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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2003) 5, 249–255


Lead toxicosis in cats—a review
TE Knight*, MSA Kumar

Department of Biomedical Sciences, Although the incidence of lead toxicosis in small animals continues to decrease, it
Tufts University School of remains a significant malady. We have reviewed the literature of the past
Veterinary Medicine, 45 years, which revealed 70 cases involving cats. Sources, signs, diagnosis,
200 Westboro Road, pathology and treatment of feline lead toxicosis are reviewed.
North Grafton, MA 01536, USA In 84% of these cases the source of lead was old paint usually from home
renovation. The most common signs in cats are anorexia, vomiting, and seizures.
The younger individuals seem more likely to show CNS signs. Since signs are
often vague, lead toxicosis may be significantly under diagnosed in cats. The
gold standard of diagnostic tests is blood lead concentration, although it does not
necessarily correlate with total body burden of lead or with metabolic effects
including clinical signs. Diagnostic tests including erythropoietic protoporphyrin
(EPP), urine aminolevulinic acid, and others are discussed. Gross findings on
necropsy are few and include a yellow-brown discoloration of the liver often
with a nutmeg-like appearance. Histological examination may reveal
pathognomonic inclusion bodies in liver and renal tissues. Characteristic
histological changes in the CNS include neuronal necrosis and demyelination.
Treatment of lead toxicosis in cats, as in any species, involves removing the
exposure, decontaminating the individual and the environment, supportive care
and chelation therapy. The most recently available chelator is succimer (meso
2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid). Succimer given orally is well tolerated and has a
wide margin of safety.
A high index of suspicion of lead toxicosis is warranted in cats since they often
present with vague and non-specific signs. With any consistent history owners
need to be asked about home renovation. Early diagnosis and treatment affords a
good prognosis.
Date accepted: 8 May 2003 © 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of ESFM and AAFP.

Introduction rodenticides, antifreeze, insecticides, and human

pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aceta-

t one time lead toxicosis was considered
the most common accidental poisoning minophen in cats (Bratton and Kowalczyk 1989,
in small animals (Zook et al 1969, 1972, Berny et al 1992). Reports of lead poisoning repre-
Clark 1973, Hamir 1986, Bratton and Kowalczyk sented approximately 0.5% of the calls received at
1989). Federal regulations enacted in the 1970s led the National Animal Poison Control Center
to decrease in the amount of lead allowed in (NAPCC) from 1985 to 1989 (Berny et al 1992).
residential paints, leaded gasoline, and other Nevertheless, lead remains an important source
household products, and a significant decrease in of toxicity in small animals.
incidence of lead toxicosis in humans and Lead toxicosis in cats is infrequently reported.
domestic species has been seen over the past two Review of the literature from the past 45 years
decades (Morgan et al 1991a, Graeme and Pollac has revealed 70 cases (Valler and Virat 1956,
1998). Lead now ranks behind more common Scott 1963, Priester and Hayes 1974, Zook and
accidental poisons in small animals such as Carpenter 1977, Turner and Fairburn 1979,
McLeavey 1980, Jacobs 1981, Watson 1981,
*Corresponding author. 14080 Hwy 98N, Kathleen, FL 33849,
Prescott 1983, Hoffheimer 1988, Maddison and
USA. Tel: 1-863-859-3502; Fax: 1-863-853-8352. E-mail: Allan 1990, Morgan et al 1991a, Hawke and Maddison 1992, Miller and Bauk 1992, Maddison

1098-612X/03/050249+07 $30.00/0 © 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of ESFM and AAFP.
250 TE Knight and MSA Kumar

