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Angelika Rose P.



Midterm Activity 1

 Land Degradation
- What I think we can do to lessen Land deterioration is to plant trees not only to
protect the land from destroying to make a building out of it but also for us to have
a healthy and clean air environment. Next is by showing support to the farmers by
planting crops in a land that is not being used.

 Wastes
- Think about what you are acting right now, if it can help you or not in life. By that
saying wasting whether it is electricity or water unnecessarily will still come back at
you because you’re still the one who’s going to pay for your expenses and bills right,
so discipline yourself to be responsible about your own ways.

 Pollution
- I believe in the saying that if you want change, then you need to start with you. We
all know that there’s air, noise, land, water and many more. So in order to help
lessen the pollution to our environment, be an inspiration to many people, show
them and encourage that by helping make our environment better we need to act
out properly.
- Starting by trying to walk or ride a bike help lessen our air pollution and might also
help you with a great health lifestyle. Putting your small candy wrap to your bag first
before you find a garbage bin is already helpful even it is a small trash.

 Climate Change
- There are many causes for a climate change to happen, and mostly because of
people’s own fault at taking no right action. As much as we want to stop climate
change I really don’t think we can to be honest but what we can still do is to help
decrease the climate change into happening fast is by taking action right now while
we still have time. It is still planting plants, trees, and many more. But it will need a
whole group of people who are willing and dedicated.

 Water Stress
- Water is one of the important factor for living organisms to live. But what if there’s
no more water how can we be sure that we can live. To avoid being afraid you need
to rethink of what can help you to avoid that from happening, by conserving water
from the faucet close it when you are not using it, when raining catch rain water and
use it for flushing down your pee in the toilet. Doing simple things is small yet still

 Habitat Fragmentation
- Home is important for us people, but can you tell when is too much. Same as what I
have said on climate change I doubt about being able to stop habitat fragmentation
from happening, now that people nowadays are getting greedy of using too much
resources to the extent of not being able to differentiate what’s good or bad
anymore. To avoid habitat fragmentation we need to talk to people who has the
power to help and navigate through the right use of lands.

 Animal Species Extinction

- We are all familiar with fashion and new types of food delicacies popping around
the globe that came from our different ancestor, well sometimes people experiment
stuff on animals right, so that’s when animal species have an extinction because of
the continuation of killing innocent life of this living species. Although there are laws
about it already there are still people who don’t want on stopping this kind of thing
because they earn money from doing it or some are doing it for fun.
- Stopping this is fun when people believe that they are doing this because of their
tradition, but what we need to do is still take action on supporting group of people
who are fighting for the life of this endangered animals by being involved and by
spreading awareness.

 Impacts on Coral Reefs

- Coral reefs is a habitat for fishes that are located in the ocean, and even though they
are important to fish to have a home for them to live. There are still people enjoying
to destroy it because they think it’s cool and exciting, but when they are on the are
page as the fish then it is the only time where they will ask for forgiveness which
when it is already too late. And I will hate it when that happens.
- So let’s think of Ideas to avoid that from happening, like use right materials when
fishing, don’t support people that collects live corals for their own satisfaction or
decorations in their house. Instead report and talk.

 Beach Encroachment and Crowding

- You might be wondering why beach encroachment and crowding are also one of the
problems mentioned. First thing that pop in our head is it’s a good thing to have
many people in one place because it helps our country have an income because of
tourists right, well although it is true it can still be a problem if not manage
correctly. Many people can means many trash, many trash can mean pollution that
can cause to a more bigger problem like climate change. So as much as possible we
need to control the amount of people that can be in one place to avoid
overcrowding in beach and to avoid about the issue like happened in boracay

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