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Days of the week • Present Simple (2) • Free time activities

• Social expressions (1) • I'm tired

Work hard, play hard!

Vocabulary T H U R S y T
1 Days of the week W E D N E S E
Complete the crossword. The answers are the days D T S
of the week. There are no clues. A U
D y
Present Simple (2) M O N
2 The British Airways pilot
1 Read about Helen Walker. Complete the text
with a verb from the boxes.

2 Look at Helen's answers. Complete the questions.

1 'Where ~ you Gome from?'
Flying High
'I'm from Guildford: Captain Helen Walker is a pilot with twenty-five
2 'Who _ do_ you work for?' years' experience - and a collector of dolls from
'I work for British Airways: around the world!
fly_ _ ?'
do _ you _
3 'What planes _ I works €6ffieS flies doesn't have earns watch go
'I fly 747s:
elen Walker is 49, and she (1) Gomes from Guildford in the
4 'Where _ fly _ _ to?'
do _ you _
'I fly to New York:
H south of England. She (2) works
for British Airways.
She (3) _ _ _ _ 747s from London Heathrow to New York
do _ you _
5 'How much _ earn
_ _ ?'
'I earn £75,000:
JFK three times a week. She (4) earns £75,000 a year. 'New
York is my favourite city,' she says. 'It (5) doesn't have open spaces
6 'Where _ do _ you _ go_ _ shopping in
New York?' and parks like London, but I like it. I (6) go shopping
'I go to Fifth Avenue: watch
on Fifth Avenue, and I (7) _ _ _ _ shows on Broadway.'

7 'What _ is _ your husband profession ?'

'He's an accountant:
do _ you
8 'How many dolls _ have ?'
'More than a hundred:

16 Unit 3 • Work hard, play hard!

3 More verbs in the Present Simple
3 Complete the sentences with isn't, aren't, 'm not, Complete the sentences with a verb from the box.
doesn't, or don't.
love (x 2) like want know
1 Helen Walker isn't a flight attendant. She's a pilot. live prefer mean understand come
2 She isn't work in an office. She works in a plane.
1 1 have two sisters and a brother.
3 'I 'm not fly to Australia. 1 fly to New York:
2 'What does this word _ mean
_ _ __ ? Expensive:
4 'There aren't a lot of parks in New York, just
'It means it costs a lot of money:
Central Park:
3 I'm hungry! 1 _ _ _ __ a sandwich!
5 'My children isn't go to Clarence SchooL
They go to Sassoon House School:
6 She take the children to school, Bill does.
7 'I 'm not at home all the time. 1 go away a lot:
8 Helen isn't collect cars. She collects dolls.

4 Where do you _ _ _ __ from?

5 When Kenji speaks to me in Japanese,

1 don't _ _ _ __

6 1_live
_ _ __ with my parents in a town called
don't take love has have collects
She's married to Bill, who's an accountant, and they 7 'Do you know what time it is?'
(8) _ _ _ _ three children. The children go to 'Yes. It's ten 0 ' clock:
Sassoon House School. 'I (9) _ _take
_ _ the children
8 'Do you love me?'
to school, Bill does,' explains Helen, 'because I'm 'Of course 1 love you! You're my wife!'
away so much.'
9 'Do you like red or white wine best?'
Helen has a hobby. She (10) collects
_ _ _ _ dolls from 'I _____ red:
has_ _ _ more than a
all over the world. She (11) _
10 They _prefer
_ _ _ _ good food so they often go to
hundred. 'I (12) _ _ _ _ going to toy shops when
I'm in another country,' she says.
Unit 3 • Work hard, play hard! 17
4 How often ... ? Vocabulary
1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
5 Free time activities
1 always / shower / morning / have / the / in / I / a
1 Match a line in A with a line in B.
I always have a shower ill the morllillg .
2 sometimes / go / cinema / to / I / the
I sometimes the go to the cinema 1 We love films so a 2 D I read all the time.

