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Republic of the Philippines

Piccio Garden, Villamor, Pasay City

Life and Works of Rizal
A/Y2023-2024 |1stSemeter

Name: Beriño, Shaine Chantalle Score: Program/Section: AvTour 3-3

Date: January 20, 2023

Essay Topic: “Modern Advocates of Change :A Comparative Analysis of a Contemporary

Figure and Jose Rizal's Ideals”

Jose Rizal (1861–1896) was a Filipino nationalist, writer, and revolutionary who played an
important part in the Philippines' struggle for independence from Spanish colonialism. After
learning about the excesses and injustices committed by the Spanish colonial government, Rizal
developed a strong desire for Philippine independence. He wrote Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me
Not), which was published in 1887, revealed the wrongdoings and corruption of Spanish friars and
colonial officials, El Filibusterismo (The Reign of Greed) it was a follow-up to Noli Me Tangere
that was published in 1891 and showed the terrible circumstances under Spanish authority and he
published several essays, articles, and letters about social, political, and cultural issues (Francia,
2003). Some notable works include "The Indolence of the Filipino," "To the Filipino Youth," and
"Letter to the Women of Malolos." Personally, I would rather choose Rodrigo Duterte, our former
president. I can see some characteristics of our national hero which is Jose Rizal.

He chose to prioritize his nation over himself. President Duterte is regarded as a leader
because he possesses the characteristics of a "Great Man." He possesses self-confidence, drive (he
wanted to end drug-related crimes immediately, which previous Philippine presidents did not
prioritize), honesty and integrity (he says what he truly believes), and a desire to lead (he ran for
office). To some, he embodies the ideal of a warrior. He epitomizes strength and efficiency. He
fights when he senses danger of any sort. Being a fierce competitor, he utilizes his influence to
mold the Filipino people into his preferred vision for the future. He used to make sacrifices for the
good of his country, just like Rizal, our national hero. Like Rizal did in his day, he promotes peace
in our country. He created answers to the pressing issues that the Filipino people faced that previous
presidents had failed to address in their entire careers. Finally, despite the many unpleasant things
those others have said and thought about him, former president has demonstrated compassion by
serving the country. He does this while demonstrating his deep love for it.

When it comes to education , The passage of Republic Act 10533 or the Enhanced Basic
Education Act signed by President Benigno Aquino III in 2013, provided for a basic education
system consisting of at least one year of pre-school education or kindergarten, six years of
elementary school, and six years of secondary school. The Duterte administration has opted to
continue this reform. As a contribution to the reform effort, this paper discusses the history of the
K-12 rollout, and the emerging challenges in K-12 implementation. It also outlines steps for the
consideration of policy makers in moving K-12 forward more effectively. Also, Under the Duterte
administration, access to education has improved significantly by offering more assistance to
people with little resources to pursue or continue their studies. Both the Department of Education
(DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) have recognized that access is one of
President Duterte's important legacies, as he supported programs and initiatives that enabled more
Filipinos to get and complete their education.

He also recognized literary arts. In his remarks at Rizal Hall, the Chief Executive stated that,;
Republic of the Philippines
Piccio Garden, Villamor, Pasay City
despite today's fast-paced world and advanced technology, it is critical to protect and develop the
nation's native talents. “We must recognize and fulfill our duty to stay true to who we are,
remember where we came from, and honor the timelessness of our culture and traditions,” he said.
He went on to say that art had witnessed the Philippines' historic history, from the rise ofr
revolution to the achievement of democracy. "Yes, art has greatly benefited us, and we
acknowledge this by assisting our regional and traditional artists and leading campaigns to save,
maintain, and conserve our cultural heritage." Lauro "Larry" Alcala for Visual Arts, Amelia
Lapeña-Bonifacio for Theatre and Literature, Ryan Cayabyab for Music, Eric de Guia, also known
as Kidlat Tahimik, for Film and Broadcast Arts, Francisco Mañosa for Architecture and Allied Arts,
and Resil Mojares and Ramon Muzones for Literature were the seven new national artists honoured
by President Duterte during the event. Three Mindanaoan women weavers were also given this
year's GAMABA by the President: Estelita Tumandan Bantilan of Blaan mat weaving, Yakan
weaver Ambalang Ausalin, and Yabing Masalon Dulo of Blaan ikat (tie-dye cloth) weaving. The
highest award given by the President upon those who excel in diverse indigenous arts, customs, and
traditional practices is the GAMABA, also known as the National Living Treasures Award.

Above all, Rizal and Duterte cherish their people. Even with his despicable behavior, he
continues to enjoy the support of many Filipinos. This is due to the fact that he exudes the charisma
that some leaders possess. Like Rizal did in his day, he promotes peace in our country. Moreover,
they’re both patriotic, courageous, social critics and reformists. Former President Duterte is not in
power to enrich himself. What Duterte has been saying and his bold reform ideas — he’s risking his
life; he is not afraid.” Contemporary figures have a great deal of power to influence society values,
whether they be thought leaders, activists, powerful leaders, or artists. Through a variety of
channels, including traditional and social media, public events, and cultural contributions, their
influence is felt. It also has a significant and varied influence on society's ideals. These individuals
can encourage collective progress towards a more accessible, just, and enlightened future by
challenging old norms, promoting beneficial societal change, and using their influence across
various fields. But it's important to acknowledge the variety of voices and perspectives in society as
well as the responsibility that comes with having power.


[1] Duterte Legacy: Making education ‘more accessible’ for all Filipinos. (2022, June 27).
Manila Bulletin.

[2] Ravin, T. B., MD. (2001, February 1). José Rizal: Philippine national hero and
ophthalmologist. Ophthalmology | JAMA Ophthalmology | JAMA Network.

[3] Duterte fetes 8 new nat’l artists. (n.d.). Philippine News Agency.;

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