my target market.
Application Exercise 3 – Designing a Deterministic Optimization Model

Decision Variables are:

Amount spend on Hard Skills Internal = HSI

Amount spend on Hard Skills External = HSE
Amount spend on Soft Skills Internal = SSI
Amount spend on Soft Skills External = SSE
HSI increase = 0.2 HSE increase = 0.7

SSI increase = 0.6 SSE increase = 0.4

Algebraic Expressions for constraints are:

• HSI + HSE + SSI + SSE = 65,000

• HSI * 0.2 + HSE * 0.7 >= 20,000
• SSI * 0.6 + SSE * 0.4 >= 12,000
• HSI * 0.2 + SSI * 0.6 >= 60 % (HSE *
0.7 + SSE * 0.4)
• HSI, HSE, SSI, SSE are non-negative

Objective is the NPI and the Objective Function is:

Net Productivity Increase (NPI) = HSI * 0.2 + HSE * 0.7 + SSI * 0.6 + SSE * 0.4 : This should be maximised
Describe the anticipated effects of your strategy and how you will measure them

Measurement of customer satisfaction: Through surveys of the intermediate customer and

final customer, these surveys will be oriented to the degree to which they identify with
advertising and believe that this advertising should take into account; So it will be aimed at
identifying the factors that the target market takes as important when viewing an
advertisement. Thus, we will use the QFD methodology to perform a customer voice
deployment, and determine where the distant majors are between what the customer
wants and what we provide.

We will also analyze the impact of the measures and trends in our ads and the degree of
importance that the client considers, through the clicks given in the same advertisement; So
also the effect of accounting for the increase and decrease of click will allow me to
determine the effect of the identifiable cause (a modification in the content of advertising),
and at the same time will show me the variation that occurs in the income.

The retention rate of our customers as well as the percentage of new customers that use
our service. Likewise, the organizational level and working environment must be measured
through internal surveys and 360-degree evaluation.
Application Exercise 4 – Identifying Key Drivers

• Apply the “causal business model” performance measurement framework to your strategy

Increasing customer satisfaction

Retaining old customers
Gaining new customers
Increasing the revenue

• It is important to determine the characteristics of the product that we provide and the requirements of the client, in order to determine that we deviate from the
needs of the clientre, we also identify the aspects that the client takes more degree of importance; These aspects will be classified according to the characteristics of
the groups of clients.

• A continuous control of the effects produced to make some change, to determine if it really has an effect and if this effect is positive or negative.

• It is important to clearly identify our target market and determine its characteristics, groups, trends, etc.

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