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Rel-Ed 12
Mrs. Blesila M. Desucatan
Mary in the Old Testament
Module 3.2 A

Let’s Start
This module aims to:

 discover Mary’s identity as the chosen woman in the Scriptures in the Old Testament.
 own responsibility for one’s prayer and growth in faith.
 understand the role of Mary.

Let’s Explore
The Virgin Mary is Mother and Model for the entire Church. Virgin Mary is
one of the most important figures in the Christian religion. She was the
woman of Nazareth who gave birth to Jesus Christ. (Mary, Way of Perfection);
it is a reflection on the Virgin Mary’s 12 essential virtues. Exactly twelve like
the stars on her crown and the months of the year. The author invites us to
choose a virtue to grow in each month with the help of Our Blessed Mother.

12 Virtues of Mary
Virtues Reflections

1. Model of Faith The Virgin Mary always had an integral faith; she accepted God’s plan and fully
trusted in His Word. We ought to ask Our Blessed Mother to be our teacher in the
faith so that, like her, we may trust that the Lord always knows what is best for us.
Mary can help us grow closer to God by helping us accept Him as Our Father and
believe in His Love, knowing that He will never abandon us.

2. Model of Hope
Mary is a point of reference and model of hope in God. She never abandoned God’s
will but always trusted that after the Cross comes the Resurrection. Let’s ask the
Virgin Mary to teach us to place our hope in God alone, even in tough moments,
knowing that we are never alone.

3. Model of Love
The Virgin Mary’s life could indeed be summed up in one word: love. All she did was
love always. Love was never missing in her life. And it wasn’t an abstract love.
Rather, this love was translated into two fundamental attitudes: generosity and
diligence. Generosity, because She knew that all that we have is a gift from God, and
she lived “giving until it hurts.” Diligence, because her love was made manifest in
simple, day-to-day things.

4. Model of Chastity
Mary is virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus. In Her, chastity is a wake-
up call for us, especially for the youth nowadays. Her chastity was united to Love,
she lived in chastity to serve love, to love more and better.

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
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5. Model of Poverty
The Mother of God was poor because of her generosity and love. In her, poverty was
linked to austerity and simplicity. In a world like ours, she wouldn’t fall into
consumerism or spending money just for the sake of it. She lived her life in
simplicity, poorly, and with a sense of justice toward those who had nothing.

6. Model of Obedience Obedience is not only a virtue for religious life. It’s an essential virtue for every
Christian. It helps us carry out God’s Will before satisfying our own desires and
despite our attachments. The Virgin Mary's obedience was not characterized by an
attitude of resignation, but by her complete trust in God’s hands. In the
Annunciation, we see how she obeys even when God’s request was not part of her
plans. Let’s learn from the Virgin Mary to obey the Lord’s Will just as she did:
“Behold the handmaid of the Lord.”

7. Model of Humility Mary accepted her condition as God’s creature at all times. She understood perfectly
where her place was and where God’s was. Our Blessed Mother can teach us how to
live, as she did, doing everything for God’s glory alone, knowing that we are just a
poor pencil in God’s hands. The Virgin Mary is a model of humility especially in
Bethlehem and at the foot of the Cross. Here we can see very clearly how she
trusted God without complaints or demands.

8 . Model of Patience The Virgin Mary is a teacher in knowing how to wait and accept God’s times,
especially when things don’t turn out the way we hoped or in the midst of suffering.
Mary tells us, like St. Teresa, “God alone suffices!” She encourages us to have the
same patience God has with us.

9.. Model of Mercy Our Blessed Mother knew how to receive and have mercy on everyone: the spouses
of the wedding feast at Cana, the fearful Apostles after Jesus’ death, all of us when
we sin, etc. She is always there to embrace us, never judging us and interceding for
us continually. Mary believes all things, endures all things and bears all things. Let’s
ask her to teach us to always do good and to be compassionate towards those who

10. Model of Joy Mary lived with a special and interior joy that was not at all superficial. She was
happy with what she had and received all that the Lord gave her with joy. Hope is
the fruit of Mary’s joy. Because of her union with God, only source of true joy, she
was able to recognize what was truly essential and thank God for all she had.

