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‭MCV4U Unit 3 Assignment - Geometric Algebraic Vectors‬

‭February 24, 2024‬

‭ ‬‭Show full solutions for each question‬

‭●‬‭Ensure the questions are included with your answer so the teacher understands which‬
‭question you are answering‬
‭●‬‭Marks may deducted if all steps are not shown‬
‭●‬‭Communication will be marked on the entire test by using the rubric below‬

‭Communication Rubric‬ ‭4-5‬ ‭3‬ ‭2‬ ‭1‬

‭ sing correct‬
U ‭ onsistently and‬
C ‭ onsistently uses‬
C ‭ sually uses‬
U ‭ ometimes uses‬
‭mathematical symbols,‬ ‭meticulously uses‬ ‭mathematical symbols,‬ ‭mathematical symbols,‬ ‭mathematical‬
‭labels, units and‬ ‭mathematical symbols,‬ ‭labels, and conventions‬ ‭labels and conventions‬ ‭symbols, labels and‬
‭conventions‬ ‭labels and conventions,‬ ‭correctly‬ ‭correctly‬ ‭conventions‬
‭recognizing novel‬ ‭correctly‬
‭opportunities for their use‬

‭ larity in explanations‬
C ‭ rovides explanations and‬
P ‭ rovides explanations‬
P ‭ rovides explanations‬
P ‭ rovides‬
‭and justifications in‬ ‭justifications that are‬ ‭and justifications that‬ ‭and justifications that‬ ‭explanations and‬
‭reporting‬ ‭particularly clear and‬ ‭are clear‬ ‭have some clarity‬ ‭justifications that‬
‭detailed‬ ‭have limited clarity‬

*‭ **Show all your work for full marks***‬

‭***Round answers to 2 decimal places unless otherwise indicated***‬
‭1)‬ ‭Consider the parallelogram EFGH with diagonals EG and FH that intersect at J.‬ ‭[3]‬

‭Express each vector as the difference of two other vectors in two ways.‬
→ → →
‭a)‬ ‭𝐻𝐹‬ ‭b)‬ ‭𝐹𝐻‬ ‭c)‬ ‭𝐺𝐽‬

‭2)‬ F
‭ rom the diagram below, write each of the following vectors as linear combinations of the given‬

→ → → → →
‭a)‬ ‭𝐺𝐼‬ ‭in terms of‬‭𝑛‬ ‭.‬ ‭b)‬ ‭𝐺𝐴‬ ‭in terms‬‭of‬‭𝑠‬ ‭and‬‭𝑛‬ ‭.‬

→ → → → →
‭c)‬ ‭𝐴𝐼‬ ‭in terms of‬‭𝑠‬ ‭.‬ ‭c)‬ ‭𝐽𝐺‬ ‭in terms‬‭of‬‭𝑞‬ ‭and‬‭𝑛‬ ‭.‬
‭3)‬ U
‭ se an appropriate scale to draw each vector. Label the magnitude, direction, and scale.‬
‭(Use protractor and ruler).‬ ‭[3]‬

‭ )‬
a ‭ force of 120 N downward‬
‭b)‬ ‭a velocity of 85 km/h at a true bearing of‬‭085°‬
‭c)‬ ‭a force of 8 N at a quadrant bearing of‬‭𝑁‬‭70‬‭𝑊‬‭°‬

→ →
‭4)‬ ‭Determine the projection, and its magnitude, of‬‭𝑣‬ = [‭4‬, ‭2‬, ‭7‬] ‭on‬‭𝑢‬ = [‭6‬, ‭3‬, ‭8‬] ‭[3]‬
‭5)‬ A
‭ canoeist leaves a dock and paddles her canoe at an angle across a river. The current is‬
‭flowing at 3 km/h. The resulting velocity of the boat is 5.4 km/h downstream, in a direction that‬
‭forms a 15° angle with the adjacent shore.‬
‭a)‬ ‭Draw a vector diagram of this situation‬
‭b)‬ ‭Determine the canoeist’s velocity relative to the water‬
‭c)‬ ‭How far downstream will she be in 20 min?‬
‭6)‬ A
‭ 435 kg tuna weighs about 4350 N. The tuna hangs from cables 3.8 m and 2.9 m long that‬
‭make 30° and 48° angles with the ceiling, respectively.‬
‭What tension is pulling on each cable?‬ ‭[5]‬
‭7)‬ A
‭ ship’s course is set to travel at 23 km/h, relative to the water, on a heading of 040°. A current‬
‭of 8 km/h is flowing from a bearing of 160°.‬
‭a)‬ ‭Write each vector as a Cartesian vector‬
‭b)‬ ‭Determine the resultant velocity of the ship‬

‭Note: Calculate your answers algebraically not geometrically.‬

‭8)‬ A
‭ rusted bolt requires 40 J of torque to be loosened. If only 50 N of force is applied to a wrench‬
‭with which it makes an 80° angle, then the wrench is at least how long in cm?‬

‭9)‬ ‭Find the volume of a parallelepiped ABC with the following points:‬

‭A = (5,-1,1)‬ ‭B = (-2,3,4)‬ ‭C = (3,4,5)‬ ‭[4]‬

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