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1. ....... Is the study interaction between mother and radiated energy.


2. The concentration the copper solution the more ………. Is absorbed and the
deeper ………. Of the solution.
yellow to blue

3. The unit of frequency is ………. Or ……….

sec -1 or hez

4. …………,…………. Doesn’t have a permanent dipole.

Carbon di oxide, o=c=o

5. Method for opening of an ore depend on the ………………………….. ,

………………………… and…………….... .
nature of ore, the element of interest and chemical properties.

6. Pneumatically assisted electrospray called ……….

ion spray

7. Gas chromatography felicitously evolved to employ ………….. capillary

columns whose eluate does not overwhelm the pumping capabilities of the
mass spectrometer vacuum system.

8. Liquid chromatography creates a ………………….... volume of gas when solvent

vaporizes at the interface between the column and the mass spectrometer.

9. For positive ion mass spectrometry, the nebulizer is held at …………….. and
the spray chamber is held at ……………………
0 V & -3500 V
10. The pressure is decreased to …………..mbar using a vacuum pump in
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization.
1,5 2,5 3 3,5

1. The Covalent single bond electron is ……………………

Sigma electron Pi electron n electron D electron

2. ……………………. Is an increase in molar absorptivity.

Bathochromic Hypsochromic Hyperchromism Hypochromism

3. Water exhibit strong absorption infrared region. Cells for infrared

measurements are usually mad of ……………...
Nacl H2So4 MgSo4 CaO

4. Carbonate is a poly atomic anion and has a …………… molecule structure.

tetrahedral Triganol Liner Octahedral

5. Photo Luminescence; emissions of the light following excitation by

Electrical field chemical reaction photons x-rays

6. In ……………... heat, and a coaxial flow convert eluate into a fine mist from
which solvent and analyte evaporate atmospheric pressure chemical
Pneumatically assisted electrospray
None of them

7. The distinguishing feature of atmospheric pressure chemical technique is

that a …...... voltage is applied to a
metal needle in the path of the aerosol.
High Low None of them

8. …………. is gas-phase electrophoresis, which separates ions according to

their size-to-charge ratio
Ion mobility spectrometry Mass spectrometry
None of them

9. According that equation M+⁰ consider as:

Protonated molecule quencher mercual Ion

10.Ion mobility spectrometry separates ions according to their ………….

Size -to- charge Polarity None of them

1. Energy is measured in electron volts.

(……..) true

2. Bathochromic shift is an absorption maximum shift to longer

(……..) true

3. We use releasing agent in ionization interference

(……..)false chemical

4. Near infrared spectrometry for non-destructive testing

(800 nm – 2500 nm).
(……..) true
5. There are mainly two methods to open an ore they are wet method and
dry method.
(…….) True

6. We use releasing agent in ionization interference

(……..)false chemical

7. To convert molecule to fragments or molecule ion, we use chemical and

electron ionization

(…….) True

8. Under the influence of an electric field these charged particles will

migrate either to cathode or anode depending on the nature of their net
(…….) True

9. Factor affecting electrophoresis Nature of charge, Frictional force, and

(…….) True

10.frictional force is the measure of the hydrodynamic size of the molecule,

the shape of the molecule, the pore size of the medium in which the
electrophoresis is taking place and the viscosity of the buffer.
(…….) True

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