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Scenario based question

1. Can you tell me about how did you gather requirements from stakeholders?
Stakholders mapping, search about company and product, search for similar product in market
Project scope document and take sign off after that brd and frd
Ans – Liaison b/w business owners and development team
2. What techniques do you use to ensure that the requirement you gather are accurate and complete?
Ans – Brainstorming, focus group, Interviews, surveys
3. Have you ever seen a situation where the requirements changed during the course of a project?
How did you handle this?
Ans – AS a business analyst I directly cant change requirement constantly so that when request come
firstly, I inform it to my project owner and project owner do some dives with team and see that at this
stage can we take the change request or not. After that we inform our stakeholder that we can take the
change request at this time or not.
4. What is BRD? Have you documented BRD?
Ans – BRD is a high level document which consist of Business objective and Business need. In simple
word we can say that What is needed and why it is needed. Yes, I have documented BRD.
In BRD firstly we mention Version history which constantly change after each update after that we write
executive summary we also mention project scope which consist Inscope & outscope of Project and
project obejective is also mentioned.
Then we mention Need Statement and to decide this we use SMART Technique which stands for Smart,
Mesurabe, Actionable, Realstic, Testable.
After that we also mention Details of KEY STAKEHOLDERS of project who is directly or indirectly
associated with the project. We also mention Requirment i.e. Functional and Non functional.
We also mention project time,cost, milestone etc.
5. How will convert requirement into user stories?
Ans -
6. How did you coordinate with your development team regarding requirements?
Ans - Design, solutioning sessions, developers, testers
7. What are some of the most common features of BA tools?
Ans – Jira- userstories, tasks, epics and defects & confluence- meeting nots, requirement
8. What is Agile Methodlogy?
Ans- shorterm , scrum
9. Diffrence b/w waterfall vs agile ?
Liner approach, in stage, rigidness toward changes
10. What is Sprint?
Ans – timeline
11. What is sprint planning Meeting?
12. What is User story? How to write it?
13. What is EPIC?
14. What is sprint review meeting?
15. How to calculate story points?
16. What is sprint velocity?
17. What is acceptance criteria?
18. Can you lead a project?
19. How did you handle negative stakeholders?
20. Have you identified any risks in your project?

Brd is a formal high level documents that talks about business objective and business needs.
In simple terms we can say that what is needed and why it is needed.
I am working in Mind trail right now, and here I am working as a business analyst.
So I would like to tell you about my day to day role and responsblities.
So as a business analyst I am responsible for gathering the requirement through various
stakeholders I.e internal as well as external stakeholders.
So once the requirement gathering is done then I have to frame out various document
which is basically prepared by a business analyst like brd, frd.
As well as I m also responsible for coordinating with the diffrent team i.e. development
team, testing team
As well as If any change req come then I am also responsible for handling the change req.
So for handling the change req I have to do few analysis like feasablity analysis, impact
analysis and once like I find what the change req is coming then we can take the change req
then I have to inform the project manager so product owner do some analysis and take the
change req
As my current project is based on agile methodologies so like in agile I m also responsible
for creation of the product backlog with the product owner so mostly product backlog is
created by product owner but whenever product owner is absent I am the one who is
responsible for creating product backlog and gathering the req. with the stakeholders.
So when the product backlog is done then I have to like design sprint planning meeting
under the sprint planning meeting usually we use poker planning method for which sprint
we are going to take, so when the sprint is decided then development teams is start doing
the development and when development is done then I am also responsible for UAT part
that is User acceptance testing.

Where I have to design the test cases with the test lead on the different different scenario.
And we have to execute the test cases and if they found like there is any bug is identified
then we have to raise a defects and we have to follow up at that defect.
So once the UAT is done then I am also responsible for giving the sprint review meeting in
front of the stakeholder and in front of the development team .
So, after sprint review meeting if stakeholder found everything is developed as per their
need the I am also responsible for taking the signoff with the stakeholder.

So as a ba from starting of the project like from the req gathering till signoff the project I am
involved in my projects.

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