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Campaign Setting

What is Arknights
Arknights(Chinese: 明日方舟) is a Chinese mobile tower defense gacha video game. Developed
by Hypergryph and Studio Montagne while published by Yostar, it was released in China in 2019
and worldwide in January 2020 for iOS and Android devices.[1]

In the game's dystopian, post-apocalyptic future setting of the planet Terra where magic exists
and Ancients, humans with animal or mythological races features live, Terra is plagued by
natural disasters that leave behind a mineral, Originium. This metal's properties allowed
civilization to rapidly progress, but also infected people with a disease, oripathy. Due to the
disease's 100% mortality rate, and its high infectivity at the time of death, hostility towards the
infected became widespread, leading to their mass quarantine and expulsion by governments
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The player takes the role of the masked and amnesiac "Doctor", recently recovered from cryonic
sleep. The Doctor commands a team of "operators" belonging to Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals,
a medical and self-defense organization. As oripathy spreads, the team must search for a cure
while defending themselves against the Reunion Movement, an Infected anarchist military force
bent on overthrowing the governments of Terra in revenge for persecuting oripathy victims.[2]

Why This Exists

I like playing tabletop rpgs and the lore and settings of Arknights is really inspiring to me.
Arknights reminds me of another series that I like called Utawarerumono. I also enjoy creating
campaign settings based on my favorite series and it gives the opportunity to explore the world
outside of the source material and it’s just good fun for me and people who might also enjoy the

This is designed for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. While there might be better systems
out there this is the most accessible and the easiest way to convince people to play it. I also
implement systems and mechanics that I find would find interesting and immersive to have but
not required if it detracts from the fun. These mechanics are usually borrowed from another
TRPG and I will thank them for the inspiration.

Key Terms
Terms that are relevant to the setting as well as abbreviations used in the document.

D&D - Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition or 5e.

Oripathy - A fatal disease that is the central focus of the setting. It is caused by prolonged or
hazardous exposure to the material Originium. It is most found in people who work with the
material. Currently there is no cure but only one faction, Rhodes Island is actively pursuing a
cure. It is spread via contact, blood, and contaminated objects. Society’s dependence on
Originium has made the disease a global pandemic. Those infected are referred to as “The
Infected” There is a strong social divide between the infected and uninfected and is the core
theme of many conflicts across Terra.
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[Image] Girl Infected with Oripathy. Symptoms include crystalline growths visible on skin.

Originium - A commonly found mineral on Terra, most are black semi-transparent crystals.
Originium contains large amounts of energy, enough to trigger Catastrophes. They are used in
the field of magic and used to manufacture casting tools and spell props. Spell efficiency is
reduced without it and it is used as a primary power source globally.

[Image] A sample of raw Originium

Originium Art - The catch all term for magic in Arknights. Relies on Originium to be efficient. It
is very ubiquitous as most people are able to operate Originium devices. Spell like effects used
by non casters are classified as an Art.

Catastrophe - The umbrella term for natural disasters in Terra. Natural disasters of many types,
from earthquakes to meteor impacts, occur much more frequently on Terra and are referred to
as "Catastrophes'' since such occurrences are cataclysmic in scale under the Terrans'
perspective. As such, the majority of Terrans opt to embrace a nomadic lifestyle by living on
mobile settlements instead of a sedentary one. Terra's technology and Catastrophe Messengers
at least allow a more-or-less accurate prediction of when and where a Catastrophe will occur,
giving the nomadic settlements an opportunity to relocate before the Catastrophe strikes,
lessening the damage it causes. Errors do occur from time to time, however, which could have
devastating consequences as seen with Chernobog in Episode 01 and Wolumonde during the
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events of Twilight of Wolumonde. Catastrophes are seen as both a blessing and a curse; a
crystalline mineral named Originium is often left behind in the aftermath of a Catastrophe, which
is extensively used as a source of energy – including the magic-like Originium Arts – but can
cause the deadly Oripathy disease when exposed to organic matter.

Nomadic City - Basically an entire city that can be moved as if it was a colossal vehicle,
nomadic cities are used by the Terrans to lessen, if not avoid, the destruction caused by
Catastrophes, which could be devastating if one is to occur on sedentary settlements where the
inhabitants may not have enough time to evacuate; by using Catastrophe prediction systems, a
more-or-less accurate estimate of when a Catastrophe would occur will allow nomadic cities to
relocate into a safe area in time. Nomadic cities utilize Originium reactors to both power its
engines and provide electricity to the city itself. Just how nomadic cities can remain above
ground and not affected by Terra's gravity while still capable of moving (albeit at a very slow
pace) with several billion, or even trillion tons of structures over it remains unexplained, though it
can be implied that nomadic cities' Originium reactors also provides artificial gravity or some sort
of anti-gravity mechanism to counteract its ungodly weight.

General Rule Changes

These are some quality of life changes to the base game that makes the game more enjoyable
in my opinion.

● Stronger Operators - At levels where characters gain an Ability Score Increase, players
may choose a Feat to add to their character as well. They cannot forego the Ability
Score Increase to get two Feats.
● New Proficiencies - Modern societies have newer modern specializations of labor and
the generic proficiencies in 5e don’t do it justice. Esoteric objects may require downtime
specialization in order to be able to operate proficiently.
○ Land Vehicles
■ Automobiles (Default)
■ Military Vehicles
■ Heavy Machinery
○ Sea Vehicles
■ Boats (Default)
■ Military Vessels
○ Air Vehicles
■ Civilian Aircraft (Default)
■ Military Aircraft
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Differences From 5th Edition

The setting of Arknights is different from DnD and a good amount of mechanics should be
adjusted to accommodate these changes. Here are a few listed that I can point out but more will
pop out as people try new and different 5e character builds.

● Long range teleportation is not confirmed to exist or is believed to be possible. There

has been no official observed instance where characters travel between far locations
instantly (town to town). Short range teleportation can be explained as a speed Art.
● Resurrecting the dead is not possible. Raising zombies might be possible as seen with
Mephisto’s Art but those guys were still technically alive. Manipulating corpses using
animate objects might be more accurate but for the sake of necromancy being viable it
should be allowed. Revivify is allowed.
● Magic is called Arts and is very common. Originium technology is their version of
magitech and access to magic is similar to the Eberron setting.
● The technology in the world mirrors our own where some places have 21st century
technology while others remain tribal. Modern electronics and other devices exist in the
world thus allowing access to non magical means to do what magic does in 5e. Modern
technology is powered by Originium Arts instead of electricity and requires a trained
caster to periodically maintain them.

Character Creation
Creating a character in the world of Arknights should be simple, the streamlined process is
outlined below.
1. Select Background from Player’s Handbook and other official sources.
2. Select Class
3. Select an Ability Score Increase either +2 to one ability score and +1 to another. This
determines your character’s ability scores.
4. Determine ability scores. Use any prefered method from the Player’s Handbook.
5. Select Race from DnD.
6. Reflavor your DnD race to the Arknights Race you want to be.
7. Select Operator Role (Optional/Campaign Dependent)
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In addition to the normal occupations offered in the official source materials, characters are
generally associated with a certain country, place of birth, or culture in the world of Terra.
Each country also has their own language, usually with the same name as the country, so
characters from a particular place know the languages spoken there.


Alternatively known as Aegir/Ægir Region, is a country in the world of Arknights that is located
somewhere within Terra's vast, uncharted ocean from the southern part of Iberia. It is also the
birthplace of the namesake race. However, Aegir is never peaceful because the ocean seems to
be "alive" and could even control the entire Aegir race, even if they are far away from and/or not
native to Aegir. Aside from their supreme technological advances, the Aegirians have some
unique cultures. They are known for being good singers and have a tradition of using songs as
communication. The language they speak is only understood and studied by only a few Terra's
land-dwellers, including Kal'tsit. Due to its pride and isolationism, no one knows the current
status of this underwater nation. On the other hand, a "heretic cult" is slowly developing within
Aegir that corrupts its citizens.


Bolívar is a country in the world of Arknights. It is a small country west of Columbia inhabited by
small-sized races (predominantly Perro) with limited self-defense capabilities, known for its rich
Originium deposits and beautiful tropical lakeshores, and a monarchy ruled by the Shingas
dynasty with a parliament as the legislature.
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Columbia, formally known as the Columbian Union, is a country in the world of Arknights. It is a
federal presidential republic and the only known democratic country in Terra, made up of various
states with a municipal government and their own laws. Columbia is not only the youngest
nation in Terra, but also a melting pot of various races and cultures around Terra. Columbia is
famous for its technological progress and military influence; indeed, the Rhine Lab scientific
consortium and the Blacksteel private military company are based on Columbia. However,
Columbia has been increasingly expanding their influence to the point of becoming a new
Terran great power. Columbia is notable for their treatment towards the Infected, which is seen
as much better than in other countries (especially Ursus). On the other hand, the nation is
secretly exploiting both the Infected and the commoners. The majority of Columbians are seen
to be of the Liberi race, which can be seen from their coat-of-arms that are made up of feathers
forming a five-pointed star.


