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Int. J. Grid and Utility Computing, Vol. x, No.

x, xxxx 0

A Proposal for a Health-Care Environment with a

Real-Time Approach

Eliza H.A. Gomes*

Department of Informatics and Statistics (INE),
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC),
Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
*Corresponding author

Mario A.R. Dantas

Department of Computer Science (DCC)
Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF)
Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil

Patricia D.M. Plentz

Department of Informatics and Statistics (INE),
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC),
Florianopolis, SC, Brazil

Abstract: The increased use of IoT has contributed to the popularisation of environments
that monitor the daily activities and health of the elderly, children or people with
disabilities. The requirements of these environments, such as low latency and rapid
response, corroborate the usefulness of associating Fog Computing with health-care
environment since one of the advantages of fog is to provide low latency. Because
of this, we propose the use of a hardware and software infrastructure capable of
storing, processing and presenting monitoring data in real-time, based on Fog Computing
paradigm. Additionally, we propose the structuring of sensors for the implementation of
a simulated health-care environment, as well as the processing logic for the presentation
of results referring to the health of the user.

Keywords: IIoT Platform; Time Constraint; Fog Computing; Health-Care Application

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Gomes, E., Dantas, M.A.R., Plentz,
P.D.M. (xxxx) ‘A Proposal for a Health-Care Environment with a Real-Time Approach’,
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, Vol. x, No. x,–xxx.

Biographical notes: Eliza Gomes is a PhD student of the Graduate Program of

Computer Science (PGCC) in the Department of Informatics and Statistics (INE),
Technology Centre (CTC), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.
Currently, Eliza Gomes is working in the Research Laboratory of Distributed Systems
(LaPeSD) supervised by Prof. Mario Dantas and co-supervised by Prof. Patricia
Plentz. Eliza’s interesting researches areas are: Distributed Systems, Operating Systems,
Computer Network and Real-time. URL:

Mario A.R. Dantas is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science (DCC) at the
Exact Sciences Instituite (ICE), Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and in the
Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC), at the Technology Centre (CTC),
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), with a PhD in Computer Science from the
University of Southampton (UK), Visiting Professor at the University of Western Ontario
(Canada) and Senior Visiting Researcher in Riken (Japan). He is the author of hundred

Copyright c 201X Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

A Proposal for a Health-Care Environment with a Real-Time Approach 1

scientific articles, dozen of chapters in books and three books. He has advised numerous
undergraduate, specialisation, master and doctorate research works. He has acted as a
consultant on various projects with industry in the areas of IoT, networking, distributed
systems, and high-performance environments.

Patricia Della Mea Plentz is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. She received her Ph.D. and M.Sc
from UFSC in 2008 and 2002, respectively, and her B.Sc. degrees in Computer Science
from University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ) in 2000. Her research interests include real-
time distributed systems, forecast of deadline missing and temporal constraints of mobile
This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled ‘A Real-Time Fog
Computing Approach for Healthcare Environment’presented at the ‘13th International
Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing’, Taiwan, October
1 Introduction 2 Overview

