Games 247 Assignment

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We have cohorted the Cx based upon their recurring the payment mode and the activity on the app
in order to get the clear idea of whom to target by what marketing means going forward

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Elite/Plat elite sub abt to expire(Mn) 0.5 1 2 3 4 5
Elite Sub abt to expire 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3
Plat elite sub about to exp 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Active Elite sub abt to expire 0.18 0.36 0.72 1.08 1.44 1.8
Inactive Elite 0.12 0.24 0.48 0.72 0.96 1.2
Active Plat elite abt to exp 0.12 0.24 0.48 0.72 0.96 1.2
InActive Plat elite abt to exp 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.48 0.64 0.8
Non-payment recurring Elite sub 0.12 0.24 0.48 0.72 0.96 1.2
Non-payment recurring plat elite
sub 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.48 0.64 0.8

Assumption or hypo 1: The recurring payment Cx wont cancel their subscription and these Cx can be
assumed to be retained for one more year or month based upon their payment method.

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Non-payment recurring Elite sub- inactive (A) 0.072 0.144 0.288 0.432 0.576 0.72
Non-payment recurring Elite sub- active (B) 0.048 0.096 0.192 0.288 0.384 0.48
Non-payment recurring Plat Elite sub- inactive (C ) 0.048 0.096 0.192 0.288 0.384 0.48
Non-payment recurring Plat Elite sub- active(D) 0.032 0.064 0.128 0.192 0.256 0.32

The brief marketing plan will be based out of these 4 cohorts of subscribers:

So, the necessary target segment which we need to focus upon to improve the retention of the to be
unsubscribed users is the Non-payment recurring cohort mentioned in green as shown in the above

Further cohorting of these Cx will be as follows based upon their app activity with names mentioned
in the brackets adjacent to the cohort braod name
Brief type Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

in-app banners showing their

accoutn validatity starting from In app For B and D For B and D For B and D For B and D For B and D For B and D
D-2 Month for recency for Banners + Cohort Cx and Cohort Cx and Cohort Cx and Cohort Cx and Cohort Cx and Cohort Cx and
yearly payment Cx and 5 day Remainders gauging the gauging the gauging the gauging the gauging the gauging the
periof for monthly payment interest and interest and interest and interest and interest and interest and
elite Cx actions actions actions actions actions actions



- Special
- Any new
contextual marketing Campaign For A & C For A & C For A & C For A & C For A & C For A & C
campaigns based on the recent - Similar Cohorts at Cohorts at Cohorts at Cohorts at Cohorts at Cohorts at
events and the new movies genre regular time regular time regular time regular time regular time regular time
that are launched for this content intervals as intervals as intervals as intervals as intervals as intervals as
month - special as well as the campaign mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned
movies for the month in plat according to according to according to according to according to according to
elite and elite according to the engagagement engagagement engagagement engagagement engagagement engagagement
content calendar set efficacy efficacy efficacy efficacy efficacy efficacy

Contextual context based email For all the For all the For all the For all the For all the For all the
targeting and regular marketing cohorts with cohorts with cohorts with cohorts with cohorts with cohorts with
remainders of the same for the Campaign personalised personalised personalised personalised personalised personalised
Cx content content content content content content

test the test the test the test the test the test the
efficacy of the efficacy of the efficacy of the efficacy of the efficacy of the efficacy of the
Whatsapp campaign and campaign and campaign and campaign and campaign and campaign and
Contextual messaging with the campaigns decide on the decide on the decide on the decide on the decide on the decide on the
new content activity for the content content content content content content
inactive users change and change and change and change and change and change and
Content based targeting for the later chuck or later chuck or later chuck or later chuck or later chuck or later chuck or
non-active users based upon enlarge the enlarge the enlarge the enlarge the enlarge the enlarge the
the activity campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign
Recommendations for engagement improval:

1. Dynamic pricing models integrated with Content of Last AY march

Currently only 2 pricing models are enabled for the Cx to be subscribing and using the
content. A smaller pack for a 6 month period can also be introduced if there is a churn in the
Cx who want it and are not subscribing with it being a blocker. Also once we understand the
content preferences of the subscriber the stickiness increases. Also if we observe in the
above data point there is non-linear churn of subscribers suggesting the change the Cx have
due to the content they have / or posting on the platform. Probably Cx have subscribed more
1 year back in the March suggesting last year March has been great in terms of the platform
content or the user subscribing. So, try to replicate the content of March and bring more Cx
engagement tagged with more revenue generation strategy through dynamic pricing models.



(1) Ranking of Events by Likely Cause of Lower Day1 Retention:

Overall ranking would be a>b>c~e>d

a. Campaign Offering Rs 100 for Referrals (Mar 19):

Likelihood: High

Reasoning: Offering monetary incentives for referrals might attract new players who are less likely to
stay engaged in the long term. The focus could be more on acquiring the bonus than genuine interest
in playing.

b. Increase in Minimum Deposit (Mar 20):

Likelihood: Moderate

Reasoning: Raising the minimum deposit may deter casual players or those exploring the platform for
the first time. This change could impact the willingness of new users to make an initial deposit.

c. FF's Joining Bonus Increase (Mar 21):

Likelihood: Moderate

Reasoning: The significant increase in joining bonus by GG's competitor may attract users looking for
immediate gains, potentially diverting them from GG. However, the impact may depend on the users'
priorities and loyalty.

d. Change in Login Security (Mar 22):

Likelihood: Low
Reasoning: While the change in login security might affect the user experience, it's less likely to be a
primary factor for Day1 retention drop. Security measures are generally appreciated by users, but the
impact on retention might be indirect.

e. GG Matching FF's Joining Bonus (Mar 23):

Likelihood: Moderate

Reasoning: Matching FF's offer could be seen as a reactive move, but it might attract users who are
solely interested in maximizing bonuses. The impact depends on how players perceive and compare
the offers.

(2) Testing the Impact of Each Event on Day1 Retention:

a. Campaign Offering Rs 100 for Referrals (Mar 19):


Analyze the conversion rate of referred players to cash players.

Compare Day1 retention for players acquired through referrals during and after the campaign.


Referral source data, conversion rates, and Day1 retention for referred players.

b. Increase in Minimum Deposit (Mar 20):


Compare the average deposit amount before and after the change.

Analyze the change in the number of new players making their first deposit.


Deposit amount data, new player deposit data.

c. FF's Joining Bonus Increase (Mar 21):


Compare the rate of new player sign-ups before and after FF's announcement.

Analyze the correlation between the increase in FF's bonus and GG's Day1 retention drop.


Sign-up rates, competitor analysis, Day1 retention during the period.

d. Change in Login Security (Mar 22):


Examine the impact on user satisfaction and feedback after the security change.

Compare Day1 retention for players before and after the security update.


User feedback, user satisfaction scores, Day1 retention data.

e. GG Matching FF's Joining Bonus (Mar 23):


Compare the rate of new player sign-ups before and after GG's announcement.

Analyze the impact of the matching bonus on Day1 retention.


Sign-up rates, bonus utilization data, Day1 retention during the period.

By systematically analyzing the impact of each event through targeted tests and correlating relevant
data, GG can gain insights into the causes of the lower Day1 retention and make informed decisions
for future strategies.



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