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Sour ce docurment :
daritte cloeument which þrovides
evidene_of tran saction.
Eq. Cach Memo,Bìll ox Invoiee, Reciept,
pay-in-slap, Cheque,Debit ote, (redit.
* Invoia Bill
CBi]: J# is prepared by seller
Inoee f at the time of sale of gouds
vrom Credit
* (ash memo: Prepared by seller at the ti
of sale of goad'e on cash
* fay-in- sip: Used to deosit Cash or
cheque into bank I has a countezto!
retuined do the clepo siter with sinatue
of the authorised person
* keciept: 2sed when a custamer& qivee
Cash to the busine ssmant is an
a cknowledqement fee payment
Cheque: chque i's an order 2n
writing, drawn upan a specihed
éanker and fayable on démano
*ebit Wate: t i prepared hen a
buyer returns qóed to celler Beparel
6uthe buyer bf the qoods
*Ciidit Mote ft is prepared when a
seller yeoievef geddt from abuyer or
where Sales tefuyn transaction_enter'
in the book of accounte. Jtgt is
prepared by the stller gf the goads.
d toucher is a document evid'encing
a bussness transactian
locsttication of Hccounting Ubuchers
To show Cah
Cash Voucher Debit yoúcher paymegtc
Lredit youcher-70 Sho ash
To show trahsacton
cHNon-Cash Vouchey >Trontervocher- nat lnvolving cash
oCash Voucher:
.Debit Voucher: Pre poved ton all cash payments
Eg: Rent,salary ,ete Satdamat fhonhi
"Credit Voucher:Frepared fox cash rec ieved
bu business firm Such as Sale ot qoods
for Cash,payment recieved fom any
(4) Non -Cash Voucher:
ECredit sales,depreciation, (vedit purchaseç,ete
he fis baok n 2which the tran gactiang
of a buSiness are relorded 2s called
Business transactibns are recorded an a
chronelogial 0rder. lach record in a
jÜuYnal i caled an enty t i alto
Sormat of Jounal:Ledger
Date Par ticulars Folio_S)

Mpes of Enties: [in which onls a

account s are afected ne account
is debted and another ts cxedited
an e9ual amouhtJ1
Rules of Debil Creolil :
£very bus iness tran sactton alfecls 2 or
nore accounts. An acCOUrnl 1f a summarl
YeCOYd as hansaction relafed t a
Mrdicular hea d al one place
An accaunt ir devided inlo R parl c:
DebiB and Credil.
AppYoach s to the Rules of Debit GCreclit .
ta) TiaditionalApprOach
T Perconal Account:4 tncludes all
those acounts which aye related to

IpersenalAccaunts iReal accou nts:

Related to ascete[except debtrs] Eq:ttachtnt,
Qeod will
)onmina l Ocounts: these include all
the accpuntt related to exppnces /lasses
and incomeslgains- Ex;alari, vent
commisçDn tec ieved, et
Pexsonal Acourt Debit the recievey
Credit the qiver
RealAcCount Dehit hat cos in
Credit wshat qsec out
NorninalActount Debit al laskes/Eypensek
Crtditall intomie«/gains
(b) Modern appraach :
T. fncrease
T 1n assets -’ Debit
Decrease in a Ssets ’ Cred,l
in txpense ’>
Sncvease 1n Debit
AEL Decrease in ENpense- DCredhi.
Sncrease in doss ’ Debit
Decreace in doss

’ Credit
iCRL Kiabilities’ ed:t
1 Snczease in
Decrease in diabihties ’ Debit
Sntrease in Capital >rdi!
Decxease in Capital ’ Debst
Sncrease in Revtnue
DecroaKen Revenue >Debit

AsSets = Capital+ Liabilties

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