In this section we present some explanation about related

The Internet of Things is a topic that has been growing
conceptions to this article.
and becoming important in the technical, social and
economic areas (Rose et al., 2015). This growth has
2.1 Health-care Environment
driven the advancement in research and projects related
to assisted environments and health-care, since the Health-care is a smart environment where a health
IoT offers great potential for continuous and reliable monitoring system is set up. It provides e-health services
remote monitoring due to its ubiquitous nature, allowing to monitor and evaluate the health of assisted users,
freedom of movement for individuals (Negash et al., which are elders, people with disabilities, children or
2018). patients. The health monitoring of these users is carried
Health-care environments are widely used for out by specialist users such as doctors, nurses or
monitoring the elderly, the disabled or children and caregivers.
are composed of intelligent objects such as sensors for The health-care environment configuration is
monitoring the environment and vital signs, as well composed of three main components: sensors,
as actuators and mobile devices. These objects are communication, and processing system (Mshali et al.,
characterised by being heterogeneous and distributed, by 2018). Sensors are deployed in environments or user
communicating through light protocols to save energy accessories such as belts, clothes, glasses, and they are
and by requiring low latency in data transmission. Fog responsible for data acquisition. The acquired data
Computing has been used in this type of environment by sensors are transmitted through an access point or
because it is an intermediate layer between end devices base station to a server or portable devices via network
and the cloud data centres that provides processing, communication technologies. The data are stored,
storage and analysis of data closer to smart objects, thus processed in the server and presented to specialist users
low latency (Gomes et al., 2018b). so that they can act in case of abnormality or emergency.
In the next subsections, we presented some
Low latency is one of the main requirements conceptions and characteristics related to sensors and
for health-care (Bierzynski et al., 2017) environments communication technologies implemented in a health-
since in cases of emergencies such as falls or cardiac care environment.
arrest the fast notification enables the specialist user
responsible for the assisted user to act fast and 2.1.1 Sensors
efficiently. Therefore, in this article, we propose the
use of a hardware and software infrastructure, based Physical sensors are the most common types of sensors
on Fog Computing, capable of storing, processing and in a health-care environment and are responsible
presenting data received from sensors embedded in a for collecting data about user physiology and user
health-care monitoring environment in real-time. We environment (Lai et al., 2013). There are three main
understand as real-time a system that presents the classes for monitoring the assisted user and the
results within a time constraint. environment: Personal Sensor Networks, Body Sensor
Networks, and Multimedia Devices (Mshali et al., 2018).
The hardware infrastructure presented in this article
consists of 3 layers, the Edge Layer (sensors, actuators • Personal Sensor Networks (PSN): usually are
and mobile devices), the Fog Layer (Fog nodes and Fog sensors deployed in the environment whose goal is
server) and the Cloud Layer (data centres) (Gomes et al., to detect daily activities of human and to measure
2018a). On the other hand, the software infrastructure environmental conditions.
consists of Foglet (software agent), processing and
storage software, and health-care application (the logic • Body Sensor Networks (BSN): are composed of
of health-care environment). sensors embedded in personal accessories such as
clothes, belts or glasses. These sensors have the role
Additionally, we propose in this article the build of monitoring vital signs and health conditions of
of the monitoring environment, that is, the sensors the assisted user (Wang, 2015).
infrastructure for a simulated environment. Moreover, we
propose the data processing logic, the data presentation • Multimedia Devices (MD): are audio and video
and the generation of alerts for caregivers users. devices responsible for monitoring the movements
and promote greater interaction between the
This paper is organised as follows. In section 2 we
assisted user and the health-care application.
present some explanation about related conceptions.
Some related works are discussed in the section 3. Our The data collected by sensors can be classified
proposal is described in section 4. Designed environment according to the frequency of their receipt in three types
and the processing logic are presented in section 5. of events: constant, interval and instant.
Finally, our conclusions and indications for future work
are presented in section 6. • Constant: the data are transmitted continuously.
A Proposal for a Health-Care Environment with a Real-Time Approach 3

Table 1 Health monitoring sensors (Mshali et al., 2018; Rashidi and Mihailidis, 2013)

Category Name Measurement Data Format Event Type

PIR Motion / Identification detection Categorical Instant
RFID Persons and objects identification Categorical Instant
Pressure Pressure on mat, chair, etc Numeric Instant
a Smart Tiles Pressure on floor Numeric Instant
Magnetic Switches Open / close door detection Categorical Instant
Temperature Room temperature Time series Interval
Humidity Room humidity Time series Interval
Weight Assisted user weight Numerical Interval

Accelerometer Acceleration and fall detection Time series Constant

Gyroscopes Orientation, motion detection Time series Constant
ECG Cardiac activity Analogical signal Constant
EEG Brain waves Analogical signal Constant
EOG Eye movement Analogical signal Constant
BSN EMG Muscle activity Analogical signal Constant
PPG Heart rate and blood velocity Analogical signal Constant
Pulse Oximeter Blood oxygen saturation Analogical signal Constant
Blood Pressure Blood pressure Numerical Interval
Glucometer Blood glucose Numerical Interval
GSR Perspiration Analogical signal Constant
SKT Skin temperature Numerical Interval

Cameras Monitoring and tracking Image, video Interval, Constant

Microphone Voice detection Audio Constant
Speakers Alerts and instructions Audio Instant
a b c
Personal Sensor Network; Passive Infrared; Radio-frequency Identification;
d e f g
Body Sensor Network; Electrocardiography; Electroencephalography; Electrooculography;
h i j k
Electromyography; Photoplethysmography; Galvanic Skin Response; Skin Temperature.
Multimedia Devices

• Interval : the data are transmitted periodically, low transmission rate with a maximum data rate
following a uniform time interval. of 250 Kbps and a range up to 20 meters.
• Instant: the data are instantaneously transmitted • Wi-Fi technology (IEEE 802.11): is the most
when an event occurs. popular communication technology. It has an
average range of 100 meters and transmission rate
Table 1 presents some examples of sensors most used up to 54 Mbps. However, it has a disadvantage of
in monitored environments. consuming much energy.

