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Field:language and communication Subject:english Level I Class:I Date:21.03.

2023 Time:45 min

Topic:My first ABC,student’s book (MNOP) Veprimtaria e të nxënit: Welcome to writing
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
- Say correctly letters from M to P Men, nine, orange, pen
- Repeat some words starting with letters M - P.
- Complete sentences with some of the new words learnt.

Sources :Text book Cross curricular link: Albanian alphabet

Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities

Asking and answering/ Group work/TPR, Listening
Warm up:
Before starting to teach the letters of the Alphabet I am going to explain to the pupils how many letters of
Alphabete there are in the English. Ask students to say the Albanian alphabet and compare it with the English
Building knowledge:
First of all I will explain them how to say correctly the letters of the Alphabet from M to P . I will ask students to
repeat those letters of Alphabet after me.
Then they will take turns and say those letters themselves.
Ask students to identify pictures in the textbook starting with these letters of Alphabet. I will explain the new
vocabulary in the workbook and I will ask students to repeat these words after me ex: M-Men,N- nine,O- orange,
P-pen . Pupils then will complete the exercises filling the missing letters.
To reflect on the new words learnt students will repeat all these words one by one one in front of the class they
will write the sentences to practice with the new vocabulary learned.
N 2 Sstudents say correctly letters from M to P
N 3 Students repeat some words starting with letters M-P .
N 4 students complete sentences with some of the new words learnt.
N2 Rewrite the words
N3 Rewrite the sentences
N4 Make sentences with the words

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