11. Model of Gratitude The Virgin Mary lived in constant thanksgiving for the Lord's countless gifts.
Therefore, she can teach us to imitate her gratitude toward the Lord for His infinite
mercy and generosity. She can help us give our best to God and be happy with what
we have. A practical way you can do this is not going to sleep without having
thanked God for at least 10 things that happened to you throughout the day.

12. Model of Prayer Our Blessed Mother is a teacher of prayer; she was the first to live in intimacy with
God, and all her life was union with her Son. Let us ask Mary to help us unite our
hearts to the Heart of Jesus in every moment of our lives, and to do everything
through Christ, in Christ, and for Christ.

Prophecies of Mary and Her Role

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
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The birth of Jesus was prophesied in many and varied places in the Old Testament. The birth of John the Baptist was also
prophesied (Malachi 4:5-6; Matt. 11:14). But Mary, the Mother of Jesus our Lord, had her birth and existence prophesied as

1931- was Anglican Society of Mary formed.

We begin right at the beginning in the Book of Genesis. Original Sin had just been committed by Adam and Eve. Eve said
the serpent deceived her. God put Satan under a curse and then pointed forward to a new Eve who would say, “yes” where
Eve had said, “no.” God warned Satan:
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will
strike his heel.” (Gen. 3:15)
The English name Mary derived in Greek.
God therefore points to Mary and to the unique quality of her motherhood. She alone brought forth our Savior who, by his
divine power and human obedience crushed the head of Satan. And, since women are not said to have seed, this unusual
phrase attributed to Mary, points to her as being the sole source of Christ’s humanity (by God’s power) and that the
Heavenly Father was Jesus’ true Father.
Maryam - the Islamic name of Mary
A second prophecy of Mary comes in Isaiah. King Ahaz is resisting Isaiah’s message not to fear Aram and Ephraim who
are poised to invade Judah. When King Ahaz is told to ask for a sign he refused. Isaiah impatiently replies thus:
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call
Him Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)
Many modern Scripture scholars dismiss this as a reference to Mary, arguing it could not be a sign for Ahaz who died
hundreds of years before its fulfilment. They also argue that “virgin” could just mean “maiden” (or young wife) and not refer
to a true virgin conceiving. But apparently the Holy Spirit and St. Matthew never got the memo since they apply this
Prophecy to Mary. (cf Matt, 1:23)

Isaiah also points to Mary in the following text. And while contextually he speaks of Jerusalem allegorically as a Mother
giving birth, the details were only fulfilled by Mary.
This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. What kind of house will you build for Me? Or where
will My place of repose be? Has not My hand made all these things? And so they came into being,” declares the LORD. “This is
the one I will esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, who trembles at My word….Hear the uproar from the city; listen
to the voice from the temple! “Before she was in labor, she gave birth; before she was in pain, she delivered a boy. Who has
heard of such as this? Who has seen such things? (Is 66:1-2; 6-8)
This text is why many of the Church Fathers teach that Mary brought forth Jesus miraculously and without the pain of
childbirth. Although the people of Isaiah’s time did not see or hear of such things, those of Jesus’ time have heard and seen it

According to the apocryphal Gospel of James, Saint Anne was the mother of Mary and the father was Saint Joachim.
The Prophet Micah also points to Mary in the following text:
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come forth for Me One to be ruler over
Israel—One whose origins are of old, from the days of eternity. Therefore Israel will be abandoned until she who is in labor has
given birth; then the rest of His brothers will return to the children of Israel. (Micah 5:2-3)
Yes, salvation would wait until Mary was born, said “yes” in the place of Eve’s “no” and, by God’s power, brought forth Jesus
our eternal savior and ruler.
The following text is from the Book of Revelation. And, since it was written after the birth and life of Christ on this earth
it is not, strictly speaking, a prophecy. However, it is in the form of a meta-history. As such, it poetically and sweepingly
writes of the great conflicts between good and evil, God and Satan that raged before Christ and, to a lesser degree after. I
have here rearranged the text a bit to unite the heavenly war verses:

