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The Boson reports directly to the Chief Officer.

The Boson is responsible for the general maintenance of the vessel under the
instruction of the Chief Officer.

The Boson, with the Chief Officer, will be responsible for the safe navigation
vessel at sea if something should happen to the Captain.

Any concerns regarding safety and security, accidents, near misses and
hazardous occurrences on-board should be brought to the attention of the ships
security officer and they will in turn be brought up in the monthly SMS

All working practices on-board are to be carried out in a thoughtful and safe
manner and conform to the Code of Safe Working Practices of Merchant
seamen. (Available in Bridge and in the Crew mess)
All crew must be familiar with the Work Place Health and Safety and
Environment policy which is displayed in the Bridge and crew mess.

The Boson should always be proactive in learning and gaining as much

knowledge and experience as he can, from the Chief Officer so that he can
cover for him when he is on holidays.

The Boson’s responsibility shall include but not be limited to:

 The management and instruction of the deck crew in all aspects of their
work on deck.
 The assistance of the Chief Officer in maintenance and inspection of all
of the yachts LSA FFA equipment and record keeping/ documentation of
all such maintenance.
 The upkeep and maintenance of all areas of the vessel including
paintworks varnish, decks, tenders toys Etc.
 The keeping of a deck consumables and equipment inventory up to date
using the yachts inventory system.
 He is responsible for the overall maintenance of the exterior areas of the
vessel as well as the bilges and void spaces.
 He is expected to be able to co-ordinate maintenance periods with
preparation for owner’s cruises so that the vessel is 100% ready when
guests come on-board.
 He is responsible for compiling and preparing work lists for the Chief
Officer for the deck department for upcoming shipyard refits.
 He is responsible, along with the Chief Officer for the security and safety
of the vessel. He is in charge of making sure the vessel is securely
moored and protected as well as locked up at night or whenever possible.
 He is responsible for the garbage management logbook and garbage
management while cruising and while in port.
 He is expected to undertake navigational watches adhering to the
captains’ standing orders to navigational watch-keepers as a minimum
requirement. (provıded he has requıred qualıfıcatıons).
 He is expected to use his influence to motivate the junior crew and to
assist other departments when under pressure.
 He is expected to report defects and faults to the engineer and to the
captain and to follow up to make sure that problems are rectified in good
 It is the responsibility of Boson along with the Chief Officer to ensure the
vessel is stowed and secured before departure for sea. He is to inspect all
areas and to complete a checklist before reporting to the captain when the
vessel is secure.
 On charter and with guests on-board the Boson is responsible for the safe
operation of all water craft and the instruction of all junior deck crew on
tender handling.
 He is responsible for the setup of all exterior areas and the regular
inspection of exterior areas for towels and general mess.

It is the responsibility of everyone who works for the owner to look after their
best interests when it comes to spending. It is expected that all purchases are
quoted and that the most reasonable option is taken and not the most

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