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Choral Lit.

Quiz 1: Medieval and Renaissance

You will have 5 quizzes in Choral Literature this semester. Each is worth 3% of your overall
grade. Given this small percentage, they are designed to keep you on track in your preparation
for the midterm and final exam. Even though Quiz 1 is only worth 3% of your grade, preparing
well will also help you be prepared for your midterm. Make good use of this opportunity!
I will be asking questions exclusively from our class PowerPoint slides and score study/listening
list on the quiz. However, I strongly recommend you read the sections of the book that
correspond to the PowerPoint for further context. The PowerPoint slides come from all sections
of the text that are not addressing individual composers and their works.
There are 3 parts to Quiz 1.

I will play 5 of the 17 pieces on your listening list for you to identify by title. I will provide you a
list of all titles and composers and you will mark the title and composer of each piece you hear.

Score Identification
I will provide you with portions of 5 scores from the score study list. I will provide you with a list
of all titles and composers and you will mark the title and composer of each score portion you are
given. Depending on the score, you might also have to identify specific characteristics or features
within the score.

PowerPoint Questions
I will ask 5 questions from the PowerPoints that are short answer, multiple choice, or matching.
There will also be two matching sections with 5 items in each: 1) genres and their definitions; 2)
composers and their country and era (early, middle, or late).

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