2.1.2 Communication Technologies • Bluetooth technology (IEEE 802.15.1): is used

by connecting a variety of devices for data and
Various communication technologies are used to perform voice transmission. It has the maximum data
integration between applications, services, and sensors transmission rate of 1 Mbps and ranges up to 10
in a health-care environment. The technologies most meters.
popular are wireless protocol such as ZigBee, Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (Sula et al., 2014). • Bluetooth Low Energy technology (BLE): recent
On the other hand, others technologies such as Radio technology that provides ultra-low energy
Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) and Ultra Wide consumption and cost. It represents an efficient
band (UWB) stand out because they have the role of technology by transferring various small data
tracking and identifying people and objects, as well packages and by offering small connections with
as allowing communication between the sensors or the the minimum of delay (latency).
devices (Lai et al., 2013; Rashidi and Mihailidis, 2013).
2.2 Edge Computing and Fog Computing
• ZigBee technology (IEEE 802.15.4): is an efficient
technology for the sensed environment, since it has According to Chiang and Shi (2016) Edge Computing
low cost, low power, and long battery life. It has a is a paradigm in which the resources of communication,
4 Gomes, Dantas and Plentz

computational, control and storage are placed on the – Firm: results produced after the time
edge of the Internet, close to mobile devices, sensors, constraint are useless for the system.
actuators, connected things and end users. An edge – Soft: results produced after the time
device is not a data centre neither a simple sensor constraint are accepted and still useful for
that converts analogical to digital sign and collects and the system, although it causes degradation of
sends data. An edge device can be conceptualised as any its performance.
computational or network resource that resides between
data sources and cloud data centres. • As for the regularity of activation
On the other hand, Fog Computing can be
conceptualised as computational elements intermediates, – Periodic: are identical tasks regularly
located between edge devices and cloud. It typically activated at a constant rate.
provides some way of data management and – Aperiodic: are the same tasks that are
communication service between edge devices and cloud activated irregularly.
(Iorga et al., 2017). The main goal of this intermediate
layer is to reduce the latency and response time since – Sporadic: subset of aperiodic tasks. This
data do not have to reach the cloud to be processed. tasks have as main characteristic the known
Bonomi et al. (2012) present temporal requirements minimal interval constraint between two
of Fog Computing environments. They defend that some consecutive activation and, therefore, they
data generated by the sensor and device grid require can have attributes of critical tasks.
real-time processing (from milliseconds to sub-seconds).
All interactions and processes occur throughout the Fog
Computing environment are seconds to minutes (to real- 3 Related Works
time analyses) and until days (transactional analyse).
Despite its increasing use, Fog Computing is often In this section, we present some studies that address the
called Edge Computing. However, these approaches have use of Fog Computing for health care environments.
key differences (Iorga et al., 2017): Aghili et al. (2019) present a security and energy-
• Fog Computing can have hierarchical layers while efficient protocol for e-health systems, called LACO.
Edge tends to be limited to a small number of In other words, it is proposed a authentication and
layers; agreement protocol which preserve anonymity and
provide a access control mechanism for user, thus
• Unlike the Edge, Fog works with the cloud; maintaining the privacy of information. In addition, the
authors present a schema that considers the transfer of
• Beyond computing, Fog also covers network,
access to another user.
storage, control and data processing.
Sood and Mahajan (2018) propose a cloud-based
2.3 Real-time health-care system developed to predict and prevent the
Chikungunya virus through the use of wearable sensors,
With the advent of Big data and the use of data stream, decision tree and temporal network analysis (TNA).
the concept of real-time presented in most current The architecture of the proposed system is composed
researches has distanced from the one proposed in the of 3 layers: Data Accumulation Layer, responsible for
classical literature. The survey of Gomes et al. (2019) collecting user data from health, environmental and
presents a classification of articles that propose the use location sensors; Fog Layer is responsible for processing
of the real-time approach in big data environments that and diagnosing the category of infection in the user in
use data stream. It can be noted that most articles use real-time, in addition to generating an immediate alert
the term real-time as fast response and low latency. for the mobile phone of users to take preventive; The
In this article, we consider the concept presented by information and analyses generated by the Fog Layer are
Safaei (2017), Buttazzo (2011) and Stankovic (1988), stored in the Cloud Layer so that disinfection alerts are
which define that a real-time system depends not only generated for the citizens.
on the logical result of the computation but also on the Rahmani et al. (2018) exploit the strategic position
time in which the results are produced. For authors, of such gateways at the edge of the network with the aim
it is a common misconception to consider only fast of providing high-level services such as local storage and
computation to a real-time system, since the purpose of real-time processing, and, as a result, the authors present
these systems is to meet the temporal requirements of a Smart e-Health Gateway. Besides that, they propose
each task. to explore the concepts of Fog Computing in health-care
The real-time system tasks can be classified: IoT systems to form an intermediate layer of intelligence
between the sensors and the Cloud. Besides, an IoT-
• As for the consequences of the missed deadline
based Early Warning Score (EWS) health monitoring is
– Hard: for the system to work correctly the implemented to show the efficiency and relevance of the
results have to be produced within the time proposed system, based on medical problems for the case
constraint. study.
A Proposal for a Health-Care Environment with a Real-Time Approach 5

