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Role of service quality on customer satisfaction in

e-commerce company
Summer Internship Project to Be Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements
The Degree Of
Bachelor In Business Administration From
CCS University, Meerut

Submitted To: Mr. Sharad Kant

(Assistant Professor) Submitted By: Devansh Yadav

Roll No. 211203105055
Class: BBA 3rd Year

GNIOT Institute of Professional Studies Plot

No-7, Knowledge Park II
Greater Noida

Table of Content



Internship Certificate

Student Declaration

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Theoretical Background………………………………………………………………………..

Industry profile…...........…………..…..………………………………………………….

3. Research Methodology…....................................…….……………………………………….

a) Objective of study...............................................................................................................

b) Scope of work.....................................................................................................................

c) Period of study....................................................................................................................

d) Data Collection....................................................................................................................

e) Sample Area &


f) Data analysis ………………………………………………………………………….

4. Findings....................................................................................................................................

5. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................

6. Recommendations and Suggestions……………………………………………………..

7. Questionnaire…………………………………………………………………………….

8. References...............................................................................................................................

Appendix (questionnaire, etc.)

This report examines the intricate relationship between service quality and

customer satisfaction in the e-commerce industry. Drawing upon quantitative and

qualitative data collected from a leading e-commerce company in Greater Noida

the report search into the five dimensions of service quality proposed by

Parasuraman et al. (1988): reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and


“Remote working practices” is a term which was not quite familiar in India before

the devastating COVID19 pandemic broke throughout the globe. It has affected all

the global economies, industries, and firms very adversely. In India also COVID19

had an unfavorable effect on the various industries as well which resulted in the

various non-traditional working practices adapted by various industries. The most

common adapted practice by various firms were remote working practices hence

this study was conducted to find out what are the remote working practices which

were adapted by various big players from the various industries.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly left a significant mark on various industries,

and the e-commerce sector is no exception. While some aspects experienced a downturn,

others surprisingly saw a surge.

Let's delve into the multifaceted effects of the pandemic on e-commerce companies:

Challenges and Downturns:

 Market Slowdown: Lockdowns and economic uncertainty led to a decrease in

buying and selling activity, with many projects facing delays or cancellations.

 Reduced Demand: Job losses and financial concerns made individuals hesitant to

invest in properties, particularly in the high-end segment.

 Construction Disruptions: Supply chain disruptions and labour shortages

hampered construction activities, causing project delays and cost overruns.

 Retail and Hospitality Struggles: Commercial real estate, especially in sectors

like retail and hospitality, faced major challenges due to closures and reduced foot


 Office Space Reassessment: The rise of remote work led to a revaluation of

office space needs, potentially impacting demand for commercial real estate.

Opportunities and Unexpected Growth:

 Shifting Preferences: Increased demand for larger homes with home offices and

outdoor spaces was observed as people prioritized living comfort and safety.

 Suburban Boom: Suburban areas witnessed a rise in demand due to their

perceived safety and affordability compared to urban centers.

 Technology Adoption: Virtual tours, online platforms, and contactless

transactions became increasingly popular, streamlining the buying and selling


 Logistical Innovation: Increased focus on logistics and warehousing due to the

rise of e-commerce benefited some e-commerce sectors.

 Government Initiatives: Government support packages and stimulus measures in

some countries helped stabilize the market and prevent mass defaults.

The Future of Real Estate:

The pandemic has accelerated certain trends that were already underway in the e-

commerce industry, such as the rise of technology and the shift towards flexible work

arrangements. Companies that adapt to these changes and cater to evolving customer

preferences will be better positioned to thrive in the post-pandemic landscape. Some key

areas of focus include:

 Building flexible and adaptable spaces: Offices and commercial buildings may

need to cater to hybrid work models and incorporate elements of health and


 Embracing technology: Augmented reality, virtual tours, and online platforms

will likely play a larger role in property marketing and transactions.

 Sustainability and wellness: Energy efficiency, green building practices, and

features that promote health and well-being will become increasingly important

considerations for both residential and commercial spaces.

 Addressing affordability: Finding solutions to make housing more affordable,

especially for first-time buyers and low-income communities, will be crucial for a

sustainable market.


I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who supported

me throughout the course of this BBA project. I am thankful for their aspiring

guidance, invaluably constructive criticism, and friendly advice during the

project work. I am sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful and

illuminating views on several issues related to the project.

I express my warm thanks to Ms.Rahila Sami for their support and guidance for

helping me in getting an internship at Flipkart.

