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During the last few years, the term bilingualism has gained some popularity in the field
of education. This term can be applied to schools that introduce non-native languages in
subjects such as science, history, mathematics, etc. However, the concept we currently
have of bilingual classes is far from what it really is, and this has often caused
controversy. For these reasons, thanks to the lecture by Professor Martín, the integration
of languages in different contents will be analysed in more depth below.

We often forget what bilingualism is about, as it is not just about teaching subjects in
another language. For this, as Professor Martín explained, a methodology is needed in
which the learning of new content goes hand in hand with the integration of the new
language. In other words, the main characteristics of CLIL classes need to function and
the teacher needs to be able to transmit knowledge through thinking skills and always
taking into account the context and especially communication, a determining factor when
teaching. For these reasons, its implementation in the classroom is not based on changing
the syllabus into another language, that’s it, translating it and reading it. Rather, a series
of elements are needed so that the students can understand the contents of the subject on
the one hand, and the language in which it is being explained on the other. Therefore, the
environment, culture, the learning process, among many other characteristics, play an
essential role when teaching CLIL. Moreover, the role of the teacher is fundamental in
this type of class where language and content play an essential role. This has generated a
discussion in the world of education over the last few years, since, if the teacher is so
important in bilingual classes, how important should his or her training be? There are
many communities that require a certain level of English, however, as Ms Martin
explained, it is often not only a question of language level but also of other skills and
qualifications for teaching. These teachers should master two fields par excellence, on the
one hand linguistic and on the other methodological. Since language plays such an
important role, classes cannot be the same in their mother tongue as in the new language.
Since this topic has been very popular in recent years, many linguists have decided to do
research on this subject. There are many favourable results, especially those focusing on
the process and the product. The two most important items in the learning process, in this
case. In addition, there are many fields where research can be done and which play a very
important role in CLIL classes, such as their effectiveness compared to traditional classes.

This is where, according to Mº Angeles, the controversy may have started, since, on the
one hand, there is the opinion that with CLIL classes the knowledge taught in traditional
classes is lost. However, this is where language awareness comes into play, since the
importance of languages nowadays is immense, and the benefits they can bring to students
are innumerable. Finally, it is interesting to add that language and language functions are
essential in this type of class because, as the speaker has argued, if students do not know
certain subject-specific vocabulary or how to explain it, they are not understanding the
concept of CLIL. For a history class, you need to know not only the vocabulary of the
unit, but also how to narrate and argue, and the same goes for other subjects.

In conclusion, we should not focus so much on the controversy caused by new

methodologies that aim to benefit pupils. Rather, we should always bear in mind
everything that is behind a lesson, such as the preparation of the teacher, the model to be
followed, the context and the atmosphere of the class, etc. In this way, CLIL classes are
nowadays, in my view, a complete way of making pupils aware that non-native languages
are of great importance in society, and that they can be used in any field and subject. For
this, we find English teachers, whose role is fundamental and every day, without a doubt,
more relevant in today's globalised society.

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