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Blood tests used to investigate liver,

thyroid or kidney function and disease
In this third article in a series on clinical testing, Pamela Mason describes three types of blood test performed by chemical pathology departments

he previous article in this series (PJ, 3 strictly speaking, these tests indicate liver

T April p419–21), looked at general blood

tests requested from haematology depart-
ments, such as full blood counts. Blood tests
disease rather than liver function. ALT and
AST levels provide an indication of the
degree of inflammation as well as the possible
are used to investigate many aspects of health causes or hepatocellular damage. Similarly,
and disease. Some tests are done routinely, for ALP and GGT increases can suggest the
example, tests for blood type and phenyl- presence of obstructive liver disease.
ketonuria in new-born babies. Panel 1 shows typical adult reference
Another example is when a patient has a ranges for LFTs (ie, values in healthy people).
suspected myocardial infarction. His or her Ranges vary between men and women, at
levels of cardiac enzymes, such as creatine different times of the day and will change
kinase (especially the MB isoenzyme) and with age.This needs to be recognised when
troponin T, will be determined and this infor- tests are performed over time. So, if monitor-
mation will be used (in conjunction with ing liver function rather than diagnosing
electrocardiogram changes) to diagnose disease, it is recommended that tests are
underlying disease and choose an appropriate consistently (ie, always in the morning or
treatment. Blood tests can even be used to always in the afternoon).
assess a person’s risk of a heart attack (eg, tests Patients are usually advised to fast for four Identify knowledge gaps
for c-reactive protein and homocysteine). to eight hours before blood samples are taken
Venous blood can be taken for microbio- for liver function testing because eating can 1. List three biochemicals that are measured in
logical tests (eg, blood cultures in cases of affect test results. For example, having a meal liver function tests.
suspected sepsis) and immunological testing can stimulate intestinal ALP release. 2. Name a drug that might affect the results of a
(eg, detecting rheumatoid factor when arthri- Patients might also be advised to stop thyroid function test.
tis is suspected). Tests commonly requested taking drugs that could affect test results. 3. What substances in the blood can be used to
from chemical pathology laboratories include However, many such drugs should not be give an indication of renal function?
those for renal, liver and kidney function as stopped. For example, the enzyme inducer
well as tests for cholesterol, triglycerides and phenytoin can increase GGT and ALP levels, Before reading on, think about how this article
glucose and drug assays. but stopping it could result in loss of epilep- may help you to do your job better. The Royal
tic control. The affect of phenytoin on test Pharmaceutical Society’s areas of competence
Liver function tests results are only usually a concern if enzyme for pharmacists are listed in “Plan and record”,
Liver function tests (LFTs) are a group of levels exceed those normally considered (available at: This
biochemical measurements that are used to asymptomatic. In such cases, an alternative article relates to “diagnostic tests” and
identify patients who are suffering from liver test should be used, if possible. For example, “therapeutic drug monitoring” (see appendix 4 of
or biliary tract disease. Substances measured some laboratories suggest that the protease “Plan and record”).
include: leucine aminopeptidase is measured instead of
GGT. However, testing serum for leucine
■ Albumin aminopeptidase is generally not as sensitive or If you are asked for advice about LFTs,
■ Bilirubin as convenient as testing for other liver you should remember that as many as 5 per
■ Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes and the levels of this enzyme can cent of healthy, asymptomatic people can
■ Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) also be affected by some drugs (eg, oestrogens have liver enzyme levels outside their
■ Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and progesterones). Unlike other liver reference ranges. To diagnose liver disease
■ Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzymes, leucine aminopeptidase can be reliably, information in addition to LFT
measured in urine. results, such as from physical examination,
None of the above tests is specific for liver patient history, biopsy or radiologic studies, is
or biliary disease and other diseases can cause needed.
abnormal levels of one of more of these Panel 1: Typical adult
substances. Even in cases of liver disease,
blood levels of one or more of these sub-
reference ranges for liver Albumin Albumin levels are low in chronic
liver disease. Samples are centrifuged to
stances might be within the reference range. function tests separate blood cells from serum and the
However, it is unlikely that all the results albumin in the serum is measured. Typically,
would be within their respective reference Albumin 35–55 g/L dyes such as bromocresol green or purple are
ranges. Together, therefore, the combination Total bilirubin 3–20µmol/L added to the serum.These attach to albumin
of tests is more useful than a single test. Conjugated bilirubin 0–14µmol/L molecules, changing the light absorbency of
Liver enzymes (ALT, AST, etc) leak into Alanine aminotransferase 0–45IU/L the dye in proportion to the amount of
the blood when liver cells are damaged so, Aspartate aminotransferase 0–50IU/L albumin present.
Gamma-glutamyl transferase0–70IU/L  Albumin is made from amino acids and
Pamela Mason, PhD, MRPharmS, is a 0–40IU/L  accounts for around 60 per cent of plasma
freelance journalist and author, based in Alkaline phosphatase 90–300IU/L protein. Serum albumin level indicates how
Monmouthshire well the liver is making proteins (ie, a test of