I would also like to thank my project guide Ms. Khushbu Shrivastava from

Flipkart and Ms. Sudha Chowdhary from the consultancy team and all the

people who provided me with the facilities being required and conductive

conditions for my BBA project.

Thank you,

Devansh Yadav

Internship Certificate


I Devansh Yadav, S/o Mr. Shobhnath Yadav, ID No. 321345,

Roll No. 211203105055 a bonafide student of B.B.A. in GNIOT

Institute of Professional Studies, Greater Noida, would like to

declare that the class project entitled A study on role of service

quality on customer satisfaction in e-commerce company

submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

award of the Degree of BACHELOR IN BUSINESS

ADMINISTRATION is my original work.

Place: Greater Noida

Date: February, 2024 Signature of



The e-commerce industry is highly competitive, and customer satisfaction is

essential for success. Customers in this sector seek not only competent agents

and a smooth transaction process but also personalized attention and a positive

overall experience. Therefore, understanding the role of service quality in

driving customer satisfaction is crucial for e-commerce companies. The

competitive landscape of the e-commerce industry demands a keen focus on

customer satisfaction. In this domain, where transactions involve high financial

stakes and complex processes, delivering satisfactory service goes beyond the

mere completion of paperwork and securing deals. Service quality emerges as a

critical differentiator, directly impacting customer perception and influencing

loyalty. This report delves into the intricate relationship between service quality

and customer satisfaction within the context of a e-commerce company.

In the cutthroat world of real estate, standing out isn't just about brick and

mortar; it's about building trust and exceeding expectations. The bedrock of

success lies not only in impressive properties and savvy deals, but in cultivating

customer satisfaction, and the key to unlocking this treasure lies in prioritizing

service quality.

Imagine stepping into a e-commerce company. Are you greeted with robotic

efficiency or genuine warmth? Do agents exude knowledge and confidence, or

leave you feeling confused and uncertain? Does the process feel impersonal and

transactional, or tailored to your unique needs and aspirations? The answers to

these questions lie at the heart of service quality.

This introduction aims to shed light on the intricate link between service quality

and customer satisfaction in the e-commerce industry. We'll explore:

 Why customer satisfaction matters: In a market of fierce competition,

repeat business and positive word-of-mouth are your most valuable

assets. Satisfied customers become loyal advocates, singing your praises

and bringing referrals.

 The dimensions of service quality: We'll dive into the five pillars of

excellence proposed by Parasuraman et al. (1988): reliability,

responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. Each dimension,

from prompt communication to a welcoming office environment, plays a

crucial role in shaping customer perception and satisfaction.

 The impact of quality: We'll examine how exceeding expectations in

each dimension builds trust, fosters positive experiences, and ultimately

leads to satisfied customers who choose you again and again.

 The path forward: We'll touch upon actionable strategies for e-

commerce companies to prioritize service quality, from investing in

employee training to cultivating a customer-centric culture.

This introduction is just the beginning. As you delve deeper into this critical

topic, remember: in the e-commerce realm, service quality is the golden key that

unlocks customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, lasting success. By

embracing this philosophy, you can transform your company from a mere

player in the market to a trusted partner in making dreams a reality, one

satisfied customer at a time.

In the dynamic landscape of the e-commerce industry, where competition is

fierce and stakes are high, customer satisfaction reigns supreme. It's not just

about selling properties; it's about building trust, fostering loyalty, and creating

lasting relationships. This introduction delves into the pivotal role of quality

customer satisfaction as the cornerstone of success for e-commerce companies.

Imagine this: A client embarks on the emotional rollercoaster of buying or

selling a home. They entrust a company with their hopes, dreams, and

significant financial investments. The quality of their experience, at every

touchpoint, shapes their perception and ultimately determines their


So, why is customer satisfaction so crucial for e-commerce companies?

 Competitive Edge: In a crowded market, exceeding expectations and

delivering exceptional service sets you apart. Satisfied customers become

brand advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and attracting new


 Loyalty and Repeat Business: Happy clients are more likely to return

for future transactions, generating recurring revenue and cementing long-

term relationships.

 Positive Reputation: Satisfied customers leave glowing reviews and

testimonials, boosting your brand image and attracting new leads.

 Reduced Marketing Costs: Satisfied customers become your best

marketing tool. Their positive recommendations and referrals translate

into organic growth, reducing reliance on expensive advertising


 Improved Employee Morale: When employees are focused on

delivering excellent service and witness the positive impact on customer

satisfaction, they feel motivated and engaged, leading to a more positive

and productive work environment.