Mahmud et al. (2018) propose an architecture for and over the WLAN. Examples of such
the integration and orchestration of Cloud and Fog devices are smartphones, notebooks, and
infrastructure from the interoperable perspective of IoT- tablets. The main function of mobile devices
Health-care solutions. The performance evaluation of is to receive and filter the data delivered by
Fog-based IoT Health-care solutions carried out through the sensors. Besides, they can play the role
simulation studies with the iFogSim simulator was of sending commands to the actuators when
concerning the delivery of services with satisfactory necessary.
terms, cost, energy use, and service distribution.
Gia et al. (2017) propose a low-cost health 2. Fog Layer : this layer is composed by Fog Nodes
monitoring system that provides continuous remote and a Fog Server.
ECG monitoring and automatic reporting and analysis.
• Fog Nodes: are devices responsible for the
The system consists of energy-efficient sensor nodes and temporary storage (S), communication (C),
a Fog Layer to take advantage of IoT. The sensors processing (P) and presentation (P) of the
collect and transmit ECG, respiration rate and body data for the specialist user. They can use
temperature information to a smart gateway that can
the WLAN communication network to receive
be accessed by caregivers. Also, the system performs
data from mobile devices and the wired LAN
automatic decision making and provides advanced
network for communication with other Fog
services such as real-time notifications for immediate Nodes and Fog Server.
Our proposal is differentiated since the cited papers • Fog Server: is responsible for managing
offer a fast response (real-time) without assurance that the Fog Computing environment and for
the system response will respect a deadline. communicating between the environment
and the external network (communication
between Fog and the Cloud). It has all the
4 Proposed Platform physical and logical information about the
Fog Nodes belonging to the environment.
In this article, we proposed the use of a hardware The Fog Layer has only one Fog Server,
and software infrastructure for health-care environments but it can accumulate the server and node
which can process data and present results within a time function. Scheduling policies are inserted into
constraint. The hardware infrastructure is based on the Fog Server, it becomes responsible for the
paper present by Li et al. (2015), that is composed of migration of a task so that the deadline is
three layers, as depicted in the Figure 1: Edge Layer, Fog fulfilled or for the interruption of the running
Layer, and Cloud Layer. task to execute another with a higher priority.

1. Edge Layer : this layer is composed of sensors, 3. Cloud Layer : this layer consists of data centres
actuators, and mobile devices. that will be responsible for permanently storing the
received data, and present them when requested.
• Sensors: as described in the section 2.1, This data may be used to conduct research or
sensors are devices responsible for capturing survey of the health history of the assisted user
data, and they are used in the health- activity. Actors such as researchers, doctors, nurses
care environment to monitor the daily or caregivers may have access to these data
activities, and vital signs of the assisted users. (respecting the authorisation release of views of
The sensors used lightweight communication this data by the assisted user).
protocols such as ZigBee, Bluetooth or
Bluetooth Low Energy to connect with mobile On the other hand, the software infrastructure
devices. consists of Foglet, processing and storage software and
• Actuators: are devices inserted in the health-care application (Figure 1).
monitored environment to act when
• Foglet: is a software agent that is present in each
necessary. For example, turning on the heater
of the Fog Nodes (Bonomi et al., 2014). They
when the room temperature is too low or
are responsible for monitoring the physical state
switching off the gas if a leak is detected.
and the services assigned to each machine. This
The actuators use lightweight communication
information is analysed locally and also sent for
protocols such as ZigBee, Bluetooth or
global processing, in other words, sent to Fog
Bluetooth Low Energy to connect with mobile
• Mobile Devices: are devices that have the • Processing and Storage Software: to perform the
processing power, are located close to sensors processing, storage and presentation of data, we
and actuators and have the ability to use the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)
communicate through lightweight protocols Platform similar to used and implemented by
6 Gomes, Dantas and Plentz

