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BAC Oral subjects 2022

Biletul nr. l
1. Answer the following questions: What is your favourite singer/band? Why do you like
2. Speak about an early memory from your childhood.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Teens prefer mobile phones above all other
technology. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr.2
1. Answer the following questions: Do you practise sport regularly? Why (not)?
2. Speak about a life-changing experience in your life.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Teens prefer fro multiple social media use
platforms rather than just one. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 3
1. Answer the following questions: Do you play video games? Why (not)?
2. Speak about your favourite pet.
3. Do you think that teen YouTube vloggers create highly entertaining content? Use relevant
arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 4
1. Answer the following question: Do you have a pet? Why (not)?
2. Speak about a party you went to.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Teens prefer interactive and life-like video
games. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 5
1.Answer the following questions: What is your favourite animal? Why?
2. Describe your hometown.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Teens love fantas fiction, such as "Harry
Potter" and "Twilight". Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 6
1. Answer the following questions: Do you have a favourite vlogger? Why (not)?
2. Describe your neighbourhood.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Video games have only a negative influence
on people. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr.7
1. Answer the following questions: What is the best time of the day for you to study? Why?
2. Describe a character in a game you played.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Teens lead very stressful lives. Use relevant
arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr.8
1. Answer the following questions: Do you often go out to eat? Why (not)?
2. Describe your classroom.
3. Do you believe that parents should always have the right to have access to their children's
phones? Why (not)? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 9
1. Answer the following questions: What is your favourite movie? Why?
2. Describe your favourite teacher.
3. Do you believe volunteering is important? Why (not)? use relevant arguments and
examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 10
1. Answer the following questions: What is your favourite book? Why?
2. Describe a relative you get along well with.
3. Do you believe cyberbullying should be dealt with more severely Use relevant arguments
and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 11
1. Answer the following questions: What city would you like to visit? Why?
2. Describe your best friend.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Homework does Jnore harm than good. Use
relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr.12
1. Answer the following question: If you could take a gap year, how would you spe it? Why?
2. Describe a person you will never forget.
3. How important is it for school to teach practical skills Use relevant arguments and
examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 13
1. Answer the following questions: Do you like parties? Why (not)?
2. Describe your favourite fictional character.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages having siblings? Use relevant arguments and
examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr.14
1. Answer the following question: Do you like playing games on your phone? Why (not)?
2. Describe the perfect place for a weekend getaway.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: The voting ages should be lowered to 16.
Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 15
1. Answer the following questions: Who is the person you admire? Why?
2. Describe a famous historic building.
3. Do you believe that mobile phones should be banned from schools? Why (not)? Use
relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

1. Answer the following questions: What TV channel do you like watching? Why?
2. Speak about an unexpected meeting.
3. What do you believe is the key to success? Why? Use relevant arguments and examples to
support your ideas.

Biletulnr. 17

1. Answer the following questions: Do you like playing sports? Why (not)?
2. Describe a celebrity in your country.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online g m(riÅ Use relevant arguments and
examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr.18
1. Answer the following questions: What is your favourite actor/actress? Why?
2. Describe a typical day in your life.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling? Use relevant arguments
and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 19
1. Answer the following questions: Do you like watching trailers for upcoming movies? Why
2. Describe a tourist attraction in your country.
3. Do you think on-screen violence affects how the viewers act in real life? Use relevant
arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 20
1. Answer the following questions: What is your favourite gadget? Why?
2. Speak about a person who influenced you greatly.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Teenagers should tell their parents
everything. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 21
1. Answer the following question: Do you think we have to follow too many rules in school?
2. Describe a friend of yours you really like or admire.
3. Is it necessary to dress differently for different occasions, or should people always wear the
clothes they like best. What do you think? Use relevant arguments and examples to support
your ideas.

Biletul nr. 22
1. Answer the following question: Who are you most similar to in your family?
2. Describe a TV show or a videogame you really enjoy.
3. Some people say that being too confident in situations can be a mistake. Do you think
some this is true? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr.23
1. Answer the following question: How important is it to follow the rules and customs when
you travel to other countries?
2. Describe a seaside resort you enjoyed visiting.
3. Do you think that the media focus too much on negative news stories these days? Use
relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 24
1. Answer the following questions: Do you like reading printed books? Why (not)?
2. Describe a person you consider eccentric. Would you befriend such a person?
3. Some people say that without confidence we cannot achieve anything in life. What's your
opinion? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 25
1. Answer the following question: What did you do last Christmas?
2. Describe a difficult experience you had and the problems you had to overcome. think
arguments and examples to support your ideas.
3. Do you people today value politeness more or åle past? Use relevant arguments and
examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 26
1. Answer the following question: What's the best thing that happened to you in high school?
2. Describe a music concert that you enjoyed.
3. Some people say it is what people do and not what they say that is important? What do you
think? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 27
1. Answer the following questions: Do you think TV reality shows are for real? Why not)?
2. Describe a sport you would like to learn.
3. Family is not an important thing. It's everything. What do you think? Use relevant
arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 28
1. Answer the following questions: Can social media create a parallel existence? Why(not)?
2. Describe your best way of coping with stress.
3. A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you
just the way you are. What do you think? Use relevant arguments and examples to support
your ideas.

Biletul nr. 29
1. Answer the following questions: Do the rules parents make for children change as children
grow up? Why (not)?
2. Describe someone you know who is kind and considerate.
3. Our lives are defined by opportunities. What do you think? Use even the ones we relevant
arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Biletul nr. 30
1. Answer the following question: What do you think about shopping online?
2. Describe some good news you have recently received.
3. Most of us watch films for enjoyment, but you'll find most be not only entertaining but also
educative. What do you think? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

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