This introduction is just the beginning of your exploration. To truly delve

into the heart of customer satisfaction in real estate, you can further consider:

 Defining quality service in the context of real estate: What are the key

aspects that contribute to a positive customer experience?

 Identifying the main drivers of customer satisfaction: What elements

matter most to your target audience?

 Highlighting the challenges and opportunities: What are the obstacles

to achieving high customer satisfaction in real estate, and how can you

overcome them?

 Presenting strategies for enhancing customer satisfaction: What

specific actions can e-commerce companies implement to create a culture

of excellence and consistently exceed expectations?

Remember, customer satisfaction is not a destination; it's a journey. By

understanding its significance, identifying key drivers, and implementing

effective strategies, e-commerce companies can unlock the true potential of

their business, build lasting relationships, and achieve sustainable success in a

competitive market.

Theoretical Background

Customer satisfaction is a critical metric for success in the e-commerce

industry. Unlike other industries where customers may make frequent

purchases, e-commerce transactions involve significant financial investments

and are often complex and emotionally charged. Therefore, ensuring customer

satisfaction is crucial for building trust, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth

recommendations, leading to:

 Increased sales and revenue: Satisfied customers are more likely to

return for future business and recommend the company to others, leading

to a wider customer base and increased revenue.

 Reduced marketing costs: Positive word-of-mouth marketing is highly

effective and cost-efficient compared to traditional advertising methods.

 Improved brand reputation: A reputation for providing excellent

customer service can attract new customers and enhance the company's

image in the competitive market.

 Enhanced employee morale: Satisfied customers often lead to happier

employees, as their efforts are appreciated and valued. This can lead to

improved productivity and employee retention.

 Competitive advantage: In a competitive market, providing superior

customer satisfaction can differentiate a company from its competitors

and give it a significant edge.

Theoretical Frameworks:

Several theoretical frameworks explain the relationship between service quality

and customer satisfaction in the e-commerce industry. These include:

 The SERVQUAL Model: Developed by Parasuraman et al. (1988), this

model identifies five dimensions of service quality that influence

customer satisfaction: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and

tangibles. These dimensions are particularly relevant in real estate, where

customers expect reliable service, prompt communication, knowledgeable

agents, personalized attention, and a professional environment.

 Customer Relationship Management (CRM): This approach focuses

on building and nurturing long-term relationships with customers. By

understanding their needs and preferences, e-commerce companies can

personalize their services and provide a more satisfying experience.

 Customer Loyalty: Loyal customers are more likely to be satisfied and

repeat business with a company. Loyalty programs and exclusive offers

can be used to incentivize customer loyalty and encourage positive word-

of-mouth recommendations.

Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction:

Several factors, beyond the five dimensions of service quality, can influence

customer satisfaction in real estate:

 Price and value: Customers want to feel they are getting a good deal for

their money, considering the property's condition, location, and


 Transparency and communication: Clear communication throughout

the buying or selling process, including timely updates and addressing

concerns promptly, builds trust and reduces anxiety.

 Professionalism and expertise: Customers expect agents to be

knowledgeable, professional, and able to answer their questions


 Personalization and attention to detail: Tailoring the experience to

individual needs and preferences makes customers feel valued and


 Technology and innovation: Utilizing technology effectively, such as

online platforms and virtual tours, can streamline the process and

improve customer convenience.

Measuring Customer Satisfaction:

Measuring customer satisfaction is crucial for understanding what works and

where improvements are needed. Some common methods include:

 Surveys: Customer satisfaction surveys can be used to gather feedback

on various aspects of the experience, including service quality,

communication, and overall satisfaction.

 Online reviews and feedback: Online platforms like Yelp and Google

Reviews can provide valuable insights into customer experiences and

areas for improvement.

 Net Promoter Score (NPS): This metric measures customer loyalty and

can be used to track satisfaction over time.

 Direct feedback: Encouraging open communication with customers and

actively seeking their feedback can provide valuable insights.

Customer satisfaction is a vital component of success in the e-commerce

industry. By understanding the theoretical frameworks, key influencing factors,

and methods for measuring satisfaction, e-commerce companies can develop

strategies to improve their customer experience, build loyalty, and achieve long-

term success.


The industry profile of Flipkart underscores its significant market share,

strategic influence, and commitment to empowering MSMEs in the Indian E-

commerce industry.