3 often / France / on / We / holiday / go / to 2 My passion is books so b D

5 we often cook for friends.
We often go to holiday on France 3 I love jazz and blues so c IT] we often go to the cinema.

4 never / coffee / morning / drink / I / in / the

4 I like relaxing at home so D
d 4 I watch TV every night.

I never drink coffe in the mornig S We love food so D

e 3 I listen to a lot of music.

5 usually /9.00/ work / I / start / at

2 Write play or go for each free time activity.
I sually start work at 9:00

2 Look at the information about Sam.

Complete the sentences using an adverb.

Activity How often?

drink tea in the morning always

1 play golf 2 go swimming
go to work by bus usually

have lunch with a friend sometimes

work late never

go jogging often

3 ___ running go
4 ___ windsurfing
1 Sam always drillks tea in the morning.
2 He _ ___ goes_ _ _ to work by bus.
3 I sometimes have lunch with a friend.
4 I never work late.
I often
5 _ _ _go_ _ _ _ _ jogging.

5 ___ computer go
6 ___ sailing

7 ___
play cards go
8 ___ cycling play tennis
9 ___ go
10 ___ skiing

18 Unit 3 • Work hard, play hard!

Listening ft~/.~:
6 My favourite season 'jI ~ 'f!P
1 Write the seasons and the months.

SEASONS spring summer autumn winter

MONTHS January febrary March april may June

july august September October november december

2 rtl Listen to Marisa, Kalaya, and Noah. Write their favourite season.

Marisa from BraziI Kalaya from Thailand Noah from Canada

Favourite season: ____
summer __ winter
Favourite season: _____ _ Favourite season: spring

3 rtl Listen again. Find three mistakes in each text and correct them.

Marisa: Kalaya: Noah:

She likes summer best because She says that in Thailand they have Canadians hate their cold winters,
her cousins from Anleriea-often two seasons. She likes winter best but Noah says that winter is his
come to stay. She likes sunbathing. because it is not too hot - it's warm favourite season because he goes
They all like water sports, such as in the day and cold at night. She skiing and snowboarding. Sometimes
surfing and water skiing. Marisa loves the Flower Festival in March. he and his brothers still go skiing in
loves Carnival time too because She goes there with her parents, May and June. Summer in Canada
there's a party that lasts three days. and they all sing and dance. is warm but not very long.

4 Answer the questions.

december and febrary
1 What are the summer months in Brazil? 6 When is the Flower Festival? In March
2 What does Marisa do with her cousins? Go to water sports 7 What are the really cold months in Canada? december febrary
3 What do they do on New Year's Day? Is a big party 8 Does Noah sometimes ski in June? Yes, he does
4 Does Kalaya live in the south of Thailand? No ,she doesn't 9 What are the summer months? Deceber and Febrary in Brazil
5 What months are the winter season? November and Frebrary in
rtl Listen and check.
Unit 3 • Work hard, play hard! 19
7 My perfect weekend
1 Look at the heading of the newspaper article. perfect
1 What is Miranda Hart's job?
2 Is she m arried? weekend
2 rtl Read the article carefully. Answer the questions.
1 What time does she get home on Friday evening? Miranda Hart
2 What does she have to drink? - actress and
3 Does she stay in London for the weekend? comedian
4 Does she like driving?
5 Who does she go with?
6 What are her favourite things? 'Most single women
3 Look at Miranda's answers. Complete the questions. Iknowwanta
1 'What time do you go to bed on Friday night? ' boyfriend, but
'At 10.00: I love being on
2 'What time on Saturday morning? ' my own.'
'At 8.00:

