Fmea Manual

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(MR. HAROLIKAR R, L. (CRE) Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis al Fourth Edition FOREWORD 4" Edition The FMEA 4" Eton ia geferono manual to be used by suppliers to Chrysler LLC, Ford Motor Company. and General Motors Corporation asa gids tons them inthe development of bth Design and Prooass FMEAS. The manual does no define requirements itis intended to clarify ‘questions concering the technical development of FMEAS. This manual is aligned with SAE I. Summary of Changes in the 4th edition FMEA Reference Manual The DFMEA and PEMEA methods dscribod i the 4 edition FMEA Reference Manual include those associated with design atthe system, subsystem, interface, and componest evel andthe proces st manufeturing and assembly operations. General Changes “The fmting ied in he 4 ction i intended to provide easier eading. fo Anindox ie incded. © eons are used o indicate key paragraps and visual cues are sed, ‘+ Aadtional examples and verbiage lave ben povided to improve the uly of the anal an to provide a closer into the FMIEA process a it evens 4+ Reaforcement af the need fr management suppon, intrest and review ofthe MEA process and rests ‘+ Define and strengthen the understanding ofthe linkage between DIMEA and PEMEA aswell desing the Hnkages to ober tas. ‘+ Improvemons tothe Severity, Occurence, Detection ranking tbls so that they ae ore meaningful fo eal world oasis ad usage ‘+ Altorative metiods are introduced tha are curently being applidin industry 12 Additonal sppenices which have example forms an special cae application of FMEA. ‘©The focus on the “standard form” has ben replaced with sever options that represent te current application of FMEA in industry. ‘The suggestion that RPN not be used sth primary meats for assessing risk. The need for improvement has been revited including sn sdtonl meld, andthe ue ftiesiolds on RPN is clarified asa practice tha is ot recammecded Chapter I provides general FMEA guidelines he need fo management supp ad having & improvement ‘Chapter If descrbes the general application ofthe FMEA methodology, which e common between DFMEA and PEMEA processes, This includes the planing, strategy, btn plans, ad the ned for management support and responsibil in FMEAS. ‘Chapter I focases on DEMEA (Design Failure Mode Eifests and Analysis), sabishing the cop ofthe analysis, ui of block diagrams, various ypos of DFMEAS, formation ofthe teams, bse procedure for analysis action plans, apd follow-up aleratives to RPN, end connection PEMEA® and validation pans, Chapter TV focuses on PFMEA (Proves Flue Made Effects and Anya), establishing the ‘cope ofthe analysis, use of low diagrams, formation of ams, base pocedur for anal ‘etl plans, the connection to DFMEA® and the dovalopmestof cont plans. “The Appendices hive several examples of forms for DMFEA and PEMEA and adreses different spplictons and procedires for addressing design and process sk. The Supple Quality Requirements Task Force wold like fo hank the following indvidoals ans their companies, who have contlbuted thi tine and efforts othe development of hit eion af the FMEA Referorce Manus Michael Down, General Motors Corporation Lawzence Brazowak, General Motors Corporation Hisham Yous, Ford Motor Company Davi Benoit Chrysler LLC John Feghal, Chrysler LLC Micha Sehiber, Delphi Rhonda Brent, Delhi Gregory Gus, One Glep Vallee, Coat! Planing Inittves Mila Krai, Bose Willian Hughey, Reis Trin ‘his manual is 2 copyright of Chysler LLC, Ford Motor Company and General Motors Corporation, with all rights reserved. Additional copies may, be obtained fom AIAG @ ‘ ‘wuss oz. Supply chin orgniatons of Chrysler LLC, Ford Motor Company or Gener ‘Moors Comoran have pernisson fo copy fore sed inthis mana. > TABLE OF CONTENTS General Changes Caper ‘Geil PMN Gade. MEA Pres Pures of Mana Flop and Coots ngrvemant oP Oven of FMEA Sig, Planing sd iplementiion Basic Scare =a Dafoe he Spe Def the Caron hwy Fas Roun Spc ona Pots Mec. Tien Coro D ‘Recommended Actions and Results Cosumer Dei Manuf, Asay ad Seve Conscaoa. Bick andy Dagan Functional Roquieens sample DIMEN ody af the DPMEA Form ee Maing DEMEAS. ‘Desir Veriicen Pan & Repon OVPAR) Pintta OP na Wc Tl ods ndc Aa os 6 ® Powe Flow Diag adiiage 0 PFMEA Reser eormaion Example EMEA Form nde of te rote FNGEA Fam lds A). TevengitaPFMEA® Cinkages To Control ca. sen Sai Fer FMEA Ferns Aygo B Syren Level FMEA Tere ‘Nullet ceo sgn FAEAS Appendix! Aerantve Rsk ASsssmes. Alveravive: 80 (S x 0) Alem: SOD, 8D. Append D:Ateratie Ansaes Tsing. Design Review ase on Failure Modes (DRBFM) rl ee Analysis FTA) Refrecee ond Suapesed Resins TABLES and FIGURES Faure ILI, ¢ Block (Boundary) Diagram Examples. Fg il2 Baga of Panna (P) bapa a Geni ac Caner Table UL3 Example Poteatal Failure Modes. Table Cet Suggested DFMEA Severity Evaluation Criteria Table Cr2 Suggested DFMEA Occurcoce Evalvaton Cites Tobe IL Eases of Prevention sod Detection Desig Cn. Table Cr Sages DEMEA PPMEA Prevention Detetion Elation Cre Figure IT? DEMEA Information Interelaionships Flow. Figur V1 igh Levelt tld Pres Maps TableV.1 Serpe PEMEA Form it Mla nmin leas & Exanpic Enis 46 S Table IV? sample of Process Sep Fanon Rexeiremens Columns on PFMIEA Foe ig otra ‘thet Tei cts ta iy aan Sis Tov stiots waned brisk rose baiskron fran one PRE Tent Gmaxiics ales Fess Raspes 1

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