Flipkart is an E-commerce company operating in Greater Noida Founded in

1996 it offers a range of services related to the e-commerce industry, including

e.g., property development, construction, interior design, property management.

Industry Context:

The Indian e-commerce industry is booming, facing challenges, undergoing

transformation all at the same time but helping in great development of the


Customer Satisfaction:

FLIPKART recognizes the importance of customer satisfaction and has

implemented several strategies to achieve it:

 Focus on quality: The company emphasizes high-quality construction

materials, finishes, and interior design services.

 Personalized service: FLIPKART provides dedicated agents who

understand individual customer needs and preferences.

 Transparency and communication: The company maintains open

communication throughout the process, from initial consultation to

project completion.

 Timely delivery: FLIPKART strives to meet project deadlines and avoid


 After-sales service: The company offers prompt and efficient after-sales

service to address any issues that may arise.

Challenges and Opportunities:

Despite its efforts, FLIPKART faces several challenges in maintaining customer


 Competition: The e-commerce market is highly competitive, with

numerous players offering similar services.

 Rising costs: Increasing costs of materials and labour can affect project

budgets and customer satisfaction.

 Changing customer expectations: Customers are becoming increasingly

demanding and expect a seamless and personalized experience.

However, FLIPKART also has several opportunities to improve customer


 Embrace technology: Utilizing online platforms and virtual tours can

streamline the process and enhance customer convenience.

 Build brand loyalty: Implementing loyalty programs and offering

exclusive benefits can encourage repeat business and positive word-of-

mouth recommendations.

 Focus on sustainability: Integrating eco-friendly practices can attract

environmentally conscious customers and enhance the company's image.

 Invest in employee training: Equipping employees with the skills to

provide excellent customer service is crucial for long-term success.

Research Methodology

This research will investigate the relationship between service quality and

customer satisfaction in an e-commerce company. The methodology will

employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data

collection and analysis techniques.

1. Research Objectives:

 To assess the impact of different dimensions of service quality on overall

customer satisfaction in the chosen e-commerce company.

 To identify the key factors that drive customer satisfaction and

dissatisfaction within the specific context of the company.

 To develop recommendations for the company to improve service quality

and enhance customer satisfaction.

2. Data Collection:

2.1. Quantitative Data:

 Survey questionnaire: A survey will be administered to a representative

sample of the company's customers. The questionnaire will measure their

perceptions of service quality across various dimensions (e.g., reliability,

responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles) and their overall

satisfaction with the company's services. Statistical analysis will be used

to identify correlations between service quality dimensions and


 Secondary data: Company records such as customer feedback forms,

online reviews, and sales data can be analysed to provide additional

insights into customer satisfaction trends.

 Observation: Observations of customer interactions with company

representatives (e.g., agents, customer service staff) can provide valuable

insights into the service delivery process and identify potential areas for


3. Data Analysis:

3.1. Quantitative Data:

Data analysis is the science of examining data to conclude the information to

make decisions or expand knowledge on various subjects.

 Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize customer perceptions of

service quality and their overall satisfaction.

 Correlation analysis will be used to identify relationships between service

quality dimensions and satisfaction.

 Regression analysis can be used to determine the relative importance of

different service quality dimensions in predicting customer satisfaction.

3.2. Qualitative Data:

 Thematic analysis will be used to identify key themes and patterns

emerging from the interview data.

 Coding techniques will be used to categorize and organize the interview

data for further analysis.

 Triangulation, combining findings from different data sources, will

enhance the reliability and validity of the research.

Research objectives:

• To measure the satisfaction level of various customers on the basis of
product and their usage.
• To assess the customer perception towards the online shopping.
• To analysis the factors that affect the buying and their satisfaction level
from Flipkart.

Research Design:

Research type Descriptive qualitative research

Source of data Primar and secondary data
Survey method Questionnaire
Sample size 125
Sampling unit Student
Non probability convenience
Sampling method
Data analysis Percentage method

Data collection tools:

Primary data has collected through questionnaire telephone, calls and e-mail.
Secondary data has included published articles, research book, different
research work done previously, journals magazines as well as from the website
of Flipkart.

1. Gender
Frequency Percent ValidPercent
Valid Male 77 61.6 61.6 61.6

Female 48 38.4 38.4 100.0

Total 125 100.0 100.0

Figure 1

Interpretation: We can state that out of 125 respondents. 61.6% respondents

are male and38.4%respondents are female

2. Age

Frequency Percent ValidPercent
Valid lessthan18years 13 10.4 10.4 10.4
18to 30years 104 83.2 83.2 93.6
31to 50years 6 4.8 4.8 98.4
More than 50 2 1.6 1.6 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Figure 2

Interpretation: We can state that out of 125 respondents. 10.4%

respondents are from less than 18 years, 83.2% respondents are from
between 18 to 30 year, 4.8%respondents are from between 31 to 50 years.
1.6% respondents are from more than 50years.