Higashi, also known as the Far East or simply East, is a country in the world of Arknights,
located northeast of Yen to which they are a vassal of by annually paying tributes and enjoying a
strong diplomatic relationship and cultural exchange with each other. It is a diarchy led by the
shoguns of two ruling samurai clans: the Kōgen and the Kōgon. Higashi is the birthplace of most
Oni, though a large number of Aegir also hails from Higashi.
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Iberia is a country in the world of Arknights. It is located south of Laterano and Victoria and
much of its cultures are influenced by the Lateranian religion. Once a bustling, serene land that
has a full knowledge beyond Terra's southern coastline, Iberia has been locked in a sectarian
conflict for decades, resulting in prevalent religious persecutions targeting the Aegirs.

Kazdel is a country in the world of Arknights. It is a monarchy and the homeland of the Sarkaz,
located between Siracusa, Ursus, and Yen. Kazdel is long considered to be a backwater country
without much potential, at least until the aftermath of a civil war that ravages it.


Kazimierz is a country in the world of Arknights located between Kjerag, Sami, Ursus, and
Victoria. Kazimierz is mostly covered with forests with small mountain ranges, and most
Kazimierzians live in small, isolated villages, a rare sight of sedentary settlements in the
Catastrophe-ridden Terra. But compared to those rich cities such as Kawalerielki, development
in villages are often overlooked by the Kazimierzian government, causing them to suffer from
poverty more than the rest of the country.

Compared with other nations, Kazimierz's nomadic cities are not as advanced as other
countries. Kazimierz is also known for maintaining an institution of slavery, though it is seen to
be not as brutal as in our world. Although Kazimierzian Infected are outwardly treated better
than elsewhere in Terra, they are discriminated against behind the scenes where Infected
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competitive knights are forced into inhumane conditions. The majority of Kazimierzians are of
the Kuranta race, which is reflected on their coat-of-arms that shows a knight piece.


Kjerag is a country in the world of Arknights, which borders Columbia, Kazimierz, and Victoria. It
is a theocratic country with the Vine Court as the executive branch and the Three House
Parliament as the legislative branch, and are known for its strong religious influence with the
Karlan Saintess acting as Kjerag's spiritual leader and political figurehead canonized through a
series of arduous rites. Kjerag is nicknamed "Snow Realm", which refers to its rugged,
mountainous landscape covered with snow that falls year-round, which also protects Kjerag
from Catastrophes and foreign invasions, and made much of their inhabitants living on
sedentary settlements.


Laterano is a country in the world of Arknights which borders Iberia, Rim Billiton, Siracusa, and
Victoria. It is a theocratic country where all of the Sankta came from with a constitution that
guarantees 13 rights to its citizens, and an organized religion playing a major role in their
society. Laterano is notably the leading, if not only, manufacturer of firearms (Firearms are
surprisingly a rare sight in Terra as they are Originium-based instead of gunpowder-based,
making their production and operation different) and holds a monopoly over the firearms
industry in Terra. This also makes Laterano the only Terran country with liberal gun laws; all
Lateranians are mandated to own a firearm of any type for self-defense, including long guns
(rifles, submachine guns, shotguns) which only the Sankta can use, whether they are military,
law enforcement, or civilians, though a Lateranian requires a permit before being allowed to use
a firearm – until then, they can opt to use bows or crossbows instead. Being the most advanced
Terran country in firearm development, Lateranian military is also quite formidable, with the
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Apostolic Gun-knights forming the backbone of Laterano's armed force. When it comes to the
Infected issue, Laterano is quite lenient; if a Lateranian contracts Oripathy, they are practically
banished from their homeland by not being allowed to set foot on Laterano outside of certain
exceptional circumstances. However, their citizenship isn't revoked, so Infected Lateranians are
still considered to be a citizen of Laterano and remain subject to its 13 rights.


Leithania is a country in the world of Arknights, located between Kazimierz, Siracusa, Victoria,
and Ursus, and is made up of numerous semi-independent nomadic cities. Leithania is known
for their academic studies and advanced Originium Arts applications where most, if not all,
Leithaniens are mandated to be able to use Arts, as well as the extensive use of Arts-based
technologies, one of which includes L-44 "Gramophones". However, Leithania's aristocracy are
known for their arrogance and abuse of power, even at one point levying every law enforcement
personnel from several settlements just to provide security for a wedding party, much to the
citizens' plight. Leithania's Gendarmerie acts as their law enforcement agency. Infected
Leithaniens are mandated to be quarantined from the non-Infected populace and there is also
"sterilization" policy where any Infected whose Oripathy reaches or exceeds a certain level must
be euthanized. Otherwise, Leithania treats the Infected better than other Terran countries except
Columbia. The Leithanien language is identical to German in our world, but have many
differences though they are mutually intelligible enough with each other.


Lungmen, formally known as Great Lungmen, is a city-state in the world of Arknights, located
between Kazdel, Ursus, and Yen. A prosperous, advanced nomadic city, Lungmen is technically
part of Yen (which can be seen from their nearly identical coat-of-arms), but acts as a "special
economic zone" with greater autonomy such as a largely independent government and
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economy, making them more progressive and open to foreign influences than Yen. Lungmen's
economic prowess is shown by their currency, Lungmen dollar (LMD), which is used as Terra's
global reserve currency due to its stability. However, Lungmen's treatment towards the Infected
is known to be harsh, though not to the same degree as the neighboring Ursus; the majority of
the Infected Lungmenites are confined into the slums where they live in lower standards than
the rest of the Lungmenites.


Minos is a country in the world of Arknights located on a piece of land close to Sargon. It is a
confederacy made up of several independent nomadic cities and is predominantly inhabited by
the Forte race. Minos is also well known for being a pacifist patron of arts and its high-quality
weapons. The Minoans embrace a culture of hero veneration centering the Twelve Heroes of
Mount Hymnoi. Since the war with Sargon, the cult gradually expands to the point that every
Minoan wants to be a hero. The Minoan hero cult's priests/priestesses also act as the Minoan
military's leaders. On the Infected issue, Minos is quite lenient. The Infected are not
discriminated against by the Minoans where everyone, regardless of whether they are Infected
or not, can participate in the Hymnoi Wisdom. A major exception to this is for the Minoan hero
cult's priests/priestesses. If such identity is being revealed, they will lose their position.

Rim Billiton

Rim Billiton is a country in the world of Arknights. Rim Billiton is an expansive mining company
that actively exploits various Originium deposits around Terra and controls the territory south of
Kazdel, which is administered by the company in a somewhat similar way to the Kel-Morian
Combine in Starcraft. Rim Billiton's Originium mining activities caused many of their populace,
who are of the Cautus race, to suffer from Oripathy. While the company does not discriminate or
persecute the Infected, Rim Billiton sees their citizens as merely disposable pawns, and as
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such, the Infected are viewed as outcasts with most of them facing difficulties in finding jobs and
medical care.


Sami is a country in the world of Arknights, located to the north of Kazimierz and Ursus. What is
currently known about Sami is that the country is of the arctic climate, making their sauna baths
popular, and are constantly engaged in border conflicts with the neighboring Ursus. The
Samians are noted to practice an animistic religion and talented in Originium Arts, with their
Snow Priestesses are seen as the strongest who can single-handedly beat the Ursus invaders.
The Samian Northlands are inhabited by unknown, horrifying monsters and "demons” which are
constantly kept at bay through the Snow Priestesses' sacrifices, one of whom likely ended up as
the dreaded Frozen Monstrosity.


Sargon, formally known as the Sargon Empire, is a country in the world of Arknights located
roughly in the southern part of Terra. It is a vast, diverse country comprising both arid deserts
and lush tropical jungles and is also the ancestral home of the Aslan and Vouivre races.
Much of Sargon, especially the desert part, is divided among the various clans led by a Lord
Ameer who answers to the Pashas of Sargon. Both the Ameers and the Pashas maintain an
unstable balance of power through annual tributes and skirmishes or wars against each other,
where they often employ Columbian and Kazdelian mercenaries. Even though the nation has an
emperor living inside the legendary "Golden City," he is a powerless nominal leader who could
not stop the tribal conflicts.

The jungle part on the eastern part of Sargon is home to the Archosaurians and Pythians.
Although the jungle tribes maintain some degree of contact with the outside world, they still
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retain a unique tradition and culture that are totally different from the desert clans in the
heartland of Sargon.

The Sargonian military, despite the country's disunity and backwardness, is quite formidable.
Sargon also holds several ancient technologies that are lost to the modern world.


Siesta is a city-state in the world of Arknights, whose original location was close to Victoria. It
was one of the few sedentary settlements in Terra, known for the scenery of its tropical
lakeshores and located in close proximity to the volcano of the same name, which holds a vast
reserve of obsidian deposits.


Siracusa is a country in the world of Arknights, located close to Kazdel, Laterano, and Leithania.
Home of many Lupo and Vulpo, Siracusa is under the effective control of the six Mafia families
and other criminal groups/syndicates, with gang wars and corruption a common sight in the
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Ursus, formally known as Empire of Ursus or Ursus Empire, is a country in the world of
Arknights. The largest country in Terra which borders Kazimierz, Leithania, Sami, and Yen,
Ursus is famed for its military might and the physical prowess of its mostly Ursin inhabitants. It is
a monarchy with the Emperor as the head of state, although a power struggle between the "old
guard" aristocracy and the military leaders is happening behind the scenes. Ursus is particularly
infamous not only for their militaristic and xenophobic attitudes, as seen from their constant
aggression to the neighboring Sami, but also for their cruel, atrocious treatment towards the
Infected – the worst ever seen in Terra, where the Infected became the target of pogroms
carried out by the Ursus Imperial Army's Infected Patrol Unit. The Infected who managed to
survive or avoid the pogroms usually ended up being sent into Originium mining camps on the
vast Northern Tundrae alongside political prisoners, where they are subject to forced labor until
they either die from their Oripathy or are systematically killed for the overseers and guards'
entertainment; should the Originium mines be exhausted, the remaining prisoners are executed
before the mines are destroyed. The Ursus language is similar to the Russian language in our
world, but are vastly different to the point that both aren't mutually intelligible with each other.


Victoria, formally known as the Victorian Empire, is a country in the world of Arknights located
between Kazimierz and Leithania. Victoria is ruled by a monarch who is from the houses of both
Aslans and Dracos. As the homeland of Felines and Dracos, Victoria was once a powerful and
influential kingdom known for its liberty, romanticism, and noble atmosphere. With their
advanced technology, the Victorian military widely utilizes steam-based weaponry, which
includes exoskeletons and pile bunker lances. However, the nation is slowly losing its past glory
as it suffers from a royal feud for the vacant throne. The Victorian language is similar to English
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in our world. But somehow, both have distinct grammars and accents even though both are
mutually intelligible enough with each other.


Yen, also rendered Yan and formally referred to as Great Yen, is a country in the world of
Arknights located between Higashi, Kazdel, and Ursus. It is an empire led by an emperor with
the title "the True Lung". One of the Terran countries that had existed since ancient times, Yen
has diverse cultures throughout its borderless lands, in which each region differs from each
other, extraordinary natural sceneries that are venerated by its people, and bustling cities that
support its robust economy. Yen is also known for tolerating, and even endorsing, racial diversity
within their lands, but is implied to treat the Infected harshly – though not as worse as Ursus.
Yen is famous for their martial arts, but this culture is quite complicated. Different kinds of
schools are prevalent throughout the country. Competitions and battles are common among
each faction and clans. However, there are hidden rules in the underground world in which the
losers will often face death and disbandment of their schools. Modernization and interactions
between settlements bring changes to the martial arts culture as younger generations practice it
more for self-fitness. Still, it does not change the dark rules and practices of the martial arts
scene, in which others see them as a way to preserve more "authentic" techniques. Lungmen is
an autonomous region of Yen, which can be seen from their nearly identical coat-of-arms.

There are some Terran nation-states not elaborated in the game and are likely to be defunct by
the time Arknights take place. These include:
● The Khagan: Mentioned by Kashchey, the Khagan was a powerful nomadic state in
which their Kheshigs once allied with Sargon to contain the monsters from the Foehn
Hotlands. It is likely a parallel to the Mongol Empire in our world.
● Rus: Mentioned by Kashchey, Rus is likely a parallel to the Goths, Huns, and/or Vikings
in our world.
● Gaul: Mentioned by Kashchey, Gaul was once an empire that spanned across the
central part of Terra. However, the nation failed to invade Victoria and, in turn, was
annihilated and scrambled by a joint alliance of Victoria and Leithania.[4][5] It is likely a
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parallel to the Roman Empire in our world. Gaulish wines are now considered a rare
collector's item with Leithania unsuccessfully attempting to reproduce it.
● Kingdom of Agamemnon: Mentioned in Conviction's archive files, Agamenmnon was
founded by an artist and was claimed to have far more advanced technology than the
rest of Terra, notably QR codes and trolley problems. It is now absorbed into the
present-day Minos.
● Dan: Mentioned in "Frost" furniture description of The Zen Garden set, Dan is possibly
one of the three Oriental nations that Ceobe once ventured into and is likely a parallel to
Korea in our world (just as Higashi and Yen being parallels to Japan and China

Playable Races
There are many races among the people who live on Terra as they are basically humans with
partial or full animal features; these features are usually cosmetic.
All races officially published for 5e are allowed however they will be reflavored to fit their animal
counterpart. Well it’s your game, use whatever race you want for stats.

Known Races
Source on Races:
The races here are listed based on current operators and their profiles.
Great Video Explaining Races

The majority of Terra's civilization consists of the Ancients: a conglomeration of sapient bipedal
races that resembles Homo sapiens of our world but with the traits of various animals, legendary
creatures, and mythological beings in our world; most are humanoid (human-like, better known
as kemonomimi) but some are anthropomorphic (animal-like, better known as furry). This means
that despite sharing a superficially similar appearance, the Ancients of Terra are different to the
Homo sapiens of our world.

Certain humanoid Ancients have two pairs of ears, one human and one animal, and both are
functional. Furthermore, the Ancients' humanoidism and anthropomorphism are apparently not
tied into their bloodline, which can be explained by the anthropomorphic Rat King having a
humanoid daughter (Lin Yuhsia).
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The term human and its derivatives are typically used to refer to the Ancients as a whole;
"Ancient" itself is only used in technical circumstances by the Terrans.

Cross the furry line for your cat girls at your discretion.

[Image] Two different flavors of Feline.

Aslan (Lion)
Archosauria (Crocodile)
Anura (Frog)
Anaty (Ferrets & Weasels)
Aegir (Ocean Creatures)
Cautus (Rabbit)
Caprinae (Sheep)
Cerato (Rhino)
Drake (Western Dragon)
Durin (Dwarf)
Elafia (Elk or Deer)
Feline (Cat)
Forte (Bovine)
Itra (Musk Deer)
Kuranta (Horse)
Liberi (Bird)
Lung (Eastern Dragon)
Lupo (Wolf)
Oni (Japanese Demon)
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Perro (Dog)
Petram (Turtle)
Pythia (Snake)
Rebbah (Hyena)
Sankta (Angel)
Sarkaz (Devil)
Savra (Lizard)
Undisclosed ()
Ursus (Bear)
Vouivre (Wyvern)
Vulpo (Fox)
Zalak (Rodent)

Languages in Arknights are based on the country of Origin rather than a creature’s race.
However a creature of a specific race may culturally know the language given by the RAW.
Typically a person knows Common, the language of their nation, and the language of their
culture or people.

During character creation you may replace any languages your character knows with another if
it suits their background.

Compiled is a list of languages, the races that commonly speak it and which nation uses it

Language Typical Speakers National Real Life

Language Counterpart

Common Everyone All Whatever the

players speaks

Dwarvish Durin, Ursus Ursus, Kjerag Russian

Elvish Kuranta Kazimierz, Sami Polish

Giant Various Columbia American

Gnomish Lupo Siracusa Italian

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Goblin Varies Victoria Welsh

Halfling Cautus, Feline Rim Billiton Australian

Orc Archosaurs, Aslans, Sargon, Minos African

Felines, Liberi

Abyssal Aegirians Aegir Sumerian

Celestial Sankta Laterano Latin

Draconic Lung, Draco Yen Chinese

Deep Speech Abyssals, Eldritch Aegir Noises


Infernal Sarkaz Kazdel German

Primordial Various Iberia Spanish

Sylvan Oni, Various Higashi Japanese

Undercommon Perro, Various Bolivar Portuguese

Druidic Caprinae, Varies Leithanien Romania

Class Revisions
Classes shall remain as is for simplicity. Most of the classes and abilities in D&D 5th edition are
very likely to exist in the world of Terra. Although lore wise magic comes from Originium and it
would be best to ignore D&D’s flavor text and use the Arknights one.
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Path of the Berserker Rework

● Frenzy - Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can go into a frenzy when
you rage. If you do so, for the duration of your rage you can make a melee weapon
attack as a bonus action on each of your turns after this one. If this attack hits you may
make another with a -5 cumulative penalty on the attack roll. You can repeat this until
you miss.
● Critical Effects - Your critical hits leave enemies reeling. When you critically hit you can
choose one from the following effects.
○ Knockdown - Creature is knocked prone and may be pushed 5ft away from you.
○ Lingering Wound - Creature takes damage equal to your proficiency bonus at the
start of their turn until healed by a spell or with a DC 15 medicine check as an
action. This effect stacks.
○ Stun (Starting at Level 6) - Creature must make a (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Strength modifier) or be stunned until the end of its next turn.
○ Critical Injury (Starting at Level 11) - Creature gains a permanent wound. This
could be a severed limb, broken legs, etc.
● Mindless Rage - Beginning at 6th level, you can't be charmed or frightened while
raging. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter your rage, the effect is
suspended for the duration of the rage.
● Retaliation - Beginning at 6th level while raging when you take damage from a creature
that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack
against that creature.
● Intimidating Presence - Beginning at 10th level, you can use your action to frighten
someone with your menacing presence. When you do so, choose any creatures that you
can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature can see or hear you, it must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier)
or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. On subsequent turns, you can use
your action to extend the duration of this effect on the frightened creature until the end of
your next turn. This effect ends if the creature ends its turn out of line of sight or more
than 60 feet away from you. If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, you can't use
this feature on that creature again for 24 hours. The rage bonus damage against
creatures frightened by this ability is doubled.
● Retaliation Frenzy - Starting at 14th level, you no longer need to be raging to retaliate.
When raging if your retaliation attack hits you may attack again.
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Features that affect Undead/Fiend/Fey/Celestial will now affect creatures infected with Oripathy.



Champion Rework
The archetypal Champion focuses on the development of raw physical power honed to
deadly perfection. Those who model themselves on this archetype combine rigorous
training with physical excellence to deal devastating blows.

● Improved Critical
○ Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your weapon attacks
score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
● Critical Focus
○ At 3rd level your critical hits have a stronger effect on your opponents. When you
score a critical hit you may choose one of the following options.
■ The creature hit has disadvantage on their attack rolls until the end of
their next turn.
■ The creature hit has their speed reduced to 0 until the end of their next
■ The creature hit has their AC reduced by 2 until the end of your next turn.
● Remarkable Athlete
○ Starting at 7th level, you can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to any
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that doesn't already use your
proficiency bonus. In addition, when you make a running long jump, the distance
you can cover increases by a number of feet equal to your Strength modifier.
● Additional Fighting Style
○ At 7th level, you can choose a second option from the Fighting Style class
● Fighting Style Specialization
○ At 11th level one of your fighting styles becomes stronger. Talk to your DM on
how because I’m not going to write enhancements for all the existing fighting
styles here.
○ In addition your weapon attacks have an additional damage die when you have
more than half of your hit points.
● Superior Critical
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○ Starting at 15th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.
○ When you score a critical hit you gain additional options.
■ Creature must make a Constitution saving throw, DC = 8 + Proficiency
Bonus + Strength or Dexterity Modifier. On failure they are stunned until
the end of your next turn.
■ Creatures gain vulnerability to your attacks until the end of your next turn.
● Survivor
○ At 18th level, you attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle. At the start of each of
your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you
have no more than half of your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you
have 0 hit points.
○ Your weapon attacks have an additional damage die when you have less than
half of your hit points.

Eldritch Knight Rework

The Eldritch knight falls behind other classes at being a spell blade and since the PHB is
old and newer content generally power creeps the base archetypes I decided to rework
the EK. EK’s serve the role of Arts Guards or regular fighters who supplement their
martial prowess with Arts to deal with dangerous foes.

● Spellcasting
○ When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial prowess with the ability to
cast spells.
● Cantrips
○ You learn three cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn an
additional wizard cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
● Spell Slots
○ The Eldritch Knight Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to
cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must
expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Shield
and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Shield
using either slot.
● Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
○ You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must
choose from the abjuration and evocation spells on the wizard spell list. The
Spells Known column of the Eldritch Knight Spellcasting table shows when you
learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Select two schools of magic.
Each of these spells must be from the schools of your choice, and must be of a
level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this
class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. The spells you learn at 8th,
14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic. Whenever you gain a
level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with
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another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a
level for which you have spell slots, and it must be from the schools you chose,
unless you're replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from
any school of magic.

● Spellcasting Ability
○ Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your
spells through study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a
spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when
making an attack roll with one. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier
● Weapon Bond
○ At 3rd level, you learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and
one weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done
during a short rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual,
at the conclusion of which you touch the weapon and forge the bond. Once you
have bonded a weapon to yourself, you can't be disarmed of that weapon unless
you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon
that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your
hand. You can have up to two bonded weapons, but can summon only one at a
time with your bonus action. If you attempt to bond with a third weapon, you must
break the bond with one of the other two. These weapons are considered
magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance.
● Arcane Recovery
○ At the end of every short rest you can recover spell slots equal to your
proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier.
● War Magic
○ Beginning at 7th level, when you use your action to take the Attack action you
may cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.
● Eldritch Strike
○ At 10th level, you learn how to make your weapon strikes undercut a creature's
resistance to spells. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, that creature
has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes against spells before the end
of your next turn.
● Arcane Charge
○ At 15th level, you gain the ability to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space
you can see when you use your Action Surge. You can teleport before or after
the additional action.
○ In addition when you action surge you supercharge your bound weapons beyond
their limits with your magic, your weapon attacks do an additional Xd10 magic
damage on hit. X = your intelligence modifier (min 1) and the damage type is the
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same as your weapon. If your weapon has multiple damage types you may
choose which one. This upgrades to d12s at level 20.
● Improved War Magic
○ Starting at 18th level, you can concentrate on two spells at the same time. You
make concentration checks for both of them when taking damage.


Way of the 4 Elements Buff

Players may choose elemental disciplines from Way of the 4 Elements Remastered.

There is no limit to the amount of ki points you can spend on an ability when activating it.

● Ki Breathing
○ Starting at 3rd level, as an action you may regain ki points equal to your
proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus. You regain use of this ability when you complete a long rest.
● Meditation
○ Starting at 6th level, when you short rest you may expend hit dice to increase
your maximum ki pool by 1 for each die spent. This increase lasts until your next
short rest.

Features that affect Undead/Fiend/Fey/Celestial will now affect creatures infected with Oripathy.



Rogue Archetype: Ronin

Masterless warriors from the far east; they are masters of prodigious sword arts; they
live on the edge of life and death. Former Samurai turned rogue, these elite warriors who
are unneeded turn to various means to support themselves. They rely on high risk high
return counterstrikes as they are no longer allowed to wear their armor.
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● Quick Draw - Starting at 3rd level, you can perform a high risk high return draw cut. As a
reaction whenever a creature within 5ft of you attacks you may make a weapon attack.
This attack benefits from sneak attack. This attack requires a sword held with two hands
that is sheathed and always resolves first even if other reactions are used. If you miss
the attack, the next attack against you; roll half of your sneak attack(rounded up) dice as
bonus damage until the end of the turn. This can also be used as a part of an attack of

● Kenjutsu - When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with
Longswords if you don’t already have it and Longswords are considered finesse
weapons. Most of Ronin's abilities rely on wielding a sword with both hands as drawing
and sheathing longswords can be done in the same turn.

● Superior Quick Draw - At 9th level, as an action you can prepare a deadlier quick draw.
You can apply one of the following effects to your quick draw attack. At level 13 you can
apply 2 at level 17 you can apply 3.
○ Double the sneak attack dice rolled.
○ On hit the creature must make a Constitution save DC = Half of Damage dealt,
on failure the creature is stunned until the start of its next turn.
○ You gain advantage on the attack roll for quick draw.
● Supreme Quick Draw - Starting at 13th level, you become extremely alert to your
surroundings and thus can no longer be surprised while conscious. You also gain the
following quick draw options when preparing as an action.
○ The attack has a -10 to the attack roll and disadvantage. If it hits it is considered
a critical hit / natural 20.
○ You can move up to half of your speed after the attack without provoking an
attack of opportunity.
○ You can target another creature within 5ft of you. Damage from the attack is
divided amongst both creatures but only the initial target can be afflicted with
● Ultimate Quick Draw - Starting at 17th level, you have achieved true mastery of iaijutsu.
Before the start of your turn you may quick draw if it has not been provoked. You also
gain the following quick draw options as an action.
○ Vorpal Blade - The attack decapitates the target if possible or else does 6d8
bonus damage on a critical hit.
○ Sever Limb - Creature must make a constitution save DC = Half of Damage dealt
on failure loses an appendage.
○ Bleed Out - Creature must make a constitution save DC = Half of Damage or
take the roll of half of your sneak attack dice(rounded up) in damage at the start
of each of its turn until healed.
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Operator Roles
Operators in Arknights have 8 roles as well as archetypes within those roles. This is a good
place to implement a new class system but there is a lot to think about in making balanced

Operator Roles are not exclusive to Rhodes Island but other factions probably have their own
military structure.
Roles provide a minor buff to a character. If a character becomes too overpowered throw
stronger challenges or nerf the ability.

Promotions and Training

Characters can gain promotions to Elite 1 and Elite 2 which can enhance their training in their
given roles. This is given through meritorious service at the discretion of the DM. Promoted
features override the previous feature.

Using the Xanathar’s Guide to Everything rules for downtime and training. Training in an
operator role gives the benefits of that role. Training takes a certain number of weeks to
complete which can be reduced by having a high intelligence. Training also costs 2500 LMD per
week on average but may cost more.

Features for operator roles will be separated by promotion levels. The specific implementation
of features is up to DM discretion but there are a few general guidelines to qualify to be a
specific type of operator.
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Hot take: Instead of relying on official published books like Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything why
don’t you be creative and talk to your players on what powers they want their characters to

Vanguards are fast attack skirmishers who are the first to enter battle.

The Sniper is a combatant that specializes in long range physical attacks. They are the most
common type of fighters and are responsible for destroying the opposition in a timely manner.
They however are not equipped to fight melee duels though so positioning is key.

Because in D&D you can just have a short sword/rapier with high DEX and be a competent
vanguard/sniper. In the spirit of good roleplaying Snipers are expected to use exclusively ranged

Sniper Archetypes
● Anti Air Sniper
○ Precision targeting against aerial targets.
○ Strong against unarmored foes.
○ Capable of rapid fire and mobile.
● Area of Effect Sniper
○ Trained in the use of explosives and launchers.
○ Deals damage to multiple enemies and objects.
○ Provides utility options for explosives.
● Burst Damage Sniper
○ Effective at short to mid range.
○ Penetrates armor and objects.
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● Long Range Sniper

○ Increased effective and maximum range.
○ Increased perception.
○ Capable of performing artillery fire.

The main offensive melee role. Guards are responsible for obstructing and defeating high
priority targets. They have a wide variety of abilities best suited for different types of enemies.

Guard Archetypes

● Duelist Guard
○ Excels in melee combat. Unsurpassed by all other roles/archetypes.
○ Limited ranged options.
● Ranged Guard
○ Capable of attacking a variety of targets.
○ Softens enemies at mid range before finishing in melee.
○ Stronger in melee than ranged unless your name is Silverash.
● Arts Guard
○ Uses Arts to supplement their melee abilities.
○ Strong against enemies not resistant to Arts.
○ Arts also provide utility.

The archetypical tank class. Tanking in D&D is very different from tanking in a video game
sense so there will be only a few specialized builds that can actually qualify as a Defender. But
here are the valued traits that a Defender has.

There are no strict taunt mechanics or abilities in D&D but effects that punish attacking one's
allies thus the only logical option is to attack you.
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Defender Archetype
● Normal Defender
○ Draws attention away from allies.
○ High defenses ensure high survival rates.
○ Large variety of techniques available.
● Medic Defender
○ Sustains allies with in combat healing.
○ Licensed medical professional.
● Arts Defender
○ Uses Arts to increase offensive/defensive ability.
○ Survivability is very Arts dependent.

Basically any offensive mage will qualify into this role. Generally their primary attack is ranged
offensive Arts. Training as a Caster generally will provide enhancements to offensive Arts such
as damage, range, accuracy, uses per long rest, or special effects.

Caster Archetypes
● Standard
○ Capable of powerful ranged offensive Arts against one target.
● Area of Effect
○ Capable of casting powerful areas of effect offensive Arts.

Self explanatory. Any class that can cast a healing spell is qualified to be a medic. Also non
magical doctors are the ones that stand out the most. Surgeons and pharmacists are always
welcome at any time.

Medic Archetypes
● Standard Medic
○ Capable of healing critical wounds focused on one target.
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● Area of Effect Medic

○ Capable of healing many allies but efficacy is lowered.

Casters that use their spells to empower their allies or weaken their enemies. Spell lists are
limited to spells that do not inflict direct damage.

Supporter Archetypes
● Buffer/Debuffer
○ Enhance ally abilities or debilitate enemies.
● Summoner
○ Conjures or commands creatures and constructs for various purposes.

This role is for those who don’t fit within the other 7. Generally reserved for those with unique
skill sets.

Backgrounds in 5th edition translate well into Arknights as it is still a swords and magic based
society. For more diverse backgrounds use the custom background rules.

Training and Other Downtime

AKA Pay to win power gaming. Using rules from Downtime Revisited from Xanathar. Investing
money in training between sessions allows players to unlock their character’s hidden talents.

Training can result in some of the following.

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● Enhanced Class Features

● Ability Score Improvement
● Unique Arts
● Skill or Tool proficiency

Downtime has diminishing returns as one reaches the height of mortal achievement. Training
also costs exponentially more if done too often or at character creation.

The world of Arknights is a mashup of modern technology and aesthetics with swords and
magic approach to combat. All the equipment from the base game of 5e shall be included. This
section will cover what new material shall be added.

The currency used in Terra is Lungmen Dollars or LMD for short. The conversion rates are as
1 Copper Piece = 1 LMD
1 Silver Piece = 10 LMD
1 Electrum Piece = 50 LMD
1 Gold Piece = 100 LMD
1 Platinum Piece = 1000 LMD

At some point Terra entered an economic depression which it managed to recover when many
countries used the relatively stable Lungmen's currency, LMD, in their economic activities.
Eventually LMD gains a similar status to US dollars in our world; it is accepted as a legal tender
everywhere in Terra and widely used in international transactions. Places on the fringes of
civilization still use silver or gold as well as refined Originium ingots as currency.

[Image] Cold hard cash, the true common language.

The Operators in Arknights use a wide variety of cool and wacky weapons because of the rule
of cool. Most people use very realistic and conventional weapons if not a natural part of their
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body they weaponize. Most people in the world of Arknights use medieval melee weapons and
archery augmented with some magic unique to the individual.

Optional/Alternative rules: All weapons are generally capable of inflicting bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage so the damage types are consolidated into Physical damage. Players can
declare what damage type they want to use to help them roleplay their attacks. For weapons
that are incapable of performing a physical damage type the player should roleplay how they go
about attacking with the weapon in such a way.

Simple Melee Weapons

Knuckle/Claw - For those fist fighters. Allows unarmed attacks as a bonus action when
equipped in both hands.
Weapon Damage Cost Weight Properties

Knuckle/Claw 1d4 2000 LMD 1 lb Finesse, Light,

Bludgeoning/Sla Special

Martial Melee Weapons

Chainsaw - Requires 15 STR to wield. Deals 1 additional damage die on incapacitated,

restrained, grappled targets, objects and structures.
Weapon Damage Cost Weight Properties

Chainsaw 1d12 Slashing 3500 LMD 10 lb Two Handed,

Heavy, Special

Simple Ranged Weapons

Repeating Crossbows - Less powerful than their loading counterparts but can be fired rapidly
without training.
Weapon Damage Cost Weight Properties

Repeating 1d6 Piercing 7500 LMD 10 lb Ammunition

Crossbow (range 80/320),
Two Handed,
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[Image] The crossbows in Arknights are Tacticool.

Firearms are used mostly by Laterano as they require a complex series of Arts to use. Thus
mostly the Sankta race with their innate aptitude for Arts are capable of operating such complex
machines. Arts users can be trained to use firearms, primarily handguns. Very few non Sankta
are capable of using a long gun and Sankta are required to acquire a license before being able
to use one.
In universe, firearms are used mostly by Sankta due to the high requirements needed to make
them effective in battle. They are also prohibitively expensive. Characters that plan to use
firearms should roleplay the hole it burns in their wallets. DMs should also adjust the price of
ammo or make the maintenance cost of using a gun in battle expensive.

Using downtime training rules a character can spend 2500 LMD per week for approximately 10
weeks to train in the use of handguns.
Training in the use of long guns is more expensive (DM discretion) and only gives proficiency
with one type of long gun per training.

● Training costs for Sankta are halved.

● Firearms can only be used by licensed individuals.
● Firearms use Dexterity for attack rolls and Damage modifiers.
● Proficiency with firearms is only attainable ingame through training. Only Sankta
characters can start with proficiency at character creation.
● Ammunition is expensive and cannot be shared between gun types. They cannot be
recovered like arrows too.
● Damage from firearms is non-magical piercing.
● Firearms are classified as a Martial Ranged weapon.
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● Firearms jam on a critical miss requiring an action to clear.

Firearm Properties
Close - Can be fired in melee without disadvantage.

Spread(X) - Attacks X additional creatures within a 5ft radius centered on the target. Make 1
attack roll. Any creatures who are targeted and whose Armor Class (AC) is equal to or below the
attack roll are hit. Use the same damage roll for all creatures.


Silencers can be purchased. A silenced firearm costs twice as much as its base price and has a
smaller damage die. Example a 1d10 becomes a 1d8. 1d4 becomes 1.

Weapon Damage Cost Weight Properties

Handgun 1d6 Pierce 25,000 LMD 2lb Ammunition

(range 30/120),
Light, Close

Rifle 1d10 Pierce 50,000 LMD 9lb Ammunition

(range 100/300)

Shotgun 1d8 Pierce 75,000 LMD 7lb Ammunition

(range 30/60)
Spread (2),

SMG 2d4 Pierce 75,000 LMD 6lb Ammunition

(range 60/120)

Assault Rifle 1d10 Pierce 100,000 LMD 9lb Ammunition

(range 100/400)

Sniper Rifle 1d12 Pierce 150,000 LMD 12lb Ammunition

(range 150/600)
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Bullets represent how many times a character can effectively attack with their firearm, not an
exact count of how many rounds they have in their possession. Access to ammunition is limited
as only a small minority of people use firearms and thus the price is expensive.

Bullets cost 1,000 LMD per unit. 1 Unit of ammo is consumed when attacking with any firearm.

Armor is the same except that it is flavored to be more modern like riot gear and kevlar. Shields
are flavored as ballistic shields. Plate armor is military grade body armor.

[Image] W, infamous Sarkaz mercenary in full gear.

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[Image] Plate armor is always in style.

Other Equipment

Grenades have a 20/60 throwing range and provide various effects. Most grenades are not sold
to the general public for obvious reasons but if you have a source they become valuable assets.
When throwing a grenade outside the optimal range, make an attack roll with disadvantage
against the target AC = 15. If it misses then the grenade lands somewhere unexpected at DMs

Fragmentation Grenade - 5000 LMD

● Classic boom boom. Deals 2d4 piercing damage to all creatures not in cover within 15ft
from the origin of the blast on a failed DC 12 Dexterity Saving throw.
● Draw a line from the blast center to the creature to determine cover. Diagonals require
two sides to be considered covered.

Flashbang Grenade - 5000 LMD

● Creatures within 15ft radius of the blast must make a DC 12 constitution saving throw or
be blinded and deafened until the end of their next turn.
● Creatures that are aware of the flashbang may use their reaction to blind themselves
until the start of their next turn. They automatically succeed the saving throw this way.

EMP Grenade - 5000 LMD

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● Disables originium devices within a 15ft radius of the blast for 1d4 turns.
● Creatures inside the blast make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw taking 1d4 lightning
damage on failure.

Smoke Grenade - 5000 LMD

● Creates a heavily obscured cloud of smoke in a 5ft radius from the center.
● Creates a lightly obscured cloud of smoke in a 15ft radius from the center.
● Smoke is dispersed by wind.

Arts (Magic) and Oripathy

Information taken from the wiki.

The source of Arts is currently unknown and unexplained by the game, except that Originium is
the basic material and catalyst of all kinds of Arts and Arts items. Without Originium, the
efficiency of Arts would, without a doubt, drop dramatically.

To cast complex Arts requires one to chant an incantation, therefore the user must be able to
speak, and the Arts will be cancelled if the user stops chanting. In the case of FrostNova, the
incantation is in the form of a song. Whether two people can use the same Arts by using the
same incantation is unknown, but it's implied not to be the case.

Simpler Arts can be casted with willpower alone, but is usually short ranged and is not
combat-ready. To use it in battle, the user employs it to enhance the weapon (e.g. Blaze's
superheating Arts being used on her chainsaw) or channels it into a special device (e.g.
Skullshatterer's Originium-enhanced grenade launcher). It is shown that two people with similar
Arts characteristics can use the latter device in exactly the same manner with only a short
tutorial. Additionally, not everyone can cast Arts (mostly limited to Caster and Medic, with
exceptions), or at least not in a functional form. Whether one has to be born with the potential or
whether it can be learned or studied is unknown.
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Arts manifest as various physics manipulations, ranging from moderate-sized energy shots, to
the capacity of destroying wide areas. Arts can also be used for healing wounds and other
health issues, as well as to imbue weapons, making them essentially stronger. Each Arts user is
limited to one particular type of Arts, e.g. Talulah's fire Arts and FrostNova's ice Arts, implied to
be determined by the state and working of their inner mind and emotion. The strength of the
Arts is apparently determined by the user's willpower. It's highly likely to be influenced by their
blood Originium-crystal density as well, however a non-Infected can cast Arts of comparable
magnitude. The strongest Arts user known to date canonically is Talulah, however it is shown
that there is one person who is able to block Talulah's Arts attack, albeit uncontrollably.

[Image] Talulah’s Roaring Flare, the flames burn so hot enemies are deprived of oxygen.

Gameplay and Mechanical Limitations

Based on the description of arts it would appear that casters must limit themselves in the range
of spells that they can possess and cast. For example a character like Frost Nova would limit
their spell choices to Ice spells exclusively and would not be able to learn other spells except for
very general ones. This for roleplay purposes.

There are no hard rules in the base game to enforce a lore friendly arts user but it’s up to the
DM and players on how they want to play their characters.
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Generally a lore friendly arts caster should fit the following description.
● Limit their spells to 1 school and 1 damage type. Damage types can be modified if
● Rely on Originium Devices to manifest their arts. Sorcerors being the exception.

DMs can incentivise sticking to the theme but carrot and stick methodology probably won’t
motivate your players from picking the most optimal spell loadout anyways.

Arts Units

Arts units are the Dungeon and Dragons equivalent of a spellcasting focus. These are
mechanical, electrical, technological, or ancient devices used as a medium to cast Arts from.
They come in various forms such as trinkets to weapons and can be tailored to their user.

Magic in the world of Arknights is powered by Originium and thus the most powerful casters are
generally infected with Oripathy. Non-infected people can train to those levels but there is a
strong difference between the haves and the have nots.

Those infected with Oripathy can perform powerful Arts and use the Originium in their bodies as
a substitute for an arts unit. In exchange the infection increases until the victim is deceased.



The infected will have some hardened skin on the site of infection and eventually will darken
and scab. After a few days the patient will experience internal burns followed by crystallization
of the infection site. The crystals will spread until the patient’s body can no longer respirate and
other bodily functions begin to shut down.

An upside is that the infected may use Arts without a spellcasting focus but this accelerates the

Tracking Infection
Infection is determined using Blood Origindium Crystal Density and Cell Originium Merging
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Thanks to ak-lore on the Arknights Discord.

According to the spreadsheet it seems there is a high correlation between Cell Originium
Merging Rate and infection status. Having a high Blood Originium Crystal Density does not
make you infected however cell merging might be inevitable at that point.

Blood Origindium Crystal Density is measured in u/L or units per liter. Cell Originium Merging is
a percentage. Highest recorded blood crystal density is with Eyjafjalla. Highest cell merging is
with Amiya and Ifrit. Lethal infection probably occurs when both values exceed a threshold but it
is difficult to determine which threshold has which effect exactly.

Getting Infected
Your characters have two trackers: Blood Originium Crystal Density or BOCD and Cell
Originium Merging Rate or COMR. For now I’ll rule that BOCD won’t kill you but when cell
merging begins is when things hit the fan.

BOCD will rise and fall over time from exposure to Originium. Cell merging starts at 0% for the
uninfected and can only increase until it reaches lethal levels. Cell merging is also likely when
the crystals start forming externally.

For blood crystal density most characters have hundreths of a unit/Liter before dying so for
convenience it will be tracked using a whole number. Each unit of BOCD represents 1/100 of a
u/L. Cell Merging is tracked using a number from 0 to 100 where 100 obviously kills you but you
start dying at much lower percentages.

At the beginning of each long rest cell merge rate is calculated. Roll a Constitution Saving
Throw. The DC for this Save is 20 + your BOCD modifier. BOCD modifier is calculated the same
as ability scores like STR or CON. Upon failing your COMR increases by 1%. You do not need
to make this saving throw if your BOCD modifier is 0.

At the end of each long rest your BOCD increases or decreases based on several factors.
● Natural recovery lowers BOCD by your Constitution modifier minimum of 1.
● Medicines reduce BOCD or prevent build up.
● Exposure to the environment causes BOCD increase.
● Other external or internal factors at DM discretion.

Melantha, a Rhodes Island operator, is considered infected at a Cell Originium Merge Rate of
2% and a Blood Originium Crystal Density of .25 u/L or 25 BOCD for this system. She has to roll
a Con Save at DC 27 to prevent gaining another percentage.
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Once infected your character must find ways of slowing or halting the disease’s progression
there is no cure currently even with Wish. Finding a cure might be a campaign goal.

Exposure to Originium without proper protective gear will gradually increase your BOCD.
Prolonged exposure is just as dangerous as a hazardous one so watch yourself.

LV Exposure Level BOCD Gain/Rate Examples

0 None 0 Sterile or clean

areas. Generally
inside maintained
buildings or city

1 Minimal 1 per Day Most environments

are minimal due to
how Originium is
basically everywhere.

2 Light 2 per Day Laboratory work

involving Originium.

3 Moderate 4 per Day Originium mines are

a good example.

4 Heavy 8 u/L per Day Heavily contaminated

areas, Originium dust
is everywhere and
there are crystals
found in the general

5 Extreme 10 u/L per Day Hostile Environments

dangerous to all life.
Catastrophe zones fit
into this category.

The game doesn’t actually show most of our operators wear hazmats or anything to prevent
Oripathy. Because the art demands we see their faces and curves. But seriously if you’re not
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gonna wear a gas mask or something you’re gonna die. This equipment is not considered armor
for features that require you to wear armor or not.

You cannot wear additional armor when wearing a hazmat suit. Gas masks and rebreathers can
be worn with armor made for combat.

[Image] Kaltsit with her rebreather.

Hazmat Suits are compromised if struck with an attack. When taking damage in a hazmat suit it
will lose its protection against Exposure. Light suits can take 1 hit before being worthless,
medium 2, and heavy 3.
Equipment Cost AC Strength Stealth Weight Protection

Gas Mask 500 LMD 2 lb Protects


Light 60 LMD 11 + DEX 10lb Protects

Hazmat (Max 2) up to
Suit Moderate

Medium 500 LMD 14 + DEX Disadvanta 45lb Protects

Hazmat (Max 1) ge up to
Suit Heavy

Heavy 750 LMD 16 13 Disadvanta 55lb Protects

Hazmat ge up to
Suit Extreme

Rebreather 5000 LMD 8lb Protects

(Backpack) up to
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[Image] An infected patrolman, his gear

protects him from Oripathy as he hunts the infected.

Once infected, roll on the table to determine infection location.

Value Location

1 Brain

2-5 Eye

5-9 Mouth

10-13 Arms

13-17 Legs

18-19 Abdomen

20 Heart

Stage 1 (2-10%) - Nothing out of the ordinary. Dark spots located internally as cells merge with
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Stage 2 (11-20%) - Crystallization has begun and spreading. With medical care it is possible for
this to be a minor inconvenience otherwise it will begin causing serious health complications.
Stage 3 (>20%)- Invasive period. Crystallization spreads to other parts of the body. Infections in
vital areas are immediately lethal except in exceptional circumstances. More than 20% of your
cells are crystals now there is no hope.

Stage 3 infected creatures must make a Death Saving throw once per day.

After 3 cumulative failures, the creature succumbs to Oripathy, their body becoming a mass of
Originium crystals shattering and spreading to its surroundings. The area around 5ft of the body
is considered a Heavy Exposure and the area around 15ft of the body is considered Moderate.
This persists until the corpse is destroyed and its remains scattered as dust in the wind. This
counter does not reset ever.

So far no cure has been found for any stage of the infection, but Rhodes Island is actively
working on one. Some of the treatment developed by Rhodes Island can slow or impede the
progress of active Oripathy, and only active Oripathy. Regular treatment known commonly
around the world can also be applied to damaged parts of the body.

No cases of Oripathy have been completely cured, with most of the patients dying. The
remaining patients have had their Oripathy progress either slowed or stopped, but the condition
itself still remains with them.

Optional Mechanics
This section will describe optional rules that may provide a more interesting experience.

Great Success Cannot Exist Without Great Failure

If your players feel entitled to success on skill checks when they roll at natural 20 use this rule.
Natural 20s automatically succeed skill checks and saving throws unless they are physically
impossible. However natural 1s automatically fail skill checks and they must be mechanically
punished for doing so.

Oripathy is Just for Flavor

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If the Oripathy rules makes gameplay unfun or too difficult to stand just remove it along with a lot
of the changes in this document. If it’s not fun don’t use it. You should also remove the oripathy
feats though so players don’t intentionally infect themselves for power.

The World of Terra

A world map of Terra. The areas without hexagons are bodies of water, the dark blue areas represent the ocean,
and the blank areas represent unknown/uncharted territories (Terra incognita).

Information taken from the wiki

While similar, if not identical, to Earth (including having an oxygen atmosphere, a more-or-less same
gravity and atmospheric pressure, and carbon-based lifeforms) – to the point that humans from our
world have no issues if they are somehow brought into Terra, it is ravaged by Catastrophes; various
cataclysmic natural disasters that force much of Terra's inhabitants to adopt a nomadic way of life
through nomadic cities instead of a sedentary one, with few exceptions. A crystalline substance
known as Originium is left behind at the site of Catastrophes and is widely used as a source of
energy and the catalyst for magic-like Originium Arts, but at the same time it is capable of causing a
terminal disease known as Oripathy from direct or prolonged exposure, which is responsible for
much of Arknights' rather bleak tone.

Terra is predominantly inhabited by various Ancient races, both humanoid and anthropomorphic.
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The technology level of Terra is similar to that of our own world, but noticeably more advanced
though not too far-fetched. In regards to warfare, however, cold weaponry (e.g. swords, spears,
shields, bows, crossbows, etc.) are used most of the time; firearms and explosives do exist, but both
are Originium-based (e.g. firearms use Originium Arts as the operating mechanism and fires
Originium projectiles, while explosives use compounds derived from Originium) unlike in our world,
thus making firearms a rare sight in Terra with handguns being more common than long guns, the
latter of which are exclusively used by the Sankta.

Terra uses a dating system that is identical to the Gregorian calendar in our world – even sharing the
same month names (January, February, etc.), but have a different year count – Arknights take place
in Terran Year 1097.

As of the events of Arknights, not every corner of Terra has been charted and explored. The
charted areas encompass various continents with different biomes. So far little, if any,
information is available about Terra's "great beyond", especially the vast ocean where Aegir is
likely located.

Common Knowledge
The Infected are ostracized and persecuted by much of Terran society because they pose a
health risk to the non-Infected. The risk itself has been highly exaggerated in many areas thanks
to various misinformation spread about Oripathy – mostly due to political motivations. This is
especially prominent in countries such as Ursus where the Infected are subject to forced labor in
gulag-like Originium mines which only worsens their Oripathy, and in Leithania where an
Infected whose Oripathy reaches a certain limit is euthanized. As a result, a seemingly endless
cycle of hatred between the Infected and the non-Infected has dominated Terra for centuries
and continues to this day. Many have attempted to break the cycle through both peaceful and
violent means. The most recent dichotomy of peaceful and violent activism is between R.I. who
seek a more rational, moderate approach to mitigating the Infected's suffering and Reunion who
adopt a radical method: delivering retribution for the Infected's plight on the non-infected in
Terran society instead.

The only exceptions to the infected discrimination are tribal societies, wasteland dwellers, or
those who do not partake in the luxuries of modern civilization as those people have other
things killing them before Oripathy takes them.

Everyone knows what it is, and the health effects related to long term exposure to it.
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In Arknights, there are several factions. Each faction has its own interests and goals. Factions
can be organizations or nations.

As with our world, Terra is divided into many nation-states with most of them being parallels to
those in our world.

Life on Terra
Information is compiled from the wiki, official sites, and other wikis. Along with some original
thoughts and inputs.

The living conditions of the average person is comparable to living in 21st century Earth.
Obviously there is a wide variety in the standard of living around the world from remote villages
to metropolitan cities.

What This Means For You

As a denizen of Terra there are many things you can be, these are some questions you can ask
yourself to help to decide your life story.

● Are you born and raised in a Nomad City free from the worries of Catastrophe but bound
by society’s laws?
● Do you live outside the cities braving the harsh environment enduring Catastrophes
whenever they may occur?
● Are you from a static settlement in a remote land where Catastrophes are few and far
● Are you infected?
● What makes you special?
● Can you use Arts?
● Are you aligned with any faction?
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Campaign Suggestions
There are no guidelines on how to run a campaign or which type of adventure best fits this
setting but here are some suggestions to get started.

Regardless, always make sure your players make characters that inexplicably have gathered
together in one place and their personal goals can be achieved by working together.

Regarding death and canon. Everything is non-canon, even the deaths of important characters
in Arknights. It’s up to you to follow canon or not either way the goal is to have fun.

Also the male to female ratio in Arknights is horribly skewed because it’s a gacha game
targeting men. Most named NPCs are 90% likely to be female. As of writing this there are 17
male operators out of the 100+ roster of playable operators.

DM Section

Vehicle Combat

Vehicles can be classified based on their size. They are considered objects and not creatures
for the purpose of features and spells. They have HP, AC, and a Damage Threshold which is
how much minimum damage is required to damage a vehicle. I will be drawing on inspiration
from the official material from Baldur’s Gate module’s infernal war machines.

Manufacturing and Magic Items

Because Arknights is more of a science fantasy, magic items for the most part are manufactured
products of technology. The more powerful the item the more complex the creation process is
and more expensive. Of course some items simply cannot be created through this method
either due to the methods being lost, the creators are not skilled enough, or some other reason.

Custom Weapon
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This is a weapon specially made for a single person. They are proficient with this weapon and
this weapon only, even if they would not normally be. Discuss with your DM what kind of special
abilities would be appropriate to have on it.

Materials can be acquired during the campaign or purchased from the market at these prices.
With the facilities it is possible to refine materials following the recipes in the Arknights mobile
Material formulas are here.

Prices below do not include the LMD cost in the formula but the base cost in material value.
Orirock - 33 LMD
Rich in organics, it is commonly seen in regions where Originium has completely volatilized.
Compared to Originium, it is easier to exploit. A rock mined from the ground. Can be used for a
variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Orirock Cube - 100 LMD

With numerous micropores, it is often used in the interlayer of armors as an adsorbent of the
breakdown product of Originium gas. A rock cube mined from the ground. Can be used for a
variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Orirock Cluster - 500 LMD

Compressed from Orirock Cubes, it can be formed naturally. It is a fragile material, but industrial
technology has made it possible to produce complete Orirock Clusters now. People often
mistake it for an ordinary cluster of rocks. A conglomerate rock mined from the ground. Can be
used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Orirock Concentration - 2000 LMD

This Orirock looks different from the raw material after the refinement process. It costs much
more than other processing methods. Anyone who has seen the smooth cutting surface will be
amazed. That must be the charm of combining nature with industry. A refined matter produced
with Orirock Cluster. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and the synthesis of Polymerization

Sugar Substitute - 33 LMD

It's slightly sweet and possibly edible. It is also commonly used in chemical manufacturing.
Cheap sugar substitute produced by assembly line. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and
for production in the Factory.

Sugar - 100 LMD

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A more expensive sugar made from natural materials. Ahh, this taste… will surely put one in a
great mood. However, it’s not for casual snacking. A small amount of sugar produced by
assembly line. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Sugar Pack - 400 LMD

A calorie-rich sugar pack that's highly sought after. Its weight never seems to meet the
standards set for chemical manufacturing. The production line employees may have something
to do with it. A decent amount of sugar produced by assembly line. Can be used for a variety of
upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Sugar Lump - 1600 LMD

A nice, finely processed sugar lump commonly used for potion production. Do not taste test it!
This is not food and is not to be sold as food! EVER! A large amount of sugar produced by
assembly line. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Pure Gold - 500 LMD

How much ore does it take to make such valuable gold bars? It doesn't matter. What matters is
that they're yours. A refined gold bar. Can be exchanged for a lot of LMD. 1x Pure Gold = 500
LMD (RIIC Trading Post).

Ester - 33 LMD
One of the most important materials in modern industry. Its appearance has lead to the
development of many modern products. This one, of course, is only a raw material that has
practical application. Ester used in industrial production. Can be used for a variety of upgrades
and for production in the Factory.

Polyester - 100 LMD

Although it is lacking in potency, it can still be used to produce some basic materials we need. It
is also a common ingredient in some sustained-release drugs. A small amount of polyester used
in industrial production. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Polyester Pack - 400 LMD

After a series of processes, it meets the standards and general needs of most products on the
market. It can also be used to process some special materials. A pack of polyester used in
industrial production. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Polyester Lump - 1600 LMD

A refined material. As a product, it is mostly sold to organizations and research institutions that
have extremely high raw material needs. It may become the basis of the next generation of
materials. A lump of polyester used in industrial production. Can be used for a variety of
upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Oriron Shard - 33 LMD

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A byproduct of massive metal processing. Its high plasticity and oxidation resistance make it a
common material of smelting and phased processing. A common industrial material. Can be
used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Oriron - 100 LMD

In a small number of inerting processes, Oriron Shards may have phase changed and
polymerized into Oriron. It is generally thought that Oriron is relatively stable when it reaches
this level.A rare industrial material. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in
the Factory.

Oriron Cluster - 400 LMD

During the processing, influenced by very few unartificial factors, multiple Orirons may merge
into this form by chance. Its hardness has decreased but its purity has increased. A precious
industrial material. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Oriron Block - 1600 LMD

An Oriron block fused with multiple Oriron Clusters under extremely harsh conditions. As the
most stable and rarest form of Oriron, it can be used in all manners of industrial production. An
expensive industrial material. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and the synthesis of
Polymerization Preparation.

Diketon - 33 LMD
A very small amount of Diketon. After reprocessing, Engineer Operators use solidification during
chemical combination to bond other stable structures. A very small amount of industrial organic
compound. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Polyketon - 100 LMD

A small amount of Polyketon preparation produced through a special process. Its closed
molecular structure has changed much complicated processing into simple chemical reactions.
Of course, certain technical support is still needed. A small amount of industrial organic
compound. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Aketon - 400 LMD

A modest amount of Aketon preparation produced through further dehydrocarbon processing.
The preparation reacts with the non-oxygen molecules in the air, so Engineer Operators must
be careful during processing to avoid waste. A modest amount of industrial organic compound.
Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Keton Colloid - 1600 LMD

A large amount of unstable Keton preparation. As one of the advanced industrial materials, it is
closely monitored by our Engineer Operators. Please be careful when handling. A large amount
of industrial organic compound. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and the synthesis of
Polymerization Preparation.
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Damaged Device - 33 LMD

A broken device that was embedded in the enemy's weapons and armor. It got damaged during
a fierce fight, but the components inside are still valuable. A damaged mechanical device
captured from Reunion. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Device - 100 LMD

A set of devices that are relatively complete with numerous valuable components. To make it
portable and practical, almost every bit of space around the motherboard is in use. An ordinary
mechanical device captured from Reunion. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for
production in the Factory.

Integrated Device - 400 LMD

A set of brand new devices. By reproducing the structure of devices of the same type, the lack
of space around the motherboard has been solved. The energy consumption, of course, has
also become higher. A brand new mechanical device captured from Reunion. Can be used for a
variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Optimized Device - 1600 LMD

After undergoing a large number of private modifications, these devices have greatly expanded
capacity, which improves performance at the cost of stability. From this, one can feel the
dedication and perseverance from the makers. An advanced mechanical device captured from
Reunion. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and the synthesis of Bipolar Nanoflake.

Loxic Kohl - 400 LMD

An outstanding chemical mediator. When in use, it often changes between two forms to store
and release other materials. When it becomes liquid, some of its properties are the same as
those of alcohol, which often leaves our Engineer Operators tipsy. A flaky organic compound.
Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

White Horse Kohl - 1200 LMD

A product made from Loxic Kohl after fine processing. It was named after the company that
discovered its production method. Experiments show that it tends to transform to a higher
structure in abnormal environments. A flaky organic compound. Can be used for a variety of
upgrades and the synthesis of Bipolar Nanoflake.

Manganese Ore - 400 LMD

A metal that is used to produce a catalyst widely used in industries. As the reprocessing is
complicated, accidents caused by nonstandard techniques do happen from time to time. A
metal ore used for metallurgy. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and for production in the

Manganese Trihydrate - 1200 LMD

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A precious metal which few companies are willing to use to produce industrial catalysts. The
catalyst made from it, however, has an extremely long service life. It can be used repeatedly
and even stripped and recycled, but the complicated processes have forced many companies to
give up. A metal ore used for metallurgy. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and the
synthesis of D32 Steel.

Grindstone - 400 LMD

An important tool in component processing. It has stable properties, and will never explode,
powderize, or crack. A grindstone used to process weapon parts. Can be used for a variety of
upgrades and for production in the Factory.

Grindstone Pentahydrate - 1200 LMD

Compared to normal Grindstone, this tool has an even more stable structure. It is highly
non-reactive. An advanced grindstone used in the finish machining of weapon parts. Can be
used for a variety of upgrades and the synthesis of D32 Steel.

RMA70-12 - 400 LMD

A mineral whose natural form is a complicated polyhedron. Its value for Originium Arts was
known long before its industrial value. A sensitive mineral with high conductivity. Can be used
for a variety of upgrades and for production in the Factory.

RMA70-24 - 1200 LMD

A mineral whose natural form is a complicated polyhedron. Found in 1024, it shows great
industrial value that other minerals used for Originium Arts lack. A highly sensitive mineral with
outstanding conductivity. Can be used for a variety of upgrades and the synthesis of D32 Steel.

Polymerization Preparation - 5200 LMD

A material commonly used as an isolation coating for delicate equipment. Its bonding effect is
strong enough to interrupt the volatilization of Originium. A complicated liquid industrial product.
Can be used for high level upgrades.

Bipolar Nanoflake - 2800 LMD

A device that is sensitive to Originium within a certain range. It can significantly improve the
sensitivity of nearby weapons and equipment to Originium, making them near vessels for
Originium Arts. The brainchild of modern science and industry. Can be used for high level

D32 Steel - 4800 LMD

This material can deliver Originium Arts smoothly and its amazing hardness makes it impossible
to penetrate. It will set a new standard for weapon materials. An artificial metal that doesn't exist
in nature. Can be used for high level upgrades.

Originium Shard - 1000 LMD

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An Originium shard collected from heavily contaminated regions. Anyone who touches it has a
high chance to get infected and even mutate. Therefore, it is a hazardous material as indicated
in the Columbia CDC toxicity database. An Originium shard collected from polluted regions. Can
be used to produce Orundum.

Creation Process
The characters will need to have access to a factory or well equipped facility to be able to create
these wondrous items. It is also a time and labor intensive process using the rules found in the
Dungeon Master’s Guide and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.

Specific formulas for items are up to the DM but generally the basic structure requires D32
Steel, Bipolar Nanoflakes are used to imbue the item with Originium arts, and Polymerization
Preparation is used to bind the two together.

MAYONEPS#7270 (CN official)
Mathea “macroflation” (character creation addict)
Kana (Apple Pie Addict)
Destroyer of Holes #2208

This wiki.

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