446 The Pharmaceutical Journal (Vol 272) 00 Month 2004

Examples of drugs that increase bilirubin
measurements include allopurinol, some
diuretics and theophylline. Penicillin can
decrease bilirubin measurements.

Alanine aminotransferase The enzyme

ALT is present in high concentrations in the
liver. It is also found in cardiac and skeletal
muscle. However, ALT is considered as a
specific marker of hepatocellular damage
because levels are generally only significantly
raised in liver disease. ALT is present in the
heart and muscles in much lower concentra-
tions — only marginal elevations occur in
acute myocardial infarction.
People with acute liver damage have
particularly high ALT levels and those with
chronic liver disease and obstructive jaundice
have more modestly raised levels.
Low ALT (and AST) levels suggest vitamin
B6 deficiency.

Mike Wyndham Medical Picture Collection

Aspartate aminotransferase AST is
more widely distributed than ALT. It is pres-
ent in the liver, heart, kidneys, skeletal muscle
and red blood cells. AST levels are raised in
shock. It is less specific for liver disease and is
not included in liver function profiles by all
laboratories. AST levels are also raised in
pregnancy and after exercise.
Blood samples are usually drawn from the median vein in the antecubital fossa
Gamma-glutamyl transferase The
liver function). Although it might be Increases in bilirubin levels are particularly enzyme gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT)
expected that albumin levels will be low in suggestive of disease of the bile ducts, but is present in high concentrations in the liver,
patients with liver disease, plasma concentra- three main types of disease are associated with kidneys, prostate and pancreas. Levels are
tions change slowly because albumin has a raised levels in adults: raised in all types of liver and biliary tract dis-
long half life. This means that while albumin ease (acute and chronic) and also in carci-
levels are low in chronic liver disease ■ Diseases associated with damage to hepa- noma of the pancreas. GGT level can be used
(eg, cirrhosis), levels can remain within the tocytes, such as acute or chronic hepatitis, to identify those with liver or biliary disease
reference range in cases of acute liver disease cirrhosis, primary liver cancer, liver metas- but is not useful in establishing the cause.
(eg, infective hepatitis). tases (these lead to a reduced capacity to Measuring GGT is most useful in patients
Albumin levels can also be reduced in conjugate bilirubin for excretion) at risk of liver disease due to alcoholism.This
malnutrition, diseases associated with malab- ■ Diseases causing restriction of bile flow
sorption (eg, Crohn’s disease), chronic renal and, consequently, reduced bilirubin
failure, nephrotic syndrome and severe burns. excretion (eg, cholestasis, gallstones Action: practice points
Albumin levels decrease after surgery and are obstructing the bile duct and carcinoma of Reading is only one way to undertake CPD and the
also affected by a patient’s state of hydration the pancreas) Society will expect to see various approaches in a
— dehydration raises albumin concentration ■ Diseases causing increased red blood cell pharmacist’s CPD portfolio.
and overhydration lowers it. Similarly, test destruction and, therefore, increased 1. Find out about other blood tests, such as
results can be inaccurate in patients being bilirubin production (eg, haemolytic those done to investigate menstrual or fertility
given large amounts of intravenous fluids. anaemias) problems.
Albumin levels also decrease in pregnancy 2. Find out what drugs might affect serum
and with age. In healthy individuals, almost all serum albumin levels and why.
bilirubin is in the unconjugated form.As lev- 3. Pay a visit to your hospital’s haematology or
Bilirubin Bilirubin is a breakdown product els rise above 35mmol/L, the patient becomes chemical pathology department to gain a
released when red blood cells are destroyed at visibly jaundiced. In severe jaundice, bilirubin wider understanding of what blood tests
the end of their 120-day lifespan. In the levels can rise to 500mmol/L or higher. involve.
blood, unconjugated (or “indirect”) bilirubin Determination of the ratio of conjugated
is carried by albumin to the liver. Here, it is to unconjugated bilirubin can give some
conjugated to make it more water-soluble, indication of the cause of the jaundice. If the Evaluate
before it is excreted in bile. Conjugated proportion of conjugated bilirubin is high, For your work to be presented as CPD, you need to
bilirubin is also called “direct” bilirubin. this suggests biliary obstruction. If the evaluate your reading and any other activities.
The concentration of bilirubin in serum, proportions are about equal, hepatocellular Answer the following questions:
therefore, reflects the balance between the damage is likely.
amount produced by erythrocyte destruction Total and conjugated bilirubin are usually What have you learnt?
and that removed by the liver. To measure measured (see Panel 1). Total bilirubin is How has it added value to your practice? (Have
bilirubin concentration, several chemical unconjugated plus conjugated bilirubin. you applied this learning or had any feedback?)
reagents are added to the serum sample. Light Conjugated (direct) bilirubin can also be What will you do now and how will this be
absorbency (555nm) is measured so that measured using urine samples collected over achieved?
bilirubin levels can be calculated. 24 hours. 10 April 2004 The Pharmaceutical Journal (Vol 272) 447