et al 1993, Van Alstine et al 1993, Knight et al Hoffheimer 1988, Maddison and Allan 1990,
2001). Incomplete data precluded analysis of an Morgan et al 1991a, Miller and Bauk 1992, Van
additional report of 64 cats (Anonymous 1979). Alstine et al 1993). Old paint is the most com-
This compares with over 800 cases of lead poison- monly identified source not only in lead poisoned
ing reported in dogs in the same time period cats, but dogs and humans as well (Maddison et al
(Scott 1963, Zook et al 1969, 1972, Schrimsher 1993). Renovation of older houses involving the
1971, Priester and Hayes 1974, Kowalczyk 1976, sanding and scraping of lead-based paint is the
Knecht et al 1979, Hamir 1981, O’Brien 1981, primary means of exposure (Maddison et al 1993).
Hamir and Handson 1982, Prescott 1983, Koh Federal regulations have limited the lead content
1985, Hamir et al 1986, Morgan et al 1991a, of residential paint to <0.06% since 1977 (Morgan
Khanna et al 1992, Ramsey et al 1996). This dis- et al 1991a, Ramsey et al 1996). However, 74% of
parity has traditionally been ascribed to the more the occupied houses in the United States built
fastidious dietary habits in felines (Aronson 1972, before 1980 still contain hazardous quantities of
Van Alstine et al 1993). Constant grooming, how- lead paint (Graeme and Pollac 1998). Other
ever, makes cats more susceptible to ingestion of sources of exposure were contaminated soil from
paint dust or soil contamination on the coat and a nearby lead mine in at least three cats (Scott
footpads. Other factors which may help explain 1963) and contamination of the integument of a
this disparity include physiological differences in cat with lead silicate used in pottery glazing
susceptibility between species, although, to our (Turner and Fairburn 1979).
knowledge, no data concerning cats are available;
under diagnosis due to the often vague, non-
specific presenting signs in cats (Priester and Signs
Hayes 1974, Miller and Bauk 1992, Maddison et al Lead toxicosis in domestic species character-
1993); and historically more households have istically involves the gastrointestinal and neuro-
owned dogs as pets (AVMA, 1997). In the follow- logical systems. Ingested lead is distributed first
ing paragraphs we review sources, signs, diag- to soft tissues including blood, liver, kidneys, and
nosis, pathology, and treatment of lead toxicosis the central nervous system with clinical signs
in cats. reflecting dysfunction of these organs. With
more chronic exposure bone becomes the primary
reservoir (Bratton and Kowalczyk 1989, Hong
Sources and Han 1994). The most common clinical signs in
Numerous sources of lead exposure for small cats are anorexia, which may be the only present-
animals include old paint and other building ing sign (McLeavey 1980, Miller and Bauk 1992,
materials such as linoleum, caulking compounds, Maddison et al 1993), vomiting, and seizures
plumbers solder, carpet padding, and roofing (Table 1). Constitutional signs of lethargy and
materials (Bratton and Kowalczyk 1989). Auto- weight loss are common. Among the more
motive related sources include storage batteries, unusual signs reported are ataxia of cerebellar
wheel weights, used motor oil, and emissions (Hoffheimer 1988) or vestibular (Knight et al
from gasoline engines. Sporting goods such as 2001) origin, vertical nystagmus indicating
golf balls, ammunition, and fishing weights are central vestibular dysfunction (Knight et al 2001),
also potential sources (Zook et al 1972, McLeavey polyuria/polydipsia (Valler and Virat 1956,
1980, Bratton and Kowalczyk 1989, Morgan et al Morgan et al 1991a) presumably from renal
1991a,b, Van Alstine et al 1993). Miscellaneous tubular damage, and megaesophagus with dys-
sources are contaminated water or soil (Scott phagia which resolved 8–10 weeks following
1963), newspaper and magazine print (Hankin treatment (Maddison and Allan 1990) (Table 1).
et al 1974), pottery glazes (Schrimsher 1971, The age of the cat may affect which organ system
Turner and Fairburn 1979), lead dust from shoot- is involved. For example, in a report of 10 cats
ing galleries (Khanna et al 1992), and leaded (mean age 3.5 years) from Boston the most fre-
glass artwork and curtain weights (Fenner 1989, quent signs were anorexia, vomiting, and seizures
Morgan et al 1991b). In our review of studies (Morgan et al 1991a), while a study of 13 cats from
specifically involving cats the source of lead Australia (mean age 8.8 years) reported vomiting
exposure was determined in 74% of cases (32/43) and anorexia but no neurological signs. This was
with old paint being responsible 84% of the ascribed to the older age of the cats in that report
time (27/32) (Scott 1963, Turner and Fairburn (Maddison et al 1993). In our review the average
1979, Jacobs 1981, Watson 1981, Prescott 1983, age of cats with lead toxicosis, in reports where
Lead toxicosis in cats—a review 251