Figure 1 Fog computing infrastructure

FASTEN project (FASTEN, 2019). This platform and Fog Server. Based on the information provided
is open source and composed by Apache software by Foglets, Fog Server manages the resources of the
for processing, time series data base for storage Fog Nodes. Besides that, it applies scheduling policies,
and real time business intelligence for data verifies the need to migrate the task to another Fog
presentation. Node so that the deadline is met, or stops the execution
of the task so that another one with a higher priority
• Health-care Application: responsible for the logic can execute. After processing, the data is presented to
of the health-care environment. It has the function the expert user through a graphical interface, generating
of comparing the received data with normal alerts if the health situation of the assisted user is
or standard data, sending commands to the abnormal. An example of an abnormal health situation is
actuators, issuing alerts, presenting the data to much higher than acceptable pressure, or fall detection.
the specialist user, as well as sending the data to Data processing may still return commands to the
be stored in the cloud. The development of this mobile devices so that they will send them to the
application requires prior knowledge of the assisted actuators.
user so that it is possible to know, for example, Finally, after processing and analysing the data, they
what the standard pressure is. In other words, are sent to the cloud by Fog Server over the Internet. The
the application is customised and adapted to each purpose of sending data to the cloud is for permanent
environment (home or hospital) and user. storage. Once stored in the cloud, the data can be
analysed by researching users or who have some interest
The execution process of the proposed environment in historical data on the health of the users assisted.
is carried out as follows. The data is acquired by sensors
and is sent to the mobile devices. Mobile devices filter
incoming data to exclude noise and inconsistencies. The 5 Experimental Environment
data are then sent to the Fog Nodes. In Fog Nodes the
data is temporarily stored and processed, respecting the In this section we described the health-care experimental
priority given to the task and the time constraint. environment built to implement the hardware and
Foglets, present throughout the environment, software platform. This environment is composed by
periodically send Fog Nodes information to each other sensors and the parameters assigned to them, by IIoT
A Proposal for a Health-Care Environment with a Real-Time Approach 7

Figure 2 IIoT Platform (Adapted from FASTEN (2019))

Platform for processing and storage data, and by the output. A topic is a category or feed in which data
processing logic of each set of sensor data. is recorded.

5.1 IIoT Platform • Rule Engine: this component is responsible for

determining the rules of data processing. It was
IIoT Platform is an open source unified structure, similar used the Apache Flink (Flink, 2019), a framework
to that used by FASTEN project, which processes, stores and distributed processing engine for stateful
and presentes the data stream. We chose to use this computations over unbounded and bounded data
platform because it is a consolidated structure and streams.
structured use of tools determines positively the efficient
• Device Operation Feeding: this component is
use of data (Gomes et al., 2018c).
responsible for sending notifications for edge
The platform architecture is composed of
devices act.
communication broker, Apache software for data stream
processing, data base stream and real-time Business • Time Constraint Rules: this component is our
Intelligence (BI) for data presentation. As can be seen main proposal and it is add to the IIoT Platform
in Figure 2, the IIoT platform consists of the Egde architecture. It is responsible for inserting time
Layer with IIoT devices, Fog Layer with IIoT core, data constraint rules in the processing environment.
repository and real-time BI. In other words, this component determines the
The Fog Layer consists of seven components, which priority and the processing time of the data, so that
are: MQTT Broker, Streaming Framework, Rule Engine, they are presented to the user in the given time.
Device Operation Feeding, Time Constraint Rules, Data
Repository and Real-Time BI. • Data Repository: is responsible for data storage.
The InfluxDB (InfluxDB, 2019) was used on the
• MQTT Broker : is responsible for receiving platform because is a optimised temporal series
publish/subscribe messages which use MQTT data base to be fast, have high storage availability
protocol (MQTT, 2019) and send them to the next and data recovery in areas such as operations
level. The software used was VerneMQ (VerneMQ, monitoring, application metrics, IoT data sensors
2019), whose objective is to provide a set of and real time analyses.
characteristics related to scalability, reliability and
high performance. • Real-Time BI : is responsible for monitoring the
information. The IIoT Platform uses Grafana
• Streaming Framework : is responsible for data (Grafana, 2019) software for temporal series data
stream processing. It was used Apache Kafka analysis.
(Kakfa, 2019), a distributed messages platform
based on publish/subscribe model. It allows an 5.2 Sensing Environment
application to act as a stream processor, consuming
a data stream input of one or more topics The designed sensing environment for the simulation
and producing a data stream output for one or is composed by four rooms, which are: room,
more output topics. Effectively, Apache Kafka kitchen, bathroom and gym. For sensing we used
transforms the data stream input into data stream nine sensors which were divided into 3 categories:
8 Gomes, Dantas and Plentz