And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on
her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge
red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky,
tossing them to the earth….Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon
and his angels fought back. But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and
his angels. And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole
world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

We see here a kind of heavenly prophecy of Mary in the sign of the Woman clothed with the sun who was pregnant and
giving birth. Ancient traditions hold that when God revealed his plans to save humanity by joining them, Lucifer, a high
ranking angel balked at the plan and pride fully resisted it. Angels were far more worthy of God’s gifts than the mud doll
humans. Lucifer thus led a rebellion and there was war in heaven.

And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth. And
she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was caught up to God and
to His throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
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Saint Louis ,is the writer of the book "True Devotion to Mary"
There are many layers here. Historically, the woman can only be Mary since the Son she gives birth to can only be Christ.
Allegorically the woman can also represent Israel and the Church. Though Satan sought Christ and searched for him all his
earthly life, after an apparent victory at the Cross, the text tells us that Jesus was caught up to heaven where he is
enthroned. The woman fleeing into the wilderness may remind us of the flight into Egypt but the 1260 days (three and a
half months) is more likely a reference to yet another layer of this text, wherein Mary images the early Church. In 70 AD the
early Church in Jerusalem fled to desert to the city of Pella as the Romans laid siege to the City for three and a half months.
The wrenching depiction of Revelation 12 ends with an ominous note:
And the dragon was enraged at the woman, and went to make war on the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of
God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea.

Let’s Engage
Activity No.1
Like Mary, enumerate your own 12 Virtues and make your own explanations

Activity No. 2
1. Who is Mary?
2. Why Mary was the chosen woman in the Scriptures in the Old Testament.?
3. What was the role of Mary in the old Testament?

Let’s Check
A. Instructions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

___________1. Jesus was Mary’s first-born son.

___________2. Mary is a Saint.
___________3. Mary was born in Nazareth, Israel.
___________4. Maryam is the Islamic name of Mary.
___________5. English name Mary derived from Greek.
___________6. The Gospel of John which mentioned Mary’s name for twenty times.
___________7. An angel of the lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to take the child and his mother to
___________8. The ‘’Annunciation ‘’ when Angel Gabriel told her she was Jesus mother.
___________9. They saw moon when it rose and they came to worship him.
__________10. They opened their treasures and presented him gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh.

Let’s Understand
Mary as Mother of Christ is also our Mother since we are members of the Body of Christ. And, if Mary gave birth to the Head
of the Church (Christ) she also gave birth to the Body of Christ and all its members. The Church too is mother to us since she
is the Bride of Christ as we are born from the chaste union of Christ and his Bride, the Church. And here we see a prophecy
that we who are the children of Mary and the Church will suffer persecution in this “paradise lost.” We therefore must cling
to our Mother the Church and to Mary. We must also cling to the Lord and his sacraments for we have an enemy, Satan, and
he stands on the shore of the sea (the sea was a symbol for chaos) looking for opportunities.

May our Lady hide us in her mantle and may our Lord and his Angels bestow on us every good grace.

Worksheet in Rel-Ed 12

VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
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Mary in the Old Testament

Module 3.2 A

Name : __________________________________________________ Grade and Section : _________________________

Teachers : Mrs. Blesila Desucatan

Let’s Recall Let’s Check

1. ___________ A. 1. ___________ B. 6. ___________

2. ___________ 2. ___________ 7. ___________
3. ___________ 3. ___________ 8. ___________
4. ___________ 4. ___________ 9. ___________
5. ___________ 5. ___________ 10. _________

Let’s Engage
Activity No. 1

Virtues Explanation






VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.
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Activity No. 2.




VISION: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy envisions of a life giving and innovating Educational ministry committed to
transforming community of learners into Christ-centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.

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