Table 1. Signs of lead toxicosis in cats

Signs No. of cats References
Anorexia 48 Valler and Virat (1956), Turner and Fairburn (1979), McLeavey (1980), Jacobs
(1981), Watson (1981), Prescott (1983), Hoffheimer (1988), Maddison and Allan
(1990), Morgan et al (1991a), Miller and Bauk (1992), Hawke and Maddison
Van Alstine et al (1993), Maddison et al (1993), and Knight et al (2001)
Vomiting 30 Valler and Virat (1956), Turner and Fairburn (1979), Watson (1981), Jacobs
(1981), Prescott (1983), Hoffheimer (1988), Morgan et al (1991a), Maddison et al
(1993), and Van Alstine et al (1993)
Seizures 23 Valler and Virat (1956), McLeavey (1980), Prescott (1983), Hoffheimer (1988),
Morgan et al (1991a), Van Alstine et al (1993), and Knight et al (2001)
Lethargy 17 Morgan et al (1991a), Van Alstine et al (1993), Hawke and Maddison (1992),
Jacobs (1981), and Maddison et al (1993)
Weight loss 17 Morgan et al (1991a), Van Alstine et al (1993), Hawke and Maddison (1992),
Jacobs (1981), Maddison et al (1993), and Knight et al (2001)
Ptyalism 10 Van Alstine et al (1993), and Hoffheimer (1988)
Depression 7 Maddison and Allan (1990), Turner and Fairburn (1979), and Maddison et al
Hyperexcitability 7 Valler and Virat (1956), Maddison and Allan (1990), McLeavey (1980),
Maddison et al (1993), and Knight et al (2001)
Hysteria 5 Morgan et al (1991a) and Valler and Virat (1956)
Colic 4 Morgan et al (1991a), Maddison and Allan (1990), Hawke and Maddison (1992),
and Maddison et al (1993)
Constipation 4 Valler and Virat (1956), Prescott (1983), and Turner and Fairburn (1979)
Ataxia 3 Hoffheimer (1988) and Knight et al (2001)
PU/PD 3 Morgan et al (1991a) and Valler and Virat (1956)
Dysphagia 2 Valler and Virat (1956) and Maddison and Allan (1990)
Diarrhea 2 Morgan et al (1991a) and Maddison et al (1993)
Vertical nystagmus 2 Knight et al (2001)
Head tremor 2 Knight et al (2001)
Regurgitation 1 Hawke and Maddison (1992)
Hypermetria 1 Hoffheimer (1988)
Failure to groom 1 Hawke and Maddison (1992)
Third eyelid prolapse 1 Maddison et al (1993)
Megaesophagus 1 Maddison and Allan (1990)
Blindness 1 Hawke and Maddison (1992)
Circling NS McLeavey (1980)
Mydriasis NS McLeavey (1980)
NS=not stated.

the age was given, was 6.1 years (median age efficient detoxification and excretory pathways
4.5 years, n⫽35). Cats presenting with CNS signs (Prescott 1983, Bratton and Kowalczyk 1989,
(seizures, ataxia, and hysteria) with or without Maddison et al 1993), all resulting in higher lead
gastrointestinal signs had an average age of concentrations in the CNS.
4.1 years, and cats presenting with gastrointesti-
nal signs (vomiting, colic, constipation, diarrhea,
and regurgitation) without CNS signs had an Diagnosis
average age of 8.3 years. The trend of this small Blood lead concentrations are considered the
number of cases indicates that younger cats may best diagnostic test for lead toxicosis. Toxic blood
develop CNS signs more readily. The explanation levels in cats are >30–35 µg/dl (Fenner 1989, Van
may be that younger individuals of any domestic Alstine et al 1993, Puls 1994) or >60 µg/dl (Reid
species have increased permeability of the blood– and Oehme 1989). However, it is important to be
brain barrier (O’Brien 1981, Reid and Oehme aware that blood lead concentrations fluctuate
1989, Maddison et al 1993), greater gastrointesti- and due to sequestration in other organs do not
nal absorption of ingested lead (Bratton and necessarily correlate with total body burden of
Kowalczyk 1989, Reid and Oehme 1989), and less lead or with metabolic effects including clinical
252 TE Knight and MSA Kumar