rately. Typical reference ranges are shown in
Panel 2: Typical adult Panel 2. Results outside the reference ranges Panel 3: Typical adult
are found in people with hyperthyroidism
reference ranges for thyroid and hypothyroidism. In hyperthyroidism reference ranges for tests
function tests there is: for renal function
TSH 0.5–5.5mIU/L ■ Increased serum T4, FT4 and T3 concen-
T4 60–135nmol/L trations, although occasionally T4 and FT4 Sodium 135–148mmol/L
Free T4 9.4–25pmol/L are normal and only T3 is raised Potassium 3.5–5.0mmol/L
T3 1.1–2.8nmol/L ■ Reduced serum TSH concentration — in Chloride 95–105mmol/L
Free T3 3.0–8.6pmol/L severe disease TSH can be undetectable Serum creatinine 0.7–1.4mg/dl
Results expected in hypothyroidism are: clearance 97–137ml/min 
is because, unlike the other liver enzymes, 88–128ml/min
GGT is raised by alcohol consumption even ■ Reduced serum T4 and FT4 concentra- Blood urea nitrogen7–20 mg/dl
in the absence of liver damage. Levels return tions (although both may be at the lower
to normal when drinking is stopped, but if end of their reference ranges in the early
high levels of GGT persist, it is likely that stages of the disease) This means that creatinine clearance can be
some liver damage has been sustained or that ■ Increased serum TSH used as a measure of glomerular filtration rate
the patient is still drinking. Measurement of and, therefore, renal function.
GGT is, therefore, useful in managing patients Some medicines (in addition to anti- The simplest way to find creatinine clear-
with alcoholic liver disease. thyroid drugs or thyroxine) can affect thyroid ance is to measure the concentration of crea-
As well as phenytoin, phenobarbital can function1 and, therefore, the results of thyroid tinine in serum and use this figure to find a
increase GGT levels. Clofibrate and oral function tests. This must be borne in mind population-based estimate by applying an
contraceptives can decrease GGT levels. when interpreting test results. Drug interac- appropriate formula. Obtaining a value for
tions can occur at many sites along the creatinine clearance from urine creatinine
Alkaline phosphatase AP is produced in thyroid hormone synthesis pathway. For measurements is less convenient because this
the liver, bile ducts, bone and gut and widely example: requires urine to be collected over 24 hours.
distributed in the body. Levels of this enzyme Creatinine levels vary according to a per-
are raised in diseases of the liver and biliary ■ Dopamine and glucocorticoids decrease son’s size and muscle mass. Aminoglycosides
tract, with the highest levels found in TSH secretion have been reported to increase creatinine
obstructive jaundice. ■ Lithium interferes with synthesis and measurements.
AP is usually raised in cirrhosis and liver decreases thyroid hormone secretion A BUN test is also routinely used to eval-
cancers, but levels can be within the reference ■ Amiodarone can cause hyperthyroidism uate renal function. Urea is a breakdown
range or only slightly raised in acute hepati- because its high iodine content stimulates product of protein.When protein is digested,
tis. In addition, increased levels are found in thyroid hormone production amino acids are formed and ammonium ions
some diseases of the bone (eg, Paget’s disease, are a by-product. These combine with small
osteomalacia and bone tumours) and further In addition, some drugs can affect thyroid molecules to form urea, which enters the
