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you ever felt left out ?

prolly youv'e never been

in a postion am in right now, i guess life is a
paramount thats used to teach use when we
expire we get dumped. Maybe you thinking its
about a love reletionship or something ,this
more than a love reletionship its about, a guy
who found happiness in making people
happy ,and this guy is also the writter of the
article. I'll keep it short and clear but ill make
sure the point reaches home preety well.
Basically am a grown up now, am at my early
twenties and i already feel like life just sucks
when you getting older. I'm the kind of person
who is always thereto cure frowns in people,or
the person who takes depression from inside
peoples hearts and in retuen gives them
happiness. At a young age i made many friends
some of them went far and maybe we lost
touch, others we meet after school and we kept
contact asif we never left pre school. But the
one that touchedme most was the favourite of
them all,she was the most shy girl and i was the
most confident person in class. Yes we were
friends but we weren't sure of the type pf
friendship wwe wanted to lead. We grew up
and became the best of friends, we shared
everything got in trouble together,did all the
friendship things that best friends do. After
school i'd say we lost touch because she was
the kind of person that gets influnced by people
very quickly. Like fire in a wooden house it
spreads fast than air itself and before you
notice the houseis already down. I guess thats
how we started failling out,she got jelouse
because i was kida making most of my life
without her help, honestly it isn't my fault its
hers, she used to get influnced frompeople
because she never had time for us,maybe its life
bringing me the pain or something else but this
one really hurt. I used to blame myself for every
argument we had about me beign happy, yeah
maybe am sorry about it all but i guess the pain
numbed me from this whole trauma ,or maybe
when i die she'll come near my casket and cry
and wish she had spent more time with me.

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