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TMO Working Group

Ritual Two: Creation of an Astra-Mental Shield for a TMO-WG

Early in the evolution of the TMO-WG1 we discovered the importance and the necessity
of having a group-shield that will protect us at an astra-mental level while we are
working together. Our work generates significant energy which, unless shielded, can
draw negative attention to us as a group and as individuals outside of the group context.
The shielding ritual below is an almost verbatim reproduction of the original TMO-WG1
shielding ritual, performed in early September of 2003.

This ritual has two main phases. The first is a cleansing of our Meeting Place and then an
invocation of harmony. The second phase is the creation of the astra-mental shield itself.

You might note in the ritual that after we create the triple accumulation which we will use
to create our shield, this is not followed by the "Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen" as is usually
the case. The reason is that since we are using our accumulation in this specific way, we
do not need to send it out for the Divine Blessing. We can use it most effectively here in
its "raw" state and attaching it to the Universal Storehouse, in this case, has the effect of
permanently joining it with the Divine Blessing.


Situate yourself comfortably, relax and turn your mind away from all mundane concerns.

By way of self-cleansing, perform the Simple Form of the canticle, three times in
succession following the canticle's natural rhythm.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.
Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

Now perform the Full Form of the canticle once through to gather a charge of the Adonai
Light which you will later use to send out into the temporal present moment of time-
space with the purpose of connecting with the other members at our meeting place.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

Now formulate the intention of making contact with each of the members of the Working
Group at our meeting place.
Now with a single "Amen", gather your quanta of Light into yourself and then send your
Light wave out and ride along with it until you arrive at our Meeting Place.


Take a moment now to stabilize your visualizations. Perceive the cloud of Adonai Light
that surrounds you. Perceive the six-sided table and the Magic Mirror that sits at its
center. Perceive the shaft of Light that it emits. Perceive each of the other members and
the clouds of Adonai Light that surround each of them.

Now join hands and visualize the joining of all of our quanta's of Adonai Light, into one
Group quanta.

Visualize that this group quantity of Adonai Light rotates in a clockwise direction around
us. We form a circle within the swirling Adonai Light and at the center of our circle sits
the six-sided table with the Magic Mirror.

Spend several moments looking into the eyes of each member of our group and feel the
hand you hold to your right and to your left. We are six who have become one.

Now we must willfully cleanse our circle of all negativity. Visualize that all negativity
flees our circle immediately! Push it out beyond the perimeter of our circle of Adonai

Now we must willfully invoke a sense of harmony within our circle. Visualize that the
entire space encompassed by the swirling Adonai Light is filled with harmony.

Once again look into the eyes of each of the other members of our group and feel the
hand you hold to your right and to your left. We are six who have become one. We
stand together in harmony.

Now we must perform a triple accumulation of the Adonai Light for use in the formation
of our astra-mental shield. With each accumulation, give it over to the cloud of Adonai
Light that surrounds the whole group, instead of surrounding only yourself with it.



Now carefully impress upon this triple group-quanta of Adonai Light that we have
accumulated, the intention of it serving as our group astra-mental shield.

Willfully impress upon it the quality of absolute impermeability to negative energies at

the astral and mental levels. Visualize it as a solid shield of very condensed Adonai
Light, that surrounds us as a group in the shape of a perfect sphere. It shimmers and
swirls with every color in the Rainbow and has the density of the hardest steel.

Now willfully impress upon it the duty to always prevent negative energies from passing
through it and into the group harmony. It is to protect us astra-mentally whenever we are
joined together as a group.

Willfully impress upon it the obligation to serve us in this way for as long as we desire it.
Bind it to existence until such time as we intentionally choose to disperse it.

And now willfully cause it to become connected to the Universal Storehouse of Light and
willfully impress upon it the need to continuously replenish itself from the Universal
Storehouse of Light.

Perceive that this connection to the Universal Storehouse of Light is fact. Perceive that
our astra-mental shield is now fully formed and serves to continuously prevent negative
influences from entering.

Now, once again look into the eyes of each of the other members of our group and feel
the hand you hold to your right and to your left. We are six who have become one. We
stand together in harmony at our meeting place, protected by our astra-mental shield.

Now let us separate our Group Light back into individual quanta's. Let go of the hands
you hold and draw a quanta of Light to yourself.

And now, with an inhale follow your quanta of Light back to your physical body and end
with a final "Amen" to complete your return.


Become aware of your physical body and of the cloud of Adonai Light which surrounds

Now release the Adonai Light by visualizing its dispersal outward, into the external
universe. Just let it go and let it dissipate into nothingness.

Now visualize roots extending from the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet,
downward into the soil below you. Root yourself well into Mother Earth and release any
excess energy you feel in this moment, through your roots so that it may be absorbed by
the earth below.

Now release all of your visualizations, open your eyes and look around. Turn your mind
to other things. Ground yourself very, very thoroughly into your physical awareness! :)

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