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Technology in the classroom: How much is too much?


This paper examines the debate that is being discussed in the educational world regarding

technology and its usage in the classroom. Throughout the paper, I will discuss the description

and significance of this debate, the parties involved in it and any important dates that are

involved with this trend. This paper also explore examples of this educational trend, the effects

it is having in the area of education, and the arguments given by both the proponents and

opponents regarding this trend. This paper will also discusses William D. Pflaum and his year

long journey to different schools in the United States in order to see whether if technology really

does “revolutionize education” (2004). In his book, The Technology Fix, Pflaum shares this

experience where he learned the promises and the troubles associated with technology through

first hand account by students, teachers and administrators.

Technology in the Classroom:


How much is too much

As I start to think about my Hot Topic paper, the first thing that comes to my mind is that,

maybe I should look up ideas on the internet. Without giving another thought, I grab my latest

high tech smartphone, which allows me to be “productive,”and search up “Hot Topics in

education”. As millions of search results come upon my screen, millions of brain cells that were

supposed to do Google’s job were destroyed. Technology is increasing and will continue to

increase everyday. From calculators to computers to smartphones to ipads; students are exposed

to many forms of technology in their daily lives. Technology gives students the resources and

the means to learn information creatively and is an important tool that would help them succeed

in the workforce. However, many critics argue that increased usage of technology could be

harmful for students and may cause hindrance in their learning.

Technology impacts students day to day life. However, technology is not just limited to

students, it affects teachers and administrators as well. Teachers have to implement technology

in their lesson plans and have to find creative means to engage their students through technology.

Administrators have to assess technology in their budget and have to give teachers training for

technology. Technology in the classroom does not only impact the area of education but also has

an impact in other fields. Hardware manufacturers earn huge profit through providing schools,

technological resources. Software designers and application developers are also connected with

technological education as they develop programs that aims to boosts creative learning and

increase student engagement. Therefore, technology in the classroom is not only associated with

students and teachers, but impacts many people in different realm of society.

Technology has numerous benefits and the proponents of implementing technology in the

classroom emphasizes these benefits by stating that through technology the possibilities are

endless. William D. Pflaum in his book, The Technology Fix, states the promises that technology

seems could “revolutionize education” (2004). He states that

● “Technology would help all students learn better, thanks to multimedia programs capable

of adapting to individual needs, learning styles, and skill levels.

● Technology would transform the teacher’s role from a purveyor of a one-size-fits-all

curriculum to a facilitator of student exploration.

● Technology would replace textbooks with dynamic, interactive learning resources that

were always up-to-date.

● Technology would boost test scores, as engaged and motivated students acquired

advanced skills, problem-solving abilities and a growing thirst of knowledge” (2004).

These benefits of technology seem to be endless in furthering students education and helping

them feel engaged in the classroom. In addition, proponents argue that implementing technology

in the classroom will help student acquire skills that are necessary for them in the workplace.

Although technology has numerous advantages, many still show reluctance towards this

increasing trend. Critics argue that technology could lead to increase student distractibility and is

costly. According to Levine, Waite and Bowman in Electronic Media Use, Reading and

Academic Distractibility in College Youth, “teens are reporting difficulty with concentrating on

their schoolwork, with 15-year-olds experiencing more difficulty concentrating than

10-year-olds” (2007). This is due to “teens multitasking while doing their schoolwork” as

“habitual multitasking may condition their brain to an overexcited state, making it difficult to

focus even when they want to” (Levine et al., 2007). Critics argue students surrounded by these

technological distractions may not be able to focus on their learning and instead use these

devices as a source of entertainment. Critics also argue that in this day and age when technology

is increasing at an incredible pace, the education system cannot afford to increase its budget with

every new technological advancement. In addition, critics argue that in order for technology to

be successfully implemented teachers need to be trained and this is yet another obstacle for the

administrators. Administrators will need to find ways to fund for teacher training and set extra

days for professional development specifically for technology.

As this debate gained much attention, William D. Pflaum, an educational materials

developer, decided to investigate this issue through personal observations rather that data and

statistics. In The Technology Fix, he shares accounts of teachers who believe technology is

“revolutionizing education” (2004), he shares accounts of teachers who believe technology

cannot be used without traditional teaching methods, and he shares accounts of teachers who say

“when technology saves me time, come see me” (2004). Pflaum also shows the ways technology

is being implemented in different schools and whether these implementations are working or not.

Through his observation, “too often he found broken promises: millions spent for little

measurable gain, problems instead of solutions, a fix instead of a fix” (2004). This again

showcased that technology can be useful; however teachers and administrators need to

understand it fully in order to implement it in their student’s education.

Technology has many advantages, and educators and reformers since 2000 are looking

for new ways to implement technology in education. However, technology need to be used with

caution as without caution technology can have harmful effects. It instead of fostering creativity

and imagination can lead to student distractibility and student indifference. Technology cannot

take place of good teachers and good teaching method, as a middle school teacher frustrated by

the technological revolution says, “I love these kids. That box doesn’t love these kids” (Pflaum



Pflaum, W. (2004). The technology fix the promise and reality of computers in our schools.

Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Levine, L., Waite, B., & Bowman, L. (n.d.). Electronic Media Use, Reading, and Academic

Distractibility in College Youth. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 560-566. Retrieved December 6,

2015, from

Technology in Education. (2011, September 1). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from

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