Basics of Aerodynamics

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Sidharth Sharma (121047304)

AeroMIT Task Phase Report

What is Lift?

Lift is an upward acting force usually generated by the wings of an aircraft that directly opposes
the weight of an aircraft.

How is Lift Generated?

Lift occurs when a moving flow of gas is turned by a solid object. The flow is turned in one
direction, and the lift is generated in the opposite direction, according to Newton's Third Law of
action and reaction. Because air is a gas and the molecules are free to move about, any solid
surface can deflect a flow. Lift is created by turning a moving fluid, and all parts of the solid
object can deflect the fluid.

There are many different theories that explains how lift is generated. Theories on the generation
of lift have become a source of great controversy and a topic for heated arguments. Here I have
mentioned few theories of lift:

1. Longer Path Theory:

This theory is incorrect.

• It is not necessary that airfoil has a longer upper surface than the bottom and even it
does have a longer upper surface then also this theory cannot explain how airplanes
fly upside down in airshow.
• Equal transit theory states that the air molecules move faster on the top to meet the
molecules moving underneath at the trailing edge but according to this the velocity on
the top will be much less than the actual velocity and the lift generated will be much
less than the required lift because the velocity is too low. In fact, the air molecules on
the top will reach at the trailing edge before the molecule’s underneath.
• Faster air flow on the top and according to Bernoulli’s equation the pressure is lower
and the difference between pressure across the airfoil produces lift. This part of the
theory is correct.

2. Skipping Stone Theory:

This theory is incorrect.

• This theory is concerned only with the lower surface of the moving object and the air,
and all the lift is produced by the lower surface of an airfoil.
• This theory neglects the action reaction of molecules striking the upper surface of the
airfoil. There is no vacuum on the top molecules are constantly in contact with the
upper and lower surface.
• Since upper surface does not cause any lift. So according to this theory two airfoils
with same lower surface but different upper surface will produce same lift. This will
not occur.
• The main problem with the theory is that it neglects the physical property of fluid that
lift is created by turning a moving fluid, and all parts of the solid object can deflect
the fluid.

3. Venturi Theory:

This theory is incorrect.

• It cannot predict the lift generated by a flat wing.

• It focuses only on the pressure and velocity along the upper surface and neglects the
shape of the lower surface. According to this we could have any shape for the lower
surface. However, it is not true and lower surface also contributes towards generation
of lift.
• The part of the theory about the Bernoulli’s equation and pressure difference across
the airfoil is correct.
4. Newton or Bernoulli

As the velocity changes around the object, the pressure changes as well (Bernoulli’s
Equation). Velocity variation around the object produces a net turning of the gas flow.
According to Newton's third law of motion, a turning action of the flow will result in a re-
action (aerodynamic force) on the object. Thus, both "Bernoulli" and "Newton" are correct.
Integrating the effects of either the pressure or the velocity determines the aerodynamic force
on an object. We can use equations developed by each of them to determine the magnitude
and direction of the aerodynamic force.


The real details of how an object generates lift are very complex and do not lend themselves to
simplification. For a gas, we have to simultaneously conserve the mass, momentum, and energy
in the flow. Newton's laws of motion are statements concerning the conservation of momentum.
Bernoulli's equation is derived by considering conservation of energy. So, both of these
equations are satisfied in the generation of lift; both are correct. The conservation of mass
introduces a lot of complexity into the analysis and understanding of aerodynamic problems. The
simultaneous conservation of mass, momentum, and energy of a fluid are called the Euler
Equations after Leonard Euler.
What are Control Surfaces?

Control surfaces are moveable parts of the aircraft that allows the pilot to maneuver the aircraft.
Control surfaces work on same principle as lift on a wing, i.e., they create a pressure difference
to produce a force in a desired direction.

Primary Control Surfaces:

1. Ailerons:

Ailerons are present at trailing edge of each wing near the wing tip. If the right aileron goes
up and left aileron goes down then the lift is reduced on the right wing and lift will increase
on the left wing. Thus causing the right wing to move downward and left wing to rise and
causing the aircraft to roll to the right. Aileron is used to maneuver the plane along the
Longitudnal axis.

2. Elevator:

Elevator is the moveable part of the horizontal stabilizer. These move up and down together.
When the elevator goes up it pushes the tail down and cause the nose to pitch up. If it moves
downward, it pushes the tail up and cause the nose to pitch down. Elevators are used to
maneuver the plan along the Lateral axis.

3. Rudder:

Rudder is present at the trailing edge of vertical stabilizer. If the rudder moves towards left it
pushes the tail right thus causing the nose to move to the left. Rudder is used to maneuver the
plane along the Vertical axis.
Headwinds, Tailwinds and Crosswinds-

1. Headwinds:

Headwind is wind blowing towards the aircraft against the direction of travel. Headwind
increases lift. Headwinds are preferred during takeoffs and landing because airfoil can
generate greater lift compared to other winds, but it is not preferred during flight since it
reduces the speed and also increases fuel consumption.

2. Tailwinds:

Tailwind is wind blowing from behind the aircraft towards the direction of aircraft. Tailwind
reduces lift. It is not preferred during takeoff and landing since it reduces the lift, but
tailwinds are preferred during flight since it increases the speed and reduces the time to reach
at the destination and also saves fuel.

3. Crosswinds:

Crosswind is wind blowing from sides of the aircraft. During landing if there is wide change
in crosswinds it may lead an aircraft to deviate from the runway centreline. During crosswind
takeoff the aircraft has increased tendency to turn in the direction of the air.
Variation of Lift-

1. Effect of Density on Lift:

Lift is directly proportional to the density of the air. Density decreases as altitude increases
and thus airplanes have a flight ceiling above which the lift generated is not enough to
oppose the airplane’s weight.

2. Effect of Shape on Lift:

The amount of lift generated depends upon how much flow is turned which depends on the
shape of the airfoil. Therefore, greater the flow turning greater the lift will be generated by an

3. Effect of Size on Lift:

Lift is directly proportional to the wing area. Therefore, to increase the wing area during
takeoff flaps and slats are extended to maximize the lift.

4. Effect of Inclination on Lift:

The angle between the chord line and the flight direction is called the angle of attack and has
a large effect on the lift generated by a wing. The lift is directly proportional to the angle of
attack within ±10º.

Drag is a Force that opposes the movement of an aircraft in the air. It is generated by the
interaction and contact of the solid body with the fluid and thus every part of an aircraft produces

Types of Drag:

1. Form Drag:

This drag depends on the shape of the aircraft. To minimize the form drag the areas which
are exposed to the relative wind are streamlined.

2. Induced Drag:

It is also called the “drag due to lift” because it is caused by the generation of lift. Since the
lift generation is not uniform throughout the wing and varies from root to tip. Wings with
elliptical distribution of lift has minimum induced drag.
3. Wave Drag:

When aircraft approaches the speed of sound shock waves are generated along the surface.
Wave drag is associated to the generation of shock waves. Short wings reduce the drag from
shock waves that begin to develop at speeds approaching that of sound.

4. Vortex Drag:

The pressure imbalance that produces lift creates a problem at the wing tips. The higher-
pressure air below a wing spills up over the wing tip into the area of lower-pressure air
above. The wing’s forward motion spins this upward spill of air into a long spiral, like a
small tornado, that trails off the wing tip. These wing tip vortices create a form of pressure
drag called vortex drag. Vortex drag can be reduced as shown in the figure below.


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