3 'Where ?'
'In a cafe:
6 On Friday night I get home 8.00, I'm very hungry, so I
at 6.15 from work at the BBC have breakfast in a cafe. After
4 'What after breakfast?' and make a hot chocolate. I breakfast I do exercises, and
'I do some exercises: watch TV for an hour. I wait then go for a long walk next
for the rush hour to finish, and to the sea.
5 'Where
'Next to the sea:
" then drive out of London. I hate In the afternoon I go out on
driving in a lot of traffic. my boat and have a picnic. I
I go with my dog, Peggy. watch birds and enjoy the quiet
4 Complete the sentences about Miranda with a verb. We go south to a cottage near - just me, the birds, and the sea.
the sea. It's very quiet. I don't In the evening I read. I don't
1 On Saturday evening Miranda reads a book.
have any neighbours. I look at have a TV in the cottage.
2 She doesn't have a television. the stars in the sky - there are On Sunday morning I listen
3 On Sunday morning she _ _ _ _ _ to music. thousands of them! to music then go for a really
long walk to a pub, where I have
4 She _ _ _ __ _ for a long walk.
My fa vourite things ... lunch - a real Sunday lunch with
5 She lunch in a pub. a roast and lots of vegetables.
o A hot bath
6 She the cottage at 5.00. I leave the cottage at about
o Going to the th eatre
5.00 because I don't like driving
7 On Monday morning she _ _ _ _ __ to or cinema
in bad traffic. Back in London
go back to work. o Lookin g at th e sky
on Sunday evening I go to
8 She _ _ __ _ _ with nice people. o Ta lking to my dog, who the cinema.
listen s and doesn't I like my job, but it's difficult.
answer back
After a lovely, relaxing weekend
I don't really want to go back
I go to bed at 10.00 and sleep to work on Monday morning.
for ten hours. On Saturday But it's fine - I work with nice
morning, when I get up at people. 9
20 Unit 3 • Work hard, play hard!
Everyday English Don't forget!
8 Social expressions (1) 10 am/is/are or do/does?
rt1 Match a line in A with a line in B. Complete the conversation with am/is/are or do/does.
A How many brothers and sisters (1) ~ you have?
B I have one brother and one sister.
A How old (2) _ _ your sister?
B Twenty.
A How old (3) _ _ you?
B I (4) _ _ eighteen.
A What (5) _ _ your sister do?
B She (6) _ _ a student.

11 a/an or no article?
Complete the sentences with a/an or - (nothing).
1 I have _a_ shower in the morning.

2 I go to --=--- work by --=--- bus.
3 My brother's wife is _ _ French.
1 Have a nice day! a D
9 I have a headache.
4 She works in office.
2 I'm sorry I'm late. b OJ Thanks. Same to you.
5 Can I have _ _ cup of coffee, please?
3 What's the matter? c D
4 Thanks! They're new! nO!
6 We go to _ _ cafe for _ _ lunch.
4 Can I have a coffee, dD2 Never mind. Come and sit
7 Where do you go on _ _ holiday?
S What does hungry e D
8 She's _ _ singer in _ _ band.
7 Of course. Black or white?
mean? f D
3 Pardon? Could you say that 9 We stay at _ _ home on Friday evening.
6 Can you help me? again? 10 I go to _ _ bed about 11.00.
7 I like your jeans! gD
5 It means you want to eat!
8 How was your day? hD
6 Sure! What's the problem? 12 Prepositions
9 Please fasten your D
8 Very interesting, thanks. Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box.
seatbelt. What about you?
I ~~ (x2) from
in (x4)
for (x2)
9 I'm tired! 1 I come from Italy.
Complete the conversations with an adjective in the box. 2 I go _ _ work _ _ bus.
I thirsty happy hungry tireEI busy 3 I live _ _ my parents _ _ a flat.
4 I like going _ _ a walk _ _ the park.
1 'I'm tired 'Go to bed, then!'
5 This is a photo _ _ me _ _ holiday _ _ Spain.
2 'I'm 'Don't do too much!'
6 My sister is married _ _ an American.
3 'I'm 'Have a sandwich, then!'
7 I have a present _ _ you.
4 'I'm 'Have a drink, then!' 8 We go skiing _ _ winter.
5 'I'm 'Good! I'm very pleased!'

Un it 3 • Work hard, play hard! 21

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