signs (Bratton and Kowalczyk 1989, Hong and term ‘lead lines’ also refers to a dark blue linear
Han 1993, Maddison et al 1993). Some animals discoloration of the gingiva near the teeth caused
with clinical lead toxicosis will not have a diag- by hydrogen sulfide of decaying food particles
nostic elevation of blood lead while some animals reacting with blood borne lead to form a lead
may have elevated blood concentrations with few sulfide precipitate (Jones et al 1997). To our
if any clinical signs (Maddison et al 1993). Making knowledge, radiographic or gingival ‘lead lines’
the diagnosis of lead toxicosis in cats requires have not been reported in cats. Perhaps the most
consistent physical examination findings with valuable use of radiography to diagnose lead
confirmatory concentrations of blood lead. Lead poisoning in cats is to reveal radiodense specks of
concentration in the blood should not be the sole lead in the gastrointestinal tract, although bone
basis for diagnosis. chips may appear similar.
Less reliable diagnostic laboratory tests include Hemogram evaluation for lead toxicosis in cats
urine lead or urine -aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is usually normal and not helpful. The abnormali-
concentrations and blood zinc protoporphyrin ties most commonly found are nucleated RBCs
(ZPP) levels. Although urine lead concentrations (McLeavey 1980, Prescott 1983, Bratton and
diagnostic for lead toxicosis have not been estab- Kowalczyk 1989), followed by anemia (Valler and
lished for cats, some authors suggest concen- Virat 1956, Scott 1963, Priester and Hayes 1974,
trations >50 µg/dl should be considered toxic Zook and Carpenter 1977) and then basophilic
with background concentrations in cats being stippling (Priester and Hayes 1974, Bratton and
<20 µg/dl (Scott 1963, Van Alstine et al 1993). Kowalczyk 1989). Although nucleated RBCs
Enzymes of the heme synthetic pathway are (normoblastemia) in the absence of anemia are
especially sensitive to lead and their substrate regarded as classic hemograms in lead poisoned
concentrations may aid in the diagnosis of lead animals, this finding is unusual in cats.
toxicosis. Erythropoietic protoporphyrin (EPP) Lead causes toxic effects primarily in the
accumulates in red blood cells (RBCs) residing in hepatocytes and renal tubular epithelial cells by
the bone marrow due to inhibition of ferroche- forming complexes with sulfhydryl groups in
latase by lead. The majority of EPP in the cat will crucial sulhydryl-dependent proteins resulting in
bind zinc and exist as ZPP. Blood levels of ZPP enzyme inhibition and ultimately cell death
>50–54 µg/100 ml (Hawke and Maddison 1992, (Graeme and Pollac 1998). This results in elevated
Hong and Han 1993) indicate lead toxicosis. Since liver enzymes on serum chemistry analysis and
elevated ZPP will be found only in those RBCs glycosuria, proteinuria, and granular cast forma-
which have left the bone marrow subsequent to tion on urinalysis (Hoffheimer 1988, Bratton and
exposure, ZPP levels are not a good indicator of Kowalczyk 1989, Morgan et al 1991a). A post-
acute lead exposure. Likewise, the ZPP remains in mortem diagnosis can be made by analyzing lead
the RBCs even after chelation therapy has been concentration in tissues. The liver and kidneys are
completed, and is thus not a good indicator for primary soft tissue organs of distribution with
following the success of treatment. Additionally, lead toxicosis. Higher doses and more acute
elevated ZPP is not specific to lead toxicosis. Iron exposure increase the proportion of lead found in
deficiency, for example, gives similar results the liver, kidneys, and brain (eg 36, 20, and 1%,
(Hawke and Maddison 1992). Inhibition of respectively) relative to amounts found in bone
-aminolevulinic dehydrase results in accumula- (eg 42%). With chronic exposure bone may con-
tion of the substrate -ALA in blood and urine. tain higher levels (eg 82%), with smaller amounts
Urinary ALA increases acutely with exposure to in the liver, kidney, and brain (eg 7, 8, and 2%,
lead but is not specific for lead toxicosis and may respectively) (Hong and Han 1994). Analysis of
be elevated in chronic liver disease and some por- lead concentration in the liver is used most fre-
phyrias. A value greater than 87 µmol/l is sug- quently. Levels >3.6–10 µg/g by wet weight of
gestive of lead toxicosis, although wide variation liver tissue is diagnostic of lead toxicosis (Bratton
in urinary ALA concentration in healthy cats and Kowalczyk 1989, Puls 1994, Jones et al 1997).
requires correlation with clinical signs and
blood lead levels (Hawke and Maddison 1992,
Maddison et al 1993). Pathology
‘Lead lines’ on radiographs are caused by lead Reports of pathology findings in cats with lead
sequestration in the metaphyses of long bones in toxicosis are rare. Experimental lead poisoning in
growing animals and can potentially be helpful a study of 30 cats revealed on gross necropsy
diagnostically (Bratton and Kowalczyk 1989). The examination yellow-brown discoloration of the
Lead toxicosis in cats—a review 253

