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How To Seduce Cougars

Using Mature Female
Psychology Tactics
An older woman-
younger man relationship
defies many norms.
What was once viewed as
unacceptable and frowned
upon by conservatives has
successfully claimed its
place in society.
With female celebrities
flaunting their younger
men, it has become a
trend that shows no sign
of going away.
Now, there are even
dating websites that
cater to younger men
looking for older women
and vice versa.
Society is slowly
warming up to the notion
of a May-December
This might be because
nowadays, women are ruling
the boardroom, making
important business decisions,
and holding positions which
were exclusively held by men
Many women now feel
empowered to go after
what they want,
including going after the
men they want.
After all, they have the
skills, experience, and
brains to do so.
Even if this type of
relationship isn’t always
perceived positively, it
didn’t stop women to make
their choices freely and
stand up for them.
Portraying women as
predators, the term
“cougar” was born.
Cougar refers to an older
woman who is on the
prowl for a younger
From reality shows to
sitcoms, it has become
apparent that an increasing
number of younger men
prefer hooking up with
older women.
Thanks to fire starters like
Demi Moore and media’s ever-
growing portrayal in shows
like CougarTown, there’s
never been a better time to
chase, or be chased by a
Module I :
Cougar Dating 101
The Cougar Glossary
Cougar dating is the
latest social and cultural
phenomenon that is
sweeping the world
It is the act or the process by
which a “cougar” prowls for a
“cub”, the scenario ending in
the “cub” being taken back to
the “cougar’s” lair.
Cougar is the term that has been
coined to describe a woman in her
late 30’s up to mid 50’s who
frequent night spots, clubs and
other venues associated with the
younger generation.
The goal of a cougar is to
hook up with a young
and strapping male (cub)
of about 25 years old or
While most cougar-cub hook-ups
happen within the night and ends
in the bedroom, some cougar-cub
pairings have proven the test of
time and have blossomed into
full-fledged relationships.
The Birth of the Cougar
According to lexicographer and online
columnist Grant Barret, the term was
popularized and cemented into the
social psyche and stratosphere by a
2001 book by Valerie Gibson entitled:
Cougar: A Guide for Older Women
Dating Younger Men.
Going back further, the
term made its first
appearance in a dating
site started in 1999 called
It is as the name implies, a
website dedicated to older,
more mature women who
would like to get connected
to younger men.
According to an article in the
website, the name was inspired
when a nephew of one of the two
ladies who founded the site
likened them to “cougars” in
search of small and defenseless
The nephew reportedly
overheard the word
“cougar” being used by
hockey players on his
The Feline Family
There are many different
cougar classifications,
each one behaving
according to her specie.
The way she prowls,
mates and interacts with
her prey is dependent on
the type that she falls in.
The Divorcee Cougar
The divorcee cougar is
mostly concerned about
getting back at a cheating
She will have a deep-
seated resentment for
anyone under the age of
28 and will be her prime
This type will almost
always be athletic, and
hunts with other
ravenous divorcees in
exclusive hot spots.
The Sugar Mamma Cougar
The sugar mamma will be
a self-made successful
career-woman who is out
for a good time.
Whether she is divorced,
playing around or single,
she uses her wealth to bait
hapless male cubs and lead
them into her lair.
This type of cougar is highly
welcomed by the young male
population as she has a tendency
to buy them entirely brand new
outfits and lavish gifts not to
mention taking the tab in
restaurants and clubs.
The Cheating Cougar
The cheating cougar will most
likely be spotted drinking
alone in the lobby of a hotel,
trying to drown out her
sorrows from a relationship
that has gone awry.
They will almost always
be subtle, careful not to
cause a scene or be
She will almost always be
very far away from her
hometown as not to
arouse suspicion.
She will be dressed in her
best, determined to get
herself some fun and
action and her ring will
be hidden from view.
A cheating cougar can be
trusted on not to kiss and
tell and will be very
Why Prey on Younger
Like it or not, cougars are
here to stay.
Many would question why a
sensible, middle -aged woman,
usually successful and moneyed
would choose a clumsy young
male barely out of boyhood and
can barely support themselves?
There are a number of
valid reasons.
Younger males are not as
inclined to traditional
relationships. Cougars are
independent and empowered
women who flat out know
what they want in dating.
Usually it’s just sex,
sometimes it’s just
The point is, younger
males are less likely to
give them trouble or try
to impose a dreary set of
rules to the relationship.
Here, the woman is
clearly on top.
Younger males are less
jealous and less
Males in their early to
mid-twenties are very
carefree and take things
as they happen.
They are less likely to make
demand on their older
women as to what to wear,
what time to come home or
nag them about petty
Younger males are more
likely to go with the flow
and make excellently fun
companions while doing
Younger males are simply
Younger males especially
those that work out are easier
on the eyes than their older
male counterparts who are
either balding, have a paunch
or won’t let go of the remote
When an older woman
craves excitement, they’d
rather be with someone
who looks the part and
acts the part.
How to Date a Cougar
The age is a given, don’t
keep driving home the
While an older woman will
be aware that her age is
part of her attractiveness,
she may still be conscious
about it.
So even if you think it’s a
turn-on, try not to bring
it up too much.
Focus instead on the
subtle things that you
like about her.
Don’t be a freeloader.
Though one of the
known perks of dating a
cougar is the financial
freedom that comes with
it, don’t take advantage.
Cougars are still women
who, despite their
success and wallet, want
to be taken care of once
in awhile.
So show how much of a
gentleman you are and
treat her to dinner and
drinks when you can.
It will pay off in the end.
Be very open to each
Older women are more
mature and less inclined
to participate in any mind
games the way younger
women are.
To keep things clean and
uncomplicated, be honest
about what you are in the
relationship for.
The sooner the
boundaries are laid out,
the easier it will be for
both of you.
Under no circumstance
should you attempt to play
a cougar, she has been in
this game longer and can
easily turn her fangs on you.
A Cub’s Checklist
There are only a few
things that a man must
have in order to be
considered a worthy cub
by a cougar.
These are:
Remember, cougars are
tired of their balding and
out of shape husbands and
are on the prowl for sexy
young things that take care
of themselves.
Cougars are very bright
They are seasoned
experienced travelers,
and know exactly what
they want.
It is important that you
can hold her attention
and to keep her
interested for a long
Uncouth youth is not
something you want to
be here.
Be a gentleman in every
sense of the word and
have integrity.
These will last you longer
with any cougar than
good looks will.
Famous Cougar Couples
It seems like Cougardom
really took off in
Hollywood where this
dating pattern resulted in
some very good looking and
long lasting celebrity pairs.
Here are some of the
most famous cougar-cub
teams in Tinseltown:
1) Halle Berry, 43 and Gabriel Aubry, 33
2) Mira Sorvino, 41 and Christopher Backus, 27
3) Mariah Carey, 39 and Nick Cannon, 28
4) Demi Moore, 46 and Ashton Kutcher, 31
5) Eva Longoria, 34 and Tony Parker, 27
In the case of all five
pairs, it is obvious that
when it comes to love,
age, obviously, doesn’t

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