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WORDLIST: 61 86 a agency all always as beauty behind better bodies body but

discounted envy fit friend going got grow have heart here's him i i'm improving is it
kept last mannered mentality mine model more motivation myself never not oh out
part photos please realized saying see send so something sounds that the them think to
underlying victorious vietnam wake wanna want was we what you your youtube

Befriending Jealousy Linh Luong Thuy TEDxYouthHanoi@


what if i tell you that

jealousy is actually a good thing

when i was a kid my mom always told me

honey i would love to see you as a

doctor when you grow up

but sometimes it went like a content

would be perfectly fit for you

i don't know she wanted me to be

everything anything

except for the only thing that took my


modeling i was so obsessed

with how gracefully and powerfully the

model struck down the international


i remember one day i was watching a

random youtube video

i was so amazed by the scenes of

victoria's secret models

with fit bodies wavy hair and huge wings

they look godly and all of the sudden

i realized that this is my dream

this is what i want i definately wanted

my heart was set on this on becoming a

victoria is a good model

so how to become one of them i asked


ah ill google every requirement needed

so here’s what i found height 170

to 185 checked

perfect i'm right in between

bust __65 oh my god of the victoria that

you’re looking for

waist 61. i was _a bit chubby at that


but gyms and word count will help right

so __61 is the can hips

well 90 i was a bit

bigger but they won ___the hourglass body


perfect checked small nose

full lips high cheekbones all check

inner ______beauty well i guess they are

talking about

personality right well

i am quite well ____mannered____ so check

agency i heard that

i have to sign with an international

modeling __agency____

oh they have online registration so its'

again i just need to

send them __all_ my photos so it's um

one two three four five

five out of seven _oh_ my god

it's already more than a half i'm so

close to where i _wanna____ be

but then i read a newspaper

saying that most victoria's secret


are ______discounted____ at a very early age 13

to 15 years old which is the same as__ me

at that time but why am i here i'm not

scouted yet

this _is_ so unfair okay

maybe i need to work more on my body


and i_ desperately need to sign within

modeling agency

so i went working out four hours _a day

calculating every single calorie that i

take in

watching countless tutorials on how __to

walk and pose

like a model and trying to be competent

in english

just _to_ make sure that i can communicate

with the agency

so after three months i __got_ the desired

body management

i am so proud of myself

and this is the __last__ step signing with

an agency
so i spend hours writing a proper email

and __sent__ all of my photos to as many

agencies as possible

oh my god i'm _so_ close to where i dream

to be

oh my god this is so close _i’m__ getting


and that thought went with me to my


it was it ___coughing?__ in my sleeve it felt


so real and the next morning

when i __open__ up i open my mail oh my god

all the mails that i received

_i couldn't believe in my eyes anymore it

was bills from my online shop

and _the__ next morning no new email and

the day after that

emails from school i __can__ waiting

waiting and waiting but such emails

have never arrived in my inbox i _am__ so

sad so upset after all of the effort i

put into this i _got__ nothing back

just so unfair so evil to me cannot

accept that

but then _i received praises

from people around me they told me that

oh you look so _fit__ lately you should

try to take part in a beauty pageant oh

your english ___sound___ so much better right


and not until that time that i realized


_it_ was fair i got something in return

i have better health i got the __best__

measurement that i wanted at the first

place my english has improved

i got _____something____ in return and

finally it took me to where i am right

now miss __world Vietnam_____ 2019

is not the exact destination that i

wanted at the first place but

__ was so acceptable

so however i did a poll on my social

media lately i_ was asking

if people thought envy was bad or good

so the result is _not__ so surprising

more than 80 percent of the reply told

me that they thought

_envy___ was evil so

what is the difference

between the jealousy in my case i _was__ so

envious with

the young girls winning a spot at

victory secret lineup

and __the_ envy and the thought so i came

up with the two names for them

__the_ first one is evil envy and the

second one is joyful jealousy

evil envy _is_ when you view those who are

superior to you

as your enemies all you __want__ to do to


is bringing them down playing tricks on

them to make _them___ struggle

or even breaking their neck just to undo

their achievements

imagine having a ___friend___

who has better results at school better

performance school than you

and all you _want___ to do is try to break

his hand

or do anything just to leave _him__ with no

chance of receiving good scores

his failure is your happiness

and you ___think__ that you believe that your


will increase only if his happiness


on _the__ other hand joyful jealousy is

instead of hatred

you think of others accomplishments

as _____motivation_____ something that push you


and make you strive for

with this kind of ____mentality_____ your


with envy is a healthy one your focus is

on yourself

on ____improving_____ yourself and pulling

yourself toward

a newer high

so this reminds me of a __saying____

of nature envy drives us to be

better people because through envy we

admit __what__ we are missing

so let's revisit my example i was so

envious of the ______victoria’s____ great models

of the young girls who win a spot at

victoria's secret

lineup _but__ instead of letting the


thoughts and comparisons consume me

i try to find _out__ what i was missing and

work on it

to become a better version of __myself____

so now that you know that envy and


is actually good things and _a_ seasons

our life
now you must be wondering how to make

how to cook _the__ best dishes

with this spice i know that you get envy

looking at the ___photo___ of the super rich

and famous people

on social media or anyone who is ___better___

than you at your crafts

but remember all that you can see is

just _a__ tip of the iceberg

all that you can see is the gains but

what __you_ cannot observe

is their pains the sacrifices and

all the work that they put __behind____ it

for example it's very easy for you

all to see glamorous photos of _mine___ on

my social media platforms

but what i'm hiding what you can never


_it’s_ my opportunity costs they are the

sleepless nights

the broken relationships the

deteriorating health
__the_ the constant traveling the flying

back and forth

even every single day so

it _was__ quite exhausting but yeah i

accept it

now that you have looked at the

____underline______ parts of others

let's take a glance at yourself as human


we always __have__ the tendency to look at

others accomplishments

and to compare them with ours and _will_

tell ourselves

i am not enough but you should also be


and to __see_ actually you have already

walked a long way

and comparing yourself to more skillful

__more__ talented

people at your field and striving to be

on par with them which _a_ human nature

to deprive yourself of envy is actually

losing on losing an important __part__ of

our self

competition without it

we can never grow we can never know __that__

we can be better than who we are right

now and that we can __never___ grow

they always say that don't compare

yourself to others

don't be jealous but ______ just do

put yourself and others on a scale

and let your anger fuel __your__ drive

but at the same time be aware of the

opportunity cost

that they _have___ to pay for whatever they

are having

and how far you’ve gone to now

_i dare you all to be jealous

joyfully jealous thank you


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