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Module 03

When It’s Time To Date:

Getting Around Cougar
If you’re fairly new to this jungle,
you must keep in mind that
cougars are very smart beings and
if you are going to make anything
happen with them, there are some
basics of Cougar Dating that you
must know:
Brush Up On Your
Bedroom Skills
One of the perks of
dating an older woman is
that they know their way
in the bedroom.
You must be able to keep
up with their
spectacular sack styles and
secrets or you might be sent
home with your tail
between your legs.
Prepare To Be The Boytoy
Whether you like it or
not, that’s the way it’s
going to be.
In this set-up, she is
clearly on top.
So when she wants to go
out, you should be ready
to go out.
Don’t worry though, once
you prove yourself
worthy of her attention,
you will be rewarded
Make Her Feel Attractive
Inside every cougar is a
little girl who wants to be
told how pretty she is.
Show her off to your
friends, compliment her
and give her little
presents when you can.
This is the way that every
woman’s heart, cougar or
The Mating Season
Few things in this world can be
sexier than a woman in her
40’s, financially independent,
secure with her looks and
talented in bed.
No wonder more and
more males are hoping to
score at least one date
with these alluring
creatures of prey.
If you are one of them,
you can try a few things
to increase your chances
of being stalked.
Here are 5 things that
cougars look for during
their prowl:
A Well-Toned Physique
It must be remembered, the
reason cougars are out tonight
is because they are sick of
seeing their husbands
disappear into the couch in
yesterday’s sweats.
Here is your chance to
show off your young 20-
year old body, which should
look particularly enticing to
any cougar looking for
some action.
A Cool And Confident Vibe
You don’t have to
possess killer good looks
in order to attract an
older woman.
But it does help to be confident in
yourself, just be careful not to go
overboard because of course;
these women are very
experienced and can tell whether
you’re for real or not.
A friendly tip: talk to her
as if you were talking to a
college buddy of yours.
Do not be intimidated by
her stunning good looks
or even her jewelry.
A Brain
No need to be Einstein
here, either.
But if you can carry a
decent conversation
without having to resort to
reciting the Periodical Table
to impress her, it’s a start.
Do not drown yourself in
alcohol thinking you will
be transformed into a
smooth talker.
Chances are, you’ll end up
in a heap in the bar’s
bathroom stall.
The Prowl
It must be remembered
that there are many
different cougar species,
all looking for different
things in men.
Some are just out to have a
good time, some are out
with a vengeance, yet some
might really be looking for
something special.
It’s best to know what
you want yourself before
playing in the cougar
That way, complications
can be avoided and you and
your cougar can have a fun
and uncomplicated and
well-defined romp/
Of course, it wouldn’t
hurt to know beforehand
if the woman you’re
smiling at across the bar
is a real cougar.
Because if the man
beside her happens to be
her husband, then you
have some explaining to
So sit back and observe
at a distance.
When you are sure that
she is indeed one, then
you may proceed.
Cougars are basically
women who are tired of
all the relationship woes
that come with older
Whether these men are
jealous, controlling or just
plain fat, younger men are at
an advantage simply because
they are young, fun and
By showing an older
woman that you can
show her a good time,
you will already become a
prime candidate.
So be fun and carefree in
the bar.
Groove to some hot Latin
moves on the dance floor.
Crack some jokes and get
her to smile.
There is very little wrong
you can do by being
Cougars are just like any
other woman except they
are more mature, less
insecure and a lot more
Talk to her, be interesting
and try not to say
anything stupid about her
Buy her a drink and
compliment her on her
If things go well, you may
end up spending the next
few days or months, even
years of your life with a
sexy older woman on your
The Cougar And The Cub
At first glance, a younger
man-older woman
relationship may just
seem wrong.
How can anyone consider
going out with someone
who is old enough to be
their mother?
But upon closer scrutiny and with
more and more cougar-cub
relationships developing over the
years, (as of date, 30% of women aged
40 and older are going out with
younger men) you have to tell yourself
that this is a formula that seems to be
Consider these tips to
maintain the balance
between a young man
and her older woman:
Be Sensitive To Each
Other’s Age
It is very important for the cub to
consider how his cougar may feel
around his younger friends doing
“young” things like drinking,
getting into trouble, dancing all
night in a club and so on and so
At the same time, the
cougar may forget that she
is dealing with someone
half her age and she can’t
expect him to grow wisdom
Always Keep The Lines Of
Communications Open
It is important for the
cougar and cub to be very
honest with each other
about how they are feeling
about the relationship at
any point.
If one of the parties is feeling
uncomfortable about being
brought to a certain place then
he or she must speak up.
Keeping things bottled up
inside will only build
Have Respect For Each
Other’s Pasts And Privacy
There will always be
some things that either
party may want to keep
for himself/ herself.
Especially in the case of the
cougar who may have had a
pretty colorful past, there
may be some things that
she would like to keep to
Maybe in due time, she
will open up but until that
time, the cub will have to
learn to wait.
Make An Effort
It is always that 5% you
give in anything that
makes all the difference.
Of course this is a one of
a kind relationship and of
course you will run into
all sorts of trouble and
But if both parties are willing to
push themselves out of their
comfort zones to make the other
happy, then it can be said that
this relationship has the ability to
last longer than previously
Don’t Take The Age Thing
Too Seriously
If the two genuinely like
each other and have some
of the same interests and
enjoy each other’s
company, then age should
not be a problem.
Concentrate on the good
things and leave the
numbers on the calendar.
Overcoming MORE Cougar
While the cougar phenomenon seems
to be in vogue today thanks to the
glamorization of the dating pattern by
some very famous Hollywood
celebrities, the notion of a woman
over 35 on the prowl for sexual
relations is generally frowned upon by
There is a misconception
that a woman of that age
and above should be
married and have kids to
be considered normal.
If she chooses not to marry
then she should be a quiet
spinster, at home with her cat
and definitely not hitting the
club scene to land herself
someone to bring home.
Girls Just Want To Have
But is there really a cause
for shame?
These female baby boomers
are only feeling a new kind of
empowerment and are trying
to make their mark on a dating
dimension that they feel their
generation missed out on.
Furthermore, it is a woman’s
natural inclination to seek to
be loved or at least admired
and wooed, is acting on what
is genetically inherent
therefore immoral?
If a cougar is unattached,
divorced or separated, this
should not be a cause to be
chained at home knitting or
baking cupcakes.
The fact that the men that
they go after and who are
attracted to them happen
to be years younger than
them should not be an
As usual, society is quick
to criticize those that
they do not understand.
Love Is A Big Scary Animal
If there is genuine
attraction, chemistry or
something more, then
there should not be a
It is not the cougar’s fault
that men her age are
disinterested, queer or off
chasing some young female
cubs of their own.
There is no cause for
shame in cougar-cub
It is time that people quit
being narrow-minded and
stop thinking only in
terms of age.
What should be
celebrated is that two
people found love,
disparity in age and all.
If you are in a cougar-cub
relationship and proud of
it, do not let other
people’s opinion sour
your stand.
Be reminded that in this
crazy world, anything is
possible and finding love
with someone half your age
is simply one of them.
Remember that you can
practically “reframe” any
obstacle and turn it around
into something that may be
perceived to be favorable to

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