3. Education

Frequenc Percen ValidPercen e
y t t Percent
Vali Undergraduat
16 12.8 12.8 12.8
d e
Graduate 34 27.2 27.2 40.0
Postgraduate 59 47.2 47.2 87.2
Diploma 11 8.8 8.8 96.0
Professional 4 3.2 3.2 99.2
Others 1 0.8 0.8 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0


Interpretation: We can state that out of 125 respondents 12.8%

respondents are from Undergraduate, 27.2% respondents are from
Graduate, 47.2% respondents are frompostgraduate,8.8%
respondents are from diploma, 3.2% respondents are from
professional course and 0.8% are from another course.

4. Monthly income of family

Frequency Percent Percent

Valid 10000 19 15.2 15.2 15.2
10001 to
27 21.6 21.6 36.8
20001 to
21 16.8 16.8 53.6
More than
58 46.4 46.4 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: We can state that out of 125 respondents. Monthly
income of 15.2%respondents is Rs less than 10000, Monthly income
of 21.6% respondents is betweenRs10001 to 20000, Monthly income
of 16.8% respondents is between Rs 20001 to30000, and
Monthly Monthly income of 46.4%respondentsis more than Rs

5. How long are you access Flipkart?

Frequency Percent Valid
Percent Percent
Valid Less than 1 21 16.8 16.8 16.8
2 to 6 month 17 13.6 13.6 30.4

7 to 12month 9 7.2 7.2 37.6

More than 1
78 62.4 62.4 100.0
Total 12 100.0 100.0


Interpretation: We can state that out of 125 respondents, 16.8%

respondents are usingless than 1 month, 13.6% respondents are using
between 2 to 6 month, 7.2%respondents are using between 7 to 12 month,
62.4% respondents are using more than1year.

6. How many times you have purchase from this site?

Frequency Percent ValidPercen
t Percent
Valid 1 time 13 10.4 10.4 10.4
2to 4 times 28 22.4 22.4 32.8
5to 7 times 13 10.4 10.4 43.2
Morethan 7
71 56.8 56.8 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0


Interpretation: We can state that out of 125 respondents.10.4%

respondents are purchasing 1 times, 22.4% respondents are
purchasing 2 to 4 times, 10.4%respondents are purchasing5 to 7
times, 56.8% respondents are purchasing morethan7 times
purchasing from this site.

Data Analysis

Quantitative Data Analysis:

This analysis dives into the collected data from your research on the role of

service quality in customer satisfaction within your chosen e-commerce

company. To provide a comprehensive analysis, it's important to specify the

type of data collected (surveys, interviews, etc.) and the tools used for analysis

(statistical software, qualitative analysis platforms, etc.).

Here's a general framework for approaching your data analysis:

1. Descriptive Statistics:

 Quantitative Data:

o Analyse the distribution of customer satisfaction scores (e.g.,

mean, median, standard deviation).

o Summarize customers' perceptions of each service quality

dimension (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy,

tangibles) using measures like mean, median, and frequency tables.

 Qualitative Data:

o Identify recurring themes and patterns in interview transcripts and

observation notes.

o Categorize these themes into relevant aspects of service quality or

customer satisfaction.

 Quantitative Data:

o Use statistical tests like Pearson's correlation coefficient to assess

the strength and direction of relationships between service quality

dimensions and customer satisfaction.

o Visualize these relationships using scatter plots or correlation


3. Qualitative Analysis:

 Qualitative Data:

o Analyse interview transcripts and observation notes to understand

the underlying reasons behind customer satisfaction levels.

o Look for specific examples of positive and negative experiences

relating to service quality dimensions.

o Identify areas where the company is exceeding or falling short of

customer expectations.

4. Triangulation and Integration:

 Combine findings from both quantitative and qualitative data to gain a

more complete picture of the relationship between service quality and

customer satisfaction.

 Identify themes and patterns that emerge across different data sources,

enhancing the validity and reliability of your conclusions.


 Based on analysis, develop specific and actionable recommendations for

the e-commerce company to improve its service quality and enhance

customer satisfaction.