liver in 11 cats often with a nutmeg-like appear- route. For cats CaEDTA may be given subcutane-
ance. Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes were also ously at 27.5 mg/kg in 15 ml of D5W qid for
seen in five cats although no specific histological 5 days, and repeated in 2 or 3 weeks if blood lead
changes were found (Hong and Han 1994). concentration remains >0.2 ppm. CaEDTA may
Pathognomonic, intranuclear, acid fast inclusion also be given slowly IV at a dose of 5 mg/kg in
bodies or intranuclear or cytoplasmic inclusion divided daily doses (Reid and Oehme 1989).
bodies seen on H&E and orcein stained specimens CaEDTA acts primarily on lead sequestered in
may be seen in hepatocytes and in epithelial cells bone which may be from 42 to 82% of total body
of the proximal renal tubules (Jubb et al 1993, lead burden depending on length of exposure and
Hong and Han 1994, Jones et al 1997). Lesions of concentration of ingested lead. With lower doses
the CNS are not found on gross necropsy (Van and longer exposures proportionately more lead
Alstine et al 1993, Hong and Han 1994), but is sequestered in bone (Jubb et al 1993, Hong and
histological findings include neuronal necrosis, Han 1994). The lead chelator complex is then
demyelination, and astrocyte proliferation in the excreted in the urine. Significant side effects of
gray matter of the cerebrum. The cerebellum may CaEDTA include pain at injection sites (especially
have degeneration of Purkinje cells (Hong and when given IM), potential nephrotoxicity, and
Han 1994). Brain stem histology may reveal multi- depletion of essential minerals like calcium, zinc,
focal hemorrhages, vacuolated and dilated and iron. Also, when given alone it may para-
periaxonal spaces, eosinophilic shrunken nerve doxically worsen lead encephalopathy within the
cell bodies with astrocytosis and microgliosis first 2 days of therapy (Graziano et al 1978, 1985,
(Van Alstine et al 1993), and demyelination with Fikes and Dorman 1994, Ramsey et al 1996). This
neuronal necrosis (Hong and Han 1994). is apparently caused by lead being redistributed
Neurological signs correlate with necropsy from soft tissue to the brain. Some authors recom-
findings in the CNS. Seizures, the most commonly mend that British anti-lewisite (dimercaprol,
reported neurological sign, as well as hyper- BAL; BAL in Oil, Becton Dickinson) be given as an
exciteability, hysteria, and depression are consist- intramuscular (IM) injection before instituting
ent with abnormalities in the cerebral cortex. CaEDTA therapy. BAL, a dithiol agent, works
Hypermetria, ataxia, and head tremor may primarily by chelating lead from soft tissue with
reflect cerebellar dysfunction while brainstem excretion of the complex in urine and bile. BAL
lesions could result in ataxia, nystagmus, dys- therapy prior to calcium edetate helps prevent
phagia, and ptyalism. Anorexia, vomiting, and exacerbation of encephalopathy (Fikes and
ptyalism may result from CNS or gastrointestinal Dorman 1994, Ramsey et al 1996, Graeme and
dysfunction. Pollac 1998) and the two agents act synergisti-
cally. CaEDTA is given parenterally or, if neces-
sary, may be given orally in dogs (Hamir et al
Treatment 1986) while BAL is given by IM injection. Because
Treatment of lead toxicosis in the cat, as in other the therapeutic index is low for both agents they
species, involves prevention of further exposure, are best given in a hospital setting (Graziano et al
decontamination of the environment and the indi- 1978, 1985). BAL in veterinary medicine is pri-
vidual (ie bathing, cathartics, and/or enemas), marily used in arsenic toxicosis. In our review we
supportive therapy, and chelation teatment. found no reports of use in cats, and we have no
Magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) or sodium sulfate experience treating lead toxicosis in cats with
cathartics are preferred since lead will precipitate BAL. The dosage for arsenic toxicosis in cats (and
in the gastrointestinal tract as lead sulfate which is presumably for lead toxicosis) is 2.5–5 mg/kg IM
not absorbed (Bratton and Kowalczyk 1989). The q 4 h for 48 h, then q 12 h until recovery. The drug
recommended dose in cats is 2–5 g given orally causes pain with IM injection and should be used
while enema solutions of these agents should cautiously in patients with renal compromise and
be avoided in cats due to possible electrolyte always with IV fluid support (Reid and Oehme
imbalances (Plumb 1999). The first chelating 1989). D-penicillamine (Cuprimine, Merck, West
agent available was calcium disodium ethyl- Point, PA) is a monothiol, oral chelating agent
enediaminetetraacetic acid (CaNa2EDTA, cal- which is often given (125 mg q 12 h. p.o. for
cium edetate, CaEDTA; Calcium Disodium 5 days) as an outpatient drug to follow-up
Versenate, 3M Pharma., St. Paul, MN). This agent CaEDTA therapy in cats particularly if the
has the advantage of a proven track record in blood lead concentration remains >0.2 ppm at
many species and can be administered by any 3–4 weeks after CaEDTA therapy (Reid and
254 TE Knight and MSA Kumar

