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Credit Hours 4 (3/1)

Course description
The course introduces the structures of the human body. The aim is to equip students with
knowledge of the normal human body structures to enable him/her differentiate the normal
structures from abnormal.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Define anatomical terminologies and landmarks.
2. Describe the structure and organization of the human cell.
3. Describe genetics.
4. Describe embryological development of organs and systems.
5. Describe the skeletal system of the human body.
6. Explain the muscular system and how it is organized.
7. Describe the circulatory and the cardiovascular systems.
8. Explain the structures of the respiratory system.
9. Differentiate the body structures through basic practicals
10. Discuss complexity of the human body in relation to Christian values and ethics

Anatomical terminologies; definition of terms, surface anatomy, scope and subdivisions,
anatomical positions, human posture, location of organs and their relationships.
Introduction to cells: cellstructure and organelles, organogenesis, unicellular and multi
cellular organisms,mitosis and cell replication, meiosis, organisation of cells into tissues and
organs, Basic principles of histology, cell specialisation, communication and functions;
Genetics: Genetic basis of inheritance, genetic code and chromosomes, gene expression.
population genetics, inheritance patterns, chromosomal abnormalities, distribution of genetic
disorders, ethical issues in genetic counselling, gene therapy
Embryology: fertilization, implantation, and early development of the germ disc,
embryogenesis and organogenesis, gametogenesis and reproductive cycles, Embryonic and
foetal periods, foetal membranes and the placenta, teratogenesis and congenital malformations,
causes, types, and preventive measures, development of organs and organ-systems, basic
Skeletal system: definition, types, structure, organization, features and development of bone,
axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton,joints; fibrous,cartilaginous,synovial,
Muscularsystem: organization and types; smooth, cardiac, skeletal, tendons and cartilages.
Cardiovascular and ciculatorysystem:The heart; position, structure,flow of blood, blood
supply, conducting system of the heart, cardiac cycle and cardiac output, blood composition,
types of blood cells, organization of arteries, veins and capillaries, great vessels and coronary
circulation, the lymph, lymph vessels, lymphatic organs and tissues.
Respiratory system: position and structure of the; nose, nasal cavity, the paranasal sinuses,
pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli.
Teaching Methods
Lecture,demonstrations, laboratory practical, group discussions, peer teaching.

Laboratory practicals 20%
CATS 30%
Final examination 50%
Total 100%

Required Textbook
1. Marieb, N. &Hoebn, K.N. (2012). Human Anatomy and Physiology. (9 th ed). Benjamin
Cummings. ISBN: 9780321802187
2. Barrett, K., Barman, S., Boitano, S. Brooks, H. (2012) Ganong’s, Review of Medical
Physiology, (24thed) McGraw Hill- ISBN: 9780071780032; 10:0071780033
3. Marieb E.N. & Mitchell S.J. (2007). Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual.
(9thed). Benjamin Cummings. ISBN: 0805372636.
4. Hall, J. (2015) Guyton and Hall, Textbook of medical physiology (13 thed) Saunders.
ISBN: 9781455770052

Further Reading

1. Waugh, A. & Grant, A. (2014) Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health
and Illness (12th ed) ISBN 13-978-0702053252
2. Atlas of Human Anatomy. Saunders. ISBN: 1416033858.
3. Shier D.N., Butler, J.L & Lewis, R. (2006). Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology.
McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0073316091.
4. Moore, K.L. &Dalley, A.F. (2005). Clinically Oriented Anatomy. (6 thed). Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
5. Sherwood, L. (2005). Fundamentals of Physiology: A Human Perspective. Belmont:
Thompson Brooks/Cole.
6. Watson, R. (2011). Anatomy and Physiology for nurses 13 th Edition. China: Elsevier

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