01 17 Listening

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Listening Comprehension POINTS FOR DISCUSSION + Do you believe that eating healthily can only buy unhealthy food? = How do you think food affects our mood and bel A eustecoinatanearanintenienet® " 0. BB radio station A. isin the centre of Brisbane. B. mainly plays local music. 4, Janine Kelly ‘A. works for BB radio. B. investigates which foods are good for us. 2. Eating a lot of tomatoes ‘A. reduces the amount our skin burns in the sun. B. may age the skin. 3. Spinach is good for A. our eyes. B. our bones. 4. For two weeks before going to the health centre, the women consumed A. huge amounts. B. unhealthy food. 5, The detox diet A. included dairy food. B, was vegetarian. 6. The balanced diet A. had no vegetables. B. included snacks. 7, The detox women A, didn't sleep well. B. enjoyed their diet. VOCABULARY BOOSTER Phrasal verbs can consi: insist of two words (e.g. pass on, sign off) or three words (e.g. cut down on). ly is expensive and that peol ple eating on a tight budget haviour? 0. According to Jamie, very young children should ¢, {A lots of fruit and vegetables. B. no sugar or fats. cc. mainly processed foods. 1. What does Jamie say about diet at a young age? A. Recent research on the topic was criticised, B. Itcan help develop the body physically but notma C Itcan affect how clever someones. 2, How can nutrition affect behaviour? ‘A. Apoor diet can make people sleepy. B. Lack of vitamin C can cause stress. C. Apoor diet can cause sadness. 3, What does Jamie say about breakfast? {A Itimproves students’ school performance. B. It must include eggs and fruit. C. It should be eaten one hour before school. 4, What is true about food and brain performance? A. Only breakfast can boost brain performance. B. Too much food can slow down brain activity. C. Students can eat specific foods to boost their brit performance. 5. To avoid gaining weight, students should A. work out and eat nutritious food. B. avoid eating certain types of food. C. doa lot of physical exercise. 6. How can obesity affect students? A. Students may feel uncomfortable while studying: B. Students may avoid taking part in certain activities C. It can affect students’ concentration levels. 7. What is the main aim of the interview? A. To advise parents on what their children should eat. B. To talk about how important a healthy diet is for C. To advise listeners on how their children can lose’ 1. Martin's sick so I need to call off our dinner pa oe party at the Lem: ai need to keep onstiring the water and powder until it b aes ate cooking lessons really paid off -this sourtié is wonderful Censier |. They suggested she take on the position of. ee Cosa eee assistant chef 5. The recipe looks pretty ty difficult - are a you sure The weight just piled on when |wasin italy - the food eel is irresistible, a, accept a responsibility b. be successful ¢. cancel d. continue e. increase quickly f. succeed in doing sth and she agreed ait

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