Oehme 1989). Vomiting is a common side effect picion since cats often present with vague, non-
but may be cirvumvented by giving with food or specific signs. With any consistent history,
giving smaller, more frequent dosing (same total owners should be asked specifically about home
dose). Cuprimine may also increase the amount renovations. Making the diagnosis is usually
of lead absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. straightforward by finding elevated blood lead
Enemas or purgatives should therefore be given concentrations with consistent clinical signs.
prior to use, especially if radiodense specks are Supportive therapy, eliminating the source of
seen in the gastrointestinal tract on radiographs. lead and early treatment with chelating agents
CaEDTA, Cuprimine and BAL are all potentially afford a good prognosis. Succimer has worked
nephrotoxic (Fikes and Dorman 1994, Graeme well in dogs and appears to work well in cats.
and Pollac 1998). More experience with this drug in cats will be
Succimer (meso 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid, helpful in determining safety profile, alternate
DMSA; Chemet, Sanofi-Synthelabo, New York, routes of administration (eg efficacy when given
NY), an analog of BAL, is the most recent chelat- per rectum in cats), and potential for rebound of
ing agent to become available. Succimer has been lead concentrations after treatment.
used for decades in other countries but was first
approved for human use in the United States in References
the mid-1990s. Oral dosing is an advantage, and it Anonymous (1979) Lead poisoning in cats. Surveillance 1 (1),
may be given rectally as a solution in vomiting 4–5.
patients. Excretion is via bile and urine (Graziano Aronson AL (1972) Chemical poisoning in small animal
et al 1978, Ramsey et al 1996). Succimer has been practice. Veterinary Clinics of North America 2 (2), 388–389.
used successfully in dogs (Ramsey et al 1996) and AVMA (1997) U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Source
Book. Schaumberg, Illinois, USA: Center for Information
cats (Knight et al 2001), but does not have FDA Management, pp. 3–4.
approval for use in veterinary patients. In the only Berny PJ, Cote LM, Buck WB (1992) Case reports of lead
report of use in cats, two 5-year-old female litter- poisoning in dogs from The National Animal Poison
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Lead toxicosis in cats—a review 255

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