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DIRECTION 1: Match the question with the appropriate answer.

Have you ever been to this city before? a. I don’t think so.
Haven’t we met before? _____ b. No, it’s my first time.
Could I give you a tour? _____ c. Not much.
What have you been up to? _____ d. That would be great.

Cross out the word that does not match the category.

greetings: shake hands hug take a tour

Tourist activities: go sightseeing bow Go to the top of
Topics for small talk: family salary take pictures
topics for small talk: the weather kiss your job

Circle the word that correctly completes the sentence.

I’ve (already / before) been to New York, but I haven’t seen the Statue of Liberty yet.
Have they (ever / yet) taken pictures of the Mexican beaches?
Sarah has eaten Peruvian food, but she hasn’t tried ceviche (already / yet).
Has Brian been to Indonesia (ever / before)?
We’ve (already / yet) heard Mariachi music.
Have Armand and Sophie (yet / ever) taken a tour around Mexico city?

Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.

They have seen him at the library.

Robby Robber has robbed another bank.
Bill has ordered three desserts.
Clara has repeated the sentence five times.
Jane has asked a question.

Complete the sentences with these verbs (claim, disappear, give, move, stop) using the same one for
each sentence in the pair. Use the present perfect.

a. An important file ___________________ from my office.

b. Plants and vegetables ___________________ from my garden since we had new neighbours.
a. Dr. Joseph ___________________ the same lecture to students for the last ten years.
b. Mr. Goldman ___________________ nearly a million dollars to the charity this year.
a. With their win yesterday, Italy ___________________ into second place in the table.
b. As house prices in the cities have risen, people ___________________ into the countryside.
a. For years he ___________________ that he is related to the royal family.
b. The earthquake ___________________ over 5000 lives.
a. All day, the police ___________________ motorists to question them about the accident.
b. Good, the noise ___________________. I can start concentrating on my work again.

Look at the information about what these people have ( ) or haven’t ( ) done. Complete the sentence
with the correct verb from the chart. Use the simple past tense or the present perfect.
go to Asia meet Swim with
celebrities sharks

Christine with sharks in 2003.

Michael ________________________________ to Asia in September 2004.
Christine and Michael __________________________ several celebrities.
Diane _________________________________ with sharks last year.
Christine, Michael, Diane and Esther _____________________________ to Asia.
Michael ______________________________ a celebrity.
Michael ______________________________ with sharks in March 2002.
Diane and Esther ___________________________ to Asia in 2003.
Esther ____________________________ with sharks.

Complete these sentences using the verb given. Use the present perfect.

It _____________________ (snow) heavily since this morning.

I´m happy to say that the team _____________________ (play) well all season.
I never _____________________ (understand) why we have to pay so much tax.
I _____________________ (not read) any of Dickens´ novels.

Complete the sentences using YET / ALREADY

I’m not going to go snowboarding because I haven’t tried that .

Have you taken your driving test? No, not
I’ve been to Spain, but I haven’t been to Italy

Look at the answer. Complete the question in the present perfect.

A: yet?
B: No, we haven’t. Do you want to eat together?
A: ____________________ to Thailand?
B: Yes, he has. He was in Thailand last year.

A: ____________________ the teacher?

B: Yes, I’ve already met the teacher.

A: ____________________ the new Televisa TV show?

B: No, they haven’t. They’re going to see it tonight.

Complete the sentence. Choose the correct answer.

____ Allen needs to go to the airport. He’ll call ___.
a. bell service b. the airport shuttle c. the Internet connection
____ Mr. Franco called. She needs to talk to you immediately. Here is her phone number. ____.
a. She returned your call b. She’ll call again c. Please call
____ You have an important job interview. You’ll use ____ so you aren’t late.
a. the wake-up service b. room service c. bell service
____ Mr. and Mrs. Kane are going to get a single room with a ____.
a. suite b. queen-size bed c. twin bed
____ Some hotels offer ____ in the hotel rooms.
a. a gift shop b. a Jacuzzi c. an airport shuttle
____ You ____ make a reservation soon—it's a very popular hotel.
a. 'd rather b. 'd better c. won't
____ Please tell her I ____ call her back later.
a. 'd better b. 'd better not c. 'll
____ I'm going to lunch now. If anyone calls, my secretary can ____ a message.
a. take b. leave c. make
____ Hi. I'm ____ the hotel. The name's Brooks. I have a reservation for a single room.
a. checking into b. checking out of c. paying
____ Mr. Henry ____ stay at the Palm Hotel because he really likes it.
a. won't b. had better not c. will
Match the movie genres with the correct descriptions.
an animated film a. has a lot of singing and dancing
a musical _____ b. gives true facts and information
an action film _____ c. is made with a series of pictures, models, etc.
a comedy _____ d. is frightening or scary
a documentary _____ e. is funny and makes people laugh
a drama _____ f. tells a serious, emotional story
a horror film _____ g. has a lot of adventure and violence
a science-fiction film _____ h. tells a story about something that might happen in the future

Match each sentence with the hotel facility the person should use.
Amanda loves to swim. a. fitness center
Georg wants to run and do push-ups. _____ b. sauna
Lui has to finish a business report. _____ c. gift shop
James would like to relax. _____ d. pool
Jenny needs to buy a souvenir. _____ e. business center
Complete the letter with words from the box and the present perfect of the verbs
Always for lately recently still
Dear Nathan,
How are you? I _______________________ (move) to San Diego! I ______________ (live) here ____ two months. It’s
great! I _______________________ (want) to live in California. I have an apartment, but I ___________________ (not buy)
any furniture. What have you been up to ____________________? Write soon! Your friend, Marsha

Just lately recently Since so far

Dear Nathan,
How are you? I ________________________ (move) to San Diego! My new neighborhood’s great! There’s a movie theater
right down the street. I ___________________ (go) to the movies six times _______!
I ____________________ (get) back from London. It was a business trip. Next week I’m going to Buenos Aires. I’m excited
because I haven’t _____________________(not be) there _______ 1998. What have you been up to ________________?
Write soon! Your friend, Marsha

Fill in the blanks using the PRESENT PERFECT and EVER, NEVER, JUST, ALREADY, YET and BEFORE.
____________ you _________________ (be) in America?
Do you hear the noise? The train _________________(arrive).
No. Your cousin _____________ (come) to the party ______.
Your daughter ______________ (return) home. You don't have to worry anymore.
_________ you ________________ (finish) your food ____? No, I am still eating mom.
I am a very lucky person. I _____________________ (have) nightmares.
I __________________ (realize) how beautiful you are.
__________ you ___________ (see) such a big ant _________?
Look at the picture. Write what the hotel guest is saying.
Example: Could someone bring up a skirt hanger?

(1) ______________________________________________________
(3) ______________________________________________________
Use the information in the chart to complete the sentence. Write what the
person would rather ( ) or would rather not ( ) do.
Anna _______________________ a DVD.
Kevin ____________________ to an early show.
We ____________________ a science-fiction film.
You _________________ dinner before the show.

Think of the most thrilling experience of your life. Was it frightening or fascinating? Write at least three
sentences using the present simple and simple past.

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