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A. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense

Dear Rick,
I (1) …….. (write) to you from my hotel in Switzerland. I’m having a lovely time here but you
can’t imagine what (2) ……… (happen) to me yesterday. I was on the mountain with my friends
and we (3) ……….. (have) a lovely time because the snow was perfect for skiing. Unfortunately
the sun (4) ……… (shine) on the snow, so it was difficult to see. Suddenly I (5) ……….. (hit) a
rock and I (6) ………. (fall) over. Luckily I (7) …….. (not/be) seriously hurt – I just got a few
bruises. Now I (8)……….. (try) to be more careful!
I (9) ……… (see) you when I (10) ………(get) back.

Best wishes,

B. Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (20 points, 2 points/item)
1. A hundred years from now holidays ______________ (be) different.
2. Let’s go, they ______________ (wait) for us at the door!
3. I ______________ (think) your father is a very kind person.
4. ______________ (you/enjoy) the trip to Prague last year?
5. I met my friend when I _____________ (go) to the cinema.
6. ______________ (you/buy) any milk? Yes, I have.
7. It’s very cold outside. I think it _____________ (snow).
8. ______________ (you/go) shopping for clothes very often?
9. We _____________ (not have) lessons today, it’s Saturday!
10. Open the door for me, please. I _______________ (lose) my key.


1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) _________________ her kids to football training.

2. I’m sorry I can’t hear what you (say) ________________.

3. What (you, do) ______________ when the accident happened?

4. My best friend and I (know) ______________ each other for over five years. We still get
together once a week.

5. When Jack entered the room, I (recognize, not) _______________ him.

6. I promise you that I (tell, not) _________________ your secret to anybody.

7. The best students (praise) _______________ by their teachers every time they do well.

8. If she (surf) __________ the internet, she will find about the beauty contest.
9. There (not/be) _________________ too many children in the park when it’s cold.

10. If Mark (get up) ____________ early, he would be in time for school.


1. A lot of tourists ……………….(visit) London at this time of year.

2. It was raining hard, so we ……………….(not can) go out.

3. ……….Sue ………..(know) much about computers?

4. I’m afraid that the last train ………….(leave) an hour ago.

5. Someone ………just………..(steal) my bike.

6. If the weather ……………(be) fine tomorrow, we’ll go on a trip.

7. I met Ann while I ………………(wait) for the bus.

8. I think computers………………(do) everything for us in the future.

9. What films………you……….(see) last year?

10. You …………………..(not meet) for a long time, have you?


Dear Laurie,

Here we are in London, at last! We 1 .…………….. (have) a wonderful time! The weather is
quite good, at times cloudy, but not as rainy as you might imagine. We 2 ……………… (stay) in
a nice hotel near Trafalgar Square.

So far, we 3 ………………….. (visit) the Buckingham Palace, Madame Tussauds and the
Planetarium. However, we 4 ………………. (not/be) to the Tower of London yet, but we 5..
…………. (do) it this weekend.

Yesterday we 6………………….. (eat) at a wonderful restaurant next to the river Thames.

While we 7……………. (have) lunch though, it 8 …………… (start) to rain, so we 9 ........
……… (leave). I hope you 10 …………………… (be able) to come to London as soon as
possible, as there is a lot more to be seen.

Looking forward to meeting you,


A. writing

2. happened

3. were having

4. was shining

5. hit

6. fell

7. wasn’t

8. am trying

9. will see

10. get



2.are saying/’re saying

3.were you doing

4.have known/’ve known

5.did not recognize/didn’t recognize

6.will not tell/won’t tell

7.are praised


9.are not/aren’t up


are visiting

2. could not/couldn’t

3. does…know

4. left

5. has stolen

6. is/’s

7. was waiting

8. will do

9. did…see

10. have not met/haven’t met

1. are/’re having 2. are/’re staying 3. have/’ve visited 4. have not/haven’t been

5. are/’re doing/are going to do/will/’ll do 6. ate 7. were having 8.started

9. left 10 will/’ll be able

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