environmental, personal and health. Belonging the To calculate the dew point temperature, we adopted
Environmental category the sensors inserted into the Lawrence (2005) Equation 2.
monitoring environment, such as temperature and
H 17.625∗T
humidity sensors. The sensors that monitor the user 243.04 ∗ [log2.718( 100 ) + ( 243.04+T )]
location and position belong to Personal category, which Tdp = H 17.625∗T
17.625 − [log2.718( 100 ) − ( 243.04+T )]
are: accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS. Finally, the
sensors embedded in the user’s body through glasses, We chose to assign only one temperature and
clocks or belts which the objective of to monitor the humidity sensor to the whole house. Because it is a
user’s health, belong the Health category, which are: simulated environment, the data is generated randomly
ECG, body temperature, blood pressure (systolic and and, therefore, can generate data with a great variation,
diastolic) and pulse oximeter. which would be harmful for our environment, since the
Table 2 shows the used sensors, the categories in rooms are close.
which they belong, as well as the possible values and the
maximum and minimum values assigned to them. 5.2.2 Personal Sensors
Table 2 Values given to the sensors
The motion (accelerometer), position (gyroscope) and
Categories Sensors Values location (GPS) sensors belong to Personal category.
Min: 0◦ C Table 4 presents the data that will be presented to the
Environmental Max: 40◦ C monitor user, the frequency of the data capture of each
Min: 10% sensor and the possible values assigned to the sensors in
Max: 90% each room.
Stopped Table 5 presents logic rules and warnings. The main
Accelerometer Walking objective of these sensors is to detect falls (Li et al.,
Running 2009). For this, it is necessary to detect the location,
Sitting since there are rooms that is possible that the assisted
Personal Gyroscopes Lying user can be lying by the option and not by fall.
Room 5.2.3 Health Sensors
GPS In this section we describe the rules and warnings of
Gym health sensors, which are: body temperature, ECG,
Min: 40 bpm blood pressure and pulse oximeter. We use as a basis for
ECG the development of health rules proposed the literature
Max: 136 bpm
Min: 34◦ C of Hall (2015).
Body Temperature
Max: 42◦ C Table 6 presents the description of the rules and alerts
Blood Pressure Min: 100 mmHg designed for health sensors. In our proposed rules, we do
Health Systolic Max: 200 mmHg a comparison of the results with the user activity. Since,
Blood Pressure Min: 60 mmHg according to Hall (2015), body temperature, ECG and
Diastolic Max: 130 mmHg blood pressure values change when the person is active
Min: 80% (ie, running or walking). These values can be equal to
Pulse Oximeter values presented when the person is sick or ill.
Max: 100%
The objective of measuring body temperature is to
The following subsections present the defined rules inform the caregiver (doctor or nurse) if the assisted
and processing logic for the sensor categories. user is with hypothermia, with fever or if the high
temperature is due to the user’s physical activity.
5.2.1 Environmental Sensors The ECG presents the heart rate and informs the
caregiver if the assisted user is with bradycardia or
This category is composed of temperature and
tachycardia. We know that the heart rate may increase
humidity sensors which are responsible for measure the
if the user is exercising, such as running or walking.
temperature and humidity of the environment. Table
In addition, the increase in body temperature raises
3 details how the data is presented to the user, the
the heart rate by 18 beats for each degree Celsius of
frequency of data capture, the location where the sensors
will be embedded and the alerts that the system will
The caregiver receives alerts when blood pressure
generate for the monitor user. Alerts are generated only
assisted user is low, high or when the systolic and
when the situation requires care or attention.
diastolic are very close, which may be considered
We used the Ono and Kawamura (1991) Equation 1
disturbing.Systolic and diastolic pressures may increase
which uses the dew point temperature (Tdp ) to calculate
when the user is exercising, that is, running or walking.
the thermal discomfort index (TDI).
This elevation can be 20 to 40 mmHg. In this case, the
TDI = (0.99 ∗ T ) + (0.36 ∗ Tdp ) + 41, 5 (1) alerts are not generated.
A Proposal for a Health-Care Environment with a Real-Time Approach 9

