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News Item Text

News Anchor : Adinda & Iyang

Reporter : Diva & Sulthan
Source : Dania, Maria, Kris

Main Event : Increase in Rice Prices

Background event : 1. Failure of the harvest
2. The high price of non-subsidized fertilizer
3. Increase of fuel price
Source : General society
Questions :
1. What’s your name? What is your job?
2. What do you think about this increase in rice prices?
3. What methods are used to overcome the increase in rice prices?
4. What food ingredients do you eat as an alternative to rice?
5. What is the message for the government regarding the increase in rice prices due to
the increase infuel prices?

Dialogue Text
Adinda & : Hello, good afternoon everyone!
Adinda : Welcome back with me Adinda
Iyang : And me Iyang at K News
Adinda And this afternoon, February 10th 2024, we
will provide the latest information regarding
developments in the food economy,
especially rice in Indonesia.
Iyang : And here is the information
Adinda : The increase in rice prices in the past 3
days has forced a number of residents to
reduce their rice purchases from monthly to
Iyang : The increase in rice prices was caused by
the failure of farmers’ harvests and the high
price of non-subsidized fertilizer, which was
made worse by the increase in fuel prices.
Adinda : For more information, we are now
connected with a reporter at Pasar Baru
Iyang : Hello, Diva. Tell us what happened there.
Diva : OK, thank you Iyang and Adinda. Let me
introduce myself, my name is Diva Febiyani,
now I am with one of the seller who is
selling her rice to a buyer.
Diva : Good afternoon, sorry to bother you
Dania : Good afternoon
Diva : What’s your name?
Dania : My name is Dania
Diva : May I ask you some questions?
Dania : Of course
Diva : Dania, what’s your job?
Dania : I am a rice seller at Pasar Kepuh Kuningan
Diva : What do you think about this increase in
rice prices?
Dania : I think this increase in rice prices has a bad
impact for seller like me because it can
reduce my income.
Diva : How to overcome the increase in rice
Dania : To overcome this increase in rice prices, I
deal with it by selling other main food, so
that I can still earn daily income.
Diva : What main food do you sell as an
alternative to rice?
Dania : As a rice seller, I feel the current high price
of rice, for every day I sell another staple
food with corn.
Diva : What is the message for the government
regarding the increase in rice prices due to
the increase infuel prices?
Dania : For the government, hopefully it can
immediately reduce fuel prices so that the
economy returns to normal.
Diva : Thank you Dania, for your time and
Diva : That’s all from me, then I’ll return it to
Iyang and Adinda.
Adinda : Ok, Diva. Thank you for your information.
Iyang : Now, we are connected with Maria, Maria
please report your information
Maria : Ok, thank you Iyang and Adinda. Now I am
with someone who is going to sell rice to
seller. Excuse me, what is your name?
Kris : My name is Kris
Maria : What do you think about this increase in
rice prices?
Kris : In my opinion, this is very detrimental to
farmers because it will make difficult to sell
their crops at the right price.
Maria : How to overcome the increase in rice
Kris : I overcome the increase in rice prices by
limiting the use of fertilizer and plating other
Maria : What crops do you plant as an alternative to
Kris : I plant other plant like planting root crops.
Maria : What is the message for the government
regarding the increase in rice prices due to
the increase infuel prices?
Kris : Hopefully the government will immediately
overcome this increase in rice prices by
reducing fuel prices and providing
subsidized fertilizer.
Maria : Thank you for your time, I hope the
government will hear the complaints from
the affected residents.
Kris : You’re welcome
Maria : That`s all from me, and back to the studio
Adinda : Thank you, Maria. We can see that many
people are affected by the increase in rice
prices, hopefully the government will
immediately take care of this problem.
Iyang : Well viewers that`s all the news today. See
you tomorrow in the same broadcast on
channel 7.
Adinda : I am Adinda Nesya
Iyang : And i am Iyang Mustika, thank you for
your watching, have a nice day.

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