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TMO Working Group

WGE Exploration Session #1

There are two distinct phases to this session: First is our gathering together at the
Meeting Place and trying to merge with the WGE. Second is our actual exploration of
the WGE, *as* the WGE. It is important that we go into this session with those two
intentions. I've tried to keep it as simple as possible for our first go, leaving us plenty of
room for further experimentation based upon these first results.

To begin, I suggest that you spend a fair amount of time very deeply relaxing every
muscle in your physical body. For this I suggest lying down or reclining -- no standing
up for this one. ;-) Make contact with every part of your physical body and make sure
each is relaxed. I suggest that you take your time doing this. Often, this deep relaxation
will relax your abdominal muscles to such an extent that your stomach and intestines will
readjust, causing belching or gas which can be distracting if they occur while you're
meditating instead of beforehand. Make sure your physical body (especially your facial
muscles) is settled into this deeply relaxed state before you begin the meditation. The
point here is that this will help you achieve a deeper, more exclusive astra-mental focus.

Once you've reached this deep physical relaxation, perform the Simple Form three times
through for self-cleansing.

Then perform one Full Form or Final Form, building the intention of joining the WG at
our Meeting Place into your accumulation of the Adonai Light. When you are ready,
send it out for the Divine Blessing with the "Ribonno Shel Olam" but when you reach
Kether with it, don't descend to your physical body -- instead, descend to our Meeting
Place with your Light.

For this experiment, I'd like for us to each have assigned positions around the Magic
Mirror. Since it has six sides, each of a different color, this should be easy. :) Running
clockwise, the color sequence is: purple - blue - green - yellow - orange - red. And here
is a diagram of the positioning for this session --

When you arrive, proceed to your assigned position and join hands with the other
members. Expand your quanta of Adonai Light, letting it merge with the others to form
one large group-quantity, surrounding us all. Become cognizant of our ever-faithful
shield which forms a shell around our group-quantity of Adonai Light.

Now look into the eyes of each of the other members.

Now focus upon our intention for this session: to merge with the WGE and to explore it.

Now focus upon the Magic Mirror and its shaft of White Brilliance. Draw a thin shaft of
Light to yourself from this main shaft. Let it connect you to the main shaft and see that,
as a group, we form a wheel with six spokes. Spend a few moments getting comfortable
with this energetic.

Now shift your awareness into the person standing to your left and try to look through
their eyes and feel what it's like to be inside of them. When you feel comfortable with
this, shift into the next person to the left (i.e., going clockwise) and repeat this procedure
until you once again reside in your own astra-mental body.

Having made the circuit all the way 'round, now expand your awareness until you are
looking through all six pairs of eyes simultaneously. Feel yourself as the wheel and the

When you are comfortable with this, let go of your personalized thinking. Don't think in
terms of your normal 'I'ness. Stop willing and doing as an Individual; or rather, open
yourself to thinking and being as the WGE. This is a very different form or level of
thinking than our ordinary form of individualized thinking. It's not something any one of
us can control individually, so if you're feeling like it's your normal mind thinking then
you need to let go still further. Just abandon yourself to it and simply ease into it.

When my awareness is fully subsumed within the WGE, I see our six bodies as if slightly
from above. As a group, the six astra-mental bodies are my astra-mental Malkuth body.
The group-quantity of Adonai Light surrounds me and just outside of that is our shield.

Now we will perform one very slow rendition of the Full Form.

As the WGE, I/we utter the "Ani" and rise to Kether. Here I/we will spend several
moments just BEing, as the WGE, in Kether, perceiving whatever there is to be

When the moment is right I/we will utter the "Yod" and descend into Chokmah. Here we
will again spend several moments just BEing, as the WGE, in Chokmah, perceiving
whatever is to be perceived.

I/we will continue in this manner, descending slowly and pausing at each of the three
remaining stations of the canticle (Binah, Tiphareth and Malkuth). At each station I/we

will spend several moments just BEing, as the WGE, perceiving whatever is to be

When I/we reach Malkuth, I/we will unite all five levels of WGE awareness and generate
the WGE-Adonai Light with an utterance of the "Adonai". Here I/we will once again
spend several moments just Being, as the WGE, in Malkuth with the Adonai Light
swirling around us, perceiving whatever is to be perceived.

Then, without impregnating the Light, I/we will draw it into the WGE-center and expel it
with the "Ribonno Shel Olam". As the Light expands outwardly and inwardly, I/we will
expand with it, as the WGE, perceiving whatever is to be perceived along the way.

When I/we reach the Kethric expansion, I/we will then contract with the Light and
descend, as the WGE, back to Malkuth.

Once I/we have returned to Malkuth, I/we will again spend several moments just Being,
as the WGE, in Malkuth with the Blessed Adonai Light swirling around us, perceiving
whatever is to be perceived.

When the moment is right, I/we will dissolve and again stand as six Individuals around
the Magic Mirror, holding hands.

Look into the eyes of each of the other members.

When the moment is right, drop the hands you hold and gather a portion of the Adonai
Light to yourself. Transit back to your physical body and disperse the remaining Light.


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