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Juan de Plasencia

A Spanish Friar and member of the Franciscan Order

•Part of the first batch missionaries who came here in the Philippines in 1578.

•Converted natives and wrote books for Filipinos to enable them to understand
Doctrina Christiana en Lengua Espanola y Tagala
reading material who wished to deepen their faith in the newly-accepted religion.
a tribal gathering of the tagalogs came from the Malay word balanggay(a boat that
transported them to the islands)
the freeborn who were called "Maharlicas" and the highest class of the barangay. They
were privilaged enough not to pay taxes or tribute to the datus.
Also called "aliping namamahay". People in this class were married, served their masters
and accompanied them whenever they go.
Also called "aliping sa guiguilir". They serve their master in the house, on his cultivated
lands and may be sold. They are granted by their masters a portion of their harvest if they
provide well through their work.
birth order belongs to the father
birth order belongs to the mother
Only child
half free, half slave
death penalty
low birth who insulted the daughter or wife of a chief; likewise witches, and others of the
same class.
paying them golds
Maharlicas could not after marriage move from one village to another without
was either a man or a woman. This office was an honorable one among the natives, and
was held ordinarily by people of rank, this rule being general in all the islands.
witches, who deceived by pretending to heal the sick. These priests even induced
maladies by their charms, which in proportion to the strength and efficacy of the
witchcraft, are capable of causing death. In this way, if they wished to kill at once they
did so; or they could prolong life for a year by binding to the waist a live serpent, which
was believed to be the devil.
which is the same as magagauay. These priests had the power of applying such remedies
to lovers that they would abandon and despise their own wives, and in fact could prevent
them from having intercourse with the latter. If the woman, constrained by these means,
were abandoned, it would bring sickness upon her.
whose duty it was to emit fire from himself at night, once or oftener each month. This fire
could not be extinguished; nor could it be thus emitted except as the priest wallowed in
the ordure and filth which falls from the houses; and he who lived in the house where the
priest was wallowing in order to emit this fire from himself, fell ill and died. This office
was general.
without the use of medicine, and by simply saluting or raising the hand, they killed whom
they chose. But if they desired to heal those whom they had made ill by their charms,
they do so by using other charms. Moreover, if they wished to destroy the house of some
Indian hostile to them, they were able to do so without instruments. This was in
Catanduanes, an island off the upper part of Luzon.
whose office it was, if they saw anyone clothed in white, to tear out his liver and eat it,
thus causing his death. This, like the preceding, was in the island of Catanduanes.
and his purpose was to show himself at night to many persons, without his head or
entrails. In such wise the devil walked about and carried, or pretended to carry, his head
to different places; and, in the morning, returned it to his body - remaining, as before,
which is equivalent to " sorcerer;" they say that they have seen him fly, and that he
murdered men and ate their flesh. This was among the Visayas Islands; among the
Tagalogs these did not exist.
They made charms for lovers out of herbs, stones, and wood, which would infuse the
heart with love. Thus did they deceive the people, although sometimes, through the
intervention of the devil, they gained their ends.
which is equivalent to " preacher." It was his office to help one to die, at which time he
predicted the salvation or condemnation of the soul. It was not lawful for the functions of
this office to be fulfilled by others than people of high standing, on account of the esteem
in which it was held. This office was general through- out the islands.
was a soothsayer, and predicted the future. This office was general in all the islands.
signified a " cotquean," a man whose nature inclined toward that of a woman.
Relevance of studying the Customs of the Tagalogs
- It made us know that during the Pre-hispanic period, Filipinos already have a
government as well as set of beliefs and practices.

