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The Top 3 Reasons to Delete Your Instagram Account

I don’t have an Instagram account—and neither should you. Here are the Top 3 reasons why. Got it? Good.

1. Get a Life
To paraphrase the words of the famous curmudgeon, William Shatner, stop taking pictures of life—”GET A

I recently went on a family vacation to a very Instagram-friendly part of the world. But did I post any vacation
pics of me, or my locale? No! And you know why? Well, I don’t have an Instagram account, as we’ve already

But even if I did have an Instagram account, anyone I would have wanted to share these precious vacation
moments with (or more precisely, anyone who would really give a rat’s ass about these precious moments of
mine), was already with me on vacation!

To recap: Nobody cares about what you’re doing. Except you and the immediate people around you. Live it.
Breathe it. Drink it in. And for goodness sake, don’t waste your precious moments trying to document your
precious moments on Instagram.

2. Facebook Rules!
I used to hate Facebook. Hell, I even wrote a book about my love of Twitter and threw lots of shade at
Facebook. But over time, I started using Facebook for what it was originally designed for—to connect with
friends and family.

Guess what? My friends and family are not on Instagram. But like over 2 BILLION other folks on this planet,
they’re on Facebook. For the time being, it’s the one ring to rule them all. It’s user-friendly, people register
more time on-site on Facebook than on any other social platform, and well, it’s kind of addicting after a while.
Instagram? Instasham!

3. It’s Probably Making You a Little Crazy

My teenage daughter was watching Netflix the other night and I asked her, “does that thing have Black
Mirror?” “Yah”, she replied, because, well, of course. Anyway, I told her that one of my colleagues had written
an article about a particular episode called Nosedive, and had she ever heard of it? “Yah, like about a year
ago”, she quipped.

Anyway, she cued it up for me, and as a social media marketer, I was like “Holy S&%t! This stuff is
happening now, today, on Instagram!” I also thought of Klout—but that’s another rant altogether…

Then, just the other day, a friend of mine posted (on Facebook!) about a woman behind him in the lineup at
Starbucks who was literally leaning over him for the entire duration of the queue, trying to capture THE
perfect photo of a salad in the display case. Once she got the shot, she spent the next ten minutes, I don’t
know, Photoshopping it on her phone or something, to make it even more impressive to her unwitting
Instagram followers, I guess.

When she finally got to the counter, she didn’t even order the salad! But she sure got one hell of an
Instagram Story though, right?

What more is there to say, except #DeleteYourAccount!

About the Author

Don Power is a Director of Content Marketing. When it comes to content marketing, Don's been the Cyrano
for a variety of organizations and delivered The King’s Speech himself as a professional speaker across
North America. Don extends an open invitation to connect on LinkedIn or Twitter.


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