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Reg.No: EP/BT/KKY/20 A/C No: 44787, Amana Bank Limited, Kattankudy Web: E-mail: T.P: 0778468522 0770390869

President A.C.M. Suhoothi Vice President A.A.M. Fasil Secretary M.I.M. Mufras Asst. Secretary M.I.M. Aswer Treasurer M.A. Basith Exam Director M.I.M. Nusky Media R. Izzathunnisa Org. Committee A.G.M. Mafas M.A.M. Hamthan M. Sajath A.C.M. Nawas Advising Group M.S.M. Uzair C.M. Fawas A.L.M. Anees K.M.M. Hikam A.A. Anfas M.H. Asmy Members M.T. Farhan M. Riyaj M.I.S. Juhaniya M.I.F. Jeyasa A.L.F. Rifka

The Project Proposal for Intensive Coaching and Mathematics Seminars to G.C.E O/L Students
Project Title: Intensive coaching and Mathematics seminar for G.C.E O/L students Organizational background: Name of the organization: Address: Dharulkhair Learning Centre

Advocate Abdul Cader Road, Kattankudy-03.

Background and justification of the project:

Project Objectives: The G.C.E O/L results are considered as basic qualification for any jobs in Sri Lanka. That is the entrance qualification for the Advanced level study of students. There for they are one of the important sector of a society. The past educational literary survey shows, the passing percentage of the Muslim students in O/L examination, Only 10% of Muslim students are passing mathematics. They have the ability and the potential to modify their path, if they are guide well. Therefore a series of Intensive Coaching and mathematics seminars should be planned in order to up lift their level. This series of seminar would include modal and expecting questions, easy approaching methods, confident development, doubt clearance, and exam techniques. Moreover these seminar programs would give them a strong confident to face the final exam and to share and hear others quick ideas to answer the questions and saving time as well. Especially it would make the students to face the exam with confident and technique. Dharulkhair Learning Centre, is the organization which is the body of all the Muslim engineering and Medicine who are university students in Kattankudy. We have plane to organize Mathematics and Intensive coaching seminars to the ordinary level (O/L) students. We had large numbers of seminars last year successfully in kattankudy and we have appreciated by the students after outcome.

Project Objectives: To develop Confident for face exam success fully. To eliminate the exam tension and fear. To develop the Ideas to answer and choice the easiest questions. To introduce the easiest approaching methods. To clarify the unsolved doubts in subjects. To guide them to sit the examination and how to answer the question.

Project Details: Resources: Participant: Subject: Date: Beneficiaries: 900 Students Area Kattankudy Kattankudy Kattankudy Kattankudy Kattankudy Kattankudy Kattankudy Kattankudy Ollikulam Palamunai Poonochimunai Name of schools BT/ Kattankudy central colledge BT/ Meera Balika Maha Vidyalaya BT/ An-Nazer Vidyalaya BT/ Al-Hira Vidyalaya BT/ Milleth Mahalir Vidyalaya BT/ Al-Ameen Vidyalaya BT/ Zavia Vidyalaya BT/ Badhuriya Vidyalaya BT/ Al-Hamra Vidyalaya BT/ Aligar Vidyalaya BT/Al-Iqra Vidyalaya Number of students 150 150 80 80 100 100 90 60 30 40 20 Printed documents, Logistics, Resource personnel, etc. Around 900 G.C.E Ordinary level students will participate to this seminar from Kattnkudy. Mathematics 10th -13h November

Proposed Budged:

Paper Printing Stationary Transport & Communication Total


18000 3500 1000 22500

CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS: Suhoothi A.C.M. (President) Mufraz M.I.M. (Secretary) Nuzky M.I.M (Co-ordinator) - 0778468522 - 0776984217 - 0770390869


Name: Bank: Branch: Account No:

Suhoothi A.C.M. Bank Of Ceylon Kattankudy 7531691

Name: Bank: Branch: Account No:

Mufras M.I.M Bank of Ceylon Batticaloa Town 2713232

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