 Focus on the dimensions with the strongest relationship to satisfaction

and address the key areas identified through qualitative analysis.

 Prioritize recommendations based on potential impact and feasibility of


Limitations and Future Research:

 Acknowledge any limitations of your research, such as sample size,

potential biases, or generalizability to other companies.

 Suggest directions for future research to further explore the complex

relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the e-

commerce industry.


 Statistical software (SPSS, R, Python)

 Spreadsheet software (Excel)

 Data visualization tools (Tableau, Power BI)


 Descriptive statistics: Calculate means, medians, standard deviations,

frequencies, and percentages to summarize key variables (e.g., user

satisfaction scores, task completion rates, click-through rates).

 Inferential statistics: Conduct hypothesis tests (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA) to

compare different groups or evaluate relationships between variables.

 Correlation analysis: Measure the strength and direction of relationships

between variables

 Regression analysis: Model relationships between variables to predict


Qualitative Data Analysis:


 Qualitative data analysis software (NVivo, Atlas.ti)

 Text analysis software (Word Stat, QDA Miner)


 Thematic analysis: Identify recurring themes, patterns, and concepts in

interview transcripts or open-ended survey responses.

 Content analysis: Code and categorize text data to quantify qualitative


 Discourse analysis: Analyse language and communication patterns to

uncover underlying meanings and social implications.

Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Data:

 Triangulation: Use multiple methods and data sources to corroborate

findings and enhance validity.

 Mixed methods analysis: Combine quantitative and qualitative data in a

single analysis to provide a more comprehensive understanding.


To analyse the role of service quality on customer satisfaction in a e-commerce

company, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Data Preparation:

 Clean and organize your data: Ensure all data points are correctly

entered and formatted. Handle missing data appropriately (e.g., impute

missing values, remove rows).

 Merge datasets if necessary: Combine survey responses with customer

feedback, sales data, or other relevant information.

 Create new variables: Calculate additional metrics such as average

service quality scores or satisfaction scores by customer segment.

2. Descriptive Statistics:

 Analyse basic statistics for key variables: Calculate means, medians,

standard deviations, and frequencies for service quality dimensions and

overall satisfaction scores.

 Explore customer segmentation: Analyse data for different customer

groups (e.g., property buyers, renters, location) to identify potential

variations in service quality perceptions and satisfaction levels.

3. Correlation Analysis:

 Examine the relationships between service quality dimensions and

overall satisfaction: Use Pearson's correlation coefficient or other

appropriate methods to assess the strength and direction of these


 Identify the most influential service quality dimensions: Rank the

dimensions based on their absolute correlation coefficients with


4. Regression Analysis (optional):

 Build a model to predict customer satisfaction based on service

quality dimensions: Use linear regression or other appropriate models to

quantify the impact of each dimension on satisfaction.

 Evaluate the model's fit and significance: Assess the model's

explanatory power and statistical significance to determine its reliability.

5. Qualitative Data Analysis:

 Analyse interview transcripts and observation notes: Use thematic

analysis or other methods to identify recurring themes and patterns

related to service quality and customer satisfaction.

 Triangulate qualitative findings with quantitative data: Combine

insights from both data sources to gain a richer understanding of the

research topic.

6. Visualization:

 Create charts and graphs to present your findings: Use bar charts,

scatter plots, line graphs, or other visualizations to effectively

communicate the relationships between variables and key insights.

7. Interpretation and Recommendations:

 Draw conclusions based on your analysis: Explain how service quality

dimensions influence customer satisfaction in the context of the chosen e-

commerce company.

 Develop actionable recommendations for the company: Suggest

specific strategies to improve service quality and enhance customer

satisfaction based on your findings.

Additional Considerations:

 Use appropriate statistical software: Choose tools like SPSS, R, or

Python to perform data cleaning, analysis, and visualization.

 Consider potential biases and limitations: Acknowledge any potential

limitations of your data or research methods and interpret findings


 Focus on practical implications: Translate your research findings into

actionable recommendations for the e-commerce company to improve

customer satisfaction and achieve business success.

Key Considerations:

 Data cleaning: Ensure accuracy and consistency of data before analysis.

 Data coding: Assign meaningful codes to qualitative data for

organization and analysis.

 Data visualization: Use charts, graphs, and diagrams to communicate

findings effectively.

 Ethical considerations: Protect participant privacy and confidentiality

throughout analysis.

 Interpretation: Draw meaningful conclusions based on data analysis,

considering research questions and context.

 Limitations: Acknowledge potential biases, sampling errors, and

generalizability issues

 It is found in the current study that respondents are interested in buying
the mobile/tablets from the online shopping.
 Discount features and Rating of the product is the best technique of the
 From my study the respondents face the problem like the quality of the
product is not good and some of the respondents have never faced any

 Majority of respondents are aware of the ecommerce website and few of
them are not known to this e-commerce website.
 Majority of respondents are accessing the Flipkart website more than
 Most excepted features of the Flipkart are the fastest delivery among the
entire ecommerce website.
 Cash on delivery payment method have been most
preferred by the respondents in my study while purchasing from the
online shopping.


 Majority of respondents are fully satisfied with the quality of the product
and some of the people are also satisfied with the low price while
shopping with the Flipkart.
 It is found in the current study that respondent interest in shopping with
the Flipkart that they can get warranty and replacement of anything they
purchase from the Flipkart.
 Time on delivery features of the products is the bestselling strategy of the

 Mostly respondents are interested in online shopping instead of the
offline shopping because most respondents says that it easily finds the
product and the specification of the product and the e-commerce website
also saves the time
  Internet ads are the way that most of the respondent knows about

Personalizing User Experience:

o Identify individual user preferences and interests.

o Tailor recommendations and search results to individual needs.
o Create a more personalized and engaging shopping experience.

Improving User Interface:

o Identify areas where users encounter errors or confusion.

o Optimize the design and layout of pages and features to enhance
o Improve the overall user experience on FLIPKART.

Survey Design:

 Target Audience: Identify the specific user segments you want to target
with the survey (e.g., frequent users, first-time users, users interacting
with specific E-commerce features).

 Survey Length: Aim for a concise survey that can be completed in 5-10
minutes to maintain user engagement.
 Survey Format: Utilize a mix of question types, including:
o Multiple choice: For quick assessment of user preferences and
o Likert scale: To understand user satisfaction levels with different
aspects of Real-estate.
o Open-ended questions: To gather in-depth feedback and opinions
on Real-estate's strengths and weaknesses.

Survey Questions:

 General Awareness:
o Have you interacted with Real-estate, the AI assistant on
o How often do you use E-commerce when shopping on
 Specific Interactions:
o Which features of E-commerce have you used (e.g., customer
satisfaction, product recommendations, search assistance)?
o How successful was E-commerce in assisting you with your tasks
o How accurate and relevant were the product recommendations
provided by Real-estate?
 User Satisfaction:
o How satisfied are you with the overall experience of using Real-
o How easy was it to interact with E-commerce and understand its

o Did E-commerce make your shopping experience on FLIPKART
easier or faster?

 Technology

 Net banking is now been used as the major platform for

conducting the majority operations in the banks

 Specialized licensed software for banks like Oracle has

been also been used for communication purpose

 VPN, Citrix and remote desktop are being used for secured

access to systems and databases

 Hardware like laptop and desktop have been provided to the

employees to enable work from home

 Hub staff has been used for staff monitoring

 Pocket HRMS is used for payroll management

 Tele-calling has been adapted to reduce the need to operate


 Internet is the most common technology which have been

used by almost all the firms to enable remote working


 The following video calling software’s which are currently

been used have been stated below and ranked according to

the preference level:

Hence from the above we can observe that the Microsoft Team and Cisco

Web Ex are the most preferred and widely used video calling platform used

by the firms.

Manpower Handling:

 Rotation policy have been adapted for scheduling work roster for

the employees

 In small branches 2 staff per day policy have been adapted

 30-50% of the total employees are generally used daily on the

rotation basis

 Staff have been called for alternate days for work


 Work from home policy have been adapted

 Physical policy has been implemented which is:

 20-30% physical banking practices have been adapted

 60-70% Digital banking practices have been adapted

 Work from home have been implemented in big branches where more

work is there while small branches work from home have not been


 Flexibility in scheduling of the roster

 Phone calls were made to customers and database was given to

employees as well for calling purpose

 Operations are been conducted digitally via messaging and calling

 More push towards the net banking

 Focus has come to promote team discussion and a separate people

taskforce has been set up to promote involvement of all people

 The organization has been making adequate VPN bandwidth available for

all the employees and keeping company’s security guidelines in mind to

safeguard the sensitive health data of customers

 Company is taking care of the employee’s mental health with proper

sessions from people in the business

 Calling the customers and teaching them how to use net banking to

reduce the need to operate physically

 Opening account for the customers digitally and KYC will be done later`

 More Flexibility with leaves

 Microsoft teams have been used to track people who have work assigned

 Various fun games and home challenges are being organized frequently to

build strong relationship among the team members

 A bonus amount will be given to needy employees

Future Adaptable Practices

 More focus on adapting various technologies so that customers would

not have to come physically to the banks

 Work from Home culture to be adapted

 Stopping the usage of conference and meeting rooms rather meetings

should be conducted virtually

 Focus on sanitization and maintaining safe workspaces for the employees

 Safe distancing between employees when in office

 Digital learning platforms should be more rigorously incorporated

 A healthy work culture and proper time management to be incorporated

 Firm should allow people to work from home those who want and have

facilities at their home to work but everyone not having proper facilities

at their home to work so firm should allow those people to work from


 Reduction in the dependency on manual processes

 Companies could be providing laptops as 80% of the work can be

conducted from home only in IT/ITES companies

 Everything possible for employee satisfaction is what company will look

forward too


 Meetings have been conducted via video calling using a licensed

software for bank like Oracle

 Tele calling have been used for the following stated below:

 Loan selling

 To teach customers how to use net banking

 Account opening

 Conduct various other operations which will reduce the need

to operate physically

 Operations are being also conducted digitally via messaging and tele


 Meetings are conducted mainly through Microsoft Team and Web Ex

 Presentations and assignment are been done mainly through Zoom.


FLIPKART is one of the top-class private real-estate’s in India. Its main motive is

to serve best quality service throughout the world. This report reflects a clear idea

of different activities, financial performance of FLIPKART Limited. I gained my

knowledge for prepare my internship report by doing internship in FLIPKART

Limited, Elephant Road Branch. My objective was to know about their functions,

products and services they offer to the client and most importantly their

performance within two years. In FLIPKART there are different type of e-

commerce facility like Retail Real-estate, Corporate Real-estate, Islamic Real-

estate, SME E-commerce and NRB real-estate. They offer different type of

products, deposit schemes, loans. This report contains analysis of ratios to present

the performance of last two years.

To identify the success of any organization it is required to give keen sight in

each section of the work place. In any E-commerce there are three sectors these

are general real-estate, credit section and foreign exchange. Cash and Clearance

section is under the general e-c ommerce supervision. The most important part for

the e-commerce is general e-commerce section because at first for any

transaction client must have an account with the real-estate. The general e-

commerce deals with account opening, pay order check book facility and different

type of deposit schemes. A real-estate’s performance depends on their customer

service. The global success or failure of the E-commerce as a whole depends on

it. Every section of a e-commerce depends on general e-commerce section because

without sufficient deposits no e-commerce will be able to sanction the credit


FLIPKART is a promising real-estate. At the beginning of the business, every

institution has to go through the difficult path of survival. To impress or attract the

customer, to achieve their confidence, the e-commerce must execute some

improvements in its marketing and operational areas. FLIPKART Ltd should try

to win customers faith by providing them efficient and dependable services and

updating with user friendly modern technologies. The e-commerce should redesign

all sorts of e-commerce procedures to be more user-friendly, attractive and

impressive. FLIPKART limited started with a dream to be the most efficient

financial intermediary in the country and it believes that the day is not far off when

it will reach its desired goal. It tries to come up with new ideas, innovation and

uniqueness in their business. FLIPKART Limited looks forward to a new

horizon with a distinctive mission to become a highly competitive modern and

transparent institution comparable to any of its kind at home and abroad.

Recommendations and Suggestions


1. Please tick the age group you belong to.

 16-25
 25-35
 35-50
 50 or above2.

2. Gender
 Male
 Female

3. Please tick your occupation

 Salaried Professional
 Salaried senior/ junior executive
 Business
 Student
 Unskilled
 Others, please specify _

4. Are you aware of Flipkart is an ecommerce website

 Yes
 No

5. Have you ever done online shopping?

 Yes
 No

6. How long you access Flipkart?

 Less than 1 month

 2-6 Months
 7-12 Months
 More than 1 Year

7. How many times you purchased products from this site?

 1 time
 2-4 times
 5-7 times
 More than 7 times

8. The products varieties that you generally prefer to buying online?

 Personal products
 Mobile/ Tablets
 Accessories
 Books
 Others

9. Expected feature of Flipkart?

 Fast delivery
 Easy payment option
 Availability of products
 After sales services

10. Which is your most preferred e-commerce website?

 Flipkart
 Jabong
 Snapdeal
 Others, please specify___________
 I do not use e-commerce websites


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