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Meritus Academy / Winter Term / English G6 / Homework 4

Full name: ______________________________________________ Homework grade: ____________

Original class day/time or teacher: _______________________________________________________


Directions: From the story studied in class, “The Seven Ravens,” answer the questions that follow.
Reread the story and highlight key information if required.

1. Why specifically might the father have wished his sons become ravens? Consider the symbolism of
the raven in your response.


2. How do the authors incorporate foreshadowing into the story? Identify both an example of
foreshadowing and an explanation of what it foreshadows.


3. Consider the symbolism of the ring. What does a ring symbolize, and how does that connect to the


4. Of all the characters she meets, the young girl learns the location of her brothers from the stars. Why
does this make sense? Consider the symbolism of stars in your response.


Vocabulary Words

Activity A: Matching. Type in the correct letter beside each vocabulary word

_____1. completion A- An emergency situation

_____2. contemporary B- Knives, forks and spoons

_____3. contestants C- People who compete in a competition

_____4. contrary D- The act of hiding the truth

_____5. crisis E- To remove viruses from a computer

_____6. cutlery F- To become less

_____7. debug G- Act of finishing or ending something

_____8. deceit H- Modern

_____9. decline I- Opposite

_____10. definite J- Exact; certain

Writing descriptive sentences. Choose 3 words that are difficult for you and write a creative sentence.

1) ________________________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________________________________


A summary is a concise explanation of the main ideas and supporting details of a work of writing. To
decide which details to include in the summary of a book chapter, consider the "who, what, when,
where, why and how" while reading the chapter.

Write 1-2 sentences for each chapter and draw an image or attach an image.

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Novel Studies

Read chapters 5-7 in Dragonwings. Answer the questions below using full sentences and correct

1. While Shadow is collecting accounts he meets Black Dog. What does Black Dog do to him?

2. Why does Uncle need some extra money, immediately?

3. The Company will not report Black Dog to the police, because all they will do is file the complaint.
Who is going to handle the situation?

4. Where does Father bring in chapter 6?

5. Hand Clap should remember something for Red Rabbit to eat every morning. What is it?


6. After washing and putting on clean shirts, where do Father and Moon Shadow go?

7. Shadow brings Miss Whitlaw some jasmine tea. She almost spoils it. How?
8. The demon boys make up rhymes to say about Shadow. What things do they throw at him?

Activity: Complete these sentences by adding the missing quotation marks.

1. There's a fifty percent chance of rain this afternoon, reported Emily.

2. Emily asked, Do you think I should take my new umbrella to school?

3. Of course you should take it to school, answered José.

4. If it starts raining, Carly added, you will be nice and dry.

5. Emily squealed, I see dark gray storm clouds rolling in.

6. Oh no! exclaimed José. Carly and I don't have umbrellas.

7. Hooray! yelled Emily. It's finally raining.

8. Carly mumbled, My hair is getting soaked.

9. Would you and José like to share my umbrella with me? asked Emily.

10. Thank you Emily, said Carly. You're more than just a fair weather friend.

Writing Dialogue

1) What is the topic? What will be the conflict? (Exposition, rising action, climax and falling action)
2) Limit the amount of characters accordingly. Choose 2 to 4 characters. Who is the narrator?
(Antagonists and protagonists)
3) Follow the rules of using quotations marks. Ex: “Hello,” John said.
4) Start a new paragraph for a new speaker.
5) Dialogue should provide information. Dialogue should flow.
6) Keep the dialogue concise.
7) Have the characters sound different. Ex: Teacher speaks differently then compared to a student.

Topic or main storyline:



Directions: Write a short dialogue. 8 to 10 lines, less than a page.

Topic: ___________________________________________________________________________













Dialogue Writing Rubric

Story is creative. Contains 2-4 All the rules of using quotations Limited to no
characters. Story has a are included. grammatical and
beginning, middle and an end. spelling errors.
/4 /4 /2

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