tests will be requested. hormone secretion and transport. For exam- blood and is excreted in urine. Most renal
ple, oestrogens increase the concentration of diseases affect urea excretion so that BUN
Other tests for liver disease Other indi- serum carrier proteins and the serum con- levels increase in the blood. Patients who are
cators of liver function include prothrombin centration of T4 (androgens decrease serum dehydrated can also have “abnormal” BUN
time and platelet count (see PJ, 3 April T4 concentrations) and salicylates inhibit the levels and many drugs affect BUN, mainly by
p419–21). Proteins made by the liver are binding of T3 and T4 to carrier proteins. competing with it for renal elimination.
involved in blood clotting so in liver disease The metabolism of thyroid hormone as Drugs that can increase BUN levels include
(especially in worsening chronic disease), well as the absorption of exogenous thyrox- allopurinol, some diuretics, aminoglycosides
prothrombin time is increased. Liver disease ine can also be affected. For example, and indometacin. BUN levels are also affected
causes the spleen (which traps platelets) to rifampicin and phenobarbital increase the by high protein diets.
become enlarged so that the platelet count is rate of T4 and T3 metabolism and colestipol Electrolyte levels are also used to asses
often reduced. binds T4. renal function. For example a high chloride
However, it should be noted that although ion concentration suggests renal failure.Adult
Thyroid function tests many drugs can affect thyroid function, not reference ranges are shown in Panel 3. There
The concentration of thyroid hormones in all will result in values as low or high as those is little difference between the expected
the blood can be measured (usually using expected in patients with hypo- or hyperthy- levels of electrolytes in different laboratories.
immunoassay techniques with fluorescence roidism. In addition, healthy pituitary-thyroid
or chemiluminescence as signals) and used to function will compensate for low or high
diagnosis and monitor thyroid disorders. The serum thyroid hormone levels. References
tests used vary between laboratories, but Thyroid function is sometimes deter- 1. Surks MI, Sievert R, Drugs and thyroid function. New England
substances measured usually include: mined by measuring the rate at which Journal of Medicine 1995;333:1688–94.
the thyroid gland accumulates radioactive
■ Total thyroxine (T4); free (biologically iodine.
active) thyroxine plus protein-bound (bio- Topics in this series
logically inactive) thyroxine in serum Renal function tests
■ Total tri-iodothyronine (T3); free (biolog- Both blood and urine tests can be used to Further articles in this series on clinical testing
ically active) tri-iodothyronine and investigate kidney function. In terms of blood will look at:
protein-bound tri-iodothyronine in serum samples, the substances of interest are creati- ■ Urinalysis and faecal tests
■ Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) nine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN). ■ Scans
Creatinine is a breakdown product of ■ Near-patient testing (including tests for lipids
Sometimes, free thyroxine (FT4) and free muscle. It is cleared by the kidneys, but only and glucose)
tri-iodothyronine (FT3) are measured sepa- reabsorbed and secreted in small amounts.

448 The Pharmaceutical Journal (Vol 272) 00 Month 2004

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