Table 3 Environmental sensors configuration and data presentation

Sensor Data Presentation Frequency Place Warnings
- Very cold: 0◦ C - 15◦ C
Temperature (T) Raw data Average 10 minutes House
- Very hot: 35◦ C - 40◦ C
- Danger : <12%
Humidity (H) Raw data Average 10 minutes House - Very dry: 12% - 20%
- Very wet: >70%
- Stress due to heat: TDI >80
- Uncomfortable due to heat: 75 <TDI <80
Temperature/Humidity Thermal discomfort index (TDI) 10 minutes House
- Uncomfortable due to cold: 55 <TDI <60
- Stress due to cold: TDI <55

Table 4 Personal sensors configuration and data presentation

Sensor Data Presentation Frequency Place: valor
Room, Kitchen and Bathroom: stopped, walking
Accelerometer Raw data Motion average (%) 30 seconds
Gym: stopped, walking and running
Room and Gym: sitting, lying and standing
Gyroscope Raw data Position average (%) 30 seconds
Bathroom and Kitchen: sitting and standing
GPS Raw data Location average (%) 1 minute Room, Kitchen, Bathroom and Gym

Table 5 Rules and warnings configurations for personal sensors

Rules Warnings
If ”lying” >1 minute
verify ”local”
If ”place” = room or gym
User lying for more than 2 minutes
If ”place” = kitchen or bathroom User lying in an unappropriated place
he/she may have fallen

Finally, alerts are generated when blood oxygen carry out the implementation of the simulated sensor
saturation is low or very low. In this measurement, we environment and the logic rules. Then, we intend
do not include any rules when the user is practising to formulate the time constraint rules applying tasks
exercises. priority, scheduling algorithm and control of hardware

6 Conclusions
In this article, we proposed the use of a hardware
and software infrastructure based on Fog computing This study was financed in part by the Coordenao de
that meets the temporal requirements imposed by the Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior - Brasil
health care environment, that is, a real-time monitoring (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
system. The purpose of the proposal is to provide
a system that receives, stores, processes and presents
results within a hard deadline. To do this, we use a References
hardware platform that already exists, and we adapted
it to the proposed health-care environment. Besides, we Aghili, S. F., Mala, H., Shojafar, M., and Peris-Lopez, P.
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Table 6 Rules and warnings for health sensors
Sensor Data Presentation Frequency Rules Warnings
BT <36◦ C
Body Temperature *If 38.3◦ C <”BT” <40◦ C and ”running” or ”walking” 37.5◦ C <BT <38.5◦ C
Raw data Average 5 minutes
38.6◦ C <BT <40◦ C
40.1◦ C <BT <42◦ C
*If ”ECG” >100 and ”running” or ”walking”
ECG <60
MHRa= 220 - age
ECG = MHR * 0,60 (NO ALERT)
ECG >100
ECG Raw data Average Continuous ECG = MHR * 0,70 (NO ALERT)
ECG = MHR * 0,85
**If ”BT” >37◦ C
High heart rate due to
add 18 heart rate for each degree of temperature up to 40◦ C
high body temperature
100 <Systolic <120
60 <Diastolic <80
*If ”walking” or ”running” and ”BP ”
Blood Pressure 131 <Systolic <200
Raw data Average 5 minutes systolic >130 and diastolic >90
(BP) 91 <Diastolic <130
normal increase of 20 to 40 mmHg (NO ALERT)
Systolic and Diastolic
Gomes, Dantas and Plentz

pressure very closer

Systolic - Diastolic <40
Low Oxygen Saturation
Pulse Oximeter PO <90%
Raw data Average 5 minutes
Very Low Oxygen Saturation
PO <80%
Maximum Heart Rate
A Proposal for a Health-Care Environment with a Real-Time Approach 11

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