Yellow Blue English Expository Writing Presentation

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What is Technical
by:Wills and Walter (1981)
is writing about scientific subjects and about
various technical subjects associated with sciences
is characterized by certian formal elements, such
as scientific and technical vocabulary, its use of
graphic aids, and its use of conventional report
is writing in wich there is relatively high
concentration of certain complex and important
writing techniques.
Products of Technical
Business Letter - is a type of written
communication. It is written using formal
language and follows formal element is of
writing a letter. It is use to communicate
with campanies, organization, applying a job,
making request, seeking appoinments and etc.
Contract - is written agreement between
two people under mutual agreement.
Monograph - is detailed essay or book on
very specific topic.
Printed action memo - is a ready-format
memorandum that only requires a check
mark on appropriate box that contains
Graphic aids - are drawing, sketches ang
illustrations that aid the readers in
understanding the presented data.
Instructional manuals - are written to guide
the readers on how to assemble, maintain,
and oparate an appratus, machine or gadget.
Brochures - are pamphlets or flyers that
endorse a product in such a way that the
potential customer will conviced that the
product is effective and eventually avail of
the product.
Proposals - are written suggestions on how
to make the company or organization more
productive and successful.
Memoranda - are inter-office written
communication used disseminate information.
5 Important Priciples in Good
Technical Writing
1. Always have the mind in specific reader, real
or imaginary, when you are writing a report.
Always assume that he is intelligent, but
2. Before you start to write, always decide what
the exact purpose of your report is, and make
sure that every paragraph, every sentence
word makes a clear contribution to that
3. Use language that is simple, concrete, and familiar.
4. At the beginning and every section of your
report, check your writing according to the
principle. “First you tell the reader what you’re
going to tell him, then you tell him what you’ve told
5. Make your report attractive.
Purpose of Technical Writing
1.It serves as basis for management decision.
2. It furnishes needed information.
3. It gives instructions.
4. It records business transactions through
5. It procures business proposals.
6. It serves as basis for public relations.
7. It provides report to stockholders of
Properties of Technical
1. Subject matter - In writing technical papers,
you must ask the question, “What will I write
about?”. The subject matter is essential element
in technical writing.
2. Audience - When thinking about audience ask “
Whom am I writing for?” or Who are my
intended reader?”
3. Expression - This property refers to two basic
modes in which a technical report has been
delivered-writing it or reading it.
4. Style - This refers to how the material is written.
A technical writer uses clear, specific point of view,
objective, impartial, and unemotional style in writing
5. Arrangement of materials - This pertains to how
ideas should be organized in chronological, spatial or
logical order, from general to specific to specific to
general, and use illustrations to present the
1. Technical writing - conveys specific information
about a technical subject to specific audience
for specific purpose.
2. Creative writing - is fiction-poerty, short
stories, plays, and novels-and far different from
technical writing
3. Expository Writing - ‘exposes” a topic
analytically and objectively, such news as news
4. Persuasive writing - depends on emtional appeal.
It goal is to change one’s attudes or motivate
him/her to action.
Differences of Technical
writing and Creative writing
There are for bodies of law that relevant to
technical communication. Technical writers must be
aware of legal and ethical considerations when
preparing technical papers.
1. Copy right Law - covers the protection of
the rights of author
2. Trademark Law - pertains to federal
protection (different form of trademarks)
3. Contract Law - covers written warranties or
their implied warranties.
4. Liability Laws - pertains to responsibilities or
obligations of writers especially claims they
made on their paper.
Principles of Ethical Communication
Technical writers are like researchers. Both
take into consideration and bounds and
limitations to things that they write. They
carefully study information to be presented
and they are aware that produce has to be
Do’s of Technical Communication
Abide by relevant laws.
Abide by the appropriate corporate or
professional code of conduct
Tell the truth
Be clear.
Avoid discriminatory
Acknowledge assistance from others.
Don’ts of Technical Communication
False implications - assuming the outcome of
a project or making sweeping generalizations
Exaggerations - expressing situations in
extreme proportions
Euphemisms - writing about situations in
seemingly good conditions even though they
are not.
Don’t mislead your readers.
Writing Process
1. Pre-writing stage - is the first stage in the
writing process. It is what the writer does
before he writes the first draft.
a. Purpose of the paper - This is necessary
to determine the content of the paper.
b. Choice of topic - A writer has to explain
or justify his or her chosen topic.
c. Gathering Information - A writer must be
able to find sources of information to
enrich his\her topic.
Pre-writing Techniques
1. Keep a writer’s journal by recording personal
experiences, perceptions, and ideas.
2. Do free writing. Write about whatever comes
to mind.
3. Brainstorm by listing ideas as quickly as they
4. Cluster by drawing lines and circles to show
connections between ideas.
5. Ask questions using the new reporter’s 5Ws -
Who?, What?, Where?, Why?, When? and How?
6. Read with focus. This entails reading efficiently
to locate and collect specific information.
7. Listen with focus. This means listening efficiently
to locate and collect specific information.
8. Observe by noticing details around you through
the sense.
9. Imagine. Probe your immagination for ideas, often
use a “what if?” approach.
Writing Stage
The writing stage is the part where we begin to
write our first daft. We know that not
everything that we write is perfect at the
first go. Hence you must remember what to do
and what not to do during this stage.
Do’s and Don’ts of Writing First
1. Do not overanalyze your writing.
2. Do feel free to follow the flow of ideas where
it is leading you, even if is not what you initially
3. Do exaggerate details.
4. Do work on the details as much as possible to
keep the story fresh in your mind.
5. Don’t worry yet about how good your writing is.
6. Do have fun!
Pre-writing Stage
This stage is also known as “revision” stage. We
revise to ensure that:
1. the content of the paper is relevant;
2. there is organization and coherance in the
arrangement of the ideas; and
3. grammar and mechanics are clearly
Each group is required to compose a
poem, lasting five to seven stanzas,
discussing the importance of
technical writing.
Quiz Time!
Direction: Explain what
you've learned about technical writing
in 100 words or less. On a half-sheet
of paper, write your response.
Advance Study: Surf on the internet
about the Structures of Writing.

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