- It is also very important for many of the 16th century beliefs and practices are still
present today.
Juan de Placencia Lacapati and Idianale
A priest who madr the customs of the Patrons of cultivated lands and husbandry
tagalogs Tigmamanuiguin
Datu Serpent, rat, or a bird
They govern the barangay and captains in Catalona
wars A man or woman priest
nobles, commoners, slaves Mangagauay
what are the three classes in the city states? Witch and Pretends to heal sick
Nobles 14. Mangaguay
Free born and called maharlicas Priest who has remedies to lovers that they
Tingues abandon and despise their own wives
Mountain ridges Mancocolam
Serfs Emits fire from themselves at night
Aliping namamahay Hocloban
Aliping namamahay Kills whoever they want by saluting or
They are married and serve their masters raising their hand
Aliping namamahay Witch
they owned property Silagan
married at will Anyone who wears white and eats human
could not be sold by their masters liver which causes death
Slaves - Timawa 15. Magtatangal
Aliping saguiguilir Shows themselves to people without their
Aliping saguiguilir heads or entrails
they could not own property 16. Osuang/aswang
cannot marry without the master's conset Sorcerer
could be sold by their master Can fly and eats human flesh
Datu Manggagayuma
Lawmaker Makes charms for lovers from herbs, stones,
Condemed to death and wood
Insulted the daughter or wife of the chief Sonat
Withes Preacher who help one to die
Inaasava Pangaahojan
Woman who has an illegitimate child Soothsayer
Pandot Bayuguin
Worship Man whose nature inclined tiward that of a
Sibi woman
Roof Vibit
Sorihile Ghost
Small lamp 17. Ticbalang
Tala Phantom
Morning star 22. Patianac
Dian Masalanta Child who died during birth
Patron of lovers and of generation
18. 1Juan de Plasencia
A Spanish friar who wrote the 'Customs of the Tagalogs' in 1589
19. Indians;indio
Term Plasencia used for the tagalog natives
Tagalog chieftains
Juan de Plasencia
was born in Spain in the town of Plasencia
Belonged to the Franciscan Order
Arrived in the Philippines in 1577, via Mexico
20. 30-100
The number of houses governed by datos
Juan de Plasencia
Founded several towns in Laguna de Bay area, Bulacan, and Tayabas
Converted many natives to Christianity
21. Author of "Doctrina Cristiana",
The tagalog tribal gathering of a family of parents and children, relations and slaves.
The name for the Tagalog tribal gatherings came from this material since it was what they used
to travel to islands
Doctrina Cristiana
the 1st book printed in the Philippines
This book was used in Cathechism
Plasencia wrote this from Nagcarlan in 1589
did not settle far friendship relationship
There were many of these
barangays in each town, or, at least, on account of wars, they ___ from one another. They were
not, however, subject to one another,
Juan de Plasencia died in Liliw, Laguna in ___
castes nobles commoners slaves; castes nobles slaves commoners; castes commoners slaves
nobles; castes commoners nobles slaves; castes slaves nobles commoners; castes slaves
commoners nobles
In addition to the chiefs, who corresponded to our knights, there were three ___: ___, ___, and
1. Maharlica
The nobles or the free-born were called ___
2. Maharlica
They did not
pay tax or tribute to the dato, but must accompany him in war, at their own expense.
Maharlicas do not
pay tax or tribute to the dato, but must accompany him in ___, at their own expense
The lands on the ___, or mountain-ridges, are not divided, but owned in common by the
hundred gantas of rice
There are some villages (as, for example, Pila de la Laguna) in which
these nobles, or maharlicas, paid annually to the dato a ___ ___ ___ ___.
irrigated portion inheritance purchase;irrigated portion purchase inheritance
The lands which they inhabited were divided among the whole barangay, especially the ___ ___,
and thus each one knew his own. No one belonging to another barangay would cultivate them
unless after ___ or ___.
Pila de la Laguna
There are some villages like ___ in which
these nobles, or maharlicas, paid annually to the dato a hundred gantas of rice.
3. aliping namamahay
The commoners are called ___ ___
4. aliping namamahay
They are married, and serve their master,
whether he be a dato or not, with half of their cultivated lands, as was agreed upon in the
5. aliping namamahay
They accompanied their masters whenever he went beyond the island, and rowed for him.
They live in their own houses, and are lords of their property and gold. Their children inherit it,
and enjoy their property and lands
6. aliping sa guiguilir
The slaves are called ___.
7. aliping sa guiguilir.
They serve their master in his house and on his
cultivated lands, and may be sold. The master grants them, should he see fit, and providing that
he has profited through their industry, a portion of their harvests, so that they may work
five taels ten or
more taels
price of ransom was never less than ___, and from that upwards; and if he gave "___, as they
might agree, he became wholly free
spiritless faint-hearted; faint-hearted spiritless
Plasencia said the chiefs were ___ and ___.
judges arbiters
If the controversy lay between two chiefs, when they wished to avoid war, they
also convoked ___ to act as ___
They condemned no one to slavery, unless he merited the ___
legitimate equally
As for inheritances, the ___ children of a father and mother inherited ___, except in the case
where the father and mother showed a slight partiality
Illegitimate child;Illegitimate children;Illegitimate
Among the children of a man, only these do not inherit dowries, and instead are recieved by
father or grandparents, brothers, or
nearest relatives of the deceased
An unmarried woman in a relationship
8. Dowries;dowry
These are given by the men to the women's parents
One half Piety
In some villages where either the wife dies childless or the husband dies, the family of the
husband retrieves ___ the dowry out of ___
a temple or place of adoration
During worship, on the posts of the house they set small lamps, called ___
A festival of worship
During the worship they constructed, for the purpose of sheltering the assembled people, a
temporary shed on each side of the house, with a
roof, called ___, to protect the people from the wet when it rained
They so constructed the house that it might contain many people-dividing it, after the fashion of
ships, into ___ compartments
They brought together many drums, large and small, which they beat successively
while the feast lasted, which was usually four days. During this time the whole barangay, or
family, united and joined in the worship which they call ___
4; four
The feast for worship usually lasted how many days?
Customs of the Tagalogs was written in the year?
During the early years of Spanish colonization (1500s), ___ were instrumental in organizing
9. Badhala
Among their many idols there was one called. ___, whom they especially worshiped. The
title seems to signify "all powerful," or "maker of all things."
House used during nagaanitos
all powerful maker of all things;maker of all things all powerful
Badhala, signifies "___," or "___."
10. Datu
11. Barangay
12. Juan de Plasencia
13. Friar
22. Patianic 23. Tala 24. Tabon man 25 . Robert Fox

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