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OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH from hazardous conditions; give complete job

STANDARDS (OSHS) safety instructions or orientation to all the workers;

and inform the workers of the hazards associated
What are the Philippine occupational health and with their work. Other duties of both workers and
safety Standards? employers are to use only approved devices and
-With the RA 11058, employers are now equipment for the workplace, and to comply with
required to comply with occupational safety and OSH standards including the provision of protective
health standards including informing workers on all and safety devices such as personal protective
types of hazards in the workplace and having the equipment and machine guards.
right to refuse unsafe work, as well as providing
facilities and personal protective equipment for the All safety and health personnel are also required to
workers, among others. undergo training on basic occupational safety and
health for safety officers as prescribed by the
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Department of Labor and Employment. The law
(OSH) Law, was signed into law by Former further authorizes the Secretary of DOLE and
President Rodrigo Duterte in August 2018. The representatives to conduct inspections and
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) assessments in the workplace.
released the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) in December 2018 upon the approval of The Secretary is also given the authority to order a
Labor Secretary Silvestre H. Bello III. stoppage of work or suspension of operations of
any establishments when non-compliance with the
Republic Act 11058 or “An Act Strengthening law or implementing rules and regulations poses
Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health grave and imminent danger to the health and safety
of workers. Refusal of an employer, contractor or
Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations”
subcontractor to comply with the OSH standards or
mandates employers to implement safety standards with the compliance order issued by DOLE will be
in the workplace. Under the new law, workers are liable for an administrative fine not exceeding to
encouraged to report violations of employers P100,000 per day until the violation is corrected.
especially threats of dismissal and non-payment of
The fine collected will be used for the operation of
salary. Such privilege is among the highlights of the
occupational safety and health initiatives including
new measure especially if the health safety and occupational safety and health training and
security of the worker is at risk. education, and other occupational safety and health
Under Section 23 of the OSH Law, a worker is
entitled to receive his salary in the event of Investigations in these accidents have proven that
company closure due to violations. If stoppage of non-compliance significantly contribute to
work due to imminent danger occurs as a result of unfortunate occurrences resulting in threats either
the employer’s violation or fault, the employer shall to the life or limbs of workers.
pay the workers concerned their wages during the
period of such stoppage of work or suspension of OSH also commonly referred to as “workplace
operations. health and safety” is an area concerned with the
safety, health and welfare of people engaged in
For purpose of payment of wages and any other work or employment. The goals of occupational
liabilities arising from the work stoppage order, the safety and health program are to foster a safe and
employer is presumed a party at fault if work healthy work environment. OSH may also protect
stoppage order is issued secondary to imminent co-workers, family members, employers,
danger, which would imperil the lives of the customers, and many others who might be affected
workers. A worker may also file a petition to claim by the workplace environment.
compensation benefits in case of death or injury
during working hours. All workers are entitled to work in environments
where risks to their health and safety are controlled.
The law also emphasizes the maximum amount of Employers have the primary responsibility to see to
P100, 000 daily as an administrative penalty for the it that health and safety standards are followed.
erring employer for non-correction of violation. The
amount of fine imposed shall depend on the Workers have a duty to take care of their own
frequency or gravity of the violation committed or health and safety and that of others who may be
the damage caused, provided, however, that the affected by their actions at work. Workers must co-
maximum amount shall be imposed only when the operate with employers and co-workers to help
violation exposes the workers to a risk of death, them meet the requirements of the law.
serious injury or serious illness.

The law covers all establishments, projects, sites,

Philippine Economic Zone Authority
establishments, and workplaces in all branches of
economic activity.

Among the key provisions of the new measure are

duties of employers, workers, and other persons
who manage, control or supervise the work being
undertaken. These responsibilities include the need